For Those That Support Bernie Sanders...What Say Ye?

LOL! All you gun grabbing commie fuckwads fall from the same tree grown in rotted soil, lil Joe.
BTW, I didn't , nor would I "promise" a sorry POS like you a fucking thing, lil Joe, the card carrying, gun grabbing commie.

P.S You live in a commie stronghold there in Chicago and if Bernie "I never held down a real job ever" Sanders gets the DNC nod? You'll vote for him with a big ol grin on that ugly face of yours.

If Bernie gets the nomination, I'd vote for him because he isn't a crazy Nazi like Trump... but that's bout it.

The scary thing is, why so many young kids are thinking socialism is cool now... I'd explain it to you, but it doesn't involved chemtrails or false flags, so you still wouldn't get it.

So what happened, whatever new place you found didn't put up with your crap and banned you for life?
Nothing Crazy about wanting to arrest Billionaires and putting them in work camps and making them dig mass graves and build roads with a shovel and rake?

Nothing Crazy about wanting to build Guillotines to behead Christians and Conservatives?

Nothing Crazy about wanting to put Conservatives in Concentration Camps and Work Camps and work them and starve them to death?

If Bernie Sanders is not a Nazi what is he?

Socialist Math

Hitler killed 20 Million
Stalin killed 60 Million
Mao killed 100 Million
Roe v Wade killed 60 Million


The Democrat Party if they are given too much power?
If they were warming up at 60 million, just how many can they actually kill?

Trump's the guy that always has his nose up some dictators culo. Putin, Kim, Duterte, on and on....
6 Strongmen Trump Has Praised — And The Conflicts It Presents
While I would like to see Bernie debate Trump, and it would be good to see him destroy the corrupt DNC, the way Trump has demolished the corrupt GOP, there are indications that he isn't as wholesome as he claims to be, thank you Dale;

Bolshevik Bern? Shockingly, Sanders Hasn’t Fired Bloodthirsty, Pro-gulag, Marxist Staffer
Bolshevik Bern? Shockingly, Sanders Hasn’t Fired Bloodthirsty, Pro-gulag, Marxist Staffer

". . . Sanders’ failure to act is quite revealing. After all, he “has spent years convincing voters that his Soviet honeymoon, his support for the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, his admiration for Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez were all a misunderstanding,” notes American Thinker.

Yet Jurek has now “undercut Sanders’s carefully cultivated public relations persona to win voters and made Sanders look like Mao recrudescent, Stalin reborn, and Pol Pot’s ghost, something worse than even what most suspicious Republicans have ever came up with,” the site continues.

So why is Sanders playing the three “hear, see, and speak no evil” monkeys? First note that the senator is heavily invested in Jurek. For example, it has now been revealed that the organizer has a history of arrests for drug violations and related charges and that the Sanders’ campaign just bailed him out of jail earlier this week after a January 7 apprehension (as PV head James O’Keefe reports below); moreover, there’s a question as to whether campaign funds were used for this purpose.

UPDATE: @BernieSanders Campaign Organizer Kyle Jurek was just released on bail earlier this week after his arrest on 01/07/2020.

Jurek is still on the Sanders campaign. #Expose2020

— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 16, 2020

Yet Sanders may be invested in another way as well. Jurek also declared that the campaign is full of people such as him — he even provided their first names. This “suggests that maybe Sanders can’t fire Jurek because they’re all like that, and he’d actually have to fire his entire Iowa operation,” surmises American Thinker.

It goes beyond this, however. Would you want a disgruntled ex-employee out and about shooting his mouth off about the organization’s secrets? An angry, drug-addled and perhaps unstable man such as Jurek could become a loose cannon.. . . "

Bernie Sanders's refusal to fire violent pro-gulag communist on staff speaks volumes

". . . There's also a third detail: Jurek himself said that Sanders is faking it about the "democratic" socialism, because he too is the real thing. So much for deniability: it sounds as though he has the same views.

