For Trumpsters, re: The sacking of the Capitol

To play Angel's Advocate, what we're sitting in is not this country; it's the internet. Where veracity is despised and fiction is the straw that stirs the drink for those who can't handle Realities.
It is more essential than ever that the American People make the effort to discern between crackpot fantasies and empirical reality.

A demand for credible evidence must be the response to every self-serving claim.

When will Trump, who only hires the best incompetents, come out of hiding to take charge of his own defense, strut into the scene of his goon insurrection, stand behind the podium (without stealing it) and publicly present all the proof he promised of a vast, clandestine conspiracy that transformed his airy-fairy "landslide!" into the resounding, certified loss that his lies, his dozens of frivolous court challenges, his pathetic attempts to pressure Republican public servants of integrity to falsify the vote, and his goons' attack on Congress all failed to achieve?

When Trump incited his goons, he raved,

View attachment 455462
"Over the past several weeks, we’ve amassed
overwhelming evidence about a fake election!"

Right about now would be the ideal time to pull it out of your copious butt, Cry Baby Loser.
Look at this thread. Despite everything that happened on Jan 6, despite everything Trump had said and "tweeted" on that day and for years before, despite what the sacking of the capitol means in America's history, despite the death and injuries, despite the Big Lie on which it is all predicated, they will not admit to a thing. It's all someone else. What about the other guys. It's all a lie. Get over it.

Without hyperbole, this is literally cult-like behavior. These people have been mentally and emotionally programmed. They are literally unreachable, at least in the short term.

As we all know, the standard Trumpster response to anything that happened at our nation's Capitol is "whataboutism". What about the summer riots? Deflect, change the subject, attack. So, Trump supporters, since you're so interested in comparisons, here's your challenge. Here's what happened after the attack on the Capitol:
  • 5 Americans dead or dying
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked
  • "We Love You"
  • "You're Special"
  • "This is What Happens".
So this thread is your chance to put all your whataboutisms in one place. Show us some solid comparisons. Maybe words by DEMOCRATIC Presidents after riots. Show us why this is no big deal. Show us how the Democrats have done the same thing many times.

Let's collect them here. Go ahead.
You're a fucking idiot. It was your ilk who sacked the Capital.

You burned the Reichstag and blamed it on the opposition.

But, you're probably too stupid to get the reference, because you know cocksucking shit about history.

Stupid motherfucker.
So these weren't Trump supporters. It was all the other guys. Okay, got it.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?

Look it up, Herr Mac.
Was that an answer to my question?

I'll try again.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?
Why don't you ask him? I am not going to speculate.

But, who rioted for MONTHS and you said nothing?


Suddenly, your outrage is insatiable.

You don't fool anyone.
Yeah, I didn't think so.

And there was ZERO incitement by your Dem ilk for 7 fucking months.

Your selective fake outrage is well noted you partisan hack..
really...those retarded antifa fucks and blm thugs really ransacked the capitol.. thanx pig-lousy for calling your goons, after all, this twat is a lunatic
To play Angel's Advocate, what we're sitting in is not this country; it's the internet. Where veracity is despised and fiction is the straw that stirs the drink for those who can't handle Realities.
It is more essential than ever that the American People make the effort to discern between crackpot fantasies and empirical reality.

A demand for credible evidence must be the response to every self-serving claim.

When will Trump, who only hires the best incompetents, come out of hiding to take charge of his own defense, strut into the scene of his goon insurrection, stand behind the podium (without stealing it) and publicly present all the proof he promised of a vast, clandestine conspiracy that transformed his airy-fairy "landslide!" into the resounding, certified loss that his lies, his dozens of frivolous court challenges, his pathetic attempts to pressure Republican public servants of integrity to falsify the vote, and his goons' attack on Congress all failed to achieve?

When Trump incited his goons, he raved,

View attachment 455462
"Over the past several weeks, we’ve amassed
overwhelming evidence about a fake election!"

Right about now would be the ideal time to pull it out of your copious butt, Cry Baby Loser.

