For those thinking it is absurd to compare the holocaust to what is going on around the world today.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Here is a verifiable timeline of how the holocaust happened and how it was implemented.

A typhus epidemic broke out among the Jews.

Ghettos were then formed to quarantine the Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) ordered a yellow star be worn by contaminated Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) through their media blitz propaganda conditioned the public to hate the Jews by bombarding the public with demonization tactics day and night.

Then....came the justified mass murder or final solution of mass genocide.

So......let's look at what is happening today.....

A pandemic broke out. (The 99 percent recovery rate ignored and ridiculed and anyone that states that fact are viciously attacked like Joe Rogan day and night.)

Isolation and quarantine sites have indeed formed.

The governments have devised a health passport to divide the healthy from the sick. Actually vaccinated from the unvaccinated which to the sheep is the same thing.

The word UNVAXXED has been pushed day and night by the media and the masses are conditioned now to despise the UNVAXXED.

Now, take a guess what happens next. What's happening in Australia? We know the left certainly don't care but we know they disarmed the public first before they are doing what they are doing now.

Don't worry folks. Many sheep on the left (and right) will close their eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream.
Here's austria.

Australia gave up their guns a few years ago. If they're going to take their country back, they will have to march by the hundreds of thousands and literally physically pull these tyrants out of their offices.
Here is a verifiable timeline of how the holocaust happened and how it was implemented.

A typhus epidemic broke out among the Jews.

Ghettos were then formed to quarantine the Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) ordered a yellow star be worn by contaminated Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) through their media blitz propaganda conditioned the public to hate the Jews by bombarding the public with demonization tactics day and night.

Then....came the justified mass murder or final solution of mass genocide.

So......let's look at what is happening today.....

A pandemic broke out. (The 99 percent recovery rate ignored and ridiculed and anyone that states that fact are viciously attacked like Joe Rogan day and night.)

Isolation and quarantine sites have indeed formed.

The governments have devised a health passport to divide the healthy from the sick. Actually vaccinated from the unvaccinated which to the sheep is the same thing.

The word UNVAXXED has been pushed day and night by the media and the masses are conditioned now to despise the UNVAXXED.

Now, take a guess what happens next. What's happening in Australia? We know the left certainly don't care but we know they disarmed the public first before they are doing what they are doing now.

Don't worry folks. Many sheep on the left (and right) will close their eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream.

"A typhus epidemic broke out among the Jews.

Ghettos were then formed to quarantine the Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) ordered a yellow star be worn by contaminated Jews."

Not true.

I didn't read the rest of your post but that's probably untrue as well.
"A typhus epidemic broke out among the Jews.

Ghettos were then formed to quarantine the Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) ordered a yellow star be worn by contaminated Jews."

Not true.

I didn't read the rest of your post but that's probably untrue as well.
"Not ignorance, butignorance of ignorance that is the death of knowledge." Alfred Whitehead

It isn't your ignorance. It's that you are ignorant of your ignorance that makes you a good little lamb for your demorat massas.
"Not ignorance, butignorance of ignorance that is the death of knowledge." Alfred Whitehead

It isn't your ignorance. It's that you are ignorant of your ignorance that makes you a good little lamb for your demorat massas.
When as a Country we continue to slowly allow the government to remove our civil liberties a little at a time as is the case now, very similar to the frog in the pit being slowly boiled, don’t act mystified when you lose your freedoms as an American
Here is a verifiable timeline of how the holocaust happened and how it was implemented.

A typhus epidemic broke out among the Jews.

Ghettos were then formed to quarantine the Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) ordered a yellow star be worn by contaminated Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) through their media blitz propaganda conditioned the public to hate the Jews by bombarding the public with demonization tactics day and night.

Then....came the justified mass murder or final solution of mass genocide.

So......let's look at what is happening today.....

A pandemic broke out. (The 99 percent recovery rate ignored and ridiculed and anyone that states that fact are viciously attacked like Joe Rogan day and night.)

Isolation and quarantine sites have indeed formed.

