For Real

Ok. There have been about 80000000000 threads about “indoctrination” in public schools, and all of the nefarious goings on that supposedly take place there. But after a quarter of a century teaching in schools public and private, in the US and overseas, it has never been so much as suggested by any supervisor or administrator that any political agenda be imposed on my students.

you are the perpetrator of indoctrination

No “indoctrination” is taking place.
Thanks for your opinion

As I said in the OP, it is first hand knowledge from 25 years of professional experience.
I went to these schools and worked in community CENTERS in Boston.. I know fat more you.. you wouldnt have a job in the teachers unions if you Weren’t indoctrinated
How do you know?
Birds of a feather.

So you’re just speculating.
No, I'm stating empirically observed fact.


You don’t seem to understand what those words mean. What specifically have you personally observed? Where? For how long? Under what circumstances?
Statistics...History.....Observed human behavior by people way smarter than you or I.

You seem incapable of answering the very straightforward questions I asked, to the point that you simply omitted them:


Not straightforward at all. Not legitimate or honest either. I would hope you know that if you are at all familiar with logical discourse..

No “indoctrination” is taking place.
Thanks for your opinion

As I said in the OP, it is first hand knowledge from 25 years of professional experience.
I went to these schools and worked in community CENTERS in Boston.. I know fat more you.. you wouldnt have a job in the teachers unions if you Weren’t indoctrinated
Birds of a feather.

So you’re just speculating.
No, I'm stating empirically observed fact.


You don’t seem to understand what those words mean. What specifically have you personally observed? Where? For how long? Under what circumstances?
Statistics...History.....Observed human behavior by people way smarter than you or I.

You seem incapable of answering the very straightforward questions I asked, to the point that you simply omitted them:


Not straightforward at all. Not legitimate or honest either. I would hope you know that if you are at all familiar with logical discourse..
I'm very familiar with it...Seems you're the one not interested in it.

What's your outcome here?...To get plausible/probable answers to your question, or to gather evidence that supports a conclusion that you've already drawn?

And why won't you answer my very easily understandable and logical questions?
No “indoctrination” is taking place.
Thanks for your opinion

As I said in the OP, it is first hand knowledge from 25 years of professional experience.
I went to these schools and worked in community CENTERS in Boston.. I know fat more you.. you wouldnt have a job in the teachers unions if you Weren’t indoctrinated
So you’re just speculating.
No, I'm stating empirically observed fact.


You don’t seem to understand what those words mean. What specifically have you personally observed? Where? For how long? Under what circumstances?
Statistics...History.....Observed human behavior by people way smarter than you or I.

You seem incapable of answering the very straightforward questions I asked, to the point that you simply omitted them:


Not straightforward at all. Not legitimate or honest either. I would hope you know that if you are at all familiar with logical discourse..
I'm very familiar with it...

I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Thanks for your opinion

As I said in the OP, it is first hand knowledge from 25 years of professional experience.
I went to these schools and worked in community CENTERS in Boston.. I know fat more you.. you wouldnt have a job in the teachers unions if you Weren’t indoctrinated
No, I'm stating empirically observed fact.


You don’t seem to understand what those words mean. What specifically have you personally observed? Where? For how long? Under what circumstances?
Statistics...History.....Observed human behavior by people way smarter than you or I.

You seem incapable of answering the very straightforward questions I asked, to the point that you simply omitted them:


Not straightforward at all. Not legitimate or honest either. I would hope you know that if you are at all familiar with logical discourse..
I'm very familiar with it...

I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.
I have more of an expert view on the schools and anybody else they are in indoctrination of liberal democratic dividing by race .
As I said in the OP, it is first hand knowledge from 25 years of professional experience.
I went to these schools and worked in community CENTERS in Boston.. I know fat more you.. you wouldnt have a job in the teachers unions if you Weren’t indoctrinated
You don’t seem to understand what those words mean. What specifically have you personally observed? Where? For how long? Under what circumstances?
Statistics...History.....Observed human behavior by people way smarter than you or I.