BREAKING: @BernieSanders Iowa Campaign Staffer "I think that he's a legit socialist masquerading as a democratic socialist" #Expose2020

— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 15, 2020

It raises questions about the whole picture Sanders stands for. Violence has been a part of the Sanders operation for years. Recall that it was a Sanders staffer, James Hodgkinson, who attempted to assassinate GOP congressional leader Steve Scalise and wounded him badly with gunfire. John Hinderaker at Power Line has some excellent observations about that here.

Sanders escaped blame for it on the grounds that any campaign could have a crazy staffer. But the Iowa stuff tells a story of apparently all crazy staffers, hell-bent on gulags, re-education camps, Kulak-targeting, burning cities, murdered resistors, and all the things that really happened in every country that ever became a socialist hellhole.

This is scary stuff, calling for your vote based on a cute grumpy grandpa personality fronting for the sick horrors of socialism. Once in, there are no outs; just ask a Venezuelan. The Democrats are apparently looking for a means of rigging Sanders out, but given that socialist Sanders becomes a "Democrat" only at election time, they never should have let him in to start with. Now he's the frontrunner, and he's showing what he's made of. O'Keefe says Jurek still has his job, and Iowa moves apace. The only thing left is to expose him, and for that, O'Keefe has done a tremendous public service. "
Nothing Crazy about wanting to arrest Billionaires and putting them in work camps and making them dig mass graves and build roads with a shovel and rake?

Nothing Crazy about wanting to build Guillotines to behead Christians and Conservatives?

Nothing Crazy about wanting to put Conservatives in Concentration Camps and Work Camps and work them and starve them to death?

Nobody has really suggested doing that.

Oh my God, if Bernie wins, Billionaires will have to pay their fair share AND Christians can't impose their bronze age superstitions on the rest of us. That's HORRIBLE.
Dale, please rethink accepting the videos project veritas throws out there. Their leader and their production crew are very bogus and have been caught doing unethical behavior.
Uh huh. So how does that negate the violent Commie ranting on the videos?
Bernie's a real Communist . He's got six house while the useful idiots who work for him work six jobs. His supports are too stupid to see that.

Thankfully, he'll never the nomination l, he's just vcd waiting for the DNC to sweeten their offer like they did in 2016.
Dale, please rethink accepting the videos project veritas throws out there. Their leader and their production crew are very bogus and have been caught doing unethical behavior.
Uh huh. So how does that negate the violent Commie ranting on the videos?

Who knows who the hell they are, and even if they do somewhere work for the Sanders' campaign... do you have any clue how many people work on a campaign for a Presidential team across the U.S.? You think Sanders knows who all of them are? Do you think Sanders picks each one? Jesus you people crack me up.

It would be like saying Aaron Hernandez was a crazy ass killer... and he was on the same team as Tom Brady, so Tom Brady must be a crazy ass killer too. But instead it is even worse than that. It wold be like saying Aaron Hernandez was a crazy ass killer, and Joe Smith who is an 8 year-old peewee football player in Portland, Maine, must be a crazy ass killer too.
Dale, please rethink accepting the videos project veritas throws out there. Their leader and their production crew are very bogus and have been caught doing unethical behavior.
Uh huh. So how does that negate the violent Commie ranting on the videos?

Who knows who the hell they are, and even if they do somewhere work for the Sanders' campaign... do you have any clue how many people work on a campaign for a Presidential team across the U.S.? You think Sanders knows who all of them are? Do you think Sanders picks each one? Jesus you people crack me up.

It would be like saying Aaron Hernandez was a crazy ass killer... and he was on the same team as Tom Brady, so Tom Brady must be a crazy ass killer too. But instead it is even worse than that. It wold be like saying Aaron Hernandez was a crazy ass killer, and Joe Smith who is an 8 year-old peewee football player in Portland, Maine, must be a crazy ass killer too.

