Forced sterilization

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Just came across this interesting story.

The weird thing is there are people out there that think I am crazy for opposing government run health care.

People rightly flipped out across the internet last month over news that the Swedish parliament would not be repealing a barbaric law that forces sterilization on trans people seeking to change their gender on legal documents. While it's despicable that Swedish politicians are opposing the law change, much of the outrage, no doubt, occurred because people previously didn't realize that a forced sterilization law existed in Sweden.
Considering how shocking people find Sweden’s law, it's worth pointing out the country is 1 of 17 in Europe (shown in red below) that require trans people to have a surgical procedure that results in sterilization before legal gender change is made to their identification ID. The law is currently under review in Denmark, the Netherlands, and Portugal, and in Ireland a name change (which acknowledged gender change) was granted for one woman after a legal challenge that went to the high courts, but no laws exist on the matter.

17 European Countries Force Transgender Sterilization (Map) | Mother Jones
Just came across this interesting story.

The weird thing is there are people out there that think I am crazy for opposing government run health care.

People rightly flipped out across the internet last month over news that the Swedish parliament would not be repealing a barbaric law that forces sterilization on trans people seeking to change their gender on legal documents. While it's despicable that Swedish politicians are opposing the law change, much of the outrage, no doubt, occurred because people previously didn't realize that a forced sterilization law existed in Sweden.
Considering how shocking people find Sweden’s law, it's worth pointing out the country is 1 of 17 in Europe (shown in red below) that require trans people to have a surgical procedure that results in sterilization before legal gender change is made to their identification ID. The law is currently under review in Denmark, the Netherlands, and Portugal, and in Ireland a name change (which acknowledged gender change) was granted for one woman after a legal challenge that went to the high courts, but no laws exist on the matter.

17 European Countries Force Transgender Sterilization (Map) | Mother Jones

Wow. I did not know that this law existed, let alone in so many countries.
Isnt the mere fact that you are changing your gender going to make it impossible for you to have children?
I clearly did.

Just goes to show, even if you change your gender legally, you are still the same gender you were as you were born
Just came across this interesting story.

The weird thing is there are people out there that think I am crazy for opposing government run health care.

People rightly flipped out across the internet last month over news that the Swedish parliament would not be repealing a barbaric law that forces sterilization on trans people seeking to change their gender on legal documents. While it's despicable that Swedish politicians are opposing the law change, much of the outrage, no doubt, occurred because people previously didn't realize that a forced sterilization law existed in Sweden.
Considering how shocking people find Sweden’s law, it's worth pointing out the country is 1 of 17 in Europe (shown in red below) that require trans people to have a surgical procedure that results in sterilization before legal gender change is made to their identification ID. The law is currently under review in Denmark, the Netherlands, and Portugal, and in Ireland a name change (which acknowledged gender change) was granted for one woman after a legal challenge that went to the high courts, but no laws exist on the matter.

17 European Countries Force Transgender Sterilization (Map) | Mother Jones

As far as i am concerned and in my opinion, removing your breasts and taking testosterone is not enough for a female to be considered legally a male. Nor should a man having breast implants and hormones be enough to legally call him a female.

This is a good question. If they keep their reproductive parts in working order of the gender they say they are not....should they be legally be allowed to be designated the opposite sex?
I clearly did.

Just goes to show, even if you change your gender legally, you are still the same gender you were as you were born

You can't "change your gender" you can mutilate yourself, and people that do such things need psychological help not mutilation.:cuckoo:
I clearly did.

Just goes to show, even if you change your gender legally, you are still the same gender you were as you were born

You can't "change your gender" you can mutilate yourself, and people that do such things need psychological help not mutilation.:cuckoo:

True, your chromosomes will always designate you X or Y, in rare cases there are extra chromosomes.

However, if they want to be of the other sex.... then so be it. In my opinion, to be legally designated the opposite sex of what they what to be... all reproductive parts should reflect that choice.

I can see the need to want to reproduce with genetic material of your own and forcing sterilization would be a very hard thing. I would hope that they bank sperm and eggs before they switch sexes.
Just came across this interesting story.

The weird thing is there are people out there that think I am crazy for opposing government run health care.

People rightly flipped out across the internet last month over news that the Swedish parliament would not be repealing a barbaric law that forces sterilization on trans people seeking to change their gender on legal documents. While it's despicable that Swedish politicians are opposing the law change, much of the outrage, no doubt, occurred because people previously didn't realize that a forced sterilization law existed in Sweden.
Considering how shocking people find Sweden’s law, it's worth pointing out the country is 1 of 17 in Europe (shown in red below) that require trans people to have a surgical procedure that results in sterilization before legal gender change is made to their identification ID. The law is currently under review in Denmark, the Netherlands, and Portugal, and in Ireland a name change (which acknowledged gender change) was granted for one woman after a legal challenge that went to the high courts, but no laws exist on the matter.

17 European Countries Force Transgender Sterilization (Map) | Mother Jones

Well just because it is on the books does not mean it is used. It is illegal to own a dildo in Georgia but does that mean women are prosecuted en-mass? Of course not. It is illegal to have anal sex in many US states, even among consenting adults and even among married adults, but does that mean that people are going to jail over this? Of course not.

Also it was the US who started the practice back in the day with its eugenics programs and still has such laws on its books in many states, despite it being ruled unconstitutional. Also the US continued to force sterilize native Americans and black Americans homeless and orphans up to at least the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Also the article is bullshit. There is not forced sterilization in Denmark for trans-gender or anyone else.
why am i caring what Sweden does?

Because the fucking idiotic left are the ones that hold Europe up as a shining example of what America could be.... exactly the same place that our forefathers left because it's so damned crappy.


Travel to Australia, not Europe 'cause soon it will be all soup lines in the cities and fewer working 'again'. Then the soup lines will end and people will starve like they did the last time conflict occurred and conflict always seems to return.

That's straight from the history books. WWI and WWII. Europe keeps attempting to renew itself. It's not working.
why am i caring what Sweden does?

Because the fucking idiotic left are the ones that hold Europe up as a shining example of what America could be.... exactly the same place that our forefathers left because it's so damned crappy.



Because the fucking idiotic some people are the ones that hold America up as a shining example of what Sweden could be.... not exactly the same place that our forefathers left for.

Anyhow, a law like that carries Nazi-Mengele-Class.

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