The governments have devised a health passport to divide the healthy from the sick. Actually vaccinated from the unvaccinated which to the sheep is the same thing.

The word UNVAXXED has been pushed day and night by the media and the masses are conditioned now to despise the UNVAXXED.

Now, take a guess what happens next. What's happening in Australia? We know the left certainly don't care but we know they disarmed the public first before they are doing what they are doing now.

Don't worry folks. Many sheep on the left (and right) will close their eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream.
Let's also not forget that The Nazis forced every German citizen to carry a Health Card which showed you were vaccinated and many Orthodox Jews are against vaccinations, so they were further ostracized and dehumanized for their refusal to take vaccinations, and rely instead on natural immunity.
Here is a verifiable timeline of how the holocaust happened and how it was implemented.

A typhus epidemic broke out among the Jews.

Ghettos were then formed to quarantine the Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) ordered a yellow star be worn by contaminated Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) through their media blitz propaganda conditioned the public to hate the Jews by bombarding the public with demonization tactics day and night.

Then....came the justified mass murder or final solution of mass genocide.

So......let's look at what is happening today.....

A pandemic broke out. (The 99 percent recovery rate ignored and ridiculed and anyone that states that fact are viciously attacked like Joe Rogan day and night.)

Isolation and quarantine sites have indeed formed.

The governments have devised a health passport to divide the healthy from the sick. Actually vaccinated from the unvaccinated which to the sheep is the same thing.

The word UNVAXXED has been pushed day and night by the media and the masses are conditioned now to despise the UNVAXXED.

Now, take a guess what happens next. What's happening in Australia? We know the left certainly don't care but we know they disarmed the public first before they are doing what they are doing now.

Don't worry folks. Many sheep on the left (and right) will close their eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream.
You have one party or group of people that wants to Fundamentally Destroy America and Build Back other words, Create a Socialist Globalist Fascist "WOKE" State stripped of it's Sovereignty and Constitutional Rights.

Then you have another party or group of people that wants to preserve The Union, Preserve Individual Liberties and Constitutional Rights.

It is Conservatives and Patriots who are WOKE, not The Left. The Left is Blind, following a Dark Path to Perdition. They are deluded and self deceived believing even their own lies. They are committed mindless zealots.

It's THE RIGHT that is "WOKE" to the fact that we are in a Civil War and that we have sat back too long and thought The Left was just playing politics. The Left will tell you that you are silly.

"It's just a conspiracy," they say, as they daily chip away at your rights. "Relax, this won't hurt a bit, it's just politics, after all, we are all in this together and we know what is best for you."

Nothing The Left has been doing for the past two decades or more is about politics anymore or is what is "best for you." They have a playbook, and they are following it to execute the plan. It's about dissolving The Union in favor of a Globalist Oligarchy.

When "WOKE" and faced with THAT FACT, The Right knows it's time to resist, not compromise. Diplomacy is irrelevant, when the other side thinks you should just die over a mandate, be fired from your job, be homeless and destitute simply because you disagree with them.

Quite simply The Left has declared war on The Right much like The Nazis declared The Jews to be sub-humans, and unworthy of human dignity and human rights.

When you are branded an "Unredeemable Deplorable" that is no different than saying you are a "Dirty Jew". I have seen The Left call us Lepers, Vermin, and declare that the sooner we die off, the better off they will all be.

There is no room for compromise with such people. Nothing new is under the sun said Solomon. Nazism is alive and real, only it's a new so called "Woke" DemNazism, and anyone who is aware on The Right KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS.

It's Fascist and Nazis and Marxist who are always blind to the own Evil they do, thinking they do The World a Favor.


John 16:2

In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God.

Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter

Isaiah 10:1-4
1 Woe to those who enact unjust statutes and issue oppressive decrees,

2 to deprive the poor of fair treatment and withhold justice from the oppressed of My people, to make widows their prey and orphans their plunder.

3 What will you do on the day of reckoning when devastation comes from afar? To whom will you flee for help? Where will you leave your wealth?

