Force A Change, Or Pass Out The Red Scarves

It isn't the gun, it isn't law abiding gun owners, it is your "god" government, that failed that day.....

Americans use their guns to stop violent criminals 1,500,000

No, they don't.

This guy has a gun because the Gun industry made it easy to get one. This is on you gun nuts.

Moron....he had to pass a federally mandated background check.....he had police at his home 39 fucking times.....he had the FBI called on him 2 times........everyone in the school knew if there was going to be a school shooting, he was the guy who would do it........the Gun industry had no role in this shooting.....moron.
This is a generation being indoctrinated by the senior class who are leftovers from the 60’s. Morons who never got beyond 1967, in part because they’ve been insulated from the consequences of those times.
Backwards-ass, left-wing, Frankfurt School Marxist dupes.
Or, leftover frankfurters.
And of the ways children die.....mass shootings or drowning......drowning kills far more do cars.....yet asswipes like you don't focus on bodies of water or automobiles...the leading causes of child death......

Because if we confiscated every last gun in the country tomorrow, there would be no impact on anyone's life.

We'd have a harder time living without water.

Oh, drowning does not kill more children than guns.

Only 300 people drown every year, of which on out of five are under 14.

Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center

You see, there was something the CDC could study because the National Water Association didn't object.

Nearly 1,300 kids are killed by guns each year

Nearly 1,300 children under the age of 17 die from gunshot wounds every year and nearly 5,800 are injured, a new comprehensive survey finds.

And that’s probably an underestimate, because gun deaths are not always consistently reported, t

And you lie...continuously......

Moron....from the CDC Wiqars for can't even get the numbers right...

Drowning is one of the leading causes of death for children....,573,869,36,868/62,63,64,6,4693/419,420

Population of children <1 -14: 60,975,069

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


Accidental gun death <1 - 16.....81
Gun murder <1 -16.....550

Accidental gun death <1 -14....74
gun murder <1 -14.....238


Age by year:






























































And of the ways children die.....mass shootings or drowning......drowning kills far more do cars.....yet asswipes like you don't focus on bodies of water or automobiles...the leading causes of child death......

Because if we confiscated every last gun in the country tomorrow, there would be no impact on anyone's life.

We'd have a harder time living without water.

Oh, drowning does not kill more children than guns.

Only 300 people drown every year, of which on out of five are under 14.

Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center

You see, there was something the CDC could study because the National Water Association didn't object.

Nearly 1,300 kids are killed by guns each year

Nearly 1,300 children under the age of 17 die from gunshot wounds every year and nearly 5,800 are injured, a new comprehensive survey finds.

And that’s probably an underestimate, because gun deaths are not always consistently reported, t

And the 1,300 number is a lie.......they include hard core gang members at 15 shooting each other over drug turf and social media insults........they are not children.....

And I linked to gun research conducted by the CDC in the last few years...yet you asswipes keep lying and saying they can't do gun research...

The truth about the CDC....

This is some gun research from the CDC in 2006....

Violence-Related Firearm Deaths Among Residents of Metropolitan Areas and Cities --- United States, 2006--2007

And this one....

Source of Firearms Used by Students in School-Associated Violent Deaths --- United States, 1992--1999

And this one....

And this one....

Surveillance for Fatal and Nonfatal Firearm-Related Injuries --- United States, 1993--1998

And this one....

Firearm Homicides and Suicides in Major Metropolitan Areas — United States, 2006–2007 and 2009–2010

And this one...

Indoor Firing Ranges and Elevated Blood Lead Levels — United States, 2002–2013

And this one....

Rates of Homicide, Suicide, and Firearm-Related Death Among Children -- 26 Industrialized Countries


The Deleware study of 2015...

When Gun Violence Felt Like a Disease, a City in Delaware Turned to the C.D.C.

When epidemiologists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention came to this city, they were not here to track an outbreak of meningitis or study the effectiveness of a particular vaccine.

They were here to examine gun violence.