Clown AND a Liar, perfect Bernie Commie supporter. You realize Commie supporters like you end up like the folks in Venezuela: unarmed, selling your kids and eating your pets to survive while Bernie goes between any of his 7 houses
Dale, please rethink accepting the videos project veritas throws out there. Their leader and their production crew are very bogus and have been caught doing unethical behavior.
Uh huh. So how does that negate the violent Commie ranting on the videos?

Who knows who the hell they are, and even if they do somewhere work for the Sanders' campaign... do you have any clue how many people work on a campaign for a Presidential team across the U.S.? You think Sanders knows who all of them are? Do you think Sanders picks each one? Jesus you people crack me up.

It would be like saying Aaron Hernandez was a crazy ass killer... and he was on the same team as Tom Brady, so Tom Brady must be a crazy ass killer too. But instead it is even worse than that. It wold be like saying Aaron Hernandez was a crazy ass killer, and Joe Smith who is an 8 year-old peewee football player in Portland, Maine, must be a crazy ass killer too.

Clown AND a Liar, perfect Bernie Commie supporter. You realize Commie supporters like you end up like the folks in Venezuela: unarmed, selling your kids and eating your pets to survive while Bernie goes between any of his 7 houses

I wouldn't be supporting Bernie Sanders if the Republicans like you hadn't given support to the lying, cheating, unethical, immoral, fake, adulterous Donald Trump.

Your understanding of Democratic Socialism is to bring up Venezuela totally clarifies why you support Trump. You have no blood flow from the neck up. At least Sanders can tell the truth. You still quote that lie about Sanders and his homes... I guess if you are going to pile shit you might as well keep doing so, because your hands are already covered in it so why stop now?
Bernie: "Lets destroy Capitalism and impose Socialism in this country, what could possibly go wrong?"
All you have to do to discover what's wrong with Bernie is to read the communist playbook or manifesto.

Bernie supporters say "Boy.....I want me some of that."


Venezuela's Playbook: The Communist Manifesto

After 70 years, Chinese Communism threatens the world more than ever

Socialism only survives when it can tap the wealth made under Capitalism. Once the money made under Capitalism is gone then everybody is screwed.

Bernie and his followers knows this as much as the rest of us but their greed overrides their brain.

Moon Bats are always confused when it comes to Economics, Ethics, History, Climate Science, Biology and the Constitution.
Bernie: "Lets destroy Capitalism and impose Socialism in this country, what could possibly go wrong?"
All you have to do to discover what's wrong with Bernie is to read the communist playbook or manifesto.

Bernie supporters say "Boy.....I want me some of that."


Venezuela's Playbook: The Communist Manifesto

After 70 years, Chinese Communism threatens the world more than ever

Socialism only survives when it can tap the wealth made under Capitalism. Once the money made under Capitalism is gone then everybody is screwed.

Bernie and his followers knows this as much as the rest of us but their greed overrides their brain.

Moon Bats are always confused when it comes to Economics, Ethics, History, Climate Science, Biology and the Constitution.
Socialists are using Climate Change to destroy economies so they can institute Socialism.
Dale, please rethink accepting the videos project veritas throws out there. Their leader and their production crew are very bogus and have been caught doing unethical behavior.
Uh huh. So how does that negate the violent Commie ranting on the videos?

Who knows who the hell they are, and even if they do somewhere work for the Sanders' campaign... do you have any clue how many people work on a campaign for a Presidential team across the U.S.? You think Sanders knows who all of them are? Do you think Sanders picks each one? Jesus you people crack me up.

It would be like saying Aaron Hernandez was a crazy ass killer... and he was on the same team as Tom Brady, so Tom Brady must be a crazy ass killer too. But instead it is even worse than that. It wold be like saying Aaron Hernandez was a crazy ass killer, and Joe Smith who is an 8 year-old peewee football player in Portland, Maine, must be a crazy ass killer too.

Clown AND a Liar, perfect Bernie Commie supporter. You realize Commie supporters like you end up like the folks in Venezuela: unarmed, selling your kids and eating your pets to survive while Bernie goes between any of his 7 houses

I wouldn't be supporting Bernie Sanders if the Republicans like you hadn't given support to the lying, cheating, unethical, immoral, fake, adulterous Donald Trump.

