For Trump and the US Right, Breaking the Nuclear Taboo has Always Been Thinkable

“Now, in the aftermath of Kim Jong-un’s sixth nuclear test, it looks increasingly as though Trump is determined to create another debacle. He has attacked South Korea for appeasement and threatened to scrap its trade deal with the US; he has threatened China with sanctions and warned that he may use nuclear weapons. International co-operation over the North Korea crisis is waning as I write.”

For Trump and the US right, breaking the nuclear taboo has always been thinkable | Paul Mason

The propensity for war common to most on the right is one of many factors which render conservatives unfit to govern.

Typical anti-American progressive moron. Blame President Trump for the decades of Kim dynasty stupidity and nuclear ambitions, and never criticize the third world dictator for breaking a "nuclear taboo".
You know we sold them reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, right? You helped pay for them, Bush ponied up US taxpayer money to help them complete the deal which was an utterly bipartisan undertaking by the way. Look it up pard.
“Now, in the aftermath of Kim Jong-un’s sixth nuclear test, it looks increasingly as though Trump is determined to create another debacle. He has attacked South Korea for appeasement and threatened to scrap its trade deal with the US; he has threatened China with sanctions and warned that he may use nuclear weapons. International co-operation over the North Korea crisis is waning as I write.”

For Trump and the US right, breaking the nuclear taboo has always been thinkable | Paul Mason

The propensity for war common to most on the right is one of many factors which render conservatives unfit to govern.

Typical anti-American progressive moron. Blame President Trump for the decades of Kim dynasty stupidity and nuclear ambitions, and never criticize the third world dictator for breaking a "nuclear taboo".
You know we sold them reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, right? You helped pay for them, Bush ponied up US taxpayer money to help them complete the deal which was an utterly bipartisan undertaking by the way. Look it up pard.

Like I said, utterly bipartisan, this was initiated under Clinton, wrapped up under Bush. Thanks !
“Now, in the aftermath of Kim Jong-un’s sixth nuclear test, it looks increasingly as though Trump is determined to create another debacle. He has attacked South Korea for appeasement and threatened to scrap its trade deal with the US; he has threatened China with sanctions and warned that he may use nuclear weapons. International co-operation over the North Korea crisis is waning as I write.”

For Trump and the US right, breaking the nuclear taboo has always been thinkable | Paul Mason

The propensity for war common to most on the right is one of many factors which render conservatives unfit to govern.

Typical anti-American progressive moron. Blame President Trump for the decades of Kim dynasty stupidity and nuclear ambitions, and never criticize the third world dictator for breaking a "nuclear taboo".
You know we sold them reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, right? You helped pay for them, Bush ponied up US taxpayer money to help them complete the deal which was an utterly bipartisan undertaking by the way. Look it up pard.

Yup, every previous President did nothing about those Kim c*nts. Yet we're supposed to blame President Trump for the current situation?
“Now, in the aftermath of Kim Jong-un’s sixth nuclear test, it looks increasingly as though Trump is determined to create another debacle. He has attacked South Korea for appeasement and threatened to scrap its trade deal with the US; he has threatened China with sanctions and warned that he may use nuclear weapons. International co-operation over the North Korea crisis is waning as I write.”

For Trump and the US right, breaking the nuclear taboo has always been thinkable | Paul Mason

The propensity for war common to most on the right is one of many factors which render conservatives unfit to govern.

Typical anti-American progressive moron. Blame President Trump for the decades of Kim dynasty stupidity and nuclear ambitions, and never criticize the third world dictator for breaking a "nuclear taboo".
You know we sold them reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, right? You helped pay for them, Bush ponied up US taxpayer money to help them complete the deal which was an utterly bipartisan undertaking by the way. Look it up pard.

Like I said, utterly bipartisan, this was initiated under Clinton, wrapped up under Bush. Thanks !

I'm sure it was an unintended omission. You are normally such a straight shooter. :)
“Now, in the aftermath of Kim Jong-un’s sixth nuclear test, it looks increasingly as though Trump is determined to create another debacle. He has attacked South Korea for appeasement and threatened to scrap its trade deal with the US; he has threatened China with sanctions and warned that he may use nuclear weapons. International co-operation over the North Korea crisis is waning as I write.”

For Trump and the US right, breaking the nuclear taboo has always been thinkable | Paul Mason

The propensity for war common to most on the right is one of many factors which render conservatives unfit to govern.

