Forced to deny my Christian faith to enter a Christian website? What?

Hi Carla_Danger
If I do not use the proper label
then I get accused of teaching false things
if I am labeled Universalist, Buddhist or other things people automatically
disagree with and start attacking me for.

So I need a name for my beliefs that isn't already
going to be confused and assumed to be false things that are conflicting.

This is like coming up with separate terms for Muslims vs. Jihadists
So the two don't get confused as teaching the same thing if they don't.

Or having one twin dress differently
so as not to confuse with the other who looks too similar.

Apparently I need to have some label
so people will not accuse me of things I don't believe.

I thought that would help make it clear
I am not those other things.

Any suggestions for a name that isn't taken yet.
Even Parture has a denomination that categorizes his views apart from others.

Why can't I have one, too?

I think you should call it Emiversalist.
There are no denominations in the Bible.

Parture if there are no denominations in the Bible
then why do you keep insisting that Universalists and Calvinists
are going to hell if that is not expressly stated under salvation.

It says the devil beast and false prophet.

So if we AGREE UNIVERSAL isn't mentioned there SPECIFICALLY
it also doesn't say Universalists or Calvinists specifically either.

And if you are able to INTERPRET that salvation
excludes Universalists and Calvinists (not stated there, but as long as it still meets the Biblical description of salvation)
then what is the difference with INTERPRETING that salvation
can be Universal (not stated there, but as long as it still meets the Biblical description of salvation)

What the Bible does specify is FORGIVENESS
the key to salvation is FORGIVENESS in Christ
so that we are forgiven as we forgive those who trespass against us

you are RIGHT Parture
that salvation does NOT specify denomination
so why do YOU keep enforcing rules that aren't in the Bible
and then complain when I interpret salvation in ways
not literally stated in the Bible either?
There are no denominations in the Bible.

Parture if there are no denominations in the Bible
then why do you keep insisting that Universalists and Calvinists
are going to hell if that is not expressly stated under salvation.

It says the devil beast and false prophet.

So if we AGREE UNIVERSAL isn't mentioned there SPECIFICALLY
it also doesn't say Universalists or Calvinists specifically either.

And if you are able to INTERPRET that salvation
excludes Universalists and Calvinists (not stated there, but as long as it still meets the Biblical description of salvation)
then what is the difference with INTERPRETING that salvation
can be Universal (not stated there, but as long as it still meets the Biblical description of salvation)

What the Bible does specify is FORGIVENESS
the key to salvation is FORGIVENESS in Christ
so that we are forgiven as we forgive those who trespass against us

you are RIGHT Parture
that salvation does NOT specify denomination
so why do YOU keep enforcing rules that aren't in the Bible
and then complain when I interpret salvation in ways
not literally stated in the Bible either?

Why are you so worried about Parture? He/she is a nutcase. Let it go.
A Christian would not talk like this so demeaning. Teddy's not a Christian.

Then you are not acting Christian by "bearing false witness against thy neighbor"
You have broken one of the Ten Commandments.
So if you do not repent as you ask others to,
you are not following Scripture that says to remove
the beam from your own eye before helping your neighbor remove a splinter.

We'll see who apologizes first.

I already apologize for assuming treating and holding you to Christian principles
when you don't know what these are to follow them consistently.

When I tried to apologize for giving you the wrong impression
because you assume Universalist to mean things I don't believe in,
you accuse me further instead of trusting I am trying to resolve things.

So this finally told me you are not fully Christian
and yet accuse others falsely. as your name describes
which you have chosen accurately you are only partially Christian.

Thus you bear false witness against your neighbor
by doing what you accuse others of.

Claiming to be Christian when it turns out you are only half.
Half the time you will say something true in Christ where
I can agree, and then suddenly you turn and betray that.

And if this what you believe IS what it means to be Christian,
then we should all change our denominations to be more clear
we do not believe as you do. You can remain this definition of
Christian, and let the rest of us out of it.

