Forbes/Harris poll: Majority say verdict rigged...

He never would have even been charged with this convoluted, desperate resurrected “misdemeanor with unnamed underlying crime to make it a felony” if it were anyone else but Trump.

That makes it politically motivated.

I told you, and you wouldn't listen. You've only energized Trump's base with no upside for Democrats.

I think you've lost the election.

You'll have to download the PDF from RCP but here is the important section...

View attachment 955478

P.S.- Trump topped Biden in this post-verdict poll 51-49.
Wish we could consolidate all these threads together and throw them at the leftists. The reactions would be comedic.
I would rather lose an election because someone was held accountable for their crimes then win an election by putting someone above the law.

I'm pretty pragmatic about it. If America wants to elect a sexual assaulter, fraudster and convicted felon then we get the America we deserve.
No one was held accountable for any crimes, dumbass. You're just a stupid corrupt scumbag.
The Dems harvested ballots from ignorant, gullible voters until they had enough to overcome Trump’s lead in the swing states. They held them in abeyance as Plan B, and when it turned out that all the media lies didn't brainwash enough useful idiots, they shut down the count in multiple swing states where Trump was ahead, and then “restarted” once Biden was in the lead.
The Dems harvested ballots from ignorant, gullible voters until they had enough to overcome Trump’s lead in the swing states. They held them in abeyance as Plan B, and when it turned out that all the media lies didn't brainwash enough useful idiots, they shut down the count in multiple swing states where Trump was ahead, and then “restarted” once Biden was in the lead.

Sure I will. The day you deluded dipshits prove it. Which will never happen.

Sorry, but I've raised kids. I've heard the "they cheated" excuse from someone who is too immature to accept defeat. That's all that's going on here.
Half of America thinks they cheated. We aint your damn kids.

That election is rotten to the core.

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