For People Who Preach Wait and See. Bowe Bergdahl Hearing

It's a moot point anyway. The fucking traitor will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his pathetic life. In or out of prison.
The only place he could ever get a job would be at a Liberal constituency office.
He'll NEVER be able to show his face on any street without fear of being recognized. God help the little rat if ANY member of the military EVER gets a minute alone with him/her.
The majority of Americans aren't as stupid and nasty as you are. Military officers who have served longer than you have recommended justice
The only MAJORITY you could possibly speak for would be the PAJAMA BOYS.

You know nothing of the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS.
Oh please, you shout in CAPS and think it makes you look tough

get a life. and respect the military justice system as it has worked so far or stfu and stop pretending you are active military.
You're about as smart as a sack of dog shit, boy. I use caps for emphasis, in an attempt to get through thick, dumbass, liberal retard skulls like your's.

I spent 8 years in the Air Force. I got out in 1987, you fucking moron.


Oh got more out of the military then they got out of you. Not impressed with you or your claims for speaking for a majority of Americans ...not at all
That proves you don't know jack shit about the military. You're fool mouthing off on the internet. They own you when they have you, they got their money's worth out of me I can guarantee you. Punks like you didn't make it through boot camp.
They looked at the evidence and ignored the mob. Sort of like John Adams defending the British soldiers and their actions in the so-called Boston Massacre.

Justice trumps (or should) hysteria and ideology, and pathetically weak patriotism worn on the sleeve

I still ask how could desertion in the face of the enemy should receive no punishment.
The majority of Americans aren't as stupid and nasty as you are. Military officers who have served longer than you have recommended justice
The only MAJORITY you could possibly speak for would be the PAJAMA BOYS.

You know nothing of the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS.
Oh please, you shout in CAPS and think it makes you look tough

get a life. and respect the military justice system as it has worked so far or stfu and stop pretending you are active military.
You're about as smart as a sack of dog shit, boy. I use caps for emphasis, in an attempt to get through thick, dumbass, liberal retard skulls like your's.

I spent 8 years in the Air Force. I got out in 1987, you fucking moron.


Oh got more out of the military then they got out of you. Not impressed with you or your claims for speaking for a majority of Americans ...not at all
That proves you don't know jack shit about the military. You're fool mouthing off on the internet. They own you when they have you, they got their money's worth out of me I can guarantee you. Punks like you didn't make it through boot camp.
Really? :lol:

Most of the Vietnam Era vets i know were shirkers and still are. They got the Vet orgs to change Vietnam Veteran to Vietnam Era veteran

don't get me going on the druggies and criminals who were allowed in the military
They looked at the evidence and ignored the mob. Sort of like John Adams defending the British soldiers and their actions in the so-called Boston Massacre.

Justice trumps (or should) hysteria and ideology, and pathetically weak patriotism worn on the sleeve

I still ask how could desertion in the face of the enemy should receive no punishment.
stfu and learn what the military law says about what constitutes desertion

why do you hyper patriots disrespect the military so much? many do..while hiding behind a few years of prior military service
It's a moot point anyway. The fucking traitor will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his pathetic life. In or out of prison.
The only place he could ever get a job would be at a Liberal constituency office.
He'll NEVER be able to show his face on any street without fear of being recognized. God help the little rat if ANY member of the military EVER gets a minute alone with him/her.
The majority of Americans aren't as stupid and nasty as you are. Military officers who have served longer than you have recommended justice
If what you claim is true then the fucking traitor will have no problem getting a job. Going to the movies. Taking his 'boyfriend' out to a fancy dinner. Maybe going to a ball game. Doing a little shopping at Walmart.
You know. Living your basic boring quite peaceful life. Right asshole?
The fucking rat, if he doesn't end up in prison will have to hide under a fucking rock the rest of his rotten life.
If he ends up in a Federal/Military prison I give him six months.
If he shows up at a ball game I give him six minutes.
They looked at the evidence and ignored the mob. Sort of like John Adams defending the British soldiers and their actions in the so-called Boston Massacre.

Justice trumps (or should) hysteria and ideology, and pathetically weak patriotism worn on the sleeve

I still ask how could desertion in the face of the enemy should receive no punishment.
stfu and learn what the military law says about what constitutes desertion

why do you hyper patriots disrespect the military so much? many do..while hiding behind a few years of prior military service

YOU learn it.

885. ARTICLE 85. DESERTION « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

and btw, little boy, I retired from the military 25 years ago.
In Bath House Barry's new socially engineered, faggot friendly, purged of warrior top brass military... DESERTERS get to WALK FREE, even at the expense of LIFE AND LIMB.

More of the kenyan muslims "FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION" of America.
You haven't even heard the real evidence presented in the case.

Too bad we don't have the draft

I have heard what his fellow soldiers said, and they say he deserted his post. What branch of the service did you serve in that allowed that?
It's a moot point anyway. The fucking traitor will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his pathetic life. In or out of prison.
The only place he could ever get a job would be at a Liberal constituency office.
He'll NEVER be able to show his face on any street without fear of being recognized. God help the little rat if ANY member of the military EVER gets a minute alone with him/her.
He will be safe because he will be ignored by every member of the military.

No one will go after him, dannyboys, they are not gangsters.

