For Those That Support Bernie Sanders...What Say Ye?

I think it's great to see all the diverse political divisions in mindset shared by all equals a weak nation.
the totality of the evidence suggests Sanders is an extremely, uniquely, risky nominee. His vulnerabilities are enormous and untested. No party nomination, with the exception of Goldwater in 1964, has put forth a presidential nominee with the level of downside risk exposure as a Sanders-led ticket would bring. To nominate Sanders would be insane.
the totality of the evidence suggests Sanders is an extremely, uniquely, risky nominee. His vulnerabilities are enormous and untested. No party nomination, with the exception of Goldwater in 1964, has put forth a presidential nominee with the level of downside risk exposure as a Sanders-led ticket would bring. To nominate Sanders would be insane.
I thought you liked Bernie.
the totality of the evidence suggests Sanders is an extremely, uniquely, risky nominee. His vulnerabilities are enormous and untested. No party nomination, with the exception of Goldwater in 1964, has put forth a presidential nominee with the level of downside risk exposure as a Sanders-led ticket would bring. To nominate Sanders would be insane.
I thought you liked Bernie.
i only like God.

You think it's a good idea that "da gubermint" has more firepower in order to keep the serfs in place? That's how commies think until they are under this type of jackboot tyranny.

Naw, I'm actually bothered by the fact we have 900 Civilians shot by police every year while the UK only shoots 2-5 a year, because they don't let every nut have a gun. I'm also bothered by the fact we have 32,000 gun deaths a year when most countries only have a handful. What I was pointing out was the ABSOLUTE STUPIDITY of gun nuts who think they needs them some guns to fights the government. I promise you, your neighbors are more terrified of you than the government.


Obviously they do fear those that value the 2nd amendment or this corporate entity disguised as a legitimate governmental body wouldn't be trying so hard to dissolve it and using false flag and staged events to demonize gun owners. Personally, I will take my chances on the 1 in a million occasion that someone has a meltdown with a gun as opposed to a tyrannical government that is only allowed to be armed. The last movie I saw where only "da gubermint" was allowed to be armed was Schindler's List....didn't work out all that well for the Jews, as I recall.

Uh, guy, German gun ownership prior to World War II was widespread. Most German households owned guns. In fact, the German populace wasn't disarmed until AFTER the war when Eisenhower got tired of the occassional dead-ender taking pot shots at his troops. But none of those Germans rushed out with their guns to save their Jewish neighbors. Fuck those guys.


Catholicism is a cult using pagan and druid rituals and symbols as the bases for their "religion" with a few Biblical references thrown in for affect. The Reformation of Martin Luther was countered by the creation of the Jesuits, the military arm of the Vatican whose goal was to bring all "heretics" aka "Protest-ants" back under Papal authority. I have no doubt that you had lacked impulse control as a teen...hell, you lack it even today.

Uh, you do realize that Catholicism was here first, right? While there was corruption that lead to the Reformation and the Counter Reformation, the idea that any one sect is less christian than the other is ... silly. All religion is kind of fucked up. I do find it hilarious you think the Jesuits are a "military arm".


Uh, you claimed that you and others had totally debunked the 100 plus questions that puts the Sandy Hoax fake shooting event into you claim that posters here just ignored it? Interesting....since no one has been able to explain the numerous you...that totally pretends like you didn't see the questions and then goes right to the "insulting" phase" in a lame attempt to offset your asskicking.

Guy, the rantings of crazy people like you and Halbig (hope he enjoys jail) and Alex Jones (hope he enjoys poverty) aren't anomolies... they are just crazy people who weren't there exchanging paranoid theories.

So again- Occam's Razor. Simplest explanation is usually the right one.

1) A Crazy person stole his mom's guns and shot up a school.

2) Thousands of Federal, State, and local officials along with the thousands of people who live in that community ALL went along with an elaborate cover up of a misreported drill, and they've all kept their mouths shut for years, and both political parties and even the NRA have all kept silent about it...

But some loser living in a shack somewhere, he knows what the real deal is!!!


.it goes on and in and on.

