For People Who Preach Wait and See. Bowe Bergdahl Hearing

Actually, he said himself he sympathized with the muslims to his fellow GI's.

This is obama forcing the military to not prosecute a muslim sympathizing, deserter POS, and little jackoff bitches like you swallow his load clear up to his nut sack.

You must have gotten beaten up a lot when you were a kid, so you've learned that the internet is the only place your alligator mouth can run off without worrying about your mosquito ass getting kicked.

Grow up, dumbass.
Who wouldn't sympathize with the plight of Muslims? Look at what is happening to them. Damn shame what religious fanatics will do in the name of a god

You would not have survived my neihgborhood. you remind me of the douchebaghs who fled the neighborhood for the relative safety of military service with no expectation of seeing combat. Not that this is you, but you sure as hell do remind me of those guys and gals
Really? :lol:

Most of the Vietnam Era vets i know were shirkers and still are. They got the Vet orgs to change Vietnam Veteran to Vietnam Era veteran

don't get me going on the druggies and criminals who were allowed in the military
The distinction still exists for Vietnam Vet and Vietnam Era Vet. You're a know nothing asshole on the internet, nothing more.
Really ? Where? I remember many of the everyday arseholes from the Foreign Legion and other vet's orgs and clubs who went after Kerry. They claimed to be Vietnam Vets implying they saw service. I would out them sometimes in a vets club. Got ugly, but Dante was almost always correct. Few times he wasn't he apologized and got others who served in combat like Kerry to say they honored his service, but parted ways over protesting the war after they got out

you lie. no distinction is made except when listing combat era vet
You know people died looking for him?

are you really this stupid? read the following and click on the link to get the full story.

Chances are you haven’t heard of the six soldiers who died hunting for him after he went missing, according to military officials. Now that Bergdahl has been sprung—in exchange for five senior Taliban officials, who had been imprisoned at Guantanamo—soldiers who served with Bergdahl are grumbling that he deserted and shouldn’t be hailed as a hero, especially given the resulting cost in American lives.

The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl
Tapper goes on to detail the circumstances of each of the deaths in the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment — Bergdahl’s unit — that occurred between August 18 and September 6, 2009. All six deaths happened after the initial search, called DUSTWIN (Duty States: Whereabouts Unknown), had concluded. An unnamed U.S. official told CNN that the Army and the Pentagon could find no evidence that anyone was killed while searching for Bergdahl.

Read more at: Did Six Soldiers Really Die Looking for Bergdahl? Not Quite | National Review Online
None, huh???

Figures that a coward would denigrate those who served and put their lives on the line to defend your right to act like an ass...
Oh please, most pf the old vets I know/knew would bitch slap you for acting like you speak for them
So now you hate our vets???
stop hiding behind the flag and patriotism you fool.

calling out phoney vets and posers is a public service

And I caught one today!!!

It's real easy for a real vet to do...

Just like an actual vet can quickly tell that YOU don't have the slightest idea of how the military justice system works (or what the UCMJ says), and are just spouting ignorant bullshit!!!

Now run along, Boy, where the men can talk...
and btw, little boy, I retired from the military 25 years ago.
25 years ago? after how many years in the military and at what rank?

20+, E-6

and how long did you serve?
impressive. how did you end up so pathetic? All the lifers I ever met (excepting a few crazy old Jarheads :lol: ) transitioned well. But only an E-6? Do you have lots of experience with disciplinary hearings? Is this why you believe you know how to treat the Bergdahl case?

Obviously more experience than you.

and other than appearing as a witness, no
I bet you have more experience with disciplinary hearings.

so why do you believe yourself somehow qualified to judge the Bergdahl case in a way that suggests you know actual facts and what was presented in the hearing
None, huh???

Figures that a coward would denigrate those who served and put their lives on the line to defend your right to act like an ass...
Oh please, most pf the old vets I know/knew would bitch slap you for acting like you speak for them
All the vets I know would bitch-slap a coward like YOU for disrespecting real vets, and pretending to speak for actual veterans.
and btw, little boy, I retired from the military 25 years ago.
25 years ago? after how many years in the military and at what rank?

20+, E-6

and how long did you serve?
impressive. how did you end up so pathetic? All the lifers I ever met (excepting a few crazy old Jarheads :lol: ) transitioned well. But only an E-6? Do you have lots of experience with disciplinary hearings? Is this why you believe you know how to treat the Bergdahl case?

