For the ones that say inflation and shortages aren't real.

Yeah, most people are still working. Those are the facts.
I would say link it, but those dropped from the unemployment rolls are not represented in the numbers. However, the homeless population nationwide is as clear an indicator as you could ask for. Did you get your weekly vax, test and mask when you are in your office too?
I would say link it,


Did you get your weekly vax, test and mask when you are in your office too?

I have been tested once, that was for surgery on my elbow last fall. Have not worked at the office since March 18th 2020.
I beg to differ.
Who are you thinking about shooting at, precisely? Here are some options:
  • Democratic politicians
  • Judges
  • Election officials who certify votes that the GOP loses
  • State elected officials
  • Anyone who you identify as a Democrat
  • Anyone who disagrees with you
  • Non-pro Trump journalists
  • Law or military personnel who try to stop you
  • Innocent civilians if they happen to get in the way
  • Republicans who don't go along with Trump
  • All of the above, if necessary
Just wondering what we might see. Would innocents be considered necessary collateral damage?

I'm hoping for a straight and honest answer. I'm not holding my breath, but I'm hoping.
View attachment 566891

I have been tested once, that was for surgery on my elbow last fall. Have not worked at the office since March 18th 2020.
Boy, you have selective denials. I already told you that those numbers are falsely arrived at due to the uncounted. Second, you conveniently omit that you have been vaxxed too--can't be too safe in your little bubble eh? Had to laugh when you admitted to slipping across the border into MO for gas--LOL--East St. Louis is sooooo much better than S. Chicago. Try again. SMH.
Last night I met up with my brother in law who is a Commodities trader, but not the futures, he moves stuff across the globe from one place to another.

He said that: the cost of a shipping container is up around 5 to 7 fold since the nitwit and his anti-America backers stole the election.

The USA is short over 100,000 long haul truckers and there is almost no possibility of the positions being filled any time soon. Labor rules mostly to blame.
Last night I met up with my brother in law who is a Commodities trader, but not the futures, he moves stuff across the globe from one place to another.

He said that: the cost of a shipping container is up around 5 to 7 fold since the nitwit and his anti-America backers stole the election.

The USA is short over 100,000 long haul truckers and there is almost no possibility of the positions being filled any time soon. Labor rules mostly to blame.
Yeah, but according to Golfing Gator, we are at full employment. LOL
Yeah, but according to Golfing Gator, we are at full employment. LOL

And that he says there are millions more employed under Biden than there was Trump, not acknowledging he is comparing the highest employment this year to the lowest point last year when almost every country was in lock down.

And that inflation and shortages are signs of a strong economy.

And I'm guessing probably, self defense makes you a racist white supremacist satanist rapist murderer.
My wife and I went to a new place this weekend for breakfast to try it out. And when we sat down I saw a sign on our tables and the other tables.

So yes shortages and inflation is real. So real this place actually had nice quality signs printed for every table.

I just see people who say it isn't real and it baffles me how they can say it isn't real. And the worse ones are the ones who argue that it is a good sign the economy is doing better. Of things were better things would plentiful, and they would cost less because they would have to compete for your business with sales and lower prices.

the demafacist cult boys will believe anything their dear leader tells them
Well, we were there already and decided to stay and try a new place. I asked the waiter if that was real and he said yes and I said "I know it's not your fault, but we won't come back here again after today until this stops". We are, paid and left. We aren't going back again.

But atleast they were upfront about it though. I atleast give them that much.
There is a new place in my city that opened just earlier this year named Monster. I went in there two weeks ago and when I saw how much was being asked for, I left. I didn't even touch the cup of water that was given to me which may as well have been meant for a monster it was that huge.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If this inflation issue has any affect on the place, I won't be surprised if it doesn't even see its first year anniversary and it will be the second time that the place has closed up. It used to be a Ruby Tuesday restaurant.
Boy, you have selective denials. I already told you that those numbers are falsely arrived at due to the uncounted.

Those numbers take into account everyone in the civilian working-age population. There are no uncounted.

Second, you conveniently omit that you have been vaxxed too

Yes, I have gotten the vaccination.

Had to laugh when you admitted to slipping across the border into MO for gas--LOL--East St. Louis is sooooo much better than S. Chicago. Try again. SMH.

Your knowledge of geography is even worse than your math, and that is saying a lot.
Keep grasping at those straws. It is there for all to see, and the intent of your post is very clear.

Are most people working? Yes or no? As I have proven, the answer is yes.

BTW, I believe that according to AAA East St. Louis, IL is in St. Clair county ILLINOIS.

Yes, East St. Louis, IL is in St. Clair county ILLINOIS. It is one of 100s communities that sit on the Mississippi river across from Missouri. The problem with your idea I live there is that there are no gas stations close on the Missouri side of the river as it is directly across from the Arch grounds. Go up the road a ways and one can cross the river and have 3 stations to choose from at the first exit.

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