Yes, you do. Again, I'm not sure what happened in your life to turn you into such a degenerate cocksucker.
the totality of the evidence suggests Sanders is an extremely, uniquely, risky nominee. His vulnerabilities are enormous and untested. No party nomination, with the exception of Goldwater in 1964, has put forth a presidential nominee with the level of downside risk exposure as a Sanders-led ticket would bring. To nominate Sanders would be insane.


That's what people said about Trump in 2016, and look how that turned out.

Remember when Trump did the crazy talk about buying Greenland? Of course not, he's said 20 other crazy things since then.

My reservation about Bernie isn't that he can't win. Quite the contrary, my worry about him is that he can. Biden might be the "safer" candidate, but he's got the same problem Hillary did.... He's the default choice, not the choice anyone has any passion about.

Bernie has an army of loyal, committed supporters, just like Trump does. That's why he COULD win, under the right circumstances.

His ability to run the country afterwards is more questionable.

Yes, it used to be when a party nominated a crazy person like Goldwater or McGovern, there were enough uncommitted people in the middle to say, "No thanks" and give the other person lopsided victories.

Not so much anymore.

I don't like Bernie, and I think he'd be a shitty president, but I'll vote for him over Trump.
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You think it's a good idea that "da gubermint" has more firepower in order to keep the serfs in place? That's how commies think until they are under this type of jackboot tyranny.

Naw, I'm actually bothered by the fact we have 900 Civilians shot by police every year while the UK only shoots 2-5 a year, because they don't let every nut have a gun. I'm also bothered by the fact we have 32,000 gun deaths a year when most countries only have a handful. What I was pointing out was the ABSOLUTE STUPIDITY of gun nuts who think they needs them some guns to fights the government. I promise you, your neighbors are more terrified of you than the government.


Obviously they do fear those that value the 2nd amendment or this corporate entity disguised as a legitimate governmental body wouldn't be trying so hard to dissolve it and using false flag and staged events to demonize gun owners. Personally, I will take my chances on the 1 in a million occasion that someone has a meltdown with a gun as opposed to a tyrannical government that is only allowed to be armed. The last movie I saw where only "da gubermint" was allowed to be armed was Schindler's List....didn't work out all that well for the Jews, as I recall.

Uh, guy, German gun ownership prior to World War II was widespread. Most German households owned guns. In fact, the German populace wasn't disarmed until AFTER the war when Eisenhower got tired of the occassional dead-ender taking pot shots at his troops. But none of those Germans rushed out with their guns to save their Jewish neighbors. Fuck those guys.

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Catholicism is a cult using pagan and druid rituals and symbols as the bases for their "religion" with a few Biblical references thrown in for affect. The Reformation of Martin Luther was countered by the creation of the Jesuits, the military arm of the Vatican whose goal was to bring all "heretics" aka "Protest-ants" back under Papal authority. I have no doubt that you had lacked impulse control as a teen...hell, you lack it even today.

Uh, you do realize that Catholicism was here first, right? While there was corruption that lead to the Reformation and the Counter Reformation, the idea that any one sect is less christian than the other is ... silly. All religion is kind of fucked up. I do find it hilarious you think the Jesuits are a "military arm".

View attachment 304078
Uh, you claimed that you and others had totally debunked the 100 plus questions that puts the Sandy Hoax fake shooting event into you claim that posters here just ignored it? Interesting....since no one has been able to explain the numerous you...that totally pretends like you didn't see the questions and then goes right to the "insulting" phase" in a lame attempt to offset your asskicking.

Guy, the rantings of crazy people like you and Halbig (hope he enjoys jail) and Alex Jones (hope he enjoys poverty) aren't anomolies... they are just crazy people who weren't there exchanging paranoid theories.

So again- Occam's Razor. Simplest explanation is usually the right one.

1) A Crazy person stole his mom's guns and shot up a school.

2) Thousands of Federal, State, and local officials along with the thousands of people who live in that community ALL went along with an elaborate cover up of a misreported drill, and they've all kept their mouths shut for years, and both political parties and even the NRA have all kept silent about it...

But some loser living in a shack somewhere, he knows what the real deal is!!!


.it goes on and in and on.

Yes, you do. Again, I'm not sure what happened in your life to turn you into such a degenerate cocksucker.