4 Nothing will remain but to crouch among the captives or fall among the slain

2 Thessalonians 2:7-12
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Here is a verifiable timeline of how the holocaust happened and how it was implemented.

A typhus epidemic broke out among the Jews.

Ghettos were then formed to quarantine the Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) ordered a yellow star be worn by contaminated Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) through their media blitz propaganda conditioned the public to hate the Jews by bombarding the public with demonization tactics day and night.

Then....came the justified mass murder or final solution of mass genocide.

So......let's look at what is happening today.....

A pandemic broke out. (The 99 percent recovery rate ignored and ridiculed and anyone that states that fact are viciously attacked like Joe Rogan day and night.)

Isolation and quarantine sites have indeed formed.

The governments have devised a health passport to divide the healthy from the sick. Actually vaccinated from the unvaccinated which to the sheep is the same thing.

The word UNVAXXED has been pushed day and night by the media and the masses are conditioned now to despise the UNVAXXED.

Now, take a guess what happens next. What's happening in Australia? We know the left certainly don't care but we know they disarmed the public first before they are doing what they are doing now.

Don't worry folks. Many sheep on the left (and right) will close their eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream.
Its not "absurd" it is obscene.
Here is a verifiable timeline of how the holocaust happened and how it was implemented.

A typhus epidemic broke out among the Jews.

Ghettos were then formed to quarantine the Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) ordered a yellow star be worn by contaminated Jews.

The national socialist workers party (nazis) through their media blitz propaganda conditioned the public to hate the Jews by bombarding the public with demonization tactics day and night.

Then....came the justified mass murder or final solution of mass genocide.

So......let's look at what is happening today.....

A pandemic broke out. (The 99 percent recovery rate ignored and ridiculed and anyone that states that fact are viciously attacked like Joe Rogan day and night.)

Isolation and quarantine sites have indeed formed.

The governments have devised a health passport to divide the healthy from the sick. Actually vaccinated from the unvaccinated which to the sheep is the same thing.

The word UNVAXXED has been pushed day and night by the media and the masses are conditioned now to despise the UNVAXXED.

Now, take a guess what happens next. What's happening in Australia? We know the left certainly don't care but we know they disarmed the public first before they are doing what they are doing now.

Don't worry folks. Many sheep on the left (and right) will close their eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream.
Your concept is correct, but you got the timeline wrong - and it gives too much credit to the Nazis.

A typhus epidemic did not first break out among the Jews, after which the Nazis contained them to stop the spread. It happened in the reverse order.

The Jews were first:

1. Treated as inferior humans, forced to walk in the curb (and not the sidewalk), kept out of stores (“No Jews Allowed”), and forced to wear the yellow star to announce to the rest of the community that they were part of the “inferior race.” They still lived in their own homes at this point.

2. Only then, after some time, were the Germans brainwashed into believing that Jews were dirty subhumans, and went along with the government’s raiding their homes and putting them in ghettos. This further cemented the ideas that Jews were filthy animals.

3. It was at this point, with Jews crammed together in tiny spaces, that typhus broke out in the Warsaw Ghetto.

You gave a “good” reason that the Nazis ghettoized the Jews - that they were sick and infectious - when in truth they became sick only AFTER the Nazis stole their homes and out them in ghettos.
Your concept is correct, but you got the timeline wrong - and it gives too much credit to the Nazis.

A typhus epidemic did not first break out among the Jews, after which the Nazis contained them to stop the spread. It happened in the reverse order.

The Jews were first:

1. Treated as inferior humans, forced to walk in the curb (and not the sidewalk), kept out of stores (“No Jews Allowed”), and forced to wear the yellow star to announce to the rest of the community that they were part of the “inferior race.” They still lived in their own homes at this point.

2. Only then, after some time, were the Germans brainwashed into believing that Jews were dirty subhumans, and went along with the government’s raiding their homes and putting them in ghettos. This further cemented the ideas that Jews were filthy animals.