That's just a Spoonerism. What he means is, "Over the past several weeks, we’ve amassed fake evidence about an overwhelming election"

And when you're a landscaping company they let you do it. They don't even wait.
usa today...huh? how pathetic. a demonRAT paper that quotes demonRATS....nothing wrong here...keep moving
To play Angel's Advocate, what we're sitting in is not this country; it's the internet. Where veracity is despised and fiction is the straw that stirs the drink for those who can't handle Realities.
It is more essential than ever that the American People make the effort to discern between crackpot fantasies and empirical reality.

A demand for credible evidence must be the response to every self-serving claim.

When will Trump, who only hires the best incompetents, come out of hiding to take charge of his own defense, strut into the scene of his goon insurrection, stand behind the podium (without stealing it) and publicly present all the proof he promised of a vast, clandestine conspiracy that transformed his airy-fairy "landslide!" into the resounding, certified loss that his lies, his dozens of frivolous court challenges, his pathetic attempts to pressure Republican public servants of integrity to falsify the vote, and his goons' attack on Congress all failed to achieve?

When Trump incited his goons, he raved,

View attachment 455462
"Over the past several weeks, we’ve amassed
overwhelming evidence about a fake election!"

Right about now would be the ideal time to pull it out of your copious butt, Cry Baby Loser.
Look at this thread. Despite everything that happened on Jan 6, despite everything Trump had said and "tweeted" on that day and for years before, despite what the sacking of the capitol means in America's history, despite the death and injuries, despite the Big Lie on which it is all predicated, they will not admit to a thing. It's all someone else. What about the other guys. It's all a lie. Get over it.

Without hyperbole, this is literally cult-like behavior. These people have been mentally and emotionally programmed. They are literally unreachable, at least in the short term.
You want us dead. We want you dead. Its pretty cut and dried.

As we all know, the standard Trumpster response to anything that happened at our nation's Capitol is "whataboutism". What about the summer riots? Deflect, change the subject, attack. So, Trump supporters, since you're so interested in comparisons, here's your challenge. Here's what happened after the attack on the Capitol:
  • 5 Americans dead or dying
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked
  • "We Love You"
  • "You're Special"
  • "This is What Happens".
So this thread is your chance to put all your whataboutisms in one place. Show us some solid comparisons. Maybe words by DEMOCRATIC Presidents after riots. Show us why this is no big deal. Show us how the Democrats have done the same thing many times.

Let's collect them here. Go ahead.
You're a fucking idiot. It was your ilk who sacked the Capital.

You burned the Reichstag and blamed it on the opposition.

But, you're probably too stupid to get the reference, because you know cocksucking shit about history.

Stupid motherfucker.
So these weren't Trump supporters. It was all the other guys. Okay, got it.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?

Look it up, Herr Mac.
Was that an answer to my question?

I'll try again.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?
Why don't you ask him? I am not going to speculate.

But, who rioted for MONTHS and you said nothing?


Suddenly, your outrage is insatiable.

You don't fool anyone.
Yeah, I didn't think so.

And there was ZERO incitement by your Dem ilk for 7 fucking months.

Your selective fake outrage is well noted you partisan hack..

So I just searched back for any other mob insurrections on the Capitol to disrupt Constitutional procedures by "Dem ilk".


Remove "Dem ilk", search for same by any entity.


Stretched search from 7 months to 7 years. Zero. Seven decades --- Bupkis.

Went all the way back to 1814 to find anything similar, but that was not "Dem ilk" but "the British".
Or as Rump calls them, "the Canadians".
To play Angel's Advocate, what we're sitting in is not this country; it's the internet. Where veracity is despised and fiction is the straw that stirs the drink for those who can't handle Realities.
It is more essential than ever that the American People make the effort to discern between crackpot fantasies and empirical reality.

A demand for credible evidence must be the response to every self-serving claim.

When will Trump, who only hires the best incompetents, come out of hiding to take charge of his own defense, strut into the scene of his goon insurrection, stand behind the podium (without stealing it) and publicly present all the proof he promised of a vast, clandestine conspiracy that transformed his airy-fairy "landslide!" into the resounding, certified loss that his lies, his dozens of frivolous court challenges, his pathetic attempts to pressure Republican public servants of integrity to falsify the vote, and his goons' attack on Congress all failed to achieve?

