Forced to deny my Christian faith to enter a Christian website? What?

Than to be with you.
And I am thankful to God you can't be in heaven because there are no sinners there.
Than to be with you, which the grace of a loving god will permit. Imagine dealing with an ego like yours for eternity.
I gave my life to Christ. You stand up against God. Talk about an ego! No egos like yours get into heaven, calling Jesus and the Apostles liars.
"...I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people..."

Clearly not.

Indeed, the raison d'etre of almost every religion – not just Christianity – is to judge and condemn.

I am sorry sir, but you know nothing at all about Christianity; or better Jesus Christ.
The proof that most religions, including Christianity, seek to judge and condemn can be found in this very thread, given the fact there is no 'god' or 'Jesus' as perceived by theists, as religion and 'god' are creations of man.

Do not use Parture or others like him to judge what Christianity is truly all about. Yes there is some judgement, in the same form as the world says: "Nobody is perfect". But then there is infinite forgiveness which is not always known to others outside the true faith.
Why are you so worried about Parture? He/she is a nutcase. Let it go.

If Parture has demonic issues, is sociopathic, or
has mental imbalance, this can be readily cured with the proper spiritual therapy.
See Healing Is Yours for one doctor who could probably fix this with one call.

So instead of a dysfunctional person abusing his gift and other people in society,
we could have a normal functioning, highly enlightened and effective teacher.
Which is better?
To let him stay stuck in a state that can be cured so he can serve society.
Or to risk letting an unstable person go unhelped
and possible cause worse problems for himself or others?

If Parture has a mental imbalance, which apparently he/she does, you cannot help. Parture needs help from a professional.
teddy is not a Christian because he said a Christian needs to be saved by a universalist. Salvation is exclusive in Christ.
teddy is not a Christian because he said a Christian needs to be saved by a universalist. Salvation is exclusive in Christ.

If Teddy accepted Jesus as his personal Savior, he is saved.
Since he hasn't accepted Jesus as his Savior but teaches universalism, a Jesus that saves everyone and nobody goes to hell, or as the latest new age teaches saved from spending some time in hell, then you can be confident he has never been saved, since that is clearly worshiping a false Christ.
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

This is really sad because there is a section there on sharing about the Trinity
which I believe is the key in uniting all people in understanding
and now I cannot even post there because I have been falsely accused
of not being a believer.

Parture if you are reading this, this SADDENS me and makes
me want to renounce my faith if this is how Christians treat each other.
If I am not free to share honestly how and why I believe the Holy Trinity
is Universal but am accused for teaching this, then I ask you to prove
me a false prophet, put me on public trial, and let me be put to death
if I am speaking falsely. I have had enough of this weird behavior.

I even was honest about mentioning what websites referred
me here, and got an infraction for naming those sites that included advertising.

That site is a wonderful site content wise and I am sorry that it excludes people
based on false accusation and suspicion.

If I made mistakes I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people
first and then ask questions later? What kind of rebuke calls for that?

The Christianity I know respects natural laws of due process
as given by God, so this is contradictory with God's natural laws of justice.

If you have any comments please share,
because I am shocked and appalled that fellow Christians
would issue judgment and punishment first, even accusing a
fellow Christian of things I didn't mean the way I was accused
and was honestly trying to answer honestly.

Very strange, but I should not be surprised anymore.

No wonder people cannot stand Christians.

I feel owe an apology to all my atheist friends who warned me
Christians make no sense and contradict themselves
as hateful, judgmental unforgiving and beyond reasonable explanation!

Please tell me this can be corrected.

Otherwise I find it very hard to believe
* that because I teach forgiveness in Christ on a universal scale,
this means I am going to hell as a nonbeliever
* that because I agree with the Bible
and answered yes to those questions
that I am banned, so I had to change all my answers
to "not sure" and deny my faith in order not to make
any more mistakes by putting yes or no. This site
is forcing me to be "unsure" and has penalized
me for saying I agree with the Bible?