Ya know what cracks me up about you, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie? The way you lamely attempt to pontificate on topics that you have zero knowledge of. Never has one posted so much while saying so little. You are not capable of honest debate and when cornered like the little rat that you are? You claim that you have non-existent allies you can't produce (which when pointed out) you lamely attempt to change the topic. You boldly proclaim that Trump is a nazi and fascist while embracing totalitarian, feudalistic, communist ideals and wishes to turn over your unalienable rights for a "nanny state" where big brother dictates what you may or may not do.

You may have the genitalia of a male but you are anything but a "man". What is even more amusing is the way that you wear your ignorance like some kind of badge. Save your "cocksucking" comments for those times you visit the queer bath-houses that permeate Chicago and those in the "down low" club like Barrypuppet belonged too. I bother you, Joseph.....I bother you a great deal for some reason. I suspect it's because you can't defend your position with any conviction.


Ya know what cracks me up about you, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie? The way you lamely attempt to pontificate on topics that you have zero knowledge of. Never has one posted so much while saying so little. You are not capable of honest debate and when cornered like the little rat that you are? You claim that you have non-existent allies you can't produce (which when pointed out) you lamely attempt to change the topic. You boldly proclaim that Trump is a nazi and fascist while embracing totalitarian, feudalistic, communist ideals and wishes to turn over your unalienable rights for a "nanny state" where big brother dictates what you may or may not do.

Again, guy, most people don't talk to you because you are like the Crazy Homeless bum who claims the CIA put a chip in his brain. Which would normally make you harmless, but then you go on and on about how the children murdered at Sandy Hook were Crisis Actors, which makes you a truly despicable human being.


You may have the genitalia of a male but you are anything but a "man". What is even more amusing is the way that you wear your ignorance like some kind of badge. Save your "cocksucking" comments for those times you visit the queer bath-houses that permeate Chicago and those in the "down low" club like Barrypuppet belonged too. I bother you, Joseph.....I bother you a great deal for some reason. I suspect it's because you can't defend your position with any conviction.

Again- I'm a veteran who served my country.

You are an awful cocksucker who mocks the parents of slaughtered children.

THis is why you bother me. It takes a true effort to be this truly horrible as a human being. Honestly, I can't imagine what kind of awful it takes to say "You see that greiving dad? He's a Crisis Actor. See, he smiled for a second when talking to a friend. That proves it."

I have to assume you've never been to a funeral. People smile at funerals when they see friends or share memories. But somehow, I doubt you have enough HUMAN interaction to understand that.
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Don't support Bernie, not happy with anyone, do very much dislike Trumps way of winning, He said about Bloomberg "he is wasting his money, getting the DNC to rig the election against crazy Bernie" clever con to get Bernie supporters to not vote or write in Bernie because there mad at the Dems. Trump knows he has a better chance running against Bernie. Bernie's biggest problem, he is not a Dem or a Rep or running as an Independent.
Don't support Bernie, not happy with anyone, do very much dislike Trumps way of winning, He said about Bloomberg "he is wasting his money, getting the DNC to rig the election against crazy Bernie" clever con to get Bernie supporters to not vote or write in Bernie because there mad at the Dems. Trump knows he has a better chance running against Bernie. Bernie's biggest problem, he is not a Dem or a Rep or running as an Independent.
imo Bernie's problem is simply that even at age 78 (or whatever) he still wants to be a rock star, or at least Pete Seeger, rather than potus
View attachment 304199
Ya know what cracks me up about you, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie? The way you lamely attempt to pontificate on topics that you have zero knowledge of. Never has one posted so much while saying so little. You are not capable of honest debate and when cornered like the little rat that you are? You claim that you have non-existent allies you can't produce (which when pointed out) you lamely attempt to change the topic. You boldly proclaim that Trump is a nazi and fascist while embracing totalitarian, feudalistic, communist ideals and wishes to turn over your unalienable rights for a "nanny state" where big brother dictates what you may or may not do.

Again, guy, most people don't talk to you because you are like the Crazy Homeless bum who claims the CIA put a chip in his brain. Which would normally make you harmless, but then you go on and on about how the children murdered at Sandy Hook were Crisis Actors, which makes you a truly despicable human being.