Your understanding of Democratic Socialism is to bring up Venezuela totally clarifies why you support Trump. You have no blood flow from the neck up. At least Sanders can tell the truth. You still quote that lie about Sanders and his homes... I guess if you are going to pile shit you might as well keep doing so, because your hands are already covered in it so why stop now?
Thankfully most Americans reject Socialism. Once Trump reforms the education system, Socialism will be about as desirable as Ebola AIDS herpes
AOC just announced that the Democratic party is a centrist-conservative party. That there isn't a left party. That sounds like commie propaganda to me.
AOC is paid to sound like a nut-case.....she's got a job to do....pushing the Democrat Party farther left.

AOC covered a Bernie Sanders campaign event for him...then forgot to mentioned his name once. :21:
So has the democrat party that works hand in hand with the same bought and paid for repub party. Notice how nothing ever changes policy wise? We are given the illusion that we pick our masters but the same banking oligarchs that control the fit currency system always call the shots.

Actually, the real problem is that we do pick these guys. Our leaders suck because we kind of suck as a people. We are lazy, don't want to make sacrifices, and take the path of least resistance... and our "leaders" reflect that.

The commie leftists like you want a disarmed even said so yourself.

Um. yeah. because citizens don't need guns and you guys haven't told me a way to prevent Adam Lanza without taking everyone's guns. I'd be fine with a gun law like Germany's. You can own a gun, but it's a privilege, not a right, and you are scrutizined before you get one.

We have gone from abortion to late term abortion to abortion after the child is born if the mother so decides it.

"Actually, the real problem is that we do pick these guys. Our leaders suck because we kind of suck as a people. We are lazy, don't want to make sacrifices, and take the path of least resistance... and our "leaders" reflect that.

Can you actually cite a case where this happens. Reality- they let deformed fetuses die all the time. This is really nothing new.

Queer rights? I remember when the faggot faction just wanted to be left They are loud and proud, waving their rainbow colored flag on "Gays On Parade" day...not satisfied with that? They formed GLSEN to go to grade schools sand preach tolerance of the fags, trans-gendered and pedophiles. Like in the UK, they are working on lowering the age of consent so some 30 year old queer can legally sodomize a 13 year old boy.......of course you will stand and salute it.

Wow. You really think everyone is waiting to 18 to have sex, do you?

You are kind of proving my point, you are more interested in social issues and conspiracy theories than what the GOP is going RIGHT IN THE OPEN to take apart the middle class.

Didn't happen.......not at all.....Lanza was allegedly afraid of human interaction and detested the very feel metal as some that detested the feel of metal objects. Yet YOU believe that this recluse randomly killed his mother, loaded up her car with guns and ammo,

Guy, we've taken your crazy nut conspiracy theories apart, and all that we've established here is that you are a degenerate cocksucker who mocks the sorrow of people who've lost their children. THis makes you a truly awful person. I'm sorry you don't see this.

Your reply is utterly pathetic and ignorant because you are absolutely clueless. We are given the illusion that our vote actually matters in order to placate the dumbed down masses and they don't come any more "dumbed down" than you. Who the fuck are you to declare that only "da gubermint" and their enforcers should have guns? When government fears the wrath of the people that duly elected them to follow the organic constitution, you have liberty and freedom, when people fear it? You have tyranny and that is exactly what we have now. Owning a gun for protection is a fucking privilege? Only to a ball-less wonder like you that worships at the feet of this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body

BTW, I am not surprised that you are on the GLSEN/LGBTQRSTUV bandwagon and would like to see the age of consent lowered and that trans-genderism and homosexuality should be taught and discussed to grade school children because you strike me as being that kind of pervert.