You seem incapable of answering the very straightforward questions I asked, to the point that you simply omitted them:


Not straightforward at all. Not legitimate or honest either. I would hope you know that if you are at all familiar with logical discourse..
I'm very familiar with it...

I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
I went to these schools and worked in community CENTERS in Boston.. I know fat more you.. you wouldnt have a job in the teachers unions if you Weren’t indoctrinated
Statistics...History.....Observed human behavior by people way smarter than you or I.

You seem incapable of answering the very straightforward questions I asked, to the point that you simply omitted them:


Not straightforward at all. Not legitimate or honest either. I would hope you know that if you are at all familiar with logical discourse..
I'm very familiar with it...

I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
What school do you work at?

Not straightforward at all. Not legitimate or honest either. I would hope you know that if you are at all familiar with logical discourse..
I'm very familiar with it...

I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
What school do you work at?

Not your business, this is an inappropeiate request to reveal personal information on the forum.
I'm very familiar with it...

I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
What school do you work at?

Not your business, this is an inappropeiate request to reveal personal information on the forum.
He’s asked for my address several times, but ok
I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
What school do you work at?

Not your business, this is an inappropeiate request to reveal personal information on the forum.
He’s asked for my address several times, but ok
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
What school do you work at?

Not your business, this is an inappropeiate request to reveal personal information on the forum.
He’s asked for my address several times, but ok
In previous post if I come across them again I will report them ..
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
What school do you work at?

Not your business, this is an inappropeiate request to reveal personal information on the forum.
He’s asked for my address several times, but ok

No, I never have. No one has.
I’m not sure if I wanna keep Boston public schools quite yet I might decide to get rid of them all in general and just go to school choice but I might keep one or two I’ll let you know
I went to these schools and worked in community CENTERS in Boston.. I know fat more you.. you wouldnt have a job in the teachers unions if you Weren’t indoctrinated
Statistics...History.....Observed human behavior by people way smarter than you or I.

You seem incapable of answering the very straightforward questions I asked, to the point that you simply omitted them:


Not straightforward at all. Not legitimate or honest either. I would hope you know that if you are at all familiar with logical discourse..
I'm very familiar with it...

I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
Adult conversation.....You a funny muthafucker.

You're neither giving me the benefit of anything, nor are you genuinely curious.

A genuinely curious person would suspend what they think they know long enough to ponder and explore something that they may have not previously considered...Or at least have the intellectual honesty to reject the premise out-of-hand and allow the person posing the situation to go along their way.

You've done neither.

All you have done has been to level personal recriminations of ignorance and dishonesty at me....Personal asides instead of this "adult conversation" you so haughtily refer to.

Whether you realize it or not, you are the very flower of what passes for state-run "education"...Arrogant, conformist, and incurious as hell.

And with that, I bid you farewell and fuck you.

Not straightforward at all. Not legitimate or honest either. I would hope you know that if you are at all familiar with logical discourse..
I'm very familiar with it...

I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
....A genuinely curious person would suspend what they think they know .....

Have you forgotten what the topic is? What I “think” I know? This is what I do every day.
Btw Ukadick is supposed to be in class right now teaching Boston kids, but he’s spends all day posting on here lol
Btw Ukadick is supposed to be in class right now teaching Boston kids, but he’s spends all day posting on here lol
What do you want from a funking punk sucking off the teat of The State?
Last edited:

Not straightforward at all. Not legitimate or honest either. I would hope you know that if you are at all familiar with logical discourse..
I'm very familiar with it...

I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
Adult conversation.....You a funny muthafucker.

You're neither giving me the benefit of anything, nor are you genuinely curious.

A genuinely curious person would suspend what they think they know long enough to ponder and explore something that they may have not previously considered...Or at least have the intellectual honesty to reject the premise out-of-hand and allow the person posing the situation to go along their way.

You've done neither.

All you have done has been to level personal recriminations of ignorance and dishonesty at me....Personal asides instead of this "adult conversation" you so haughtily refer to.