You may have the genitalia of a male but you are anything but a "man". What is even more amusing is the way that you wear your ignorance like some kind of badge. Save your "cocksucking" comments for those times you visit the queer bath-houses that permeate Chicago and those in the "down low" club like Barrypuppet belonged too. I bother you, Joseph.....I bother you a great deal for some reason. I suspect it's because you can't defend your position with any conviction.

Again- I'm a veteran who served my country.

You are an awful cocksucker who mocks the parents of slaughtered children.

THis is why you bother me. It takes a true effort to be this truly horrible as a human being. Honestly, I can't imagine what kind of awful it takes to say "You see that greiving dad? He's a Crisis Actor. See, he smiled for a second when talking to a friend. That proves it."

I have to assume you've never been to a funeral. People smile at funerals when they see friends or share memories. But somehow, I doubt you have enough HUMAN interaction to understand that.

"Again, guy, most people don't talk to you because you are like the Crazy Homeless bum who claims the CIA put a chip in his brain. Which would normally make you harmless, but then you go on and on about how the children murdered at Sandy Hook were Crisis Actors, which makes you a truly despicable human being"

There are plenty of posters that interact with me. I guarantee you that if we were to take a poll as to which poster brings more to this forum between you and myself? I would beat you by a three to one margin and that is a conservative estimate. The event in Newtown, CT aka "Sandy Hoax" was a blatant attempt at a psy-op (much like Operation Gladio) that fell flat on it's face because not even the basics were covered to even give off the illusion of a mass casualty event.

"Again- I'm a veteran who served my country"

If so, then you took an oath to defend the organic constitution which includes the 2nd amendment....yet you are very adamant that no American have so much as a shotgun so don't even try and "lord" your time in the army over me, Joe Blowhard.

"You are an awful cocksucker who mocks the parents of slaughtered children"

Mock? No, I am saying that they were willing pawns in a pathetic attempt at demonizing the 2nd amendment and probably have second thoughts about participating in this contrived event. I will leave what you deem as "awful cocksucking" to someone like yourself that can distinguish between good fellatio and that which is bad. (snicker)

"THis is why you bother me. It takes a true effort to be this truly horrible as a human being. Honestly, I can't imagine what kind of awful it takes to say "You see that greiving dad? He's a Crisis Actor. See, he smiled for a second when talking to a friend. That proves it."

Robbie Parker is smirking and grinning while not realizing the cameras are rolling...then he starts to hyper-ventilate trying to get into character as he is feigning grief. He is also quick to comment that a donation page has been set up for his family. Why would that be necessary? The state of Connecticut is responsible financially for anything that happens to a child under their supervision? I know that if I lost one of my children? Money or financial gain wouldn't even be in the top 200 things running through my mind.

"I have to assume you've never been to a funeral. People smile at funerals when they see friends or share memories. But somehow, I doubt you have enough HUMAN interaction to understand that."

Nope, you would be wrong on that account. One particular funeral I attended had to do with a car accident that killed three children of our church congregation when the car that hit them ran a red light. There were no smiles, no smirking. Just the parents looking like they had aged ten years, dark circles under their eyes that were puffy from crying. I saw nothing that even resembled grief from the actors that went on TV. One "mother" said that they drew pictures on their daughter's coffin because she had liked to draw and she giggled when she said her deceased daughter had to of been laughing at how badly they were drawing. No puffy eyes, no signs of grieving. I have seen more emotion from those that have had to put down a beloved pet than what I saw from the Sandy Hoax parents. The Wheeler parents were especially creepy acting. You got played, Joe Blowhard. You have no explanation for even three of the 100 or so anomalies of that day. You can't explain how a mother that claimed to get through the clogged road leading to the school that claimed (on CBS morning news) that she saw child after deceased child being carried out of the school of officers with blood stained uniform at 10 AM when we know from the Connecticut state official report that not a single "victim" was removed from the school until the wee hours of Saturday morning......18 hours after this alleged event and not a single parent was allowed into the school to identify their child. Keep offering up your chin for another uppercut, dumb ass.
This Crazy Rant by Dale Brought to you by Mad Dog 20/20, the preferred drink of awful Stew Bums since 1965.


