Zone1 For people now 60+, will we be forced to pay reparations in our lifetimes?

You missed the point. The African blacks were ALREADY slaves. The choice was to keep them there as slaves to other blacks, sell them to the Arabs who would geld all the males resulting in a seventy to eighty percent die off from infections and march them to North Africa, or sell them to whites who would bring them to the new world where a small percentage would be sold in the English Colonies or the USA for a short time, and the majority would be sent to the Caribbean and South American where they would be worked to death. Which was the better, or at least, the least bad, option for the black slaves enslaved by other blacks in Africa?
I think you are wrong about the gelding of black males by Arabs. The Mamelukes were gelded but they were white captives and were set to work doing high-level government stuff --- taxes and such. The Chinese certainly gelded anyone who worked in the Emperor's area (Forbidden City) but these were not slaves and were jealous of the privilege and often it was done by themselves to get the job or by their fathers. There are photos on the Internet --- it didn't stop till well into the last century.

Almost no gelding of male slaves happened anywhere, as far as I've read, probably because of just what you say: too many would have died of infections. It is true slaves were mostly worked to death early on (not later when they became more valuable because the British stopped the slave trade in 1806) but they didn't compound the problem of them dying with that kind of additional injury.

Which has always seemed strange to me in a way because I've lived on a large-stock farm forever, and you really canNOT manage large male animals otherwise. The testosterone problem is huge.
The whole thing really is ridiculous. Where in the world does anyone think blacks who never suffered under slavery - or even knew their ancestors who did - deserve $5 million? Or even $1 million? The Jews who survived the horrors of the concentration camps, often with life-long crippling disabilities, only got a few hundred dollars a month!
It's just the usual crazy talk. Clickbait. IMO.

Nothing has to make sense anymore, just get attention.
I think you are wrong about the gelding of black males by Arabs. The Mamelukes were gelded but they were white captives and were set to work doing high-level government stuff --- taxes and such. The Chinese certainly gelded anyone who worked in the Emperor's area (Forbidden City) but these were not slaves and were jealous of the privilege and often it was done by themselves to get the job or by their fathers. There are photos on the Internet --- it didn't stop till well into the last century.

Almost no gelding of male slaves happened anywhere, as far as I've read, probably because of just what you say: too many would have died of infections. It is true slaves were mostly worked to death early on (not later when they became more valuable because the British stopped the slave trade in 1806) but they didn't compound the problem of them dying with that kind of additional injury.

Which has always seemed strange to me in a way because I've lived on a large-stock farm forever, and you really canNOT manage large male animals otherwise. The testosterone problem is huge.
Nope, that's why there are so few blacks in North Africa today despite millions upon millions of black slaves being sold to the Arabs.
Nope, that's why there are so few blacks in North Africa today despite millions upon millions of black slaves being sold to the Arabs.
I've read a lot about slavery and this era, so I don't believe that without a persuasive link.
I think you are wrong about the gelding of black males by Arabs. The Mamelukes were gelded but they were white captives and were set to work doing high-level government stuff --- taxes and such. The Chinese certainly gelded anyone who worked in the Emperor's area (Forbidden City) but these were not slaves and were jealous of the privilege and often it was done by themselves to get the job or by their fathers. There are photos on the Internet --- it didn't stop till well into the last century.

Almost no gelding of male slaves happened anywhere, as far as I've read, probably because of just what you say: too many would have died of infections. It is true slaves were mostly worked to death early on (not later when they became more valuable because the British stopped the slave trade in 1806) but they didn't compound the problem of them dying with that kind of additional injury.

Which has always seemed strange to me in a way because I've lived on a large-stock farm forever, and you really canNOT manage large male animals otherwise. The testosterone problem is huge.
Black slaves were so cheap, the Arabs could accept that ratio of deaths and still acquire the workforce they needed.
I've read a lot about slavery and this era, so I don't believe that without a persuasive link.
Look at the demographics of North Africa. That should be persuasive enough. If the Arabs hadn't been gelding the millions of Blacks they bought, North Africa would look like the Caribbean Islands.
If we don’t stop the leftist-orchestrated decline, there might at some point be a scheme to give out a small fortune to blacks who did nothing to earn it. Do any of my contemporaries think it might occur in our remaining lifetimes (say, within the next 25 or 30 years)?

