Force A Change, Or Pass Out The Red Scarves

Sounds like a failure on the part of law enforcement.
Which is kinda weird since you leftist never miss a chance to deride the police.

You mean those chances when they shoot children playing with toys? Um, yeah, you need to deride htat.

But this is a case where law enforcement isn't allowed to do its job, because we've decided that crazy people have a right to own guns.

"Children" like the one you are referring to commit way more murders every year than your hypothetical "crazy Billys" do. But nobody on the left even wants to talk about that, instead they blame the cops for not being able to tell the difference between a real handgun and a BB gun (not a toy btw).
"Children" like the one you are referring to commit way more murders every year than your hypothetical "crazy Billys" do. But nobody on the left even wants to talk about that, instead they blame the cops for not being able to tell the difference between a real handgun and a BB gun (not a toy btw).

Um, yeah, in that case, the gun wasn't out, and the police officer shot him .3 seconds after leaving the car. Oh, this same cop was fired from another police department for having an emotional breakdown on a gun range because his girlfriend dumped him.
I understand their emotional confusion, but as these ill-educated teens will be replacing the one-time hippies currently enjoying political power and feeding them abject nonsense, perhaps a move should be made.

Should there not be a concerted effort - an educational crackdown, if you will - to force future generations to at least honestly confront and consider the thinking and logic behind the foundation of the country they will one day either lead, or destroy?

Why? These kids have it right.

We have a batshit crazy policy of letting any crazy person who wants a gun have one.

This is pure insanity. 17 people died on Wednesday because of it.
The bloods on your hands.
I understand their emotional confusion, but as these ill-educated teens will be replacing the one-time hippies currently enjoying political power and feeding them abject nonsense, perhaps a move should be made.

Should there not be a concerted effort - an educational crackdown, if you will - to force future generations to at least honestly confront and consider the thinking and logic behind the foundation of the country they will one day either lead, or destroy?

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence | HuffPost

what is it that troubles you? that they haven't been indoctrinated by NRA wackos?
I understand their emotional confusion, but as these ill-educated teens will be replacing the one-time hippies currently enjoying political power and feeding them abject nonsense, perhaps a move should be made.

Should there not be a concerted effort - an educational crackdown, if you will - to force future generations to at least honestly confront and consider the thinking and logic behind the foundation of the country they will one day either lead, or destroy?

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence | HuffPost
Those kids are on the front lines of a world we created for them. They have every right to change your vision of the world that we will in time soon depart.
Those kids are on the front lines of a world we created for them. They have every right to change your vision of the world that we will in time soon depart.

Glad to see the left finally take responsibility for fucking up society.
Those kids are on the front lines of a world we created for them. They have every right to change your vision of the world that we will in time soon depart.

Glad to see the left finally take responsibility for fucking up society.
Now if we could just get the right to do it.

50 years ago shit like this didn't happen. Since then society has marched ever leftward. Some of you want to blame the entertainment industry for exposing kids to violent imagery, but everyone knows whos in charge of hollywood and it aint redneck evangelicals from the deep south.
Those kids are on the front lines of a world we created for them. They have every right to change your vision of the world that we will in time soon depart.

Glad to see the left finally take responsibility for fucking up society.
Now if we could just get the right to do it.

50 years ago shit like this didn't happen. Since then society has marched ever leftward. Some of you want to blame the entertainment industry for exposing kids to violent imagery, but everyone knows whos in charge of hollywood and it aint redneck evangelicals from the deep south.
The youth of past was far more mature and far less self centered.
Now it's normal to live with parents until 30. We have raised age limits to 21 across the board to reflect this immaturity.
Add an addiction to social media that the creators openly admit is destructive to our youth.
Medicating of children because they act like children.
Failure of education to prepare kids for the real world.
A permissive society, and now we add gender confusion to the mix.
Much easier for liberals to blame a gun, and not their own hand in the policies that have failed our youth for the last 50 years.
50 years ago shit like this didn't happen.