3. It was at this point, with Jews crammed together in tiny spaces, that typhus broke out in the Warsaw Ghetto.

You gave a “good” reason that the Nazis ghettoized the Jews - that they were sick and infectious - when in truth they became sick only AFTER the Nazis stole their homes and out them in ghettos.
Yes, should have probably mentioned that they were first being demonized for a while. Much like the American white capitalist Christian.

Yes, the propaganda has been there for a while now in regards to conservative American captiaists.

Much like how Jews in Europe for many decades were demonized. In Russia, Poland, Austria, Germany and that gave rise to Mein Kampf.

After the Treaty of Versailles it was easy for the citizens of Germany and those others to have a perfect scapegoat and enter the rise of a charismatic orator. The ground was ripe for it to happen.

However, the actual Holocaust was carried out by this manner. It gave the nazis and their propaganda machine their perfect excuse to start to mass quarantine and then pushed their demonization into actual practice.

Read that for example. Yes, the Jews were already being demonized much like the Christian conservative have been ridiculed and attacked through mass propaganda in the mass American media, and entertainment industries.
Yes, should have probably mentioned that they were first being demonized for a while. Much like the American white capitalist Christian.

Yes, the propaganda has been there for a while now in regards to conservative American captiaists.

Much like how Jews in Europe for many decades were demonized. In Russia, Poland, Austria, Germany and that gave rise to Mein Kampf.

After the Treaty of Versailles it was easy for the citizens of Germany and those others to have a perfect scapegoat and enter the rise of a charismatic orator. The ground was ripe for it to happen.

However, the actual Holocaust was carried out by this manner. It gave the nazis and their propaganda machine their perfect excuse to start to mass quarantine and then pushed their demonization into actual practice.

Read that for example. Yes, the Jews were already being demonized much like the Christian conservative have been ridiculed and attacked through mass propaganda in the mass American media, and entertainment industries.
Critical Race Theory is just DemNazi Propaganda. It's purpose is to dehumanize and vilify the average Conservative American Citizen.
Yes, should have probably mentioned that they were first being demonized for a while. Much like the American white capitalist Christian.

Yes, the propaganda has been there for a while now in regards to conservative American captiaists.

Much like how Jews in Europe for many decades were demonized. In Russia, Poland, Austria, Germany and that gave rise to Mein Kampf.

After the Treaty of Versailles it was easy for the citizens of Germany and those others to have a perfect scapegoat and enter the rise of a charismatic orator. The ground was ripe for it to happen.

However, the actual Holocaust was carried out by this manner. It gave the nazis and their propaganda machine their perfect excuse to start to mass quarantine and then pushed their demonization into actual practice.

Read that for example. Yes, the Jews were already being demonized much like the Christian conservative have been ridiculed and attacked through mass propaganda in the mass American media, and entertainment industries.
Yes, agree. Any targeted group has to first be demonIzed and delegitimized for a while before they can bring out the “big guns.”

The Jews, to keep to our parallel, were being demonized at least 10 years before they were rounded up for extermination. Hitler knew he couldn’t just wake up German citizens one spring morning, announce that people of a specific religion are subhuman and must be exterminated, and expect them to go along with it - or worse, actually help carry it out. Nope. The Jews were being delegitimized long before that. (The Holocaust Museum in DC has a chilling exhibit on the anti-Jew propaganda that began around 1932.)

And yes, there are parallels. The left has its targeted groups they are maligning at every turn - hence the ubiquitous cry of “white supremacist!” - and the attempt to convince Americans that whites are inherently racist. It is particularly venomous against white males, as we just saw with what they tried to do with Kyle Rittenhouse.

The whole thing s an attempt to elevate blacks to the superior position and delegitimize whites to the inferior position. We see that in how much more of a break blacks get these days - be it released onto the streets after yet another violent crime (like the SUV driver), or excuses made after a Black defies police and goes for his weapon (Jacob Blake).

The end goal is reparations. Follow the money….always.

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