Forbes/Harris poll: Majority say verdict rigged...

Trump was found liable for sexual assault, fraud and is a convicted felon.

Biden hasn't even been charged with anything on your right wing grievance list.

Trumps Base was always going to vote for him. That wouldn’t change if he raped a dog in Times Square.

Or took a shower with his underage daughter.

Trump is responsible for his own actions. Ultimately if he wasn't such a target rich environment he probably wouldn't be in this position. But the laughable premise that there is some moral high ground here is nothing short of hilarious.
Holding criminals responsible for their actions is a good thing.
It's a good thing until it becomes a selective process, then it becomes just another form of the the corruption that it pretends to battle.
What drivel.

So you think the correct process is not to prosecute any criminals, if we don't prosecute them all to perfection. That's the only possible point you can be making.

More contrived crap. You didn't think that through. And you don't even believe it.
well you elected a child toucher/fondler/kisser that showered with his daughter and has a 48 year streak of racist comments and to top it off cheated in law school and plagiarized and had to end his presidential campaign bid. Now how do YOU explain putting this RACIST DEMENTED PEVERT BAG OF SHIT in the White House? Cat go your tongue? Shall I mention he played college football just fine, yet got draft deferment for asthma.

You should think twice before you run that ugly pie hole of yours.
Yawn ...another right wing grievance list with no legal existent in reality.

Trump is a proven fraudster, sexual assaulter and convicted felon.

That takes precedence over right wing diatribes.
What elements of what crimes has he been charged with?

Did they pass the muster of a grand jury?

You want me to base my vote on your opinion instead of the fact that it is proven in court Trump is a sexual assaulter, fraudster and convicted felon?

Your opinions may be relevant to you but not to me.

Greed? You mean like Trump stealing from his own charities...proven in court.

Corruption? Like falsifying business records to cover other crimes...proven in court.

Sexual perversion? Like sexually assaulting a woman in an elevator and then defaming her publicly...proven in court.
Joe Biden touches and fondles children and showered with his daughter :funnyface:
Defend it :dance:
what if there is not one that we "least prefer"?

When you are choosing between being shot or being stabbed, there is not a least preferred choice
No...there is.

I'd definitely rather be stabbed.

No shrapnel, no hydrostatic shock, and a cut wound channel, not torn.
Yawn ...another right wing grievance list with no legal existent in reality.

Trump is a proven fraudster, sexual assaulter and convicted felon.

That takes precedence over right wing diatribes.
I can prove it, and when I do, you will still deny it. :fu:
Good for you. Thanks for sharing.

Would you vote for someone who sexually assaulted someone's daughter as proven in court?
Yawn ...another left wing grievance list with no legal existent in reality. :funnyface:
Fuck Trump's base!

There is not a more stupid person on this planet than a Trump supporter. They are dumber than the Tea Party and that's pretty stupid!
This argument from emotion and name-calling might make you feel better, but it's not going to change any minds, IMO.
Or took a shower with his underage daughter.

Not illegal and yes she was underage. Is it better if she is overage?

Trump is responsible for his own actions. Ultimately if he wasn't such a target rich environment he probably wouldn't be in this position. But the laughable premise that there is some moral high ground here is nothing short of hilarious.
I have already somewhat agreed with this point but I pointed out it's the way this game is played and has been played for decades.

You want to run for president you better make expect to have some skeletons in your closet be exposed.
If you have to abuse the law to get that conviction, as was done in NY, then simply stating that title doesn’t have the power you hope it does.

Oh yes lefty is all for backing up judiciary unless it's the supreme Court decision to overturn Roe V Wade.... Then all of a sudden the legal system in the judges become illegitimate!
Joe Biden touches and fondles children and showered with his daughter :funnyface:
Defend it :dance:
Biden showered with his young daughter. Not illegal.

The other thing is parroting feverish right wing nonsense without even any charges.

Take it to the courts and get back to me.
Yawn ...another left wing grievance list with no legal existent in reality. :funnyface:
Yes. There is legal existence.

Trump was found liable for sexual assault, fraud and is a convicted felon as determined by the courts.

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