For Those Who Say There Was No "Palestine," 1947 National Geographic Map

That's right, yes.

Let me try to understand what you are saying:

1). It is OK to commit war crimes if you are stealing someone's land but not OK if trying to get it back?

2). It is OK to commit war crimes in either case so everyone should stop criticizing the Palestinians for it?

3). It is OK for the Palestinians to commit war crimes because the Zionists did it first?

4). It is only OK if Jews commit war crimes but it is never OK if Arabs do it?

*** ... what is your message praytell ... hmmmm ... ?
You need to be properly educated…The Ottoman empire was in control of the land that stretched from where Turkey is now to where Egypt is today.. After the disintegration of the empire said lands fell into the hands of the British and they continued this practise... The land was not owned by the arabs living there or anyone else as per the Ottoman land code of 1858…The people who lived on the land knew this and it was traditionally held that the land belonged to God and the Sultan( as in the leader of the Ottoman Empire)…..The notion of private property was alien to themYou can still see that today in most placesor countries where the vast majority of the land is owned by the state and not individually owned…Now that being said the land was viewed as Miri( Alloted by the state to a village or number of villages and cannot be private property and is only leased to the tenenents for an indefinite duration.. Taxes were due and if not paid then the people lost allrights to staying there this is called Ragabi.. So claiming that someone is stealing someone else’s land is a bogus argument you should take it up with the British and the Ottoman Empire before them and for that matter the League of Nations and the UN as well and while we are at it the Quran which states the land belongs to the jews and the Hebrew Scriptures …Now who are these Palestinians you are talking about after all the people living in the land were Muslim, Christian’s , Jews , Druze . Baha’i etc etc… If my memory serves me correctly the state of Israel has all these people living in their land today however the ones You call Palestinians don’t seem to have any tolerance for any but ones that follow the Muslim faith to live where they live so you tell us praytell what is your message as well….hmmmmmmm….
You need to be properly educated…
I think it's you who needs some sort of education although I'm not completely sure I know what subject is most relevant.
The Ottoman empire was in control of the land that stretched from where Turkey is now to where Egypt is today..
I've read your whole post but I cannot see any discernable insight into "war crimes" committed by either Zionists or Palestinians. Ah, now I understand! Your education needs to be bolstered regarding your deficiencies in reading comprehension. You also failed to choose which alternative applies to your message. I'll repost it for you:

1). It is OK to commit war crimes if you are stealing someone's land but not OK if trying to get it back?

2). It is OK to commit war crimes in either case so everyone should stop criticizing the Palestinians for it?

3). It is OK for the Palestinians to commit war crimes because the Zionists did it first?

4). It is only OK if Jews commit war crimes but it is never OK if Arabs do it?

* praytell what alternative represents your convictions best, mmmmm ❓
I think it's you who needs some sort of education although I'm not completely sure I know what subject is most relevant.

I've read your whole post but I cannot see any discernable insight into "war crimes" committed by either Zionists or Palestinians. Ah, now I understand! Your education needs to be bolstered regarding your deficiencies in reading comprehension. You also failed to choose which alternative applies to your message. I'll repost it for you:

1). It is OK to commit war crimes if you are stealing someone's land but not OK if trying to get it back?

2). It is OK to commit war crimes in either case so everyone should stop criticizing the Palestinians for it?

3). It is OK for the Palestinians to commit war crimes because the Zionists did it first?

4). It is only OK if Jews commit war crimes but it is never OK if Arabs do it?

* praytell what alternative represents your convictions best, mmmmm ❓
You can repost all you want your first premise was incorrect and I fixed that for you by showing others the facts regarding the land which you ignored therefore All your “ war crimes” nonsense was to just coverup that fact and I will do you back the honour.. Frankly you chose to waste my time and I can now see you are not really interested in facts .. You have shown your true colours for all to see…
The country that never existed keeps shrinking.

You know there was no countries called Germany or Italy either, but people lived there.

