For the Board's liberals, here's an interesting question.

It is kind of anti-American and it is a liberal contradiction to endorse what Media Matters is trying to do.

Obviously we see it in very different ways.

When the Dixie Chicks said some disagreeable shit overseas, I was content to refrain from buying their records.

I would not call for a boycott of them however.

The GOAL is to silence the voice of the man. And it is NOT over the fact that he called Ms. Fluke a "slut." So very many on the left speak in very similar terms all the time about women. So we know it isn't the word "slut" that motivates these charlatans.

Clearly, it is just an opportunity to exploit in order to silence him as a spokesman for the political point of view they detest: conservatism.

When a liberal tries to silence the opposition, and in doing so REJECTS the "free market of competing ideas," that liberal is no longer speaking as a liberal.

You guys really do need to re-think this. But liberal dogma and orthodoxy will not permit you to do so.

The irony and ignorance are festering in your post.

1) Does Media Matters have the right to voice their opposition to what Rush said...yes or no?

Rush's problem is not the "free market of competing ideas" or Media Matters. His problem IS the free market...SPONSORS $$$

I kinda like the fact that Carbonite's stock plummeted after pulling from Rush's show and now they’re begging to get back on. Rush said no, of course, and now all the other sponsors are afraid to pull their ads.

Ahem. Don't believe everything your puppetmasters tell you:

It really doesn't matter what he says. Like all talk radio hosts his job is to collect listeners. Anyone with any brains will take him for what he is. His opinion like anyone else's means nothing to the politicians. He has the right to say what he likes as do the rest.

Is that why Obama told the democrats and the Congress early ON listen to Rush?

The left is intimidated by him...
NOT a poll. I lift this question from another (related) thread where it is apparently going to be ignored. So, let's highlight it in its own little box:

Is the effort of Media Matters to get Rush Limbaugh off the air* a valid move that gives due consideration for the value we place on free speech and the open market of competing ideas?

I say that Media Matters is WAY off base. I say YOU libs OUGHT to be agreeing with me on that.

What do you liberal members of the USMB have to say?

As long as it does not involve government legislation, then Media Matters is perfectly within their rights to try to remove Rush Limbaugh off the air. Limbaugh is perfectly within his right to expose the negatives of liberalism, and Media Matters - or anyone else for that matters - is perfectly within their right to expose the negatives of Rush Limbaugh.

It would be another story if they were trying to silence him through government legislation.
Feel free to join the grown up conversation anytime and realize that IF we are talking about passing laws limiting what can and can't be said on radio stations that we are then limiting rights. Not Rush's rights, unless he owns the radio station. but the radio station owner's rights to broadcast whatever they like.

Who own's the frequencies? Can audio pornography be aired on the public airways?

Yes obviously we allow pornography on our public airways. I know I have those channels set to not even show as available on my DirceTV as an example.

And even at that, good luck proving Rush is porn. I've heard MUCH worse things than "slut" on Friends, or any other prime time program.

Radio porn on public am/fm stations is allowed by the FCC?

People have complete rights to tell a corporation they dont like its practices.
Does free speech include the right to interfere with the practices of a company?

If you're talking about boycotts and threatens of such, then yes; that is free speech. No different than a few weeks ago when a few were bitching about pharmacies that chose not to sell Plan B and I suggested that the simple solution was to boycott those pharmacies and if enough people did then those companies would obviously start listening and start selling Plan B. Same here, those idiots have the right to try to boycott enough sponsors to get Rush off the air. It will never happen, but they can try.
People have complete rights to tell a corporation they dont like its practices.

Is it valid to abridge the First Amendment?

You mean.....again?


[ame=]9/11 comment Bill Maher got fired for - YouTube[/ame]​

June 3, 2002

"When ABC moved to cancel Nightline and replace it with Letterman, a furor arose in the public and press. Where was the furor when ABC censored then canceled Politically Incorrect?"

Media Matters is guilty of keeping track of Rush's and Fox's lies and BS, which never stops. The Washington Times is Rev. Moon's POS propaganda rag. Pubcrappe that makes loudmouth un-American a-holes out of formerly good people. Speech is not the problem, lies, hate,and rabble rousing ARE.
Who own's the frequencies? Can audio pornography be aired on the public airways?

Yes obviously we allow pornography on our public airways. I know I have those channels set to not even show as available on my DirceTV as an example.

And even at that, good luck proving Rush is porn. I've heard MUCH worse things than "slut" on Friends, or any other prime time program.

Radio porn on public am/fm stations is allowed by the FCC?


You're a child unable to actually discuss a topic without the usual childish tactics.

People have complete rights to tell a corporation they dont like its practices.

Is it valid to abridge the First Amendment?

You mean.....again?


[ame=]9/11 comment Bill Maher got fired for - YouTube[/ame]​

June 3, 2002

"When ABC moved to cancel Nightline and replace it with Letterman, a furor arose in the public and press. Where was the furor when ABC censored then canceled Politically Incorrect?"

That's not a violation of anything.

Damn, why are so many on this board so childish?
Rush Limbaugh, as anyone, has the right to express himself. He does not, however, like anyone, have a right to be on the airwaves.
Yes obviously we allow pornography on our public airways. I know I have those channels set to not even show as available on my DirceTV as an example.

And even at that, good luck proving Rush is porn. I've heard MUCH worse things than "slut" on Friends, or any other prime time program.

Radio porn on public am/fm stations is allowed by the FCC?


You're a child unable to actually discuss a topic without the usual childish tactics.


You don't know what freedom of speech or what a boycott is.

Did those boycotting the Montgomery, AL bus company violate the bus company's freedom of speech or commerce?
Some on the left are more interested and so completely focused on settling a grudge with Limbaugh, that they've totally lost sight of how many they alienate with their's ironic that they don't see how Rush continues to be able to claim victory when they choose that path.
Hell......he's free to claim whatever he wants.

Where's the issue?

The irony and ignorance are festering in your post.

1) Does Media Matters have the right to voice their opposition to what Rush said...yes or no?

Rush's problem is not the "free market of competing ideas" or Media Matters. His problem IS the free market...SPONSORS $$$

I kinda like the fact that Carbonite's stock plummeted after pulling from Rush's show and now they’re begging to get back on. Rush said no, of course, and now all the other sponsors are afraid to pull their ads.

Ahem. Don't believe everything your puppetmasters tell you:


More like don't believe ANYTHING the Pub Propaganda Machine says- It's ALL crappe. See sig pp3:mad:
NOT a poll. I lift this question from another (related) thread where it is apparently going to be ignored. So, let's highlight it in its own little box:

Is the effort of Media Matters to get Rush Limbaugh off the air* a valid move that gives due consideration for the value we place on free speech and the open market of competing ideas?

I say that Media Matters is WAY off base. I say YOU libs OUGHT to be agreeing with me on that.

What do you liberal members of the USMB have to say?

* See, for instance: Media Matters ad campaign aims to censor Rush Limbaugh | Washington Times Communities

And see its own website, where Media Matters talks of "monitoring" the advertising on Rush's radio show: Rush Limbaugh's Advertisers, March 6 | Media Matters for America

Over the years, I've seen similar campaigns and plenty of calls for boycotts from the right and the left. I believe that Rush has the right to say what he wants (with very few exceptions), and individuals or groups have the right to protest and let sponsors know how they feel about it. As long as government doesn't attempt to censor him, I have no problem with these people doing this regardless if I agree with them or not.

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