For Those Who Say There Was No "Palestine," 1947 National Geographic Map

It’s all of these nut jobs that Israel doesn’t have a right to exist
Watching the dembots come running to the aid and defense of Hamas, really is sick…it’s sad these people represent a political party in the country that’s suppose to be the land of the free
The Indian wars are a dark episode in our history. What we did was savage and cruel. Completely immoral.

Colonizing occupied land is against the law now.
Yeah? What happens if you do? Who puts you on trial? Haha
Did Israel?

Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state.

Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.
Yeah their country lost a war…they shouldn’t of started.
Yeah their country lost a war…they shouldn’t of started.

I take it that you support the illegals flooding into the US.

You wouldn't fight back if they took your home or farm or olive groves?
Watching the dembots come running to the aid and defense of Hamas, really is sick…it’s sad these people represent a political party in the country that’s suppose to be the land of the free

Hamas works for Netanyahu. They are Muslim Brotherhood. The Palestinians don't support them nor does the rest of the Arab world. They are mercenaries.
I’m referring with Israel.
80? I’d say the Jews have been the underdog for thousands…but they always seem to find away to win against the oppressors you adore
I wouldn't call the loss of millions of lives and property a "win". And as far as oppressors go the Jews might have been (most were in fact) the victims of oppression but today it's the Zionists (Jews, I guess you'd say) who are the oppressors. But maybe you need to verify what oppressors you are accusing Surada of "adoring". The Nazis? I don't think she adores them, but you can ask her anyway. I suspect you are referring to the Palestinians in which case they ARE NOT the oppressor of the Jews. The Palestinians are the victims of the Zionist (Jews, you'd say) oppressors. Are we clear now?

I wouldn't call the loss of millions of lives and property a "win". And as far as oppressors go the Jews might have been (most were in fact) the victims of oppression but today it's the Zionists (Jews, I guess you'd say) who are the oppressors. But maybe you need to verify what oppressors you are accusing Surada of "adoring". The Nazis? I don't think she adores them, but you can ask her anyway. I suspect you are referring to the Palestinians in which case they ARE NOT the oppressor of the Jews. The Palestinians are the victims of the Zionist (Jews, you'd say) oppressors. Are we clear now?
Since 1948 they’ve gotten some major wins against the Arab invaders and terrorist
Since 1948 they’ve gotten some major wins against the Arab invaders and terrorist
You are playing selective ignorance and intentionally ignoring what I said about using the term "invade" to describe freedom fighters for their own land. And then there is your use of the word "terrorist" but that is akin to the term "invade" which does not (in my definition) apply to people reclaiming their own land. Let me help you out: A good example of "terrorism" is the Jewish Zionist group, Irgun, that bombed innocent people to death in the King David Hotel on the 22nd. of July 1946.

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