We can resolve it that way, too.

So all the people who hate Christians for being hypocrites
will be right if the only people who qualify for that label
are peopel who believe and think like you do.

Let's get it straight who are the Jihadists vs. who are the Muslims.
Who are the people like me who believe the Trinity is Universal
or believe salvation is Universal or both or neither
and decide which to call Christian and which to call something else.

Parture if I had to guess you may be one of the
Jehovah's Witnesses that longs to have unity and fellowship
by adhering to a unified cookie cutter interpretation of Scripture.

If I had to pick one group for you to reconcile with
I might recommend them. I think the JW could help you the
most to eliminate your fear of doubletalk. Either them or the IDMR may cure you of this fear.
Why are you casting stones? Jesus never did that to ANYONE!
Never cast any stones. You're confused.

I think this refers to you saying repeatedly
that teddyear or I, Calvinists or Universalists,
are not Christian and are going to hell.

I guess that is another personality of yours that posted those declarations
and condemnations.

How many personalities do you have?
do they have names?

Which personality explained so elegantly about the six days in the Bible
or the response I read about the God not going against righteousness to move a stone already willed not to be moved

Which personality accuses others of going to hell
and accuses others of doing the very things complained of

these don't appear to be coming from the same place

One posts true things that are high minded and can be agreed on
Another posts negative accusations taunting or testing the person to prove otherwise

These do not appear to be in the same spirit.

Are we talking about the same person?
Do you have two or more personas and one
is demonic and attacks to tease taunt and test
while the other is angelic and seeks to guide and establish noble truth

What is going on with these two sides of you
can you please explain? thank you
Ok C_Clayton_Jones
what religion am I if I teach that Christ Jesus
is universal as Restorative Justice that includes
both theist and nontheist, Christian and Constitutionalist,
Buddhist and atheist, Muslim and Jew,
anyone who joins in agreement in the spirit of
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice is
a neighbor in Christ or by conscience,
and together our agreement in truth
sets us free from strife which is heaven on earth and salvation from suffering.

What the heck is that
That is love, babe.
For the last time Parture , do you accept Jesus Christ as your God and Savior?

yes or no?
You missed the point that a person saved can't give a coat to someone in Hell.

Why don't you give the coat to someone who needs it? Let me if you do so.

I do.

Do you?

You're not a Christian because CV
Why are you casting stones? Jesus never did that to ANYONE!
Never cast any stones. You're confused.

I think this refers to you saying repeatedly
that teddyear or I, Calvinists or Universalists,
are not Christian and are going to hell.

I guess that is another personality of yours that posted those declarations
and condemnations.

How many personalities do you have?
do they have names?

Which personality explained so elegantly about the six days in the Bible
or the response I read about the God not going against righteousness to move a stone already willed not to be moved

Which personality accuses others of going to hell
and accuses others of doing the very things complained of

these don't appear to be coming from the same place

One posts true things that are high minded and can be agreed on
Another posts negative accusations taunting or testing the person to prove otherwise

These do not appear to be in the same spirit.

Are we talking about the same person?
Do you have two or more personas and one
is demonic and attacks to tease taunt and test
while the other is angelic and seeks to guide and establish noble truth

What is going on with these two sides of you
can you please explain? thank you
You're not a Christian, you're a universalist, so you are going to Hell. The Bible says,

"And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal" (Matt. 25.46).
You reject the gospel of salvation so you are going to Hell. Very simple so you are without excuse.

Wrong Parture
drifter has received other children of God and given them comfort
thus receiving Jesus. She did receive healing prayer in Jesus
and accepted Christ Grace and salvation through this prayer.
My friend Olivia Reiner who only prays in the name of Christ Jesus can attest to this.
And by receiving Jesus, receiving the Father also.
And calling upon the name of the Lord to be saved.