Sorry but this makes me not want to be Christian
if I have to fix this mess in order to prove that I am.

Maybe it's not worth the trouble.
Sorry Parture but if this is what I have to do to "prove I am Christian"
I don't think forcing people to deny agreeing with the Bible in order not to make a mistake
and punishing forgiveness is very Christian at all.

Whatever joke this is, I think it is sad.

You have to swallow with blind faith and obedience. Thinking is not allowed. Just depends on what church you go to. I got an idea! Don't go to any of them.

Do you go to church once a week?
No but according to Parture I am going to hell anyway. So going to church, killing or raping someone, makes no difference if I am already going to hell anyway.

Don't go.
Dear USMB members:

Much to my dismay I found a wonderful website
that Parture referred, and was very hopeful this was
a good way to help establish consensus on God and eradicate errors.

However, because I used terms incorrectly I got banned from that site,
accused of not being Christian and doubletalk in answering the questions wrong.

So I had to go back and deny all my faith in the Bible
and change all the answers to "not sure" in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake again
in answering those questions.

What kind of website would punish people for answering as honestly
as possible even though I may have made a mistake in explaining my views?

What kind of website would accuse people of guilty until proven innocent?

This is really sad because there is a section there on sharing about the Trinity
which I believe is the key in uniting all people in understanding
and now I cannot even post there because I have been falsely accused
of not being a believer.

Parture if you are reading this, this SADDENS me and makes
me want to renounce my faith if this is how Christians treat each other.
If I am not free to share honestly how and why I believe the Holy Trinity
is Universal but am accused for teaching this, then I ask you to prove
me a false prophet, put me on public trial, and let me be put to death
if I am speaking falsely. I have had enough of this weird behavior.

I even was honest about mentioning what websites referred
me here, and got an infraction for naming those sites that included advertising.

That site is a wonderful site content wise and I am sorry that it excludes people
based on false accusation and suspicion.

If I made mistakes I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people
first and then ask questions later? What kind of rebuke calls for that?

The Christianity I know respects natural laws of due process
as given by God, so this is contradictory with God's natural laws of justice.

If you have any comments please share,
because I am shocked and appalled that fellow Christians
would issue judgment and punishment first, even accusing a
fellow Christian of things I didn't mean the way I was accused
and was honestly trying to answer honestly.

Very strange, but I should not be surprised anymore.

No wonder people cannot stand Christians.

I feel owe an apology to all my atheist friends who warned me
Christians make no sense and contradict themselves
as hateful, judgmental unforgiving and beyond reasonable explanation!

Please tell me this can be corrected.

Otherwise I find it very hard to believe
* that because I teach forgiveness in Christ on a universal scale,
this means I am going to hell as a nonbeliever
* that because I agree with the Bible
and answered yes to those questions
that I am banned, so I had to change all my answers
to "not sure" and deny my faith in order not to make
any more mistakes by putting yes or no. This site
is forcing me to be "unsure" and has penalized
me for saying I agree with the Bible?

Sorry but this makes me not want to be Christian
if I have to fix this mess in order to prove that I am.

Maybe it's not worth the trouble.
Sorry Parture but if this is what I have to do to "prove I am Christian"
I don't think forcing people to deny agreeing with the Bible in order not to make a mistake
and punishing forgiveness is very Christian at all.

Whatever joke this is, I think it is sad.

You have to swallow with blind faith and obedience. Thinking is not allowed. Just depends on what church you go to. I got an idea! Don't go to any of them.

Do you go to church once a week?
No but according to Parture I am going to hell anyway. So going to church, killing or raping someone, makes no difference if I am already going to hell anyway.

Don't go.
Let's pray for Emily that she repent of her false christ of universalism and accept the Lord Jesus who let's people freely be eternally separated in Hell from Him.
For the last time Parture , do you accept Jesus Christ as your God and Savior?

yes or no?
You missed the point that a person saved can't give a coat to someone in Hell.