This city of about 70,000 had a 45 percent jump in shootings from 2011 to 2013, and the violence has remained stubbornly high; 25 shooting deaths have been reported this year, slightly more than last year, according to the mayor’s office

The final report, which has been submitted to the state, reached a conclusion that many here said they already knew: that there are certain patterns in the lives of many who commit gun violence.

“The majority of individuals involved in urban firearm violence are young men with substantial violence involvement preceding the more serious offense of a firearm crime,” the report said. “Our findings suggest that integrating data systems could help these individuals better receive the early, comprehensive help that they need to prevent violence involvement.”

Researchers analyzed data on 569 people charged with firearm crimes from 2009 to May 21, 2014, and looked for certain risk factors in their lives, such as whether they had been unemployed, had received help from assistance programs, had been possible victims of child abuse, or had been shot or stabbed. The idea was to show that linking such data could create a better understanding of who might need help before becoming involved in violence.

Why Congress stopped gun control activism at the CDC

I was one of three medical doctors who testified before the House’s Labor, Health, Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee on March 6, 1996 about the CDC’s misdeeds. (Note: This testimony and related events are described in my three-part documented historical series). Here is what we showed the committee:

  • Dr. Arthur Kellermann’s1993 New England Journal of Medicine article that launched his career as a rock star gun control advocate and gave rise to the much-repeated “three times” fallacy. His research was supported by two CDC grants.
Kellermann and his colleagues used the case control method, traditionally an epidemiology research tool, to claim that having a gun in the home triples the risk of becoming a homicide victim. In the article Kellermann admitted that “a majority of the homicides (50.9 percent) occurred in the context of a quarrel or a romantic triangle.” Still another 30 percent “were related to drug dealing” or “occurred during the commission of another felony, such as a robbery, rape, or burglary.”

In summary, the CDC funded a flawed study of crime-prone inner city residents who had been murdered in their homes. The authors then tried to equate this wildly unrepresentative group with typical American gun owners. The committee members were not amused.

  • The Winter 1993 CDC official publication, Public Health Policy for Preventing Violence, coauthored by CDC official Dr. Mark Rosenberg. This taxpayer-funded gun control polemic offered two strategies for preventing firearm injuries—“restrictive licensing (for example, only police, military, guards, and so on)” and “prohibit gun ownership.”
  • The brazen public comments of top CDC officials, made at a time when gun prohibitionists were much more candid about their political goals.
We’re going to systematically build a case that owning firearms causes deaths. We’re doing the most we can do, given the political realities.” (P.W. O’Carroll, Acting Section Head of Division of Injury Control, CDC, quoted in Marsha F. Goldsmith, “Epidemiologists Aim at New Target: Health Risk of Handgun Proliferation,” Journal of the American Medical Association vol. 261 no. 5, February 3, 1989, pp. 675-76.) Dr. O’Carroll later said he had been misquoted.

But his successor Dr. Mark Rosenberg was quoted in the Washington Post as wanting his agency to create a public perception of firearms as “dirty, deadly—and banned.” (William Raspberry, “Sick People With Guns,” Washington Post, October 19, 1994.

    • CDC Grant #R49/CCR903697-06 to the Trauma Foundation, a San Francisco gun control advocacy group, supporting a newsletter that frankly advocated gun control.
They have to be taught to reason and deduce things for themselves, first.

A lot are not being provided the tools do so.
They are being taught a lesson. They are learning how to take shelter in their schools in the event of yet another school shooting. They are learning to run for safety with their hands up. They are learning that the political class running this nation will do nothing so they can keep their jobs. They are learning that anyone can get their hands on lethal guns.

What lesson do you want to teach? Sit down, shut up and die if necessary because my personal arsenal is cooler than you?
And of the ways children die.....mass shootings or drowning......drowning kills far more do cars.....yet asswipes like you don't focus on bodies of water or automobiles...the leading causes of child death......

Because if we confiscated every last gun in the country tomorrow, there would be no impact on anyone's life.