You on the other hand have rejected not one but SEVERAL
children of God by not recognizing them as such. I know
Gracie is a child of God by her ability to forgive that which only Christ Jesus
would empower someone to forgive. drifter has this, and these other Christians
you accuse of not being believers may STRUGGLE to forgive but we call upon
the name of God through Christ to pray and give us strength to forgive.

You are the most double tongued person on here, in fact, I think it is your gift
or you may have dual personalities or a demon influence that waivers between
angelic and demonic testing of people. Whatever gift this is, only Christ Jesus
authority can keep it right in line. I see drifter is right that you let this voice in
you fall to ego and then project it and say I am the one being petty etc.

Projection of fault onto others is one sign of demonic influence
where you make people feel bad and make it their fault not yours.

I believe of the people here, drifter may be the best to mediate,
for drifter is not afraid to say things to you that you need to hear.

if you follow Scripture Matthew 18 15-20 says to bring in other
witnesses that the truth may be established, and drifter is seeking
to invoke the spirit of truth to resolve these issues. So drifter is
seeking to follow that scripture while you keep resisting.

Only demonic forces fight off attempts to establish truth
by restoring relations; demonic forces will seek to rebel, reject and repel.
driven by division and attacking others, projecting and poking at points
to bring someone down instead of lifting people up as angels seek to do.

Where I see you have positive gifts in guidance is where you seek
to establish agreement in truth that sets us free from error confusion strife and conflicts
instead of relishing conflict and condemnation and holding on to the positions causing this.

Since you don't seem to feel this emotionally
it would have to be explained to you logically
either in terms you understand or in scripture
whichever you follow and respect.

from what I can tell you really believe you are doing the right thing
by trying to correct others, but assuming and condemning is not the same as correcting.

You believe you are right and think you are doing the right thing the right way
so I recognize it isn't your fault.

You did apologize or explain when someone asked you to stop spamming the board
and you explained you thought that would help make the point, so it seemed you were trying
to be heard and to be effective. What we are trying to tell you is this isn't working

The harder you insist that we are teaching wrong or going to hell,
that isn't fixing the problem. it is making it worse.

So we need to try a different way.

Parture at worst case scenarios
i have found out with Jehovah's witnesses they aren't fully in charge of their own decisions
but made a commitment to follow in unison with their elders

so their elders would have to form an agreement from the top down with other
Christian elders before the rest of their followers could accept change

if this is what is happening with you
if your psychology is so tied to a cultlike religion of specific orders
then you may not be free to change your mind on these

So if you are a cult follower, then the whole hierarchy and
agreemnt on the rules at the top would need to be changed
for you to enforce teachings any differently

I found out this may be true with the Democrat party whose
members are not free to break from the herd but must agree from
the top down so the party line stays unified.

and with you, this may be true if you are so committed
to following the Arminian principles that you cannot stray from this programming

So I apologize again for not recognizing this if you are caught in a hierarchy
like the angels and demons take orders from the top down and do not
have free will to deviate from their marching orders

I think you have both some angelic guides and gifts in your spiritual realm
and outreach, and some demonic influences that just seek to test people
and bring out their worst faults which is waht demons do when attacking healers.

You exhibit these processes in your responses to people

half way demonic so that is not a realm that many people are trained to manage

My friend Olivia can help separate the angelic from the demonic and remove
the problems causing miscommunication from the rebellion and rejection

If your angelic side that is called to Christ can please call her
that is the side that can police the other. her number is posted
at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I do want to help work with your angelic side
but the demonic side is the barrier getting in the way

this side will just keep attacking others, bringing out
faults and accusing and demeaning to try to break the
person's spirit or drive them a way so the demon can
continue living off the host. So it is like having a virus
or tapeworm corrupting your system and taking energy
away from the health parts of you. so you want to keep
your strong gifted angelic side intact, and just remove the demonic blockage.
Why are you so worried about Parture? He/she is a nutcase. Let it go.

