For the Trump supporters here - Are you getting worried about 2020?


Gold Member
Jan 3, 2017
I know it's way early but I HATE how so MANY liberal media outlets are trying to DESTROY him! He didn't win a massive electoral landslide or anything but it was sizable.

He won Ohio by 9 points and that is one of the few states that's actually getting whiter so he's likely safe there. But he didn't win by much in the other Rust belt states so he must hold Pennsylvania too! But if he loses Florida & Wisconsin then he loses the Presidency! He seems fairly strong in Florida but that could flip! Plus TX, AZ, & GA are getting more blue!

You know the crybaby butthurt liberals are going to be out in force the next 2 elections! How do you guys see it?

BTW, I'm a PATRIOT in Missouri where Trump won by almost 20 points!

:woohoo::clap2::bow2: :salute:
One year at a time. Worrying about shit you have no control over is a sign of a weak mind and an insecure individual
Trump winning proved that the media can only do so much damage to any capable candidate. Only Trump can lose 2020 for Trump.
With the deportations in California, Trump could very well win more decisively in 2020 than he did last year. Illegals have been voting in huge numbers for years, unchecked. That's all gonna change real soon.
I know it's way early but I HATE how so MANY liberal media outlets are trying to DESTROY him! He didn't win a massive electoral landslide or anything but it was sizable.

He won Ohio by 9 points and that is one of the few states that's actually getting whiter so he's likely safe there. But he didn't win by much in the other Rust belt states so he must hold Pennsylvania too! But if he loses Florida & Wisconsin then he loses the Presidency! He seems fairly strong in Florida but that could flip! Plus TX, AZ, & GA are getting more blue!

You know the crybaby butthurt liberals are going to be out in force the next 2 elections! How do you guys see it?

BTW, I'm a PATRIOT in Missouri where Trump won by almost 20 points!

:woohoo::clap2::bow2: :salute:
. The Dems have no one to compete... I mean look who they ran this time, and it can only get worse for them. If they can punch huge holes in his actions and policies, then they might have a chance, but Trump doing what's right for this nations citizens again, now that will be hard to beat. Gooooooo Trump.
The Dems have no one to compete.

Hillary 2020 ... It's all about BRAIIINNNSSS...

One step at a time, first vote hard in the midterm and make the dysfunctional dems bleed more seats. Their going to blame Russia and cry but, oh well.
I know it's way early but I HATE how so MANY liberal media outlets are trying to DESTROY him! He didn't win a massive electoral landslide or anything but it was sizable.

He won Ohio by 9 points and that is one of the few states that's actually getting whiter so he's likely safe there. But he didn't win by much in the other Rust belt states so he must hold Pennsylvania too! But if he loses Florida & Wisconsin then he loses the Presidency! He seems fairly strong in Florida but that could flip! Plus TX, AZ, & GA are getting more blue!

You know the crybaby butthurt liberals are going to be out in force the next 2 elections! How do you guys see it?

BTW, I'm a PATRIOT in Missouri where Trump won by almost 20 points!

:woohoo::clap2::bow2: :salute:
Trump will DESTROY HIMSELF without Media help...:blowup::thewave::thewave:
Trump can handle himself.

The problems is, the Dems will throw up roadblocks as long as possible.

We have a small window to accomplish anything. The 2018 campaigning starts this summer.

Republicans tend to squabble and eat their own. It's happening with obamacare right now.

If Republicans get pissed and sit home the Dems CAN win big in 2018.

The Repubs learned NOTHIMG from Trump's victory. Whatever he does, he does with the Democrats, media and too many Republicans working to undermine him.

He is a once in a lifetime president. I expect we're gonna blow this opportunity.
Gore got more popular votes in 2,000 too. It's no coincidence, there were widespread reports of voter fraud in battleground states like Wisconsin where people in Milwaukee were bragging about voting 6 or 7 times for Gore because the ballots were just lying on the table, not handed out. You could take as many as you wanted.
In Florida, during the recount fiasco, independent observers were saying they looked at the stacks of ballots, held them up to the light, and the light shined through all the Bush stacks where the holes were punched but when they held up the Gore stacks, no light came through. They looked at the ballots and found several Bush ballots in each Gore stack. That is why Dems often win the popular vote but not the electoral vote. They cheat, and it's always in Democrat controlled districts. Dem poll workers often engage in election fraud and should go to jail for it.
Republican need to use this opportunity to clean up voting districts like Detroit.

Institute voter ID, remove ALL illegals, clean up voter registration, and dry up the Democrats money laundering system from places Like Planned Parenthood.
I know it's way early but I HATE how so MANY liberal media outlets are trying to DESTROY him! He didn't win a massive electoral landslide or anything but it was sizable.

He won Ohio by 9 points and that is one of the few states that's actually getting whiter so he's likely safe there. But he didn't win by much in the other Rust belt states so he must hold Pennsylvania too! But if he loses Florida & Wisconsin then he loses the Presidency! He seems fairly strong in Florida but that could flip! Plus TX, AZ, & GA are getting more blue!

You know the crybaby butthurt liberals are going to be out in force the next 2 elections! How do you guys see it?

BTW, I'm a PATRIOT in Missouri where Trump won by almost 20 points!

:woohoo::clap2::bow2: :salute:

Not worried at all. The more they try, the stronger Trump gets. The people are with Trump, not the Washington elite and media that keep trying to push their globalization agenda. Once four years pass, and there is no world war 3, gays aren't being rounded up, and the economy isn't destroyed like progressives predict, they won't stand a chance.

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