Forbes/Harris poll: Majority say verdict rigged...

I don't think any law is bad specifically. But I also don't think there's anyone in the country that thinks this type of legal acrobatics would have been applied unless it was politically motivated. Like I said Trump provides a target rich environment. But now the genie is out.... We will see this type of prosecution again unfortunately.
This law has been applied in the past against those who were not presidential candidates.

Ultimately however you have a point that if Trump had never ran for president this probably would not have come up.

That is just the nature of the game.

Would Starr's whitewater investigation have happened if Bill hadn't been president?

Would Hunter Biden's tax crimes/gun been investigated by the house if Biden wasn't president?

Would Benghazi had been investigated 8 separate times if Hillary didn't run for president?

Are these focused investigations a bad thing? Technically yes but their is some good to be had by highly scrutinizing our political leaders.
Democrats re-wrote a law in NY for the sole purpose of being able to get around the statute of limitations that had run out, so they could go after Trump. THAT'S the level of Dem corruption.
Laws are re-written all the time. Wisconsin re-wrote ballot box laws. What's the big deal?
that's the difference between Trump and Biden.

Biden hasn't been convicted.
Which means you don't know Biden is guilty of those things...however we know Trump is liable for sexual assault, fraud and is a convicted felon.

I think many voters will vote based on the legal facts vs right wing speculation.
Get your baby whining out of here. You fools who told your votes in the trash ar far more responsibl3. Every election you show the parties exactly which issues they can ignore, with your pathetic numbers.
Keep voting for evil dipshit. It's working great! Look at the wonderful state of the country. The duopoly will save us!

I would rather lose an election because someone was held accountable for their crimes then win an election by putting someone above the law.

I'm pretty pragmatic about it. If America wants to elect a sexual assaulter, fraudster and convicted felon then we get the America we deserve.
Keep voting for evil dipshit.
This is also embarrassingly stupid, as your throw away vote is just a net vote for the on3 of the two candidates you least prefer.

Enjoy casting a net vote for the greater of two evils. I'm sure you will sniff your own farts afterward and pat yourself on the back.
Which means you don't know Biden is guilty of those things...however we know Trump is liable for sexual assault, fraud and is a convicted felon.

I think many voters will vote based on the legal facts vs right wing speculation.
These red hats are under the impression if they spread their BS enough repeatedly, it will become fact. Most Americans are smarter than that.
STOP right there and spare us your faux concern for the law. YOU PEOPLE are the epitome of lawless corrupt thugs. Your leaders have broken umpteen laws and you celebrate them getting off scott free without so much as a slap on the wrist.

Dems and their FAKE selective accountability.
It sure is. But you keep selling the same ignorant shit. Making the same failed arguments. Nominate the same corrupt idiots. And electing Trump. Congrats.

The spectacularly selective application of Justice in this case probably has selected the next president.
The spectacularly selective application of Justice in this case probably has selected the next president.
At what point do you attribute responsibility for committing and being prosecuted for the crimes to the criminal?

I am guessing: never.
In the world of rational adults ...
Let's get clear here. You are not a rational adult. You're a partisan drone. You make corrupt failed arguments to try to con people into supporting your party. Well, fuck your party. Your party is shit and will never get my vote.
You have never once even attended to counter my arguments. Because you aren't going to reinvent mathematics.
You've never made any coherent arguments. You're just spinning a con.

I've never been able to get any kind of honest exchange of ideas from you, but I'll try one more time. Let me ask you this - do you actually think both candidates suck? Do you think both will be bad for the country?

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