Zone1 For people now 60+, will we be forced to pay reparations in our lifetimes?

Does anybody notice the pattern that Liberals never know the facts and context of anything they "discuss"?
Yes, and I notice that they default position is to yell “raaaacist!!” It’s a way of deflecting from the content of the debate and get their opponent on the defensive. (I admit I fall prey to that. I need to work on that.)
Yup. That’s also why Hollywood is so Jewish. Jews went out to California in the early 20th century to start a new industry because the antisemites back East wouldn’t hire them.

And did they cry and wail about it? No. They left their homes, made the trek across the country, and with their motivation, sense of responsibility for their own outcomes, intelligence, creativity, etc., etc., made it a big success.
Then why did they bend to the will of Hitler?

The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact with Hitler - Document​ › apps › doc › AONE

His central argument is that Hollywood studios, in order to maintain their foothold in the German market, consistently bent to the demands of Nazi policy ...
The Black parents who sold their kids into slavery will be paying reparations?
Your argument has no facts to stand on.

We are talking about Slavery in the US

Importing slaves from Africa was banned in 1807.
By 1860, the slave population had grown to 4 million almost exclusively born and bred in the US

Slaves were primarily owned by whites, bought and sold by whites.

Stop trying to blame blacks you asshole
We are talking about Slavery in the US

Importing slaves from Africa was banned in 1807.
By 1860, the slave population had grown to 4 million almost exclusively born and bred in the US

Slaves were primarily owned by whites, bought and sold by whites.

Stop trying to blame blacks you asshole
I blame their parents, you asshole.
It's one thing to pay for and give room and board to a worker, it's bestial to sell your own child.
The irony is that you worship the open borders that cause Mexicans to work like slaves for pennies on the dollar,
If California is stupid enough to pass this, I can see every taxpayer moving out of state within a year. No sane person is going to allow their family's lifestyle to be looted by an out-of-control government.
If and butts were candy and nutz we'd all have a merry xmas, yet, the fact is they were used as labor to build the economy of states in the US, your attempts to derail them are noted.
So every person who worked on building this country was a black slave?????????????????? are you fricken crazy? I think the Italians, Irish, Germans, English, and everyone else might disagree. Get off the high horse and deal with reality for once.
We are talking about Slavery in the US

Importing slaves from Africa was banned in 1807.
By 1860, the slave population had grown to 4 million almost exclusively born and bred in the US

Slaves were primarily owned by whites, bought and sold by whites.

Stop trying to blame blacks you asshole
the civil rights act of 1965 (passed mostly by republicans and fillibustered by democrats) made discrimination in any form illegal. Every US citizen has the exact same rights. there is no reason for this reparation foolishness.
the civil rights act of 1965 (passed mostly by republicans and fillibustered by democrats) made discrimination in any form illegal. Every US citizen has the exact same rights. there is no reason for this reparation foolishness.
LBJs finest achievement
He signed it but his fellow dems tried to stop it. Why can't you admit that? its historically accurate.
And a Republican carried some of the South because he opposed it, first time ever in a presidential election.

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