Typical anti-American progressive moron. Blame President Trump for the decades of Kim dynasty stupidity and nuclear ambitions, and never criticize the third world dictator for breaking a "nuclear taboo".
You know we sold them reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, right? You helped pay for them, Bush ponied up US taxpayer money to help them complete the deal which was an utterly bipartisan undertaking by the way. Look it up pard.

Yup, every previous President did nothing about those Kim c*nts. Yet we're supposed to blame President Trump for the current situation?
I don't give a fuck who you blame, it has no bearing on anything at all.
“Now, in the aftermath of Kim Jong-un’s sixth nuclear test, it looks increasingly as though Trump is determined to create another debacle. He has attacked South Korea for appeasement and threatened to scrap its trade deal with the US; he has threatened China with sanctions and warned that he may use nuclear weapons. International co-operation over the North Korea crisis is waning as I write.”

For Trump and the US right, breaking the nuclear taboo has always been thinkable | Paul Mason

The propensity for war common to most on the right is one of many factors which render conservatives unfit to govern.

Typical anti-American progressive moron. Blame President Trump for the decades of Kim dynasty stupidity and nuclear ambitions, and never criticize the third world dictator for breaking a "nuclear taboo".
You know we sold them reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, right? You helped pay for them, Bush ponied up US taxpayer money to help them complete the deal which was an utterly bipartisan undertaking by the way. Look it up pard.

Like I said, utterly bipartisan, this was initiated under Clinton, wrapped up under Bush. Thanks !

I'm sure it was an unintended omission. You are normally such a straight shooter. :)

I'm sorry you feel so butthurt that you didn't find another partisanshithead to argue with. How do you feel about helping pay for them?
“Now, in the aftermath of Kim Jong-un’s sixth nuclear test, it looks increasingly as though Trump is determined to create another debacle. He has attacked South Korea for appeasement and threatened to scrap its trade deal with the US; he has threatened China with sanctions and warned that he may use nuclear weapons. International co-operation over the North Korea crisis is waning as I write.”

For Trump and the US right, breaking the nuclear taboo has always been thinkable | Paul Mason

The propensity for war common to most on the right is one of many factors which render conservatives unfit to govern.

Typical anti-American progressive moron. Blame President Trump for the decades of Kim dynasty stupidity and nuclear ambitions, and never criticize the third world dictator for breaking a "nuclear taboo".
You know we sold them reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, right? You helped pay for them, Bush ponied up US taxpayer money to help them complete the deal which was an utterly bipartisan undertaking by the way. Look it up pard.

Yup, every previous President did nothing about those Kim c*nts. Yet we're supposed to blame President Trump for the current situation?
I don't give a fuck who you blame, it has no bearing on anything at all.

Then why are you posting on a thread that is laying blame, other than to complain about America like a whinny bitch.
I'm sorry you feel so butthurt that you didn't find another partisanshithead to argue with. how do you feel about helping pay for them?
Oh, but I have certainly found a "partisanshithead" to argue with, and a disingenuous prick to boot.
You know we sold them reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, right?
Thank you for this completely irrelevant fact. "Rumsfeld used to work for a company that later sold some stuff to a bad guy." So fucking what? :laugh:
The propensity for war common to most on the right is one of many factors which render conservatives unfit to govern.

The unwillingness of Leftists to comprehend that not everything can be fixed with pretty words or by giving up on Ideals and Values we've held for centuries makes the US a paper Tiger.

If you are unwilling to use a particular weapon or military system, you shoild not have it. It becomes an albatross. Im not saying we should nuke North Korea. Id prefer a carpet bombing campaign. I just don't see the use for nukes if we will never use them.
For the OP and the rest of the left, surrender is always the first option.
Is that what you call the decades of "strategic patience" that Trump will continue to pursue against NK?

Strategic patience is a failure. If Kim continues on his present course, there will be a short war.
If Trump is dumb enough to start a war, it will not be "short."

Trump won't start it, and it will be very short.
For the OP and the rest of the left, surrender is always the first option.
Is that what you call the decades of "strategic patience" that Trump will continue to pursue against NK?

Strategic patience is a failure. If Kim continues on his present course, there will be a short war.

How so, you believe China will stay out? How many South Koreans die if we nuke North Korea?

They have said as much.

Many, but nukes are unlikely.

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