Forced to deny my Christian faith to enter a Christian website? What?

Christians know teddy is not saved because he says we need to be saved by a universalist. That's crazy stuff.

The only crazy stuff is you oh Satan. Putting words into my mouth is the tools of the great deceiver, Satan himself.

I never said that I needed to be saved by a universalist. I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Are you?
Than to be with you.
And I am thankful to God you can't be in heaven because there are no sinners there.
Than to be with you, which the grace of a loving god will permit. Imagine dealing with an ego like yours for eternity.
I gave my life to Christ. You stand up against God. Talk about an ego! No egos like yours get into heaven, calling Jesus and the Apostles liars.
Than to be with you.
And I am thankful to God you can't be in heaven because there are no sinners there.
Than to be with you, which the grace of a loving god will permit. Imagine dealing with an ego like yours for eternity.
I gave my life to Christ. You stand up against God. Talk about an ego! No egos like yours get into heaven, calling Jesus and the Apostles liars.

If no sinners go to heaven, Jesus will be very lonely.
Than to be with you.
And I am thankful to God you can't be in heaven because there are no sinners there.
Than to be with you, which the grace of a loving god will permit. Imagine dealing with an ego like yours for eternity.
I gave my life to Christ. You stand up against God. Talk about an ego! No egos like yours get into heaven, calling Jesus and the Apostles liars.
Than to be with you.
And I am thankful to God you can't be in heaven because there are no sinners there.
Than to be with you, which the grace of a loving god will permit. Imagine dealing with an ego like yours for eternity.
I gave my life to Christ. You stand up against God. Talk about an ego! No egos like yours get into heaven, calling Jesus and the Apostles liars.

If no sinners go to heaven, Jesus will be very lonely.

I think he meant no sin in Heaven.
Than to be with you.
And I am thankful to God you can't be in heaven because there are no sinners there.
Than to be with you, which the grace of a loving god will permit. Imagine dealing with an ego like yours for eternity.
I gave my life to Christ. You stand up against God. Talk about an ego! No egos like yours get into heaven, calling Jesus and the Apostles liars.
Than to be with you.
And I am thankful to God you can't be in heaven because there are no sinners there.
Than to be with you, which the grace of a loving god will permit. Imagine dealing with an ego like yours for eternity.
I gave my life to Christ. You stand up against God. Talk about an ego! No egos like yours get into heaven, calling Jesus and the Apostles liars.

If no sinners go to heaven, Jesus will be very lonely.

I think he meant no sin in Heaven.

Then he needs to write correctly
Well while the conversation lasted
I received real time proof that the Devil is real and hell exists without question.
If I had any doubt, all was erased. Convinced 100%

Some people are really determined to go and stay stuck there.
I know the love of Jesus can save all souls
but now I see why people don't believe even God
is that patient and powerful. I can see why people believe in hell!
Teddy I went to his site; its pretty much a cult.

Yes it is.

And it looks like he is sent back to where he came from.:beer:
Hi teddyearp I meant to ask your help to spell out all our different
denominational teachings of the steps of Salvation anyway, on another thread,
so we could continue this fascinating process of recognizing the commonality
and also the differences (in what we think happens BEFORE one is saved by Grace
and what happens during the process or happens after as a consequence of being saved).

I was told not to tag certain people and revised the list
but meant to include you and missed you in the OP.

But if you would like to reply, I would like to work out the
differences and show the PROPER way to address these
where we may or may not agree.

Please see thread on Arminian Calvinist and Universalist
I threw in Constitutionalist because I am beginning to think
more and more I am some Universal Constitutionalist which is
permissible under religious freedom as a denomination.
If people claim I am not a real Constitutionalist because
I won't put Congress or Courts before people's beliefs,
they have the right to believe that also under religious freedom
and we are still equal under law. If the Courts or Congress
do not recognize us as equal, they are wrong by one person
and right by another, and all these beliefs are still protected,
but the damages from imposing them are still owed if people believe in that.

