For Unity's Sake: Trump Compromise: Hillary Universal Healthcare Czar?

Should Trump bury the hatchet & make Hillary the Healthcare Czar?

  • No way! I love the current hodgepodge/ private insurance racket...or its GOP twin to come..

  • Maybe. If the Trumpees could be consoled that total victory means graciousness.

  • Yes, definitely. It would reunite the nation.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
With such a one-sided victory and the populace torn..the winners should be gracious. And in the end, their graciousness will render in more votes for their party in subsequent elections. What better way than to extend a really excellent olive branch to Ms. Clinton and her shocked & stunned followers. This is one of those win win win win win situations. This is a serious proposal and one born from "Thinking outside the box".

A Nation Divided:

I think a lot of this BS could be avoided if Trump would offer the position of healthcare czar to Hillary and bury the hatchet. It would reunite the nation.

The GOP needs to accept that UH (which is properly Hillary's baby and she should get the credit in history for) is the only way out of our debt and economic crisis.

1. Tax sodas, sugars, booze & tobacco proportionate to value at each register sale. (the sick actually pay for their own healthcare this way)

2. Small co-pay at visits, to discourage overuse and pay for actual costs.

3. Reform costs, taking away the current 10,000% markup at hospitals.

4. Malpractice reform. If the doctor sews you up with a clamp left inside, he loses. If you rebreak your arm because you took your cast off a week early, you lose.

5. People can still opt for private premium insurance. This forces insurance companies to compete with UH...which drives down costs on premiums.


This system will restore hiring at businesses with new money freed up to not have to cover employee healthcare. Those currently paying their own healthcare immediate have the equivalent of a 2nd mortgage freed up each month. That surplus pumps back into the economy in the form of consuming...driving up demand...driving up jobs. More jobs mean more people qualify for lending.. Housing market improves. Construction picks up...more jobs still.

The only losers in such a system would be the private healthcare moguls currently raping the public while our economy spirals down the tubes.

Appoint Hillary UH-Czar and her heart will be mended...and her constituents will be at least partially pacified and happy with Trump.

It would be like a co-presidency with Hillary having a very restricted and singular role; which is the role she really wanted to promote

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You know...instead of the "Jail her!!" rhetoric which is doing nothing but dividing the nation again. I mean, this is really a reap situation for the GOP again. And, considering all the uber-right white guys Trump is olive branch like this one on a diverse staff might be the ticket.

Kids, Hillary lost. You don't need to keep beating up on a dead horse that really wasn't as bad as Trump and the GOP ginned her up to be. Trump is no pure angel either. At least Hillary's pet cause of healthcare for all is not an insidious agenda. It really was and is a compassionate wish of hers for the People.
With such a one-sided victory and the populace torn..the winners should be gracious. And in the end, their graciousness will render in more votes for their party in subsequent elections. What better way than to extend a really excellent olive branch to Ms. Clinton and her shocked & stunned followers. This is one of those win win win win win situations.

A Nation Divided:

I think a lot of this BS could be avoided if Trump would offer the position of healthcare czar to Hillary and bury the hatchet. It would reunite the nation.

The GOP needs to accept that UH (which is properly Hillary's baby and she should get the credit in history for) is the only way out of our debt and economic crisis.

1. Tax sodas, sugars, booze & tobacco proportionate to value at each register sale. (the sick actually pay for their own healthcare this way)

2. Small co-pay at visits, to discourage overuse and pay for actual costs.

3. Reform costs, taking away the current 10,000% markup at hospitals.

4. Malpractice reform. If the doctor sews you up with a clamp left inside, he loses. If you rebreak your arm because you took your cast off a week early, you lose.

5. People can still opt for private premium insurance. This forces insurance companies to compete with UH...which drives down costs on premiums.


This system will restore hiring at businesses with new money freed up to not have to cover employee healthcare. Those currently paying their own healthcare immediate have the equivalent of a 2nd mortgage freed up each month. That surplus pumps back into the economy in the form of consuming...driving up demand...driving up jobs. More jobs mean more people qualify for lending.. Housing market improves. Construction picks up...more jobs still.

The only losers in such a system would be the private healthcare moguls currently raping the public while our economy spirals down the tubes.

Appoint Hillary UH-Czar and her heart will be mended...and her constituents will be at least partially pacified and happy with Trump.

It would be like a co-presidency with Hillary having a very restricted and singular role; which is the role she really wanted to promote

Are you dropping LSD?
I wouldn't trust Hillarys greedy little hands anywhere near a government office.
Why not? You trusted Donald Trump's hands near government. And, he's not been vetted. What little vetting we've seen has been...shall we say...not complimentary to the man.

Are we supposed to fantasize that with time, his past will come out more angelic than the foul snippets we've just been allowed to see so far? Forecasting a projectory on the "grab them by the pussy" tape, I'd predict that four years hence, Hillary will look like a saint in comparison to Trump.

So all things equal, and a nation divided, and a healthcare system & economy in crisis...why not extend the olive branch to Hillary? Just on this one issue?
^^ Jase Robertson and the Robertsons in general would undoubtedly be in favor of a magnificent and godly gesture like the forgiving of enemies and extension of an olive branch. Especially where the poor and suffering were concerned (universal healthcare).

So you might want to rethink your "champion of NO" photo..
Because of her foreign policy experience, appoint her to the US Benghazi consulate.
Enough Americans haven't been killed off to make this country accept rationed universal health care.
Because of her foreign policy experience, appoint her to the US Benghazi consulate.
Ha ha...hilarious. That would be like appointing Trump to return manufacturing home from China where he has his merchandise currently made...uh...oh...wait...we just did that.

So, given that, at least all things equal we could entrust Hillary with just the healthcare position?
Did you not hear about the election? The people basically told Hillary "No thanks...we don't trust you" and elected Donald Trump. You think that Trump should reward that by putting Hillary Clinton in charge of 1/6th of our economy when she's been a failure at everything she's ever done in government? Hillary needs to go back to Westchester and spend time with her grandkids. She's done.
It's an outlandish suggestion. If the Gods are truly good then she is finished in government.
lol yes because Hillary's first stab at healthcare law in the 90s was accepted overwhelmingly. Its time to turn the page on the corrupt Clintons
What does "one sided victory" freaking mean to lefties? When Obama won he told republicans "it's my way or the highway".
I didn't say "appoint her vice president". I simply said "healthcare czar". You know, a singular and limited job UNDER Trump?

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