For what it is worth


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
By now, everyone on USMB knows what I tried to do with The Tavern last week. Personally, I was only trying to save something people cared about. But in the end I made a gigantic fool of myself in the process; alienating some of my closest friends here on USMB. Apologies don't mean much, so, I won't apologize. I made a mistake. No two ways around it. However, words, like the ones I'm typing now, are only words. Forgiveness is something that you should give when you feel like it, not when I ask for it.

That is all.
By now, everyone on USMB knows what I tried to do with The Tavern last week. Personally, I was only trying to save something people cared about. But in the end I made a gigantic fool of myself in the process; alienating some of my closest friends here on USMB. Apologies don't mean much, so, I won't apologize. I made a mistake. No two ways around it. However, words, like the ones I'm typing now, are only words. Forgiveness is something that you should give when you feel like it, not when I ask for it.

That is all.

Businesses are transferred every day and taken over by new owners without changing a thing in the real world.

I do not judge you. It's not my place.
Actually didn't do anything wrong and you gave credit where credit is due. Your only issue is that you are ugly like a man and think like a female. People like that get respect from no one!
By now, everyone on USMB knows what I tried to do with The Tavern last week. Personally, I was only trying to save something people cared about. But in the end I made a gigantic fool of myself in the process; alienating some of my closest friends here on USMB. Apologies don't mean much, so, I won't apologize. I made a mistake. No two ways around it. However, words, like the ones I'm typing now, are only words. Forgiveness is something that you should give when you feel like it, not when I ask for it.

That is all.

TK...I just said I wasn't comfortable posting in the new place under the circumstances. Not a big deal....and not personal. I cannot speak for anyone else, that's just me.

But's just the internet. Really not a big deal. :)
To me, forgiveness is something that has to be asked for because if it was automatically given, then people would think that they can get away with doing anything that they wanted.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Please stop doing this.

Please stop with these desperate "pay attention to me" posts.

Every week or two, you find some way to post this very same "look at me" thread.

Just stop.

When someone who is older and wiser than you offers criticism, don't automatically asssume you know more because, most of the time, you really do not. And, even if your point of view is correct or more productive or more constructive, you will always learn more with your mouth shut and your mind open.

You are only 26yo going on about fifteen. Even if you were a mature 26, your mind is slammed shut like you're an old man encased in concrete. Understand and know this this right now: that fact will be your downfall. Its your biggest fault and probably the reason why you cannot succeed as a political pundit/blogger. (Unless, of course, you want to be Alex Jones when you grow up.) Read another poster here - @Corvus Rexus. He's 15 and, like you, he thinks he knows it all. It might give you some insight as to why some here are so turned off by by your insufferable swagger that is backed up by nothing much at all.

Everyone has been where you two are now. Everyone once thought they knew STUFF and later learned they knew NOTHING. Open your mind to that. Open your mind to learning.

(I wouldn't bother with you except that I think you have potential. Others here think the same about you, that you are smart dumb kid who should be acting the apprentice instead of the Huffing and Puffing Honcho Know It All With A Cardboard Sword.)

Anyway -

Get off your fat butt, grow up, get a job, make your own way, lose the weight and post here like its not your whole life. Let days and days go by without a mea culpa thread. Don't ask for advice about how to do it, don't whine that you didn't do it right, don't make excuses, don't posture and strut, don't pretend to be self-sufficient adult, don't pretend you wrote something you didn't, don't pretend you have even a effing clue what you're going to be this time next year because kid, you don't even know what you are right now today.

Just do it because that's what people do. That's how you grow up. There are no short cuts, no one who can do it for you, no one to blame or take credit.

Just you.

And TK, it was just a message board thread. You don't get any more inconsequential than that.

As for me asking you how the job hunt was going, it was you who posted the request for help. If you do not want people to ask, you should keep it yourself. If you don't want people to know your underwear has holes in them, don't post pics of your bleeping underwear.

Get it?

That's it. That's my Rant du Jour. Take it or leave it.
I didn't like how you copied it exactly like the previous owner instead of making it your own. It's no big deal. Just not something I felt comfortable with. Doesn't mean you can't do it.
Please stop doing this.

Please stop with these desperate "pay attention to me" posts.

Every week or two, you find some way to post this very same "look at me" thread.

Just stop.

When someone who is older and wiser than you offers criticism, don't automatically asssume you know more because, most of the time, you really do not. And, even if your point of view is correct or more productive or more constructive, you will always learn more with your mouth shut and your mind open.

You are only 26yo going on about fifteen. Even if you were a mature 26, your mind is slammed shut like you're an old man encased in concrete. Understand and know this this right now: that fact will be your downfall. Its your biggest fault and probably the reason why you cannot succeed as a political pundit/blogger. (Unless, of course, you want to be Alex Jones when you grow up.) Read another poster here - @Corvus Rexus. He's 15 and, like you, he thinks he knows it all. It might give you some insight as to why some here are so turned off by by your insufferable swagger that is backed up by nothing much at all.

Everyone has been where you two are now. Everyone once thought they knew STUFF and later learned they knew NOTHING. Open your mind to that. Open your mind to learning.

(I wouldn't bother with you except that I think you have potential. Others here think the same about you, that you are smart dumb kid who should be acting the apprentice instead of the Huffing and Puffing Honcho Know It All With A Cardboard Sword.)