As far as Sandy Hoax goes? Who is "we've taken your crazy nut conspiracy theories apart"? No one here, Joe Blowhard, as a matter of fact, no one has backed you nor have you or your imaginary cyber-pals ever tried to explain the hundred or so anomalies concerning that event. You simply pretend like you didn't see them. Being called a name by a stupid, commie fuck like yourself carries no sting. You lack critical thinking skills, you have no clue about this fiat monetary system, it's origins, what the consequences are and the ones controlling it, along with the media conglomerates they own and the ramifications of the revocation of the Smith-Mundt Act.

So, with that being said, feel free to go fuck yourself, Joe Blowhard.
This video proves that what I have been saying about the leftist commie faction is straight on point. The ends justifies the means and no tactic is too disgusting or lowdown if it moves the commie agenda forward.

Stewbum Dale, I think we found your soulmate... This guy sounds as crazy as you are.

Probably a lot of reasons to not want to support Bernie. That one or two people working for him are nuts isn't one of them.
I In the 80's, Bernie praised Communist countries and said that bread lines were a good thing. Journalists talking to people actually living under this and with the bread lines, weren't as happy with them. If they didn't get in line early enough, they went hungry. The basic philosophy of Communism is "ideology over blood," in other words, the ideology is more important than those that raised and loved you, if they don't think the same.
Stewbum Dale Strikes again!

Your reply is utterly pathetic and ignorant because you are absolutely clueless. We are given the illusion that our vote actually matters in order to placate the dumbed down masses and they don't come any more "dumbed down" than you. Who the fuck are you to declare that only "da gubermint" and their enforcers should have guns? When government fears the wrath of the people that duly elected them to follow the organic constitution, you have liberty and freedom, when people fear it? You have tyranny and that is exactly what we have now. Owning a gun for protection is a fucking privilege? Only to a ball-less wonder like you that worships at the feet of this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body

Okay, here's the reality. The government will ALWAYS have more guns, bigger guns and when they shoot some gun nut, it will usually be to the cheering of the vast majority. The government doesn't have anything to fear from gun nuts. I mean, if you are an individual cop, and you never know if some guy you just pulled over might have a gun, that's soemthing to fear. It's why we have 900 Police Shootings every year, almost all of which are ruled "justified" unless they have video of him shooting someone in the back lying on the ground 16 times.

So, no, the government has nothing to fear. The rest of us, living with metal detectors, active shooter drills, key card doors, security guards because you never know when one of your co-workers is going to go "postal" and start shooting up the place. Um, yeah, that's living in fear. Most businesses declare themselves gun free zones because they aren't afraid of the government, they are afraid of people like YOU.


Dale and his boyfriend!
BTW, I am not surprised that you are on the GLSEN/LGBTQRSTUV bandwagon and would like to see the age of consent lowered and that trans-genderism and homosexuality should be taught and discussed to grade school children because you strike me as being that kind of pervert.

i grew up Catholic, where we had a bunch of priests we all knew were pedophiles and nuns we all knew were frustrated lesbians scream homophobic messages at us. And when we were done listening to them, we were all trying to get into Little Sally's panties as soon as puberty hit. The idea of "Save that sex stuff until they are 18" is kind of silly. Doesn't reflect the real world. Shit, up until about a century ago, 14 was marrying age. That's when you forced little Timmy to Marry Little Sally when he knocked her up.


As far as Sandy Hoax goes? Who is "we've taken your crazy nut conspiracy theories apart"? No one here, Joe Blowhard, as a matter of fact, no one has backed you nor have you or your imaginary cyber-pals ever tried to explain the hundred or so anomalies concerning that event.

Uh, guy, most people ignored you like they ignore the crazy stewbum on the street screaming about how the CIA has put a chip in his brain. The only thing you've proven talking to

But on that subject, your hero, Wolfgang Halbig? There might be a God after all!

Man accused of tormenting families of Sandy Hook victims arrested in Florida

A man accused of tormenting family members of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting massacre was arrested Monday in Florida.

Wolfgang Halbig, 73, is accused of possessing the personal information of the father of a 6-year-old killed in the shooting, including his Social Security number. He was charged with felony unlawful possession of personal identification of another person, according to online jail records.