If Parture has demonic issues, is sociopathic, or
has mental imbalance, this can be readily cured with the proper spiritual therapy.
See Healing Is Yours for one doctor who could probably fix this with one call.

So instead of a dysfunctional person abusing his gift and other people in society,
we could have a normal functioning, highly enlightened and effective teacher.
Which is better?
To let him stay stuck in a state that can be cured so he can serve society.
Or to risk letting an unstable person go unhelped
and possible cause worse problems for himself or others?
"And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal" (Matt. 25.46).

Yes, so when the devil beast and false prophet are cast away forever
that leaves all the souls to be saved when these evils are removed forever.
I didn't know there were different kinds of Christians. I thought believers were all saved the same way? Tell me more.

Muslim Christians accept Jesus Christ as Lord fulfilling their Muslim law and teachings and reconcile in Christ with others under one God.

Jewish Christians accept Jesus Christ as Lord fulfilling their Jews laws and teachings and reconcile in Christ with others under one God.

Buddhist Christians accept Jesus Christ as Lord fulfilling the Buddhist laws and teachings and reconcile in Christ with others under one God.

Christian Constitutionalists accept Christ Jesus as Lord fulfilling the Constitutional laws, etc.

Just as Constitutional law is the law of the land for ALL states that have their own local laws,

Christ as Lord of all lords means authority of law over all the other lesser lords or authorities that separate tribes are under.

Where we agree to join in Christ, forgiving and correcting any differences that may otherwise conflict,
then we are still united under one God through Christ.

So Parture if your local law is Arminian and someone else is Calvinist
you are still both responsible to make sure you do not put your local law above
the Law of God through Christ.

You are worried Calvinists are putting their law first and contradicting God's laws which are supreme.
Others argue you are doing this, and saying other people aren't following the higher God's laws
just because we are not under Arminian law as you are.

I am saying that people of either or any of these lower laws
can still be saved in Christ by putting the higher laws first and including the local laws second.

So that's what makes me different from other Universalists who don't explain it right.

I explain that it still has to meet the salvation in the Bible.
and salvation can include you as Arminian and MaxGrit or whoever as Calvinist
provided you still forgive and receive Christ Jesus as Lord over these local laws.

but when you start putting your own local laws as conditions on salvation,
laws that other people are not under, only you, that is causing a problem.
Also, Emily, don't feel lonely. I don't fit in any box either. Parts of me keeps flopping out. :lol:

Be yourself. Follow your own path. No labels, no strict rule to follow. Just trudge along and do your thang. You and I might not be alone after all. Just some differences here and there. And if that is the case, then who else could blend in with us both? Get my drift? Lots of folks out website that is wacko doesn't represent them all.
You admit you are not a Christian also?
Yep, I admit it. Now kiss my pagan ass.
Therefore, according to the Bible you are going to Hell.

Parture I find drifter and Gracie to be righteous gentiles under natural law. SEE ROMANS 2:14
You may be a self-righteous gentile which is close, but not as humbling as a child of God is better received.

I come across as double to you because I am both a believer in Christ under scripture
and a believer in Christ under Constitutional laws. Jesus Christ is UNIVERSAL authority over both
the natural laws of Gentiles and scriptural laws of believers.

You are saying Jesus only is savior for the Christians who meet your conditions you approve as consistent with the Bible.
So you are denying Christ Jesus is the Messiah for ALL humanity universally as I believe the Bible means.

He did not come for the well, but for the sick.
He did not come to judge and condemn the world but to save it and make all things new.
He did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it.

See Romans 2:14 on gentiles that drifter and Gracie have proven to be by forgiving and asking divine help to forgive:
14For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, 15in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them,…

They do not need to be under scriptural laws as the Christians Jews and Muslims
to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved.

Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Constitutionalists
can call on the name of God and truth, Jesus and Justice, Peace and Holy Spirit
and there is only one God and only one Christ Jesus who can answer those prayers
so it must be the same God and Jesus for all humanity universally, even pagans.