The event in Newtown, CT aka "Sandy Hoax" was a blatant attempt at a psy-op (much like Operation Gladio) that fell flat on it's face because not even the basics were covered to even give off the illusion of a mass casualty event.

Wow, guy, you prove one batshit conspiracy theory by quoting another batshit conspiracy theory.

If so, then you took an oath to defend the organic constitution which includes the 2nd amendment....yet you are very adamant that no American have so much as a shotgun so don't even try and "lord" your time in the army over me, Joe Blowhard.

I'm all for well-organized Militias. before the Army gave me a gun, they did a thorough background check, tested me for drug use, gave me extensive training and made sure I knew what I was doing. The Founding Slave Rapists never envisioned an Adam Lanza with a semi-automatic weapon, it was beyond their understanding.

Mock? No, I am saying that they were willing pawns in a pathetic attempt at demonizing the 2nd amendment and probably have second thoughts about participating in this contrived event.

Yet NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM has come out and broken bad out of thousands of people who must have been in on it. You see, here's the problem with a "Crisis Actor" theory. It involves an "Actor" no one has ever heard of taking one role, and never, ever doing another acting job again. You see, funny thing about Actors, most of them have a portfolio of movies, TV or theater they've done, so if these were "Actors", you'd have no problem

The problem with your theory is that a government that can terrify thousands of would be actors into giving up their vocation for life under pain of death... would have no problem just eliminating people like you and Alex Jones.

Robbie Parker is smirking and grinning while not realizing the cameras are rolling...

Which is what normal people do when talking to friends during times of greif, but we've established you aren't a normal person.

Nope, you would be wrong on that account. One particular funeral I attended had to do with a car accident that killed three children of our church congregation when the car that hit them ran a red light. There were no smiles, no smirking. Just the parents looking like they had aged ten years, dark circles under their eyes that were puffy from crying. I saw nothing that even resembled grief from the actors that went on TV.

Frankly, I've been to funerals and no one looked like that. True, they thankfully weren't kids involved. Not everyone deals with death the same way.
AOC just announced that the Democratic party is a centrist-conservative party. That there isn't a left party. That sounds like commie propaganda to me.
AOC is paid to sound like a nut-case.....she's got a job to do....pushing the Democrat Party farther left.

AOC covered a Bernie Sanders campaign event for him...then forgot to mentioned his name once. :21:
Imagine that!

HYPOCRITE: AOC Says Charter Schools for Mine But Not for Thine.

New York City's Democratic Socialist Party wants to eliminate charter schools, but that didn't stop party member Congresscritter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from boasting about getting her goddaughter into one.

"My goddaughter, I got her into a charter school like maybe a block or two down," while walking along Hunts Point Avenue in the Bronx.​

Her party, meanwhile, argues that "Charter schools act as tools for privatizing education and weakening the power of unionized teachers." Of course, this is the same party platform that claims public school classrooms can be "sites for indoctrination into nationalist and individualist ideologies, and the production of compliant workers." Compliant or individualist: You only get to choose one. AOC's party promises to "End the creation of new charter schools, ban the expansion of existing charter schools, and transform existing charter schools into public schools." Nevertheless, on January 26 the city's Democratic Socialist party blessed AOC with its endorsement for her reelection.
New York City's Democratic Socialist Party wants to eliminate charter schools, but that didn't stop party member Congresscritter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from boasting about getting her goddaughter into one.

"My goddaughter, I got her into a charter school like maybe a block or two down," while walking along Hunts Point Avenue in the Bronx.
Her party, meanwhile, argues that "Charter schools act as tools for privatizing education and weakening the power of unionized teachers." Of course, this is the same party platform that claims public school classrooms can be "sites for indoctrination into nationalist and individualist ideologies, and the production of compliant workers." Compliant or individualist: You only get to choose one. AOC's party promises to "End the creation of new charter schools, ban the expansion of existing charter schools, and transform existing charter schools into public schools." Nevertheless, on January 26 the city's Democratic Socialist party blessed AOC with its endorsement for her reelection.

Funny, I wasn't aware Godparents had that much of an influence in where a kid goes to school. I think that would be a choice by ACTUAL PARENTS.

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