Why don't you give the coat to someone who needs it? Let me if you do so.

Ok, here we are. For all to see. Another non answer to a direct question from me to Parture.

I have asked Parture this question (and many other simple ones as well) many many times here as an adult. I have accused Parture of being a small child as he only plays games with these questions and never answers them directly, but deflects and/or answers with a nonsensical question of his own.

I am starting to see a pattern here. Not one of a small child, but more of a very devious being. Yes, a very devious being. Parture has refused to claim Jesus Christ as his savior. He has denied Christ. He then goes on to quote many chapters and verses to condemn many of us to Hell. Well, as we know, even Satan knows the scriptures. As do the demons as well.

Take a good look. This is hard for me to write. But take a good look at what Parture writes. Even now his spirit of deception is weighing hard on me. He quotes chapter and verse. He sounds like he knows. But so did Satan to Jesus during Jesus 40 days. If all Parture has to say is condemnation, then know this.

Jesus loves us all, condemns few. We are all saved who believe that Jesus Christ was the passover sacrificial Lamb of God. All of us that trust in our salvation through Jesus. We are saved. I am not good with chapter and verse, but John 3:16 seems to fit here.

God bless all of us and even you you deciever Parture
Parture, when were you saved? Whats the purpose of the tribulation?
The purpose of the Tribulation is to show mankind we can't do it on our own. We need Jesus to return to earth, and so He shall. Dan. 9.24 will finally be fulfilled with Jesus' return. A remnant of Jews will reclaim Israel after she is trodden under during the Great Tribulation, though the 3rd Temple will not be harmed (Rev. 11.2). The Tribulation also concludes this mystery age of the Church, the dispensation of grace, as we move into the new dispensation of recompense for believers to receive reward or lose the reward of reigning with Christ, as well as if alive at the first rapture, to be taken and not left (Matt. 24.40-42) if a Christian is watchful. Are all Christians watchful? Of course not. That's why the Bible implores believers to be watchful. If you are not watchful you won't be able to know when Jesus returns (Rev. 3.3).
For the last time Parture , do you accept Jesus Christ as your God and Savior?

yes or no?
You missed the point that a person saved can't give a coat to someone in Hell.

Why don't you give the coat to someone who needs it? Let me if you do so.

Ok, here we are. For all to see. Another non answer to a direct question from me to Parture.

I have asked Parture this question (and many other simple ones as well) many many times here as an adult. I have accused Parture of being a small child as he only plays games with these questions and never answers them directly, but deflects and/or answers with a nonsensical question of his own.

I am starting to see a pattern here. Not one of a small child, but more of a very devious being. Yes, a very devious being. Parture has refused to claim Jesus Christ as his savior. He has denied Christ. He then goes on to quote many chapters and verses to condemn many of us to Hell. Well, as we know, even Satan knows the scriptures. As do the demons as well.

Take a good look. This is hard for me to write. But take a good look at what Parture writes. Even now his spirit of deception is weighing hard on me. He quotes chapter and verse. He sounds like he knows. But so did Satan to Jesus during Jesus 40 days. If all Parture has to say is condemnation, then know this.

Jesus loves us all, condemns few. We are all saved who believe that Jesus Christ was the passover sacrificial Lamb of God. All of us that trust in our salvation through Jesus. We are saved. I am not good with chapter and verse, but John 3:16 seems to fit here.

God bless all of us and even you you deciever Parture
Satan is the great false accuser.

Christians know teddy is not saved because he says we need to be saved by a universalist. That's crazy stuff.
when were you saved?

And no, thats not the purpose of the trib.

Good luck ninja getting a straight answer out of this deceiver. He comes here with many quotes from the scriptures, but so did Satan when he tempted Jesus.

Parture if you were truly Christian, you would be much more forgiving and much less condemning.

From their fruits shall they be known . . . . .

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