The Jews are Canaanites just like the Palestinians and Phoenicians . They have all been in the Levant 4 thousand years.
You need to be properly educated…The Ottoman empire was in control of the land that stretched from where Turkey is now to where Egypt is today.. After the disintegration of the empire said lands fell into the hands of the British and they continued this practise... The land was not owned by the arabs living there or anyone else as per the Ottoman land code of 1858…The people who lived on the land knew this and it was traditionally held that the land belonged to God and the Sultan( as in the leader of the Ottoman Empire)…..The notion of private property was alien to themYou can still see that today in most placesor countries where the vast majority of the land is owned by the state and not individually owned…Now that being said the land was viewed as Miri( Alloted by the state to a village or number of villages and cannot be private property and is only leased to the tenenents for an indefinite duration.. Taxes were due and if not paid then the people lost allrights to staying there this is called Ragabi.. So claiming that someone is stealing someone else’s land is a bogus argument you should take it up with the British and the Ottoman Empire before them and for that matter the League of Nations and the UN as well and while we are at it the Quran which states the land belongs to the jews and the Hebrew Scriptures …Now who are these Palestinians you are talking about after all the people living in the land were Muslim, Christian’s , Jews , Druze . Baha’i etc etc… If my memory serves me correctly the state of Israel has all these people living in their land today however the ones You call Palestinians don’t seem to have any tolerance for any but ones that follow the Muslim faith to live where they live so you tell us praytell what is your message as well….hmmmmmmm….

They were always called Palestinian Arabs. That identified where they were from. They were always the majority.

In 1922 the reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality.

The division into religious groups was 590,890 Muslims, 83,794 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 408 Sikhs, 265 Baháʼís, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.
They were always called Palestinian Arabs. That identified where they were from. They were always the majority.

In 1922 the reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality.

The division into religious groups was 590,890 Muslims, 83,794 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 408 Sikhs, 265 Baháʼís, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.
I already showed your numbers were incorrect once regarding your Jerusalem post about numbers do I have to correct you again.. Tell me do your numbers include the population of TransJordan in them as well and we already have discussed how arabs were moving into the area from other places because of higher paying jobs brought about by Jews starting to emigrate there and developing the country would you like me to repost the last names of these arabs and the areas the came from outside of Palestine for you again as well….
If stating facts against your mis/dis-information continues to upset you so badly then I kindly suggest that you put me on "ignore" status then maybe you'll be able to sleep a whole lot better. :biggrin:
You stated nothing of consequence but I dont put people on ignore but I do ignore those that can’t handle the facts and try to cover that up by trying to change subjects when they are called out on it like I called you on it….
You stated nothing of consequence but I dont put people on ignore but I do ignore those that can’t handle the facts and try to cover that up by trying to change subjects when they are called out on it like I called you on it….
technically, you never directly addressed his post. There's that.
You can repost all you want your first premise was incorrect and I fixed that for you by showing others the facts regarding the land which you ignored therefore All your “ war crimes” nonsense was to just coverup that fact and I will do you back the honour.. Frankly you chose to waste my time and I can now see you are not really interested in facts .. You have shown your true colours for all to see…
"It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but Southern Syria".​

- Representant of Saudi Arabia at the United Nations, 1956 -​
Right. That's the point . Jews were persecuted in Russia and Europe for two thousand years. So they abuse the Palestinians and steal their land.
The victim become the perpetrator. :(
It's similar to children with alcoholic, drug-abusing, child-beating parents and then growing up to become alcoholics, drug-abusers, and child-abusers themselves. :dunno:
You know there was no countries called Germany or Italy either, but people lived there.

Jews, Arabs and Christians. The Arabs never has their own country there.
The Jews have one now. If the Arabs don't get their act together, they never will.
They were always called Palestinian Arabs. That identified where they were from. They were always the majority.

In 1922 the reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality.

The division into religious groups was 590,890 Muslims, 83,794 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 408 Sikhs, 265 Baháʼís, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.

In 1922 the reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality.

What was the population of Jerusalem in 1922?
I already showed your numbers were incorrect once regarding your Jerusalem post about numbers do I have to correct you again.. Tell me do your numbers include the population of TransJordan in them as well and we already have discussed how arabs were moving into the area from other places because of higher paying jobs brought about by Jews starting to emigrate there and developing the country would you like me to repost the last names of these arabs and the areas the came from outside of Palestine for you again as well….

Jews were always a minority. Have you read the travel journals of Rabbi Benjamin of Toledo or ibn Battuta?

Here's a detailed breakdown of population of Palestine during the Ottoman years.

Jews were always a minority. Have you read the travel journals of Rabbi Benjamin of Toledo or ibn Battuta?

Here's a detailed breakdown of population of Palestine during the Ottoman years.

I am well aware of the population figures but I am also well aware of you telling half truths which you have been caught in many times on this forum to count

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