I would prefer to pre-pay my taxes and have tax-free income rather than have my money confiscated for this robbery, or to contribute to any part of the socialist nightmare.

What say you? In our lifetimes, or not?
Reparations is just another fake Democrat promise to insure the blacks keep voting for them rather than finally wise up to the fact that are being used.

When reparations fail to pass than the Democrats will of ourse blame its failure on racist Republicans.
Look at the demographics of North Africa. That should be persuasive enough. If the Arabs hadn't been gelding the millions of Blacks they bought, North Africa would look like the Caribbean Islands.
Nope, never happened. You are making it all up.

As for the Caribbean, I've read several books on sugar slavery, and I recommend everyone look them up --- absolutely incredible stuff ---- you end up knowing a whole lot more about Planet Earth and mankind than you did before. Thomas Thistlewood's diary, notably (he was an overseer on a Jamaican sugar plantation)--People simply don't know. Nobody has any clue. It's wilder than anyone now realizes, unless they do the reading.

The Caribbeans turned black because whites would not stay there in the numbers essential to hold the islands. The number in question was 10 per cent: but they died of malaria, they hated the hurricanes and the slaves and the general weirdness (you have to read the literature of the times to get the feeling -- wow, who could blame them? I certainly wouldn't have stayed under those conditions.) Haiti fell below the 10% and this and that happened (notably Napoleon's troops) and the blacks massacred every white, including newborn infants. This discouraged whites on other Caribbean islands and a feedback loop ensued ------------------- and now we have these lovely paradise islands infested with cardboard shacks with dirt floors and constant drugs and crime. And Haiti a running sore of the world forever. This was a mistake of whites so incredibly stupid as to defy belief.
Nope, never happened. You are making it all up.

As for the Caribbean, I've read several books on sugar slavery, and I recommend everyone look them up --- absolutely incredible stuff ---- you end up knowing a whole lot more about Planet Earth and mankind than you did before. Thomas Thistlewood's diary, notably (he was an overseer on a Jamaican sugar plantation)--People simply don't know. Nobody has any clue. It's wilder than anyone now realizes, unless they do the reading.

The Caribbeans turned black because whites would not stay there in the numbers essential to hold the islands. The number in question was 10 per cent: but they died of malaria, they hated the hurricanes and the slaves and the general weirdness (you have to read the literature of the times to get the feeling -- wow, who could blame them? I certainly wouldn't have stayed under those conditions.) Haiti fell below the 10% and this and that happened (notably Napoleon's troops) and the blacks massacred every white, including newborn infants. This discouraged whites on other Caribbean islands and a feedback loop ensued ------------------- and now we have these lovely paradise islands infested with cardboard shacks with dirt floors and constant drugs and crime. And Haiti a running sore of the world forever. This was a mistake of whites so incredibly stupid as to defy belief.
How about a Missing Link?
It all comes down to why does this generation of blacks deserve reparations while other generations do not?

If we pay this generation reparations, don’t their children and grandchildren deserve reparations just as much? Answer is, they don’t.

Paying reparations does not absolve our historical guilt over slavery.
What the hell is "historical Guilt"?? if there was such a thing then EVERY DEMOKKKRAT would be damned!!! Hmmm...not a bad thought actually.

It is the guilt every Conservative should have…..but does not
Why Conservatives? We're the ones who took slavery from the COLD DEAD HANDS of DemoKKKrats!!!! It was called the Civil War!!! OK; I also KNOW that slavery was only ONE of the issues decided by that War, but it was a good one. The fact that the DemoKKKrats were the Apartheid Party post Civil War is also beyond dispute you disgusting racists!!

It is the guilt every Conservative should have…..but does not

Because the ancestors of the American slave make 1.7 million more in lifetime wages than the ancestors of the Africans that were left in Africa?

Or because many of the blacks who would be paid reparations are the ancestors of those who sold their fellow African into slavery or owned their fellow African as slaves.

No guilt here.
It is the guilt every Conservative should have…..but does not
I recently found out one of my ancestors did fight in the Civil War on the Union side and was injured. As far as I know none of my ancestors owned slaves. Why should I feel guilt over slavery?
Why should I feel guilty over slavery? I didn’t participate.
I think anyone was a a slave before the Civil War should be paid reparations. Unfortunately it seems all have died.

Life sucks and then you die.

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