For Reps Sake!

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Is everyone just aiming for a hundred thousand reps by playing a game? I'm truly trying to figure this out. Because if I fall behind a batch of left wing losers with a quizillion rep points who could neg me down to nothing, well hell's bells I'll get my ass in every thread that's giving out free rep just so I have a defense mechanism.

Well hell's belles, nobody would ever neg you TD. :smiliehug:
Still traveling and today with a weird internet connection.

I just repped as many as allowed.

One attempt went horribly wrong - perhaps my typing error; perhaps this connection. In any case if someone sees something weird or things coming and going (which seems most likely) then please read personal message for more information before being concerned.

Pretty here after early rain; weather a mixed bag for the next five weeks, seemingly to favour the damp no matter where I go.


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I'm curious as to why some people I am repping do not return the reps. I thought this thread was meant for people to put their differences aside. I thought if you repped someone, they were supposed to rep you back.

There is only so much rep and I know that I still owe rep to some of the posters. That is why I mentioned patience in the OP. We only do what we can and if someone cannot then sobeit, I am not going to get hung up on someone not repping me back.

To me the act of generosity is not made out of a sense of obligation but rather because someone wants to share what they have with others.

As I have noted before and I am repeating here again 100% of my rep came from other posters. I couldn't return anything like the amount they were willing to give me when I started out so now I opt to pay it forward following the example that they provided.

'Tis better to give than to receive would have been a better title for this thread in hindsight.

I'm curious as to why some people I am repping do not return the reps. I thought this thread was meant for people to put their differences aside. I thought if you repped someone, they were supposed to rep you back.

There is only so much rep and I know that I still owe rep to some of the posters. That is why I mentioned patience in the OP. We only do what we can and if someone cannot then sobeit, I am not going to get hung up on someone not repping me back.

To me the act of generosity is not made out of a sense of obligation but rather because someone wants to share what they have with others.

As I have noted before and I am repeating here again 100% of my rep came from other posters. I couldn't return anything like the amount they were willing to give me when I started out so now I opt to pay it forward following the example that they provided.

'Tis better to give than to receive would have been a better title for this thread in hindsight.


..and I thought it was just feeding the greed. sheesh.
Just did some grilling today. Grilled a thick ribeye steak with honey BBQ sauce and corn on the cob. It was perfect, with just a tad of pinkness on the inside. :D

That sounds good, I think I'll get the hub to grill some chicken.....I love anything grilled.
Guys, I think you are all great and I love sharing rep with you but I'm going to have to opt out and here's why.

The rep frog thread turned into a giant rep fest where everyone would just rep everyone and get rep back and showing up sometimes more than once a day where it was supposed to be rep one person. Then it turned into a neg happy person using it to neg.

Then this one showed up with specific rules on how to use it in the OP. However, it is just turning into a way to just artificially increase your rep score just by repping everyone and getting repped back.

Why do we even have rep if we can't rep good posts or friendly posts or just give out our rep because we enjoy doing it and return it if we get it.

I just don't feel comfortable with this. Sorry. It defeats the purpose of earning rep and I'm surprised admin even allows it.
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