For those of you wearing them

What kinda mask are you using?

I have a buncha pm 2.5 cycling masks with replaceable filters. Occasionally I end up in moldy basements or dusty attics. They have exhalation valves but I have covered them for this use.

View attachment 356585

Research says that a pm 2.5 filter is nearly as good as n 95 if used properly. The filters have 2 layers of meltblown fabric, 2 layers of nonwoven cotton, and activated charcoal. The strap around design gives a tighter (if slightly less comfortable) fit to reduce or eliminate leakage around the edges.

What's yours?

I aint goin' shopping in something that looks like halloween.. The masks are to protect OTHERS from you.. TO cut the throwing distance of a cough or sneeze... If the CDC THOUGHT we all NEEDED a "nightmare on Elm street" mask -- they would have recommended it...
This accomplishes both and I don't care how it looks.
View attachment 356638
Are you actually wearing it? If so I couldn't care less what it says.
Nope but if the government mandated that you wear one that should be the one required.
What kinda mask are you using?

I have a buncha pm 2.5 cycling masks with replaceable filters. Occasionally I end up in moldy basements or dusty attics. They have exhalation valves but I have covered them for this use.

View attachment 356585

Research says that a pm 2.5 filter is nearly as good as n 95 if used properly. The filters have 2 layers of meltblown fabric, 2 layers of nonwoven cotton, and activated charcoal. The strap around design gives a tighter (if slightly less comfortable) fit to reduce or eliminate leakage around the edges.

What's yours?

I aint goin' shopping in something that looks like halloween.. The masks are to protect OTHERS from you.. TO cut the throwing distance of a cough or sneeze... If the CDC THOUGHT we all NEEDED a "nightmare on Elm street" mask -- they would have recommended it...
This accomplishes both and I don't care how it looks.

Well good for you.. Wear it well.. Live long and prosper... Should be wearing it YEAR ROUND every year tho.. Because the mortality rate for CV-19 is now (as Trump asserted it would be early on) AT LEAST 12 times lower than the initial CDC/WHO estimates that kicked off this National nightmare,..

I guess the CDC/WHO KNOWINGLY killed 10s of thousands for so long DENYING that people should wear masks at all... Send a pic to Dr. Fauci with you in that... He's got a sense of humor probably.. Make sure you look all Covidly and no haircut for the past 3 months...
He prefers the mask with the optional rubber ball attachment.
What kinda mask are you using?

I have a buncha pm 2.5 cycling masks with replaceable filters. Occasionally I end up in moldy basements or dusty attics. They have exhalation valves but I have covered them for this use.

View attachment 356585

Research says that a pm 2.5 filter is nearly as good as n 95 if used properly. The filters have 2 layers of meltblown fabric, 2 layers of nonwoven cotton, and activated charcoal. The strap around design gives a tighter (if slightly less comfortable) fit to reduce or eliminate leakage around the edges.

What's yours?
I wear the same face shield I use for skiing.
What kinda mask are you using?

I have a buncha pm 2.5 cycling masks with replaceable filters. Occasionally I end up in moldy basements or dusty attics. They have exhalation valves but I have covered them for this use.

View attachment 356585

Research says that a pm 2.5 filter is nearly as good as n 95 if used properly. The filters have 2 layers of meltblown fabric, 2 layers of nonwoven cotton, and activated charcoal. The strap around design gives a tighter (if slightly less comfortable) fit to reduce or eliminate leakage around the edges.

What's yours?
How is it for filtering out particle sizes 100nm down to 30 nm? I'f it can't do that then it's useless as protection from the covid 19 virus because that's how small the cells are. BTW activated carbon is only good for protection from organic solvents such as used in paints and are useless for biological agents.
Maybe I need me one of these...

View attachment 356611
Wow, look at his eyes in this pic! It's no wonder he won a Best Actor Oscar for his performance.

Have you not seen the movie??? I've seen it so many times I only need to hear one line (or less) for the hairs on the back of my neck to stand out and KNOW it's on.

As for the mask itself...…….it may not cover the nose & mouth 'effectively' for the virus, but wearing it....other people will definitely keep their distance :badgrin:
Maybe I need me one of these...

View attachment 356611
Wow, look at his eyes in this pic! It's no wonder he won a Best Actor Oscar for his performance.

Have you not seen the movie??? I've seen it so many times I only need to hear one line (or less) for the hairs on the back of my neck to stand out and KNOW it's on.

As for the mask itself...…….it may not cover the nose & mouth 'effectively' for the virus, but wearing it....other people will definitely keep their distance :badgrin:
Yep, I've seen it a couple times. I saw it in the theaters when it came out. It was just a chilling performance by Anthony Hopkins.
In this state it's been mandatory since Friday, I don't automatically wear a mask but I carry two with me. One is my 'nice' mask when the business has plainly posted it's required and I respect them enough to do so, and the other is for anyone or business that gives me shit about not wearing one when it's not clearly posted. I wrote 'kiss my ass' on it
You know most of those shops you decide to be a pain in the ass in have low wage workers that then have to deal with your crap. Why do you put them in that position where they need to hassle you and then get your grief? Sounds super immature and misdirected

I am not being the 'pain in the ass' here. I said the business's that do not clearly post masks are required inside, I do not wear a mask. IF they give me shit about not wearing one, then I put on the mask I marked with 'kiss my ass', and so far, haven't had too.