Thank you teddyearp
whatever tests we are given in life that attack or challenge our faith
we are supposed to help each other to PASS them not try to make each other fail.

It's sad that some people really believe they are holding people to truth and justice,
really believe they are doing right and rejecting wrong to make corrections,
but have no skills or knowledge in how to do this lovingly so we support and help each other.

If we can understand how cult minded people think,
so we can steer people out of this track,
we can prevent 9/11 attacks, we can prevent
Andrea Yates from killing children thinking it is saving them,
we can work with even the sickest minded people if
we can learn how to talk to people who think that is the right t hing to do.

We still aren't done and need to learn to be
as wise as serpents but gentle as doves
instead of accusing one another of being wolves in sheep clothing.
We need to learn how to bring out the sheep that
are cloaked in wolves clothing and save those lost sheep.

In Christ Jesus name
I join you in prayer for the guidance
and unity to bring together people
of all tribes in agreement on God's truth.

Thank you and I'm glad to meet and have
fellowship with you here, where we can turn
adverse situations in something that furthers our path
progress and purpose as fellow believers in Christ.

Good luck ninja getting a straight answer out of this deceiver. He comes here with many quotes from the scriptures, but so did Satan when he tempted Jesus.

Parture if you were truly Christian, you would be much more forgiving and much less condemning.

From their fruits shall they be known . . . . .
Teddy professes a false Christ. If he was really a Christian he wouldn't do that. The Bible says unless you confess who Jesus truly is (not a universalist), He will deny you before the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33).

He literally said to emilynghiem that, and I quote, "he [referring to me a Christian] is beyond your energy to try to save." Since when do universalists have the power to save Christians? Christians reject universalism because the Bible teaches the exclusivity of Christ and Hell for the masses in their eternal separation form God where both Teddy and Emily have chosen to go to forever.

Instead of repenting of this heresy, he accuses Christians of condemning him, but he is really just condemning himself and blaming others for his false choice. Moreover, as he is being judgmental and condemning, apparently he is allowed to but not others. This is very self-centered and self-exalting, typical of someone who doesn't treat others as he would like to be treated. We shall know him by his fruit. He is a deceiver and a charlatan.

These universalists forget 2 Thess. 1, "They will be punished with eternal destruction, forever separated from the Lord and from his glorious power" (v.9). I can see it now Teddy accusing Jesus, and the Apostles, of condemning him and judging him. Crazy stuff! Does that sound like a repentant heart towards God to you?
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Hi Parture So GLAD to see you back!
I hope we can finish this enlightening and revealing discussion here.
Clearly this USMB respect free speech and right to petition (and religious inclusion) more than other places where you could not include my interactions. If this place can include yours (and mine together) that is even better.

I do believe your critique and criticism of other Christians has its place and purpose in establishing truth, but WITHIN mutual acceptance before addressing these issues so we CAN resolve them.
NOT rejecting people where we cannot even speak freely.

But I do understand, that your way of objecting to something you point out as faulty
is to "say we are going to hell". So now I translate that to mean "that is so wrong I see it
as going against truth and the Bible and don't even recognize that has any bearing in truth."

I still say we are all fellow believers, trying to share rebukes, and you just say yours that way.

Good luck ninja getting a straight answer out of this deceiver. He comes here with many quotes from the scriptures, but so did Satan when he tempted Jesus.

Parture if you were truly Christian, you would be much more forgiving and much less condemning.

From their fruits shall they be known . . . . .
Teddy professes a false Christ. If he was really a Christian he wouldn't do that. The Bible says unless you confess who Jesus truly is (not a universalist), He will deny you before the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33).

He literally said to emilynghiem that, and I quote, "he [referring to me a Christian] is beyond your energy to try to save." Since when do universalists have the power to save Christians? Christians reject universalism because the Bible teaches the exclusivity of Christ and Hell for the masses in their eternal separation form God where both Teddy and Emily have chosen to go to forever.

