Zone1 For people now 60+, will we be forced to pay reparations in our lifetimes?

the civil rights act of 1965 (passed mostly by republicans and fillibustered by democrats) made discrimination in any form illegal. Every US citizen has the exact same rights. there is no reason for this reparation foolishness.

And if their ancestors would have stayed in Africa, the heirs would have been far worse off.
how many americans died it LBJ's stupid viet nam war? answer 58,000 and they died for nothing.

Has nothing to do with LBJs domestic achievements.
Any President of either party would have gotten us into Vietnam

Including JFK, Nixon, Rockefeller and Goldwater
Has nothing to do with LBJs domestic achievements.
Any President of either party would have gotten us into Vietnam

Including JFK, Nixon, Rockefeller and Goldwater
wrong, it was Kennedy and Johnson's war. Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. At least he got our troops and equipment out unlike senile Joe and Afghanistan.
So every person who worked on building this country was a black slave?????????????????? are you fricken crazy? I think the Italians, Irish, Germans, English, and everyone else might disagree. Get off the high horse and deal with reality for once.
What about all the engineers, and architects, and money management people that developed the plans and managed the funds for all the buildings?
Has nothing to do with LBJs domestic achievements.
Any President of either party would have gotten us into Vietnam

Including JFK, Nixon, Rockefeller and Goldwater
Lbj was a pervert, he was filmed walking the aisles on Airforce one nude and shaking his dong at female reporters. of course, Biden is also a pervert. guess that is a requirement to run as a democrat.
wrong, it was Kennedy and Johnson's war. Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. At least he got our troops and equipment out unlike senile Joe and Afghanistan.

No politician of either party would have stood by and let the communists take Vietnam

Can you show any point where Nixon opposed US a involvement in Vietnam

No, Nixon did not get our equipment out
Much like Afghanistan, S Vietnam was stocked with US a military equipment.
the civil rights act of 1965 (passed mostly by republicans and fillibustered by democrats) made discrimination in any form illegal. Every US citizen has the exact same rights. there is no reason for this reparation foolishness.
And the Democrats are STILL the ones that are OK with bigotry and the Republicans the ones that support laws to ramp it down. Just this month, an advisory committee to Virginia’s R governor proposed two laws that would help stem rising antisemitism, and all Republicans voted for them. All Democrats voted it down.
No politician of either party would have stood by and let the communists take Vietnam

Can you show any point where Nixon opposed US a involvement in Vietnam

No, Nixon did not get our equipment out
Much like Afghanistan, S Vietnam was stocked with US a military equipment.
yep, they all believed the bullshit domino theory, which has been proven wrong many times. now they are using those same arguments to get us involved in a war with Russia over Ukraine.
No politician of either party would have stood by and let the communists take Vietnam

Can you show any point where Nixon opposed US a involvement in Vietnam

No, Nixon did not get our equipment out
Much like Afghanistan, S Vietnam was stocked with US a military equipment.
the communists DID take viet nam, and nothing changed. our 58,000 good americans died for nothing.
Also, who is ”black for ten years” - and not before? Transracists?
But seriously ----------

$5 million? A whole lot of white and other not-exactly-black people would buy up all the fake suntan cream all over the country and head for California. Shooooo, that state would tip over into the Pacific Ocean and flip upside-down, there would be so many people claiming to be black. Transracists doesn't quite work. . . transcolored?
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Typical racist retort
You are better off being a slave, beaten, having your children sold out from under you than living free in the Jungle
You missed the point. The African blacks were ALREADY slaves. The choice was to keep them there as slaves to other blacks, sell them to the Arabs who would geld all the males resulting in a seventy to eighty percent die off from infections and march them to North Africa, or sell them to whites who would bring them to the new world where a small percentage would be sold in the English Colonies or the USA for a short time, and the majority would be sent to the Caribbean and South American where they would be worked to death. Which was the better, or at least, the least bad, option for the black slaves enslaved by other blacks in Africa?
No bill is owed. Find me a living slave, and a living slave owner, and THAT bill needs to be paid.
It's odd, all these people wanting reparations for past wrongs are not calling for reparations for the current slaves living in the USA who have been trafficked here by the Cartel Coyotes or the Asian Fishheads. There we have live slavers and live slaves.

For people now 60+, will we be forced to pay reparations in our lifetimes?​

But seriously ----------

$5 million? A whole lot of white and other not-exactly-black people would buy up all the fake suntan cream all over the country and head for California. Shooooo, that state would tip over into the Pacific Ocean and tip upside-down, there would be so many people claiming to be black. Transracists doesn't quite work. . . transcolored?
The whole thing really is ridiculous. Where in the world does anyone think blacks who never suffered under slavery - or even knew their ancestors who did - deserve $5 million? Or even $1 million? The Jews who survived the horrors of the concentration camps, often with life-long crippling disabilities, only got a few hundred dollars a month!

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