50 years ago, the Gun Nuts didn't support giving every gun nut a military grade weapon.

50 years ago, the NRA actually SUPPORTED common sense gun control.

Some of you want to blame the entertainment industry for exposing kids to violent imagery, but everyone knows whos in charge of hollywood and it aint redneck evangelicals from the deep south.

Actually, no one blamed Hollywood.

What I'd like to see is movies where we see the devastation caused by guns. When Bruce Willis fires into a crowd, we see grieving mothers.
I understand their emotional confusion, but as these ill-educated teens will be replacing the one-time hippies currently enjoying political power and feeding them abject nonsense, perhaps a move should be made.

Should there not be a concerted effort - an educational crackdown, if you will - to force future generations to at least honestly confront and consider the thinking and logic behind the foundation of the country they will one day either lead, or destroy?

Why? These kids have it right.

We have a batshit crazy policy of letting any crazy person who wants a gun have one.

This is pure insanity. 17 people died on Wednesday because of it.
Those people died because the FBI FAILED to do their jobs!
They are being used, sadly, and they don’t know any better. The ones feeding them are the ones that failed them. This killer was screaming his intentions, whether from crying out for real help, or from madness, and he was ignored, and given chance after chance after chance, (which equaled to no chance in reality) and it brought us to this tragedy. 5e adults knew he was a threat, and yet really did nothing. He is first guilty but there are many around that are also guilty.
I understand their emotional confusion, but as these ill-educated teens will be replacing the one-time hippies currently enjoying political power and feeding them abject nonsense, perhaps a move should be made.

Should there not be a concerted effort - an educational crackdown, if you will - to force future generations to at least honestly confront and consider the thinking and logic behind the foundation of the country they will one day either lead, or destroy?

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence | HuffPost
I understand their emotional confusion, but as these ill-educated teens will be replacing the one-time hippies currently enjoying political power and feeding them abject nonsense, perhaps a move should be made.

Should there not be a concerted effort - an educational crackdown, if you will - to force future generations to at least honestly confront and consider the thinking and logic behind the foundation of the country they will one day either lead, or destroy?

Why? These kids have it right.

We have a batshit crazy policy of letting any crazy person who wants a gun have one.

This is pure insanity. 17 people died on Wednesday because of it.

Shit head........we have laws on the books that would have allowed the police to stop this shooter....he made obvious threats on the internet.....they were there 39 times...the local police...the FBI had two shots at dealing with this killer.....they dropped the ball...

It isn't the gun, it isn't law abiding gun owners, it is your "god" government, that failed that day.....

Americans use their guns to stop violent criminals 1,500,000 times a year, times when the police are not there to stop these criminals and mass shooters.....and because our country has armed citizens...our crime rate has been dropping like a rock.....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Yes, really. Within their "Lord of the Flies" society, that is true. High school is extremely tribal.

Okay, except- and I know this is a concept that's hard for you to grasp-

The same was pretty much true in the Catholic High School I went to in the 1970's.

All the black kids sat at one table, all the white kids sat at another table.

All the Spanish kids sat at their own table.

All the jocks sat at their own table.

All the nerds sat at their own table.

Good thing we didn't have girls in this school back then, the tribalism would have been a lot worse.

Has nothing to with the fact that these kids have a pretty good bead on the concept that someone like Cruz never, ever should have gotten his hands on an assault rifle.

He didn't get his hands on an assault rifle.......that is a military weapon...he had a civilian and police self defense rifle...the most popular rifle in the United States...

So....on that day, 1 guy used 1 rifle.......7,999,999 other AR-15 rifles were not used to shoot at that school......

Can you tell which number is bigger?

And of the ways children die.....mass shootings or drowning......drowning kills far more do cars.....yet asswipes like you don't focus on bodies of water or automobiles...the leading causes of child death......

You don't care about dead children, you hate guns.....and that is why you focus on the wrong things, which will never help end the problem.

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