For Romney & Paul, A Strategic Alliance Between Establishment & Outsider...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
RENO, NEV. — The remaining candidates in the winnowed Republican presidential field are attacking one another with abandon, each day bringing fresh headlines of accusations and outrage.

But Mitt Romney and Ron Paul haven’t laid a hand on each other.

They never do.

Despite deep differences on a range of issues, Romney and Paul became friends in 2008, the last time both ran for president. So did their wives, Ann Romney and Carol Paul. The former Massachusetts governor compliments the Texas congressman during debates, praising Paul’s religious faith during the last one, in Jacksonville, Fla. Immediately afterward, as is often the case, the Pauls and the Romneys gravitated toward one another to say hello.

The Romney-Paul alliance is more than a curious connection. It is a strategic partnership: for Paul, an opportunity to gain a seat at the table if his long-shot bid for the presidency fails; for Romney, a chance to gain support from one of the most vibrant subgroups within the Republican Party.

“It would be very foolish for anybody in the Republican Party to dismiss a very real constituency,” said one senior GOP aide in Washington who is familiar with both camps. “Ron Paul plays a very valuable part in the process and brings a lot of voters toward the Republican Party and ultimately into the voting booth, and that’s something that can’t be ignored.”

To ensure that they are heard — not just now but after Election Day, too — Paul and his followers are working to gain a permanent foothold in the Republican Party nationwide. One state at a time, Paul’s supporters are seating themselves at county committee meetings, and standing for election as state officers and convention delegates, to make sure their candidate’s libertarian vision is taken into account. The goal is a lasting voice for an army of outsiders that has long felt ignored and sees the nation headed toward ruin if things don’t change.

That is just fine with the Romney campaign, which would be happy to bring Paul’s constituency — perhaps the most intense and loyal in the country — into the fold.

Read More:
Mitt Romney | Ron Paul | Primary | The Daily Caller
Romney's playing this one smart. The other candidates have thoroughly alientated Ron Paul and his supporters. But Romney has not engaged in that. Could be a brilliant calculation on his part. He's really gonna need Ron Paul's supporters come November.
I keep sayin' that Dr. Paul is staying in so he can trade his delegates to get Rand in the VP slot.

Mark it down.

Very interesting assessment. Something to chew on for sure. Thanks.
That might be a really smart move on Romney's part. He would win over the tea party peeps as well as a lot of Ron Paul supporters. I can't get past the NDAA thing though. Would you vote for a Romney Rand Paul ticket Oddball?
That might be a really smart move on Romney's part. He would win over the tea party peeps as well as a lot of Ron Paul supporters. I can't get past the NDAA thing though. Would you vote for a Romney Rand Paul ticket Oddball?
Probably not....That smarmy shoe salesman from Utah is still at the top of the ticket.

But I can't speak for all the noobs to the process, who aren't anywhere near as jaded as I am.
Having a Paul at VP sounds nice, it would get the fiscal responsibility and small gov't conservatism message a loud platform.

But wouldn't change the machine that is the gov'ts facist style of buddying up with certain corps, warmongering, spending, etc. Frankly, nothing will, we're passed the point of no return.

I wouldn't vote for that ticket.
That might be a really smart move on Romney's part. He would win over the tea party peeps as well as a lot of Ron Paul supporters. I can't get past the NDAA thing though. Would you vote for a Romney Rand Paul ticket Oddball?

Another McCain- Palin moment any attempt at that and Paul will lose support.
Well there aren't many good options for real Conservatives. It's either the Big Government Socialists/Progressives, or the Big Government Neocons. Not very good choices. Real Conservatives are gonna have to decide whether they want to suck it up and compromise,write in a Candidate who definitely can't win, or not Vote at all. Those are the real choices. And they're pretty difficult choices. Is a protest-vote really worth allowing the Socialists/Progressives to stay in power? I guess each individual Conservative will have to decide that for themselves.
I keep sayin' that Dr. Paul is staying in so he can trade his delegates to get Rand in the VP slot.

Mark it down.

Yeah there's definitely something serious going on. I'm not sure if that's it though, but it's definitely got something to do with Rand. Maybe not VP this year, but groundwork in some way for him for 2016 considering there's no way any of these other cats are beating Obama.
What about Paul as Treasury Secretary? I am just curious where people stand. I vote according to my principles and a vote for Romney would violate those principles so I can't do it no matter what. I honestly don't think Paul would do it because it would tarnish his message.
Paul is not a threat to anyone.
You're a fool to think that snubbing him would have any effect other than bad upon the GOP.

Are you really so short-sighted as to want to run off all those potential voters?

They are already gone. A paulbot isn't going to vote for someone else. If you think that paul would get a vp slot, well, we survived Biden as a vp! We could survive paul. However, Romney needs all the credibility he can get and choosing Ron Paul as VP would cut into that credibility in a big way.
Paul is not a threat to anyone.
You're a fool to think that snubbing him would have any effect other than bad upon the GOP.

Are you really so short-sighted as to want to run off all those potential voters?

They are already gone. A paulbot isn't going to vote for someone else. If you think that paul would get a vp slot, well, we survived Biden as a vp! We could survive paul. However, Romney needs all the credibility he can get and choosing Ron Paul as VP would cut into that credibility in a big way.

Rand Paul.
That might be a really smart move on Romney's part. He would win over the tea party peeps as well as a lot of Ron Paul supporters. I can't get past the NDAA thing though. Would you vote for a Romney Rand Paul ticket Oddball?
Probably not....That smarmy shoe salesman from Utah is still at the top of the ticket.

But I can't speak for all the noobs to the process, who aren't anywhere near as jaded as I am.

Here's a little something to chew on. If Rand got the VP slot, it would give him much needed experience and exposure at the very heart of our political system. That would, in the future, put him in a much stronger position for a shot at POTUS.

That might be a very good thing for the Libertarians generally, because they really do need to get a much deeper understanding of International Relations. They lose huge amounts of support simply because of their dangerously naive stance on Foreign Policy.
Paul is not a threat to anyone.
You're a fool to think that snubbing him would have any effect other than bad upon the GOP.

Are you really so short-sighted as to want to run off all those potential voters?

They are already gone. A paulbot isn't going to vote for someone else. If you think that paul would get a vp slot, well, we survived Biden as a vp! We could survive paul. However, Romney needs all the credibility he can get and choosing Ron Paul as VP would cut into that credibility in a big way.

When your shitty liberal party has a conservative in its ranks who's name doesn't end in Paul, let me know and I'll happily support them.

Right now, there are no others.
That might be a really smart move on Romney's part. He would win over the tea party peeps as well as a lot of Ron Paul supporters. I can't get past the NDAA thing though. Would you vote for a Romney Rand Paul ticket Oddball?
Probably not....That smarmy shoe salesman from Utah is still at the top of the ticket.

But I can't speak for all the noobs to the process, who aren't anywhere near as jaded as I am.

Here's a little something to chew on. If Rand got the VP slot, it would give him much needed experience and exposure at the very heart of our political system. That would, in the future, put him in a much stronger position for a shot at POTUS.

That might be a very good thing for the Libertarians generally, because they really do need to get a much deeper understanding of International Relations. They lose huge amounts of support simply because of their dangerously naive stance on Foreign Policy.

I think it's a dangerously naive stance to think that killing and asking questions later makes us safer, makes less people want to attack us, is something we can afford, etc.

Iraq, Libya, and every other part of the middle east and nearby area where we're doing this.

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