The Sandy Hook father, Leonard Pozner, contacted the Lake County Sheriff's Office in October and said that Halbig illegally obtained his personal information and emailed it to several people, the arrest affidavit says.

Halbig has repeatedly harassed Pozner, the father told authorities. He has also contacted several relatives of the victims "asking questions and alleging the children involved are crisis actors," according to the affidavit

Awesome. When they are done with Alex Jones and Halbig, I hope they get around to you.
I In the 80's, Bernie praised Communist countries and said that bread lines were a good thing. Journalists talking to people actually living under this and with the bread lines, weren't as happy with them. If they didn't get in line early enough, they went hungry. The basic philosophy of Communism is "ideology over blood," in other words, the ideology is more important than those that raised and loved you, if they don't think the same.

Do you actually have a quote where he said the bread lines were a good thing.

Here's the thing about most "Communist" countries. They were miserable places to live before the Communists took over, and they were miserable places to live after the Communists were gone.
Stewbum Dale Strikes again!
View attachment 303615
Your reply is utterly pathetic and ignorant because you are absolutely clueless. We are given the illusion that our vote actually matters in order to placate the dumbed down masses and they don't come any more "dumbed down" than you. Who the fuck are you to declare that only "da gubermint" and their enforcers should have guns? When government fears the wrath of the people that duly elected them to follow the organic constitution, you have liberty and freedom, when people fear it? You have tyranny and that is exactly what we have now. Owning a gun for protection is a fucking privilege? Only to a ball-less wonder like you that worships at the feet of this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body

Okay, here's the reality. The government will ALWAYS have more guns, bigger guns and when they shoot some gun nut, it will usually be to the cheering of the vast majority. The government doesn't have anything to fear from gun nuts. I mean, if you are an individual cop, and you never know if some guy you just pulled over might have a gun, that's soemthing to fear. It's why we have 900 Police Shootings every year, almost all of which are ruled "justified" unless they have video of him shooting someone in the back lying on the ground 16 times.

So, no, the government has nothing to fear. " The government doesn't have anything to fear from gun nuts. Um, yeah, that's living in fear. Most businesses declare themselves gun free zones because they aren't afraid of the government, they are afraid of people like YOU.

View attachment 303616
Dale and his boyfriend!
BTW, I am not surprised that you are on the GLSEN/LGBTQRSTUV bandwagon and would like to see the age of consent lowered and that trans-genderism and homosexuality should be taught and discussed to grade school children because you strike me as being that kind of pervert.

i grew up Catholic, where we had a bunch of priests we all knew were pedophiles and nuns we all knew were frustrated lesbians scream homophobic messages at us. And when we were done listening to them, we were all trying to get into Little Sally's panties as soon as puberty hit. The idea of "Save that sex stuff until they are 18" is kind of silly. Doesn't reflect the real world. Shit, up until about a century ago, 14 was marrying age. That's when you forced little Timmy to Marry Little Sally when he knocked her up.

View attachment 303617
As far as Sandy Hoax goes? Who is "we've taken your crazy nut conspiracy theories apart"? No one here, Joe Blowhard, as a matter of fact, no one has backed you nor have you or your imaginary cyber-pals ever tried to explain the hundred or so anomalies concerning that event.

Uh, guy, most people ignored you like they ignore the crazy stewbum on the street screaming about how the CIA has put a chip in his brain. The only thing you've proven talking to

But on that subject, your hero, Wolfgang Halbig? There might be a God after all!

Man accused of tormenting families of Sandy Hook victims arrested in Florida

A man accused of tormenting family members of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting massacre was arrested Monday in Florida.

Wolfgang Halbig, 73, is accused of possessing the personal information of the father of a 6-year-old killed in the shooting, including his Social Security number. He was charged with felony unlawful possession of personal identification of another person, according to online jail records.