I'm sorry, who was responsible for the bombing in Oklahama?

It seems to me he was military

Life is like a box of choclates....

He sure was and he is now very dead.
They looked at the evidence and ignored the mob. Sort of like John Adams defending the British soldiers and their actions in the so-called Boston Massacre.

Justice trumps (or should) hysteria and ideology, and pathetically weak patriotism worn on the sleeve

I still ask how could desertion in the face of the enemy should receive no punishment.
stfu and learn what the military law says about what constitutes desertion

why do you hyper patriots disrespect the military so much? many do..while hiding behind a few years of prior military service

If military law does not mandate punishing deserters at war time, then shame on them.

I just love lawyers, don't you?
They looked at the evidence and ignored the mob. Sort of like John Adams defending the British soldiers and their actions in the so-called Boston Massacre.

Justice trumps (or should) hysteria and ideology, and pathetically weak patriotism worn on the sleeve

I still ask how could desertion in the face of the enemy should receive no punishment.
stfu and learn what the military law says about what constitutes desertion

why do you hyper patriots disrespect the military so much? many do..while hiding behind a few years of prior military service
So, since you seem to hate veterans, how about stating YOUR service???

Or did I guess right when I concluded that you're a chicken shit that hid under your Mommy's bed????
It's a moot point anyway. The fucking traitor will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his pathetic life. In or out of prison.
The only place he could ever get a job would be at a Liberal constituency office.
He'll NEVER be able to show his face on any street without fear of being recognized. God help the little rat if ANY member of the military EVER gets a minute alone with him/her.

Bergdhal already has had to deal with the Taliban

Now, it looks like he will have to deal with Americas Taliban
He willingly DESERTED HIS POST to JOIN with the MUSLIMS.

Now, he should face JUSTICE for DESERTION.
Actually, no one with any credibility ever said he went to join the Muslims.

Military Officers who have more credibility than you have say differently. Stop beating and puffing out your chest in an attempt to impress. You're more of a little man than a true warrior. You're not even a warrior, you're a tired old vet
Actually, he said himself he sympathized with the muslims to his fellow GI's.

This is obama forcing the military to not prosecute a muslim sympathizing, deserter POS, and little jackoff bitches like you swallow his load clear up to his nut sack.

You must have gotten beaten up a lot when you were a kid, so you've learned that the internet is the only place your alligator mouth can run off without worrying about your mosquito ass getting kicked.

Grow up, dumbass.
Gee... WHY would "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA" force the military to let a known MUSLIM SYMPATHIZER and ARMY DESERTER walk free? Hmmm...

The only MAJORITY you could possibly speak for would be the PAJAMA BOYS.

You know nothing of the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS.
Oh please, you shout in CAPS and think it makes you look tough

get a life. and respect the military justice system as it has worked so far or stfu and stop pretending you are active military.
You're about as smart as a sack of dog shit, boy. I use caps for emphasis, in an attempt to get through thick, dumbass, liberal retard skulls like your's.

I spent 8 years in the Air Force. I got out in 1987, you fucking moron.


Oh got more out of the military then they got out of you. Not impressed with you or your claims for speaking for a majority of Americans ...not at all
That proves you don't know jack shit about the military. You're fool mouthing off on the internet. They own you when they have you, they got their money's worth out of me I can guarantee you. Punks like you didn't make it through boot camp.
Really? :lol:

Most of the Vietnam Era vets i know were shirkers and still are. They got the Vet orgs to change Vietnam Veteran to Vietnam Era veteran

don't get me going on the druggies and criminals who were allowed in the military
The distinction still exists for Vietnam Vet and Vietnam Era Vet. You're a know nothing asshole on the internet, nothing more.

Nice try at deceit .......not too hard to find your quote is bogus

  • I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

This statement is a rewording of a passage from page 261 of The Audacity of Hope, in which Barack Obama spoke of the importance of not allowing inflamed public opinion to result in innocent members of immigrant groups being stripped of their rights, denied their due as American citizens, or placed into confinement, as was done with Japanese-Americans during World War II. The original contains no specific mention of "Muslims":
In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II,and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

Read more at Obama Racism Quotes

Nice try at deceit .......not too hard to find your quote is bogus

  • I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

This statement is a rewording of a passage from page 261 of The Audacity of Hope, in which Barack Obama spoke of the importance of not allowing inflamed public opinion to result in innocent members of immigrant groups being stripped of their rights, denied their due as American citizens, or placed into confinement, as was done with Japanese-Americans during World War II. The original contains no specific mention of "Muslims":
In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II,and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

Read more at Obama Racism Quotes

Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - YouTube

Nice try at deceit .......not too hard to find your quote is bogus

  • I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

This statement is a rewording of a passage from page 261 of The Audacity of Hope, in which Barack Obama spoke of the importance of not allowing inflamed public opinion to result in innocent members of immigrant groups being stripped of their rights, denied their due as American citizens, or placed into confinement, as was done with Japanese-Americans during World War II. The original contains no specific mention of "Muslims":
In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II,and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

Read more at Obama Racism Quotes pfft... :lol:

They're a couple of old, burnt out hippies in kullyfornia, and have been LYING for the kenyan for years.

Their credibility is ZERO.

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