Whether you realize it or not, you are the very flower of what passes for state-run "education"...Arrogant, conformist, and incurious as hell.

And with that, I bid you farewell and fuck you.
You were asked to support your claims.

You responded by saying "I saw stats."

He challenged that thats not an argument.

You called him un-open to information.

You're not a well adjusted, logical person. You are a guy that sits his ass on his internet all day whining about politics. Thats not well adjusted, its outlier behavior.

Further, your argument about "what kind of people would teachers be, certainly not those that hate the state," is fucking dumb and it ignores reality.

For the most part, people dont even THINK in those terms. Most people dont feverishly follow politics, obsess like you do...draw up their us versus them little world views like you do.

They go outside...they dont think about some love affair with socialist dictators when theyre 18-20 and choosing a degree program.

They dont think about rush limbaugh versus rachel maddow when they fill out a job application.

The schools are not some concerted effort to indoctrinate in that way. Maybe theres a kook or two, wanna bet a substancial amount of money we cant find any right winged ones?


Also, the premise assumes that kids are just gullible lemmings that are all so easily susceptible to brain washing. You are either projecting, or you have no real life friends or experience. The most gullible lemmings that there even ARE, are the partisan sycophants like you who are exibiting an undying devotion to cheerleading a team and demonizing another in almost your every waking hour. Those, you, are the fucking clowns most susceptible to indoctrination.

I'm very familiar with it...

I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
Adult conversation.....You a funny muthafucker.

You're neither giving me the benefit of anything, nor are you genuinely curious.

A genuinely curious person would suspend what they think they know long enough to ponder and explore something that they may have not previously considered...Or at least have the intellectual honesty to reject the premise out-of-hand and allow the person posing the situation to go along their way.

You've done neither.

All you have done has been to level personal recriminations of ignorance and dishonesty at me....Personal asides instead of this "adult conversation" you so haughtily refer to.

Whether you realize it or not, you are the very flower of what passes for state-run "education"...Arrogant, conformist, and incurious as hell.

And with that, I bid you farewell and fuck you.
You were asked to support your claims.

You responded by saying "I saw stats."

He challenged that thats not an argument.

You called him un-open to information.

You're not a well adjusted, logical person. You are a guy that sits his ass on his internet all day whining about politics. Thats not well adjusted, its outlier behavior.

Further, your argument about "what kind of people would teachers be, certainly not those that hate the state," is fucking dumb and it ignores reality.

For the most part, people dont even THINK in those terms. Most people dont feverishly follow politics, obsess like you do...draw up their us versus them little world views like you do.

They go outside...they dont think about some love affair with socialist dictators when theyre 18-20 and choosing a degree program.

They dont think about rush limbaugh versus rachel maddow when they fill out a job application.

The schools are not some concerted effort to indoctrinate in that way. Maybe theres a kook or two, wanna bet a substancial amount of money we cant find any right winged ones?


Also, the premise assumes that kids are just gullible lemmings that are all so easily susceptible to brain washing. You are either projecting, or you have no real life friends or experience. The most gullible lemmings that there even ARE, are the partisan sycophants like you who are exibiting an undying devotion to cheerleading a team and demonizing another in almost your every waking hour. Those, you, are the fucking clowns most susceptible to indoctrination.

DUDE WHERE YOU BEEN!? We all miss you lol
I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
Adult conversation.....You a funny muthafucker.

You're neither giving me the benefit of anything, nor are you genuinely curious.

A genuinely curious person would suspend what they think they know long enough to ponder and explore something that they may have not previously considered...Or at least have the intellectual honesty to reject the premise out-of-hand and allow the person posing the situation to go along their way.

You've done neither.

All you have done has been to level personal recriminations of ignorance and dishonesty at me....Personal asides instead of this "adult conversation" you so haughtily refer to.

Whether you realize it or not, you are the very flower of what passes for state-run "education"...Arrogant, conformist, and incurious as hell.