Instead of repenting of this heresy, he accuses Christians of condemning him, but he is really just condemning himself and blaming others for his false choice. Moreover, as he is being judgmental and condemning, apparently he is allowed to but not others. This is very self-centered and self-exalting, typical of someone who doesn't treat others as he would like to be treated. We shall know him by his fruit. He is a deceiver and a charlatan.

These universalists forget 2 Thess. 1, "They will be punished with eternal destruction, forever separated from the Lord and from his glorious power" (v.9). I can see it now Teddy accusing Jesus, and the Apostles, of condemning him and judging him. Crazy stuff! Does that sound like a repentant heart towards God to you?

No, I see Teddy as having such forbearance in trying to work with you, that he must be a true believer
to know that God's truth is greater than any accusations you launch, with or without valid points behind them.
Just because someone teaches something incorrectly or not as perfectly as you see fit, doesn't mean they aren't Christian.

We are still human beings, and are SUPPOSED to receive rebuke and correction from fellow believers in Christ.
We are not expected to be perfect by ourselves, but to work together as a church body to establish God's truth as one.
We are still human beings, and are SUPPOSED to receive rebuke and correction from fellow believers in Christ.
We are not expected to be perfect by ourselves, but to work together as a church body to establish God's truth as one.
According to the Bible you are going to Hell because you are a universalist. Shutting your mind down to this fact doesn't not make it any less true. There are no universalists in Heaven, for all universalists go to Hell.

"They will be punished with eternal destruction, forever separated from the Lord and from his glorious power" (2 Thess. 1.9).

I can see it now, you come before the Great White Throne and Jesus says He never knew you, will you repent? And you won't because your decision was final by the time you died. You had your whole life to give your life to Christ and you didn't. There is no changing your mind after death. In fact, most people make up their mind long before they even turn 40.

Don't think I am not sad for you, for I am very sad for you; I would not wish my worse enemy to go where you are going; but nonetheless, God is a righteous and holy God so He can't have people like you with His sons and daughters as that would be unhealthy for my brothers and sisters in Christ and me as well; not so much different than why we don't let some people out of jail for life as they would harm their victims again.
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We are still human beings, and are SUPPOSED to receive rebuke and correction from fellow believers in Christ.
We are not expected to be perfect by ourselves, but to work together as a church body to establish God's truth as one.
According to the Bible you are going to Hell because you are a universalist. Shutting your mind down to this fact doesn't not make it any less true. There are no universalists in Heaven, for all universalists go to Hell.

"They will be punished with eternal destruction, forever separated from the Lord and from his glorious power" (2 Thess. 1.9).

I can see it now, you come before the Great White Throne and Jesus says He never knew you, will you repent? And you won't because your decision was final by the time you died. You had your whole life to give your life to Christ and you didn't. There is no changing your mind after death. In fact, most people make up their mind long before they even turn 40.

No since you are a LITERALIST then the Bible must say this LITERALLY that all Universalists are going to hell for it to be Biblical.

As for above
A. We AGREED that the Devil(Satan) Beast(Antichrist) and FalseProphet
are thrown into the lake of fire.
B. And yes I AGREE that "whoever doesn't do X Y Z" WILL be "forever separated" etc.

What I am saying is that the Bible doesn't describe the whole process LITERALLY
but SYMBOLICALLY so there IS a way for God to PREVENT people from
going through this "eternal destruction and separation"

We are arguing over what it means by the SYMBOLIC language.

The Bible does not explain this fully in secular terms as you attempt to describe using Arminian teachings.
I think you have a lot of wisdom on the specifics of steps, but this is not literally in the Bible.

The Word Brings Salvation
12For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13for "WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED."14How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?…

Note: I believe that despite any flaws between you and me that are pointed out between us,
because we BOTH "call on the name of the Lord" we shall receive and we are saved from
that which would OTHERWISE cause us to be divided and separated from God.