Anyway -

Get off your fat butt, grow up, get a job, make your own way, lose the weight and post here like its not your whole life. Let days and days go by without a mea culpa thread. Don't ask for advice about how to do it, don't whine that you didn't do it right, don't make excuses, don't posture and strut, don't pretend to be self-sufficient adult, don't pretend you wrote something you didn't, don't pretend you have even a effing clue what you're going to be this time next year because kid, you don't even know what you are right now today.

Just do it because that's what people do. That's how you grow up. There are no short cuts, no one who can do it for you, no one to blame or take credit.

Just you.

And TK, it was just a message board thread. You don't get any more inconsequential than that.

As for me asking you how the job hunt was going, it was you who posted the request for help. If you do not want people to ask, you should keep it yourself. If you don't want people to know your underwear has holes in them, don't post pics of your bleeping underwear.

Get it?

That's it. That's my Rant du Jour. Take it or leave it.
Wow. So is this what you would want people to say in return if you had something that you felt that you just had to get off of your chest? You obviously don't hesitate to speak your mind when you have something on it, so why should anyone else?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If the matter did not concern you to begin with, then what you had to say in response was most definitely not necessary.
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Please stop doing this.

Please stop with these desperate "pay attention to me" posts.

Every week or two, you find some way to post this very same "look at me" thread.

Just stop.

When someone who is older and wiser than you offers criticism, don't automatically asssume you know more because, most of the time, you really do not. And, even if your point of view is correct or more productive or more constructive, you will always learn more with your mouth shut and your mind open.

You are only 26yo going on about fifteen. Even if you were a mature 26, your mind is slammed shut like you're an old man encased in concrete. Understand and know this this right now: that fact will be your downfall. Its your biggest fault and probably the reason why you cannot succeed as a political pundit/blogger. (Unless, of course, you want to be Alex Jones when you grow up.) Read another poster here - @Corvus Rexus. He's 15 and, like you, he thinks he knows it all. It might give you some insight as to why some here are so turned off by by your insufferable swagger that is backed up by nothing much at all.

Everyone has been where you two are now. Everyone once thought they knew STUFF and later learned they knew NOTHING. Open your mind to that. Open your mind to learning.

(I wouldn't bother with you except that I think you have potential. Others here think the same about you, that you are smart dumb kid who should be acting the apprentice instead of the Huffing and Puffing Honcho Know It All With A Cardboard Sword.)

Anyway -

Get off your fat butt, grow up, get a job, make your own way, lose the weight and post here like its not your whole life. Let days and days go by without a mea culpa thread. Don't ask for advice about how to do it, don't whine that you didn't do it right, don't make excuses, don't posture and strut, don't pretend to be self-sufficient adult, don't pretend you wrote something you didn't, don't pretend you have even a effing clue what you're going to be this time next year because kid, you don't even know what you are right now today.

Just do it because that's what people do. That's how you grow up. There are no short cuts, no one who can do it for you, no one to blame or take credit.

Just you.

And TK, it was just a message board thread. You don't get any more inconsequential than that.

As for me asking you how the job hunt was going, it was you who posted the request for help. If you do not want people to ask, you should keep it yourself. If you don't want people to know your underwear has holes in them, don't post pics of your bleeping underwear.

Get it?

That's it. That's my Rant du Jour. Take it or leave it.
Wow. So is this what you would want people to say in return if you had something that you felt that you just had to get off of your chest? You obviously don't hesitate to speak your mind when you have something on it, so why should anyone else?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If the matter did not concern you to begin with, then what you had to say in response was most definitely not necessary.

As usual, you have no clue what you're talking about.

The first dozen or so times he had to "get it off his chest", the entire board, including me, was supportive. Why don't you read those threads and his reactions to them before you pretend you have something to add?

You might also want to read the exchanges between me and TK before you tell me what what concerns me. And, its a public, open board. Unless you're own it, you have no right to tell me where I can or should post.

And, for crying out loud, quit telling that same lie with every single one of your posts. You know the lie I mean. The lie where you write "god bless you".
As usual, you have no clue what you're talking about.

The first dozen or so times he had to "get it off his chest", the entire board, including me, was supportive. Why don't you read those threads and his reactions to them before you pretend you have something to add?

You might also want to read the exchanges between me and TK before you tell me what what concerns me. And, its a public, open board. Unless you're own it, you have no right to tell me where I can or should post.

And, for crying out loud, quit telling that same lie with every single one of your posts. You know the lie I mean. The lie where you write "god bless you".
I don't believe that you have the right to tell me where I can or should say either. If you didn't want to be jumped on by anyone, you shouldn't have said anything until your feelings about the situation were different. Freedom of speech is not a one way street. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Oh and if you can not take what I have to say here, you have the freedom and are more than welcome to use on me the ignore feature that this forum is supposed to have. :) :) :)
As usual, you have no clue what you're talking about.

The first dozen or so times he had to "get it off his chest", the entire board, including me, was supportive. Why don't you read those threads and his reactions to them before you pretend you have something to add?

You might also want to read the exchanges between me and TK before you tell me what what concerns me. And, its a public, open board. Unless you're own it, you have no right to tell me where I can or should post.

And, for crying out loud, quit telling that same lie with every single one of your posts. You know the lie I mean. The lie where you write "god bless you".
I don't believe that you have the right to tell me where I can or should say either. If you didn't want to be jumped on by anyone, you shouldn't have said anything until your feelings about the situation were different. Freedom of speech is not a one way street. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Oh and if you can not take what I have to say here, you have the freedom and are more than welcome to use on me the ignore feature that this forum is supposed to have. :) :) :)


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