In this state, it's by Governor mandate to require is not a law, never went thru legal processes to become a law and therefore I'm not breaking any law. AND the majority of law enforcement agencies in this state have already declared it is a HEALTH issue NOT a LEGAL issue and will not be 'enforcing' with jail or fines to violators.

So yeah........KISS MY ASS!
Good I hope you never use it. If somebody asks you to put one on it is because, it’s either their job, or they are scared of getting sick, or they are trying to protect others. None are a good reasons to tell them to kiss your ass.

You do sound super tough though. I totally believe you would do it if that counts for anything.

Look......I'm a reasonable person and intelligent enough to know that in the history of the world, there has never, EVER been a time when healthy people have been quarantined and/or forced to wear a mask because of a virus. Not to mention, shutting down the country for it. Sure, virus's and pandemics come and go. Unfortunately many vulnerable people die from it, but those numbers are still much lower than a good portion of the population that doesn't get it at all and others may get it and survive.

I also know this isn't about a virus and trying to protect the population from it. This shit is about control, and if you've been paying close attention, beyond the 'headlines' to see just how fast the information has changed that is being put forth on the public, while anything that contradicts the given narrative of the day is being quelled. Regardless of 'what side your on', you can't deny there is something seriously wrong going on here...….well maybe you can deny it if you have an attention span of a gnat, or flat refuse to see anything beyond the nose on your face.

As for my not wearing a mask.......if in a business, they should publicly post a sign on the door, if they require it. If they don't require it, then leave me alone. As for anyone else, they should practice social distancing. So if they did, then the mask wouldn't be an issue. Personally I don't like crowds and get claustrophobic when in a close grouping without a way out...….so I don't have a problem with distancing. Which should be encouraged more than trying to force me to wear a mask.

And when it comes to which mask I chose to wear, if asked to do so...….depends more on the person or entity doing the 'asking'. If they are nice and respectful, then I will be too...….if they're assholes about it, well I will be too. But the message of 'kiss my ass' was never really directed toward the people or business because I do understand their concerns and it was more directed at 'the powers that be' that have mandated it. Besides, what does it matter the 'decoration' of the mask, as long as I wear one IF I deem necessary. More than likely, I'll just leave and probably not do business there again, unless for whatever reason I have no other choice, then it's up to me on how to respond to get what I need.

My toughness??? I'm just an old lady that's tired of taking crap from others at any level and now giving it back. See my avatar? Fits me to a tee
What kinda mask are you using?

I have a buncha pm 2.5 cycling masks with replaceable filters. Occasionally I end up in moldy basements or dusty attics. They have exhalation valves but I have covered them for this use.

View attachment 356585

Research says that a pm 2.5 filter is nearly as good as n 95 if used properly. The filters have 2 layers of meltblown fabric, 2 layers of nonwoven cotton, and activated charcoal. The strap around design gives a tighter (if slightly less comfortable) fit to reduce or eliminate leakage around the edges.

What's yours?
reeeeee3bre er.png
Besides,,,,,has anyone considered the fact that if say 95% of the people are wearing masks...…..the only ones at risk, are those who don't??? And only if they are within close range of each other, IF one is contagious?

Those wearing masks are protected because of the mask from anyone who doesn't wear one AND the one not wearing a mask is also protected from the one who does wear a mask.
In this state it's been mandatory since Friday, I don't automatically wear a mask but I carry two with me. One is my 'nice' mask when the business has plainly posted it's required and I respect them enough to do so, and the other is for anyone or business that gives me shit about not wearing one when it's not clearly posted. I wrote 'kiss my ass' on it
You know most of those shops you decide to be a pain in the ass in have low wage workers that then have to deal with your crap. Why do you put them in that position where they need to hassle you and then get your grief? Sounds super immature and misdirected

I am not being the 'pain in the ass' here. I said the business's that do not clearly post masks are required inside, I do not wear a mask. IF they give me shit about not wearing one, then I put on the mask I marked with 'kiss my ass', and so far, haven't had too.

In this state, it's by Governor mandate to require is not a law, never went thru legal processes to become a law and therefore I'm not breaking any law. AND the majority of law enforcement agencies in this state have already declared it is a HEALTH issue NOT a LEGAL issue and will not be 'enforcing' with jail or fines to violators.

So yeah........KISS MY ASS!
Good I hope you never use it. If somebody asks you to put one on it is because, it’s either their job, or they are scared of getting sick, or they are trying to protect others. None are a good reasons to tell them to kiss your ass.

You do sound super tough though. I totally believe you would do it if that counts for anything.

Look......I'm a reasonable person and intelligent enough to know that in the history of the world, there has never, EVER been a time when healthy people have been quarantined and/or forced to wear a mask because of a virus. Not to mention, shutting down the country for it. Sure, virus's and pandemics come and go. Unfortunately many vulnerable people die from it, but those numbers are still much lower than a good portion of the population that doesn't get it at all and others may get it and survive.