When Trump incited his goons, he raved,

View attachment 455462
"Over the past several weeks, we’ve amassed
overwhelming evidence about a fake election!"

Right about now would be the ideal time to pull it out of your copious butt, Cry Baby Loser.
Look at this thread. Despite everything that happened on Jan 6, despite everything Trump had said and "tweeted" on that day and for years before, despite what the sacking of the capitol means in America's history, despite the death and injuries, despite the Big Lie on which it is all predicated, they will not admit to a thing. It's all someone else. What about the other guys. It's all a lie. Get over it.

Without hyperbole, this is literally cult-like behavior. These people have been mentally and emotionally programmed. They are literally unreachable, at least in the short term.
You want us dead. We want you dead. Its pretty cut and dried.
I think we should all try to bring about our wants.

Dead authoritarian leftists/commies or Valhalla.
How come this thread isn't moved to the Badlands for having an "unclean title"?
How is it "unclean"? Does it upset you?

I used the term "Moon Bat" in the title for a similar thread and the Mods said it was "unclean" and moved down to the basement.

I would just like to know what these mods think is "unclean".

Are they so impervious to reality as to think that the term "Trumpser' is not demeaning?

Asking for a friend.
That's odd.
You left out the most important question. Why?
BLM protests happened because of police brutality/murder against black people.
The insurrection happened because a Narcissistic billionaire lost his job.
The Capitol riot is unprecedented. The Capitol riot revolves around Trump. He is the focus. It was for Trump, by his supporters, because he lost an election. This just doesn’t happen.
But the thing is no one rationally could think that the certified EVs were going to be tossed out. Sure the gop could force votes in the House and the Senate on individual states. And Sure that would further inflame the Trumptards who actually think there were "illegal" votes. There was no more, or less, illegality in 20 than when the gop wins by suppressing poor people's ability to vote. But the election was ….. over.

Even if Trump believed he'd cause the sacking of the capital, he couldn't overturn the vote

So the whole thing makes no sense to me.
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked

Over 2,000 police injured in Dem riots cheered on by Dem leaders in congress. The American "Capital was not sacked stop lying, a building was occupied the same building Dems occupied while Dem leaders approved and there was scant damage to the building while Dems set fire to and sacked multiple government buildings across the nation while Dem leaders in congress looked on in silence or in case of the VP she said the riots must continue.

Possibly the greatest example of shameless Dem hypocrisy in history.
You haven't showed any Democrats from congress cheering riots.
then you are 1 blind retard. the demonRATS paid antifa and blm to tear up and loot how many cities last year. go look for a brain

As we all know, the standard Trumpster response to anything that happened at our nation's Capitol is "whataboutism". What about the summer riots? Deflect, change the subject, attack. So, Trump supporters, since you're so interested in comparisons, here's your challenge. Here's what happened after the attack on the Capitol:
  • 5 Americans dead or dying
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked
  • "We Love You"
  • "You're Special"
  • "This is What Happens".
So this thread is your chance to put all your whataboutisms in one place. Show us some solid comparisons. Maybe words by DEMOCRATIC Presidents after riots. Show us why this is no big deal. Show us how the Democrats have done the same thing many times.

Let's collect them here. Go ahead.
You're a fucking idiot. It was your ilk who sacked the Capital.

You burned the Reichstag and blamed it on the opposition.

But, you're probably too stupid to get the reference, because you know cocksucking shit about history.

Stupid motherfucker.
So these weren't Trump supporters. It was all the other guys. Okay, got it.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?

Look it up, Herr Mac.
Was that an answer to my question?

I'll try again.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?
Why don't you ask him? I am not going to speculate.

But, who rioted for MONTHS and you said nothing?


Suddenly, your outrage is insatiable.

You don't fool anyone.
Yeah, I didn't think.
You should start and see what happens. May surprise you.
Stern words? Bold font? ALL CAPS? :disbelief:

Pretty sure the stock market is open (been following today), that Parler is somebody's private company, and that zero states "shut down voting", quite the contrary.