The Sandy Hook father, Leonard Pozner, contacted the Lake County Sheriff's Office in October and said that Halbig illegally obtained his personal information and emailed it to several people, the arrest affidavit says.

Halbig has repeatedly harassed Pozner, the father told authorities. He has also contacted several relatives of the victims "asking questions and alleging the children involved are crisis actors," according to the affidavit

Awesome. When they are done with Alex Jones and Halbig, I hope they get around to you.

"Okay, here's the reality. The government will ALWAYS have more guns, bigger guns and when they shoot some gun nut, it will usually be to the cheering of the vast majority."

You think it's a good idea that "da gubermint" has more firepower in order to keep the serfs in place? That's how commies think until they are under this type of jackboot tyranny.

"The government doesn't have anything to fear from gun nuts."

Obviously they do fear those that value the 2nd amendment or this corporate entity disguised as a legitimate governmental body wouldn't be trying so hard to dissolve it and using false flag and staged events to demonize gun owners. Personally, I will take my chances on the 1 in a million occasion that someone has a meltdown with a gun as opposed to a tyrannical government that is only allowed to be armed. The last movie I saw where only "da gubermint" was allowed to be armed was Schindler's List....didn't work out all that well for the Jews, as I recall.

"i grew up Catholic, where we had a bunch of priests we all knew were pedophiles and nuns we all knew were frustrated lesbians scream homophobic messages at us. And when we were done listening to them, we were all trying to get into Little Sally's panties as soon as puberty hit."

Catholicism is a cult using pagan and druid rituals and symbols as the bases for their "religion" with a few Biblical references thrown in for affect. The Reformation of Martin Luther was countered by the creation of the Jesuits, the military arm of the Vatican whose goal was to bring all "heretics" aka "Protest-ants" back under Papal authority. I have no doubt that you had lacked impulse control as a teen...hell, you lack it even today.

"Uh, guy, most people ignored you like they ignore the crazy stewbum on the street screaming about how the CIA has put a chip in his brain. The only thing you've proven talking to'"

Uh, you claimed that you and others had totally debunked the 100 plus questions that puts the Sandy Hoax fake shooting event into you claim that posters here just ignored it? Interesting....since no one has been able to explain the numerous you...that totally pretends like you didn't see the questions and then goes right to the "insulting" phase" in a lame attempt to offset your asskicking.

Wolfgang Halbig simply asked 15 questions using the FOIA and was approached by the Florida State patrol (of whom he was one himself) and told to stop asking questions. In a deposition, a member of the Newtown council admitted that the DHS paid for the electronic sign demanding that "Everyone Must Check In".. The DHS had no jurisdiction for one, and how did they get on the site so quickly? Who declared every single "victim " dead within 15 minutes of the event? 9/11 calls from school staff are whispering during this event while 200 plus shots are being fired and yet we hear nothing? Police arrive and the janitor (you can hear on the phone calls) plainly claims that the shooter is "That a way"??? How did the cops know that the janitor wasn't the shooter? In a live shooter event, everyone on the scene is a potential suspect until proven otherwise. The Connecticut State Police website plainly shows a rather bored Wayne Carver leaning against a pillar of Sandy Hoax school that was roped off with yellow crime scene tape....but yet the window of one of the classrooms is in pristine condition even though it was reported that "Lanza" fired through that window at a random visitor to the school???? No EMTS allowed into the school, no trauma helicopters requested and not a single body was removed from the school until under the darkness of late Saturday night and not a single parent was allowed to view their alleged fallen child before or after being removed.....but Slow Joe, the card carrying commie believes every single word of the (snicker) "official story".

Now, do you see as to why I don't respect a single fucking thing that you spew here???? You are a fucking moron. No purchase order for the Porta-Potties were made available, no record of the numerous buses that were requested to turn back around and help with the mass evacuation nor any recording of what should have been a chaotic, mass evacuation scene. Parents of alleged dead victims showing zero sign of grief but all the while plugging donation sites.....some of which were set up two to three days before the goes on and in and on.
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