I also know this isn't about a virus and trying to protect the population from it. This shit is about control, and if you've been paying close attention, beyond the 'headlines' to see just how fast the information has changed that is being put forth on the public, while anything that contradicts the given narrative of the day is being quelled. Regardless of 'what side your on', you can't deny there is something seriously wrong going on here...….well maybe you can deny it if you have an attention span of a gnat, or flat refuse to see anything beyond the nose on your face.

As for my not wearing a mask.......if in a business, they should publicly post a sign on the door, if they require it. If they don't require it, then leave me alone. As for anyone else, they should practice social distancing. So if they did, then the mask wouldn't be an issue. Personally I don't like crowds and get claustrophobic when in a close grouping without a way out...….so I don't have a problem with distancing. Which should be encouraged more than trying to force me to wear a mask.

And when it comes to which mask I chose to wear, if asked to do so...….depends more on the person or entity doing the 'asking'. If they are nice and respectful, then I will be too...….if they're assholes about it, well I will be too. But the message of 'kiss my ass' was never really directed toward the people or business because I do understand their concerns and it was more directed at 'the powers that be' that have mandated it. Besides, what does it matter the 'decoration' of the mask, as long as I wear one IF I deem necessary. More than likely, I'll just leave and probably not do business there again, unless for whatever reason I have no other choice, then it's up to me on how to respond to get what I need.

My toughness??? I'm just an old lady that's tired of taking crap from others at any level and now giving it back. See my avatar? Fits me to a tee
Haha, I wouldn’t have taken you for a tough old lady. Pictured you as one of those macho maga dudes with a chip on their shoulder.

To be honest I’d get a kick out of seeing an old lady wearing a Kiss my ass mask and you seem to have good enough awareness to respect others so I don’t have much beef with you. I agree there’s a ton of misinformation, evolving narratives, over reactions and under reactions. This whole thing has been a mess. We are a rich enough country and a should be civilized And smart enough to value lives over pocketbooks and we should have the resources to not have to sacrifice one for the other in too drastic of a way. Unfortunately we don’t have our best minds working on that solution because everybody is so busy trying to blame the other party.
My mask is always having around my neck, but I rarely wear it only when i am around a bunch of people or required
This is what I do too. My mask is a cloth one that I won't throw away due to the $5.00 that had to be thrown down for it.

God bless you always!!!

What kinda mask are you using?

I have a buncha pm 2.5 cycling masks with replaceable filters. Occasionally I end up in moldy basements or dusty attics. They have exhalation valves but I have covered them for this use.

View attachment 356585

Research says that a pm 2.5 filter is nearly as good as n 95 if used properly. The filters have 2 layers of meltblown fabric, 2 layers of nonwoven cotton, and activated charcoal. The strap around design gives a tighter (if slightly less comfortable) fit to reduce or eliminate leakage around the edges.

What's yours?

I aint goin' shopping in something that looks like halloween.. The masks are to protect OTHERS from you.. TO cut the throwing distance of a cough or sneeze... If the CDC THOUGHT we all NEEDED a "nightmare on Elm street" mask -- they would have recommended it...
This accomplishes both and I don't care how it looks.

Well good for you.. Wear it well.. Live long and prosper... Should be wearing it YEAR ROUND every year tho.. Because the mortality rate for CV-19 is now (as Trump asserted it would be early on) AT LEAST 12 times lower than the initial CDC/WHO estimates that kicked off this National nightmare,..

I guess the CDC/WHO KNOWINGLY killed 10s of thousands for so long DENYING that people should wear masks at all... Send a pic to Dr. Fauci with you in that... He's got a sense of humor probably.. Make sure you look all Covidly and no haircut for the past 3 months...
He prefers the mask with the optional rubber ball attachment.
View attachment 356751
Odd how you just happen to be well informed about that particular kinda thing....
What kinda mask are you using?

I have a buncha pm 2.5 cycling masks with replaceable filters. Occasionally I end up in moldy basements or dusty attics. They have exhalation valves but I have covered them for this use.

View attachment 356585

Research says that a pm 2.5 filter is nearly as good as n 95 if used properly. The filters have 2 layers of meltblown fabric, 2 layers of nonwoven cotton, and activated charcoal. The strap around design gives a tighter (if slightly less comfortable) fit to reduce or eliminate leakage around the edges.

What's yours?
How is it for filtering out particle sizes 100nm down to 30 nm? I'f it can't do that then it's useless as protection from the covid 19 virus because that's how small the cells are. BTW activated carbon is only good for protection from organic solvents such as used in paints and are useless for biological agents.
What kinda mask are you using?

I have a buncha pm 2.5 cycling masks with replaceable filters. Occasionally I end up in moldy basements or dusty attics. They have exhalation valves but I have covered them for this use.

View attachment 356585

Research says that a pm 2.5 filter is nearly as good as n 95 if used properly. The filters have 2 layers of meltblown fabric, 2 layers of nonwoven cotton, and activated charcoal. The strap around design gives a tighter (if slightly less comfortable) fit to reduce or eliminate leakage around the edges.

What's yours?
View attachment 356808
So, how's that one working out for ya?

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