So no, I don't get this malarkey at all.
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked

Over 2,000 police injured in Dem riots cheered on by Dem leaders in congress. The American "Capital was not sacked stop lying, a building was occupied the same building Dems occupied while Dem leaders approved and there was scant damage to the building while Dems set fire to and sacked multiple government buildings across the nation while Dem leaders in congress looked on in silence or in case of the VP she said the riots must continue.

Possibly the greatest example of shameless Dem hypocrisy in history.
You haven't showed any Democrats from congress cheering riots.
then you are 1 blind retard. the demonRATS paid antifa and blm to tear up and loot how many cities last year. go look for a brain
They did not....Why are you lying? Oh,'re a trump Qultist, aren't you? Rhetorical Question then.
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked

Over 2,000 police injured in Dem riots cheered on by Dem leaders in congress. The American "Capital was not sacked stop lying, a building was occupied the same building Dems occupied while Dem leaders approved and there was scant damage to the building while Dems set fire to and sacked multiple government buildings across the nation while Dem leaders in congress looked on in silence or in case of the VP she said the riots must continue.

Possibly the greatest example of shameless Dem hypocrisy in history.
You haven't showed any Democrats from congress cheering riots.
then you are 1 blind retard. the demonRATS paid antifa and blm to tear up and loot how many cities last year. go look for a brain
They did not....Why are you lying? Oh,'re a trump Qultist, aren't you? Rhetorical Question then.
Yep, they're not really lying. They believe this stuff. Their own little world. Just like a cult.
You left out the most important question. Why?
BLM protests happened because of police brutality/murder against black people.
The insurrection happened because a Narcissistic billionaire lost his job.
The Capitol riot is unprecedented. The Capitol riot revolves around Trump. He is the focus. It was for Trump, by his supporters, because he lost an election. This just doesn’t happen.
The Capitol riot is unprecedented. The Capitol riot revolves around xiden.
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked

Over 2,000 police injured in Dem riots cheered on by Dem leaders in congress. The American "Capital was not sacked stop lying, a building was occupied the same building Dems occupied while Dem leaders approved and there was scant damage to the building while Dems set fire to and sacked multiple government buildings across the nation while Dem leaders in congress looked on in silence or in case of the VP she said the riots must continue.

Possibly the greatest example of shameless Dem hypocrisy in history.
You haven't showed any Democrats from congress cheering riots.
then you are 1 blind retard. the demonRATS paid antifa and blm to tear up and loot how many cities last year. go look for a brain
They did not....Why are you lying? Oh,'re a trump Qultist, aren't you? Rhetorical Question then.
Why are you lying? Oh,'re a xiden robot aren't you? Rhetorical Question ....

As we all know, the standard Trumpster response to anything that happened at our nation's Capitol is "whataboutism". What about the summer riots? Deflect, change the subject, attack. So, Trump supporters, since you're so interested in comparisons, here's your challenge. Here's what happened after the attack on the Capitol:
  • 5 Americans dead or dying
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked
  • "We Love You"
  • "You're Special"
  • "This is What Happens".
So this thread is your chance to put all your whataboutisms in one place. Show us some solid comparisons. Maybe words by DEMOCRATIC Presidents after riots. Show us why this is no big deal. Show us how the Democrats have done the same thing many times.

Let's collect them here. Go ahead.
You're a fucking idiot. It was your ilk who sacked the Capital.

You burned the Reichstag and blamed it on the opposition.

But, you're probably too stupid to get the reference, because you know cocksucking shit about history.

Stupid motherfucker.
So these weren't Trump supporters. It was all the other guys. Okay, got it.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?

Look it up, Herr Mac.
Was that an answer to my question?

I'll try again.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?
Why don't you ask him? I am not going to speculate.

But, who rioted for MONTHS and you said nothing?


Suddenly, your outrage is insatiable.

You don't fool anyone.
Yeah, I didn't think.
You should start and see what happens. May surprise you.
Stern words? Bold font? ALL CAPS? :disbelief:

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