Obviously more experience than you.

and other than appearing as a witness, no
I bet you have more experience with disciplinary hearings.

so why do you believe yourself somehow qualified to judge the Bergdahl case in a way that suggests you know actual facts and what was presented in the hearing

I bet you have more experience with disciplinary hearings.

Only as a witness.

My Hashmarks are gold. Ask one of your vet friends what that stands for.

so why do you believe yourself somehow qualified to judge the Bergdahl case in a way that suggests you know actual facts and what was presented in the hearing

Experience, and knowledge of the UCMJ.

2 things you lack
None, huh???

Figures that a coward would denigrate those who served and put their lives on the line to defend your right to act like an ass...
Oh please, most pf the old vets I know/knew would bitch slap you for acting like you speak for them along bar fly Obiwan
But this is so entertaining (and enlightening)!!!

I was on good terms with quite a few MPs, and they never told me about how they were trained to look out for troops that deserted in a combat zone!!

As a matter of fact, they spent a fair bit of time throwing guys in the stockade just for going AWOL...
None, huh???

Figures that a coward would denigrate those who served and put their lives on the line to defend your right to act like an ass...
Oh please, most pf the old vets I know/knew would bitch slap you for acting like you speak for them along bar fly Obiwan
But this is so entertaining (and enlightening)!!!

I was on good terms with quite a few MPs, and they never told me about how they were trained to look out for troops that deserted in a combat zone!!

As a matter of fact, they spent a fair bit of time throwing guys in the stockade just for going AWOL...
I guess that means you were always stateside or out of harms way? cool -- no big deal. but stop feeling so inadequate. it's embarrassing to witness it in so public a place
My Hashmarks are gold
Great tag line for an adult pastry shop

Great tag line for an adult pastry shop

figured you wouldn't have a clue
Huh? Dante has a clue, but hasn't lived his life playing soldier. I so love how most veterans who like to play citizen soldier are confused over what they can wear, on what uniform, what medals they really can's all so funny.

I guess people like you could have worse hobbies. Are you overweight and a heavy drinker? Why do I ask? Because your answers would matter to Dante as much as your claims of service do. You're an anonymous twit on the web, nothing more, nothing less
Of course he doesn't..
What post of what fraternal org do you idiots belong to and hang out at?


You know, Douglas McArthur used a line a couple of times about old soldiers not dying, just simply fading away. But then again, he went to West Point. He didn't need bragging rights
My Hashmarks are gold
Great tag line for an adult pastry shop

Great tag line for an adult pastry shop

figured you wouldn't have a clue
Huh? Dante has a clue, but hasn't lived his life playing soldier. I so love how most veterans who like to play citizen soldier are confused over what they can wear, on what uniform, what medals they really can's all so funny.

I guess people like you could have worse hobbies. Are you overweight and a heavy drinker? Why do I ask? Because your answers would matter to Dante as much as your claims of service do. You're an anonymous twit on the web, nothing more, nothing less

You're an anonymous twit on the web, nothing more, nothing less

The story of Dante's life...

and he somehow believes everyone on a message board is the same as he.
Of course he doesn't..
What post of what fraternal org do you idiots belong to and hang out at?


You know, Douglas McArthur used a line a couple of times about old soldiers not dying, just simply fading away. But then again, he went to West Point. He didn't need bragging rights
Which is just one more indication that you violated the "Stolen Valor Act"...

There's just a common bond among vets. In spite of interservice rivalries, they respect each other... After all, they took the same risks, and they knew their lives could depend on the other guy, regardless of branch..

A real vet NEVER disrespects another honorably discharged vet...

Goodbye, Faker...

Make that TWO we caught today.
In Bath House Barry's new socially engineered, faggot friendly, purged of warrior top brass military... DESERTERS get to WALK FREE, even at the expense of LIFE AND LIMB.

More of the kenyan muslims "FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION" of America.
You haven't even heard the real evidence presented in the case.

Too bad we don't have the draft

I have heard what his fellow soldiers said, and they say he deserted his post. What branch of the service did you serve in that allowed that?
you heard unfiltered gossip?


BS, what I heard was what the soldiers that served with him said. They would know and you wouldn't.

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