Let us work on that first, and then these other issues will follow.
I have faith in this because we are both fellow believers.
All other things can be corrected in Christ so nobody has to go to hell for that.
We are still human beings, and are SUPPOSED to receive rebuke and correction from fellow believers in Christ.
We are not expected to be perfect by ourselves, but to work together as a church body to establish God's truth as one.
According to the Bible you are going to Hell because you are a universalist. Shutting your mind down to this fact doesn't not make it any less true. There are no universalists in Heaven, for all universalists go to Hell.

"They will be punished with eternal destruction, forever separated from the Lord and from his glorious power" (2 Thess. 1.9).

I can see it now, you come before the Great White Throne and Jesus says He never knew you, will you repent? And you won't because your decision was final by the time you died. You had your whole life to give your life to Christ and you didn't. There is no changing your mind after death. In fact, most people make up their mind long before they even turn 40.

No since you are a LITERALIST then the Bible must say this LITERALLY that all Universalists are going to hell for it to be Biblical.

As for above
A. We AGREED that the Devil(Satan) Beast(Antichrist) and FalseProphet
are thrown into the lake of fire.
B. And yes I AGREE that "whoever doesn't do X Y Z" WILL be "forever separated" etc.

What I am saying is that the Bible doesn't describe the whole process LITERALLY
but SYMBOLICALLY so there IS a way for God to PREVENT people from
going through this "eternal destruction and separation"

We are arguing over what it means by the SYMBOLIC language.

The Bible does not explain this fully in secular terms as you attempt to describe using Arminian teachings.
I think you have a lot of wisdom on the specifics of steps, but this is not literally in the Bible.

The Word Brings Salvation
12For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13for "WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED."14How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?…

Note: I believe that despite any flaws between you and me that are pointed out between us,
because we BOTH "call on the name of the Lord" we shall receive and we are saved from
that which would OTHERWISE cause us to be divided and separated from God.

Let us work on that first, and then these other issues will follow.
I have faith in this because we are both fellow believers.
All other things can be corrected in Christ so nobody has to go to hell for that.
Since the Bible says most people are going to spend eternity in Hell and you say they won't, that all people get released from Hell, that is opposite to what the Bible teaches, I know, therefore, you are going to Hell because you profess a false Christ.

"They will be punished with eternal destruction, forever separated from the Lord and from his glorious power" (2 Thess. 1.9). Who are "they"? People.

Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is to others, He will deny you before the Father in Heaven. Since you teach a false Christ of universalism, you are going to Hell. Jesus died on the cross to save whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Since you don't believe in Him, but teach a false Christ, you are going to the Lake of Fire. It's easy to see by the Holy Spirit of Truth.
Mmmmm, lake of fire. Now that's what I call a loving god.
The Bible is literal. God does not save vaguely or imaginarily, nor contradictorily or figuratively. Real places, real people, the real blood of Jesus for forgiveness of sins. The soul life, the Bible says, resides in the blood so it is the blood of Christ that atones for the sinner's soul life and spirit life and physical life.
Mmmmm, lake of fire. Now that's what I call a loving god.
The punishment fits the crime for God is holy and righteous. That you would still prefer to go to the Lake of Fire (fire represents judgment, not a physical fire that eventually burns out) to be with Nero, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Satan, the fallen angels, demons, Antichrist, and the False Prophet than be with God who loves you, shows what a bad person you a really are. You're a masochist.
The Bible is literal. [...]

[...] That you would still prefer to go to the Lake of Fire (fire represents judgment, not a physical fire that eventually burns out)[...]

Hmmm, doubletongue by the looks.

Hell for you I think. Damn, there goes the neighbourhood.
You're being coy. What doubletongue?

Hell is for those who refuse God's saving grace, accepting His Son on the cross who died for the sins of the world, not whether you screwed the lid on the peanut butter jar tight enough.

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