For years trump claimed his taxes were under audit

Admit it Demtards, after years of pissing yourself demanding Trump's tax returns you got them and you found NOTHING. Poor Dems another swing and a miss for the intolerant Dem Nazis.
Admit it Demtards, after years of pissing yourself demanding Trump's tax returns you got them and you found NOTHING. Poor Dems another swing and a miss for the intolerant Dem Nazis.
We do know trump has been losing money for years...or so he claims. We will know more when they are released to the public. The Insurrectionist is politically finished. He is so desperate...he is selling badly photoshopped trading cards.
Check thee 4th Amendment, dumbfuck.

Remember: everything you post is a lie.

The tax returns are in the possession of the treasury. Eliminating any 4th amendment the government isn't searching Trump, they're searching their own records. The courts have been explicit on the matter:

"When an inquiry uncovers information worthy of legislation, that information often comes to light. This is particularly true with regard to tax returns. There is no constitutional guarantee to the privacy of tax returns. Rather, the privacy of tax returns is a creature of statute, the same statute that authorizes the Chairman to request this information. See 26 U.S.C. § 6103."

Again, you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. And your agressive ignorance doesn't have the slightest relevance to any legal outcome.
The tax returns are in the possession of the treasury. Eliminating any 4th amendment the government isn't searching Trump, they're searching their own records. The courts have been explicit on the matter:

"When an inquiry uncovers information worthy of legislation, that information often comes to light. This is particularly true with regard to tax returns. There is no constitutional guarantee to the privacy of tax returns. Rather, the privacy of tax returns is a creature of statute, the same statute that authorizes the Chairman to request this information. See 26 U.S.C. § 6103."

Again, you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. And your agressive ignorance doesn't have the slightest relevance to any legal outcome.
What's the source of that quote? The author is dead wrong.
What's the source of that quote? The author is dead wrong.

That would be the appellant court ruling that authorized the Ways and Means committee access to Trump's documents.

And upheld unanimously by the Supreme Court.

Laughing....but they're all wrong because you say so? That's adorable.
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That would be the appellant court ruling that authorized the Ways and Means committee access to Trump's documents.

And upheld by unanimous vote by the Supreme Court.

Laughing....but they're all wrong because you say so? That's adorable.
post a link to it. Even if that's what it is, that doesn't prove your right. The SC is wrong all the time.
We do know trump has been losing money for years...or so he claims. We will know more when they are released to the public. The Insurrectionist is politically finished. He is so desperate...he is selling badly photoshopped trading cards.
You prefer the centerfolds to the trading cards though, right jimboliar?
Did he shoot someone on Fifth Avenue? No? They don't give a shit.

The crap is just pouring out now. We'll see how many of them keep bending over for this.

Imagine how weak a person has to be to do that.
Listen to the doofus who believes Hunter's laptop is disinformation.
post a link to it. Even if that's what it is, that doesn't prove your right. The SC is wrong all the time.

Look it up. Here's the name:


I'll even give you the page number: last paragraph of page 21.

And legally, it does establish I'm right. Your argument is to ignore the judiciary and insist that you are the supreme legal authority.

Good luck with that.
The Nordic countries, with their deep social-democratic traditions, have some good ideas ….


In Sweden, a single anonymous telephone call to the tax authority is enough to find out what someone has paid. Almost all income tax details are public and Swedish tabloids often publish lists of the highest earners in different neighborhoods, and who paid the most tax each year.

These policies are rooted in cultural traditions. The Swedish concept of the “law of jante”, which means no one is special or should stand out, underscores how individuals can threaten the Nordic region’s core collectivism.

In Sweden, whose system of cradle-to-grave welfare paid for by high taxes relies on voters’ faith in its fairness, the tax agency consistently polls as the most respected state institution.


Norway has published tax returns since 1863, when they were posted on town hall walls….

Worries that anonymous enquiries could be used to tip off burglars have prompted a tightening of the rules…. Since Norway’s right-wing government took office in 2013 … anyone whose name is targeted is now informed about who is searching.

That has led to a tumble in the number of searches of tax records, to 2.15 million since the last batch became available in October from 16.5 million in the 12 months to October 2014, the last year the system was anonymous.


Ironically, Denmark -- where tax records are not public -- is the one Scandinavian country where politicians’ taxes have caused controversy. Then Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt was forced to admit in 2010 she had made “big and sloppy mistakes” when records were published by a tabloid showing she was not eligible to tax deductions…

Privacy, what privacy? Many Nordic tax records are a phone call away [emphasis mine]
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We do know trump has been losing money for years...or so he claims. We will know more when they are released to the public. The Insurrectionist is politically finished. He is so desperate...he is selling badly photoshopped trading cards.
That's none of your damn business you lowlife scumbag slimes. Then there's the 10,000 posts you filth posted that as much as claimed Trump was hiding criminal tax issues. Democrats are truly the lowest form of human filth on the planet.
So you're saying the laptop is genuine?
Aw, you're still trying. Instead of trying to weakly change the subject, start a thread and I'll provide examples of what I've said. Like this:

This really is pretty simple:
  1. If you suspect something, investigate
  2. If you find something, prosecute
  3. If they're found guilty, nail 'em
  4. If someone helped them, including family, nail them too.
  5. If it's political, maybe nail 'em a bit more
Whether it's the orange cult or Hillary or Hunter or anyone else. Period. No exceptions. Party affiliation irrelevant.

How have we gotten to a point at which we can't even agree on THAT?

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