It would impact the lives those left lying in the street while attempting confiscation of every last gun in the country.
When you consider the most significant thing the Mueller probe came up with you get a handle on the walkout by Florida kids. Mueller's probe identified foreign agents influencing social and possibly mainstream media and that Russian agents supported and helped organize BLM (Black Lives Matter) protests. With that kind of information it's easy to determine that Florida kids didn't organize "a walkout". Foreign agents using social media channeled the shock and grief of Florida kids into a political agenda to undermine the Trump administration and the republican majority in congress. Foreign agents play the lazy angry ignorant crazy American left better than the KGB ever did in Russia and the MSM seems to go along with it for some reason.
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Moron....he had to pass a federally mandated background check.....he had police at his home 39 fucking times.....he had the FBI called on him 2 times........everyone in the school knew if there was going to be a school shooting, he was the guy who would do it........the Gun industry had no role in this shooting.....moron.

Guy, the NRA has weakened those background checks to the point of meaninglessness.

Like I said. Simple enough solution. Let the victims sue the gun companies.

Once these ASSHOLES start paying out money, they are going to make sure that guns aren't going to the crazies.

Seriously, this is the kind of private sector solution you conservatives love.
Moron....he had to pass a federally mandated background check.....he had police at his home 39 fucking times.....he had the FBI called on him 2 times........everyone in the school knew if there was going to be a school shooting, he was the guy who would do it........the Gun industry had no role in this shooting.....moron.

Guy, the NRA has weakened those background checks to the point of meaninglessness.

Like I said. Simple enough solution. Let the victims sue the gun companies.

Once these ASSHOLES start paying out money, they are going to make sure that guns aren't going to the crazies.

Seriously, this is the kind of private sector solution you conservatives love. did they weaken the background checks? You pull that out of your ass and hope no one calls you on it......this guy passed a background check, not because the NRA weakened federally mandated background checks......he passed it because the police who went to his home 39 times....didn't arrest him and give him a record that would show up.....and the FBI who were told 2 times that he was going to shoot up a school....didn't arrest him and give him a record that would show up on the federally mandated background check......

Moron..........the gun makers had nothing to do with this shooting, the AR-15 is the most popular rifle in the country,

1 AR-15 was used that day, illegally........7,999,999 AR-15s were not used illegally on that day........

Can you do the math?
Today is a good day to clean a gun while listening to Mark Levin audio rewind

Yup, we know that the thought of dead kids is something you get excited about.

The rest of us will be over here being horrified about our broken system.

The system isn't broken...democrats refuse to lock up violent gun criminals, and your god, government, can't get it's fucking act together to deal with actual criminals and mass shooters.....shooters people told them about....shooters that people said "hey, cops......hey, fucking FBI....this nut job is going to shoot people" and they did nothing with those warnings.....and people like you want to put your faith in the failed actions of the government, and take our only means of stopping these killers.....

Good luck with that.... did they weaken the background checks? You pull that out of your ass and hope no one calls you on it......this guy passed a background check, not because the NRA weakened federally mandated background checks.....

Just a little light reading for you, stupid. The NRA fights tooth and nail against background checks and you know it.

Trump's Budget Cuts Millions Of Dollars From Gun Background Check System | HuffPost

Senate rejects expanded gun background checks - CNNPolitics

In a major defeat for supporters of tougher gun laws, the U.S. Senate on Wednesday defeated a compromise plan to expand background checks on firearms sales as well as a proposal to ban some semi-automatic weapons modeled after military assault weapons.
The votes were on a series of amendments to a broad package of gun laws pushed by President Barack Obama and Democratic leaders in the aftermath of the Newtown school massacre in December.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up, okay.
The system isn't broken...democrats refuse to lock up violent gun criminals, and your god, government, can't get it's fucking act together to deal with actual criminals and mass shooters.....shooters people told them about....shooters that people said "hey, cops......hey, fucking FBI....this nut job is going to shoot people"

Okay, I'm all for hte FBI merely taking away people's guns on someone's sayso, even if they have no criminal record, which this guy didn't.

I'm sure I'll be making a report like that on you as soon as that wonderful law becomes available.

Works for me.
None of these kids will bring up the gun violence in cities like Chicago because that would be "racist" and those cities have been ruled by Democrats for decades. The people behind these kids can't allow liberal dogma to be blamed.

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