And with that, I bid you farewell and fuck you.
You were asked to support your claims.

You responded by saying "I saw stats."

He challenged that thats not an argument.

You called him un-open to information.

You're not a well adjusted, logical person. You are a guy that sits his ass on his internet all day whining about politics. Thats not well adjusted, its outlier behavior.

Further, your argument about "what kind of people would teachers be, certainly not those that hate the state," is fucking dumb and it ignores reality.

For the most part, people dont even THINK in those terms. Most people dont feverishly follow politics, obsess like you do...draw up their us versus them little world views like you do.

They go outside...they dont think about some love affair with socialist dictators when theyre 18-20 and choosing a degree program.

They dont think about rush limbaugh versus rachel maddow when they fill out a job application.

The schools are not some concerted effort to indoctrinate in that way. Maybe theres a kook or two, wanna bet a substancial amount of money we cant find any right winged ones?


Also, the premise assumes that kids are just gullible lemmings that are all so easily susceptible to brain washing. You are either projecting, or you have no real life friends or experience. The most gullible lemmings that there even ARE, are the partisan sycophants like you who are exibiting an undying devotion to cheerleading a team and demonizing another in almost your every waking hour. Those, you, are the fucking clowns most susceptible to indoctrination.

DUDE WHERE YOU BEEN!? We all miss you lol
Thnx jitts
I’m starting to doubt that, but if you really are then you are being deliberately dishonest.
Your saying so doesn't make it so....You are, however, are being deliberately evasive.

I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware of what you’re doing by attempting to insist on parameters of your own choosing in order to reach a Predetermined response. If the parameters of the discourse are not agreed-upon by all interlocutors then the discourse itself is illegitimate and any conclusions drawn there from are illogical. You say you are familiar with logic. If so, you must be aware of this. If you would like to try again and ask any real, legitimate question, I would be more than happy to engage in an adult discussion. Little jitler boy can play with himself in the corner.
Adult conversation.....You a funny muthafucker.

You're neither giving me the benefit of anything, nor are you genuinely curious.

A genuinely curious person would suspend what they think they know long enough to ponder and explore something that they may have not previously considered...Or at least have the intellectual honesty to reject the premise out-of-hand and allow the person posing the situation to go along their way.

You've done neither.

All you have done has been to level personal recriminations of ignorance and dishonesty at me....Personal asides instead of this "adult conversation" you so haughtily refer to.

Whether you realize it or not, you are the very flower of what passes for state-run "education"...Arrogant, conformist, and incurious as hell.

And with that, I bid you farewell and fuck you.
You were asked to support your claims.

You responded by saying "I saw stats."

He challenged that thats not an argument.

You called him un-open to information.

You're not a well adjusted, logical person. You are a guy that sits his ass on his internet all day whining about politics. Thats not well adjusted, its outlier behavior.

Further, your argument about "what kind of people would teachers be, certainly not those that hate the state," is fucking dumb and it ignores reality.

For the most part, people dont even THINK in those terms. Most people dont feverishly follow politics, obsess like you do...draw up their us versus them little world views like you do.

They go outside...they dont think about some love affair with socialist dictators when theyre 18-20 and choosing a degree program.

They dont think about rush limbaugh versus rachel maddow when they fill out a job application.

The schools are not some concerted effort to indoctrinate in that way. Maybe theres a kook or two, wanna bet a substancial amount of money we cant find any right winged ones?


Also, the premise assumes that kids are just gullible lemmings that are all so easily susceptible to brain washing. You are either projecting, or you have no real life friends or experience. The most gullible lemmings that there even ARE, are the partisan sycophants like you who are exibiting an undying devotion to cheerleading a team and demonizing another in almost your every waking hour. Those, you, are the fucking clowns most susceptible to indoctrination.

DUDE WHERE YOU BEEN!? We all miss you lol

He certainly wasn't looking up the definition of "Freudian projection". :auiqs.jpg:

But I'm here to help!

2a. Freudian projection
The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

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