All laws and authorities visible or invisible are created by God and given to the Lord for his purposes Colossians 1:16 Jesus Christ is Lord of all lords or Uiniversal law of God's divine justice with mercy fulfilling all other laws under his governance as God's perfect will made incarnate among men on earth so that we may see Justice established for all humanity

Not just the people YOU believe are included, but all humanity receives Justice and Peace

the evil of the devil beast and false prophet are cast out, burned in the lake of fire.
so the souls are freed of these evils and are saved in Christ Jesus over all time and space.

If you do not believe God can save all souls and still fulfill the description of salvation and hell in the Bible you are putting limits on God that are not specifically stated that he cannot do.

there is nothing in the Bible that says God cannot do both
cannot both follow all the scriptures in the Bible and still
use Christ Jesus to save all souls from the hellfire where the evil is burned
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You reject the gospel of salvation so you are going to Hell. Very simple so you are without excuse.

Wrong Parture
drifter has received other children of God and given them comfort
thus receiving Jesus. She did receive healing prayer in Jesus
and accepted Christ Grace and salvation through this prayer.
My friend Olivia Reiner who only prays in the name of Christ Jesus can attest to this.
And by receiving Jesus, receiving the Father also.
And calling upon the name of the Lord to be saved.

You on the other hand have rejected not one but SEVERAL
children of God by not recognizing them as such. I know
Gracie is a child of God by her ability to forgive that which only Christ Jesus
would empower someone to forgive. drifter has this, and these other Christians
you accuse of not being believers may STRUGGLE to forgive but we call upon
the name of God through Christ to pray and give us strength to forgive.

You are the most double tongued person on here, in fact, I think it is your gift
or you may have dual personalities or a demon influence that waivers between
angelic and demonic testing of people. Whatever gift this is, only Christ Jesus
authority can keep it right in line. I see drifter is right that you let this voice in
you fall to ego and then project it and say I am the one being petty etc.

Projection of fault onto others is one sign of demonic influence
where you make people feel bad and make it their fault not yours.

I believe of the people here, drifter may be the best to mediate,
for drifter is not afraid to say things to you that you need to hear.

if you follow Scripture Matthew 18 15-20 says to bring in other
witnesses that the truth may be established, and drifter is seeking
to invoke the spirit of truth to resolve these issues. So drifter is
seeking to follow that scripture while you keep resisting.

Only demonic forces fight off attempts to establish truth
by restoring relations; demonic forces will seek to rebel, reject and repel.
driven by division and attacking others, projecting and poking at points
to bring someone down instead of lifting people up as angels seek to do.

Where I see you have positive gifts in guidance is where you seek
to establish agreement in truth that sets us free from error confusion strife and conflicts
instead of relishing conflict and condemnation and holding on to the positions causing this.

Since you don't seem to feel this emotionally
it would have to be explained to you logically
either in terms you understand or in scripture
whichever you follow and respect.

from what I can tell you really believe you are doing the right thing
by trying to correct others, but assuming and condemning is not the same as correcting.

You believe you are right and think you are doing the right thing the right way
so I recognize it isn't your fault.

You did apologize or explain when someone asked you to stop spamming the board
and you explained you thought that would help make the point, so it seemed you were trying
to be heard and to be effective. What we are trying to tell you is this isn't working

The harder you insist that we are teaching wrong or going to hell,
that isn't fixing the problem. it is making it worse.

So we need to try a different way.

Parture at worst case scenarios
i have found out with Jehovah's witnesses they aren't fully in charge of their own decisions
but made a commitment to follow in unison with their elders

so their elders would have to form an agreement from the top down with other
Christian elders before the rest of their followers could accept change

if this is what is happening with you
if your psychology is so tied to a cultlike religion of specific orders
then you may not be free to change your mind on these

So if you are a cult follower, then the whole hierarchy and
agreemnt on the rules at the top would need to be changed
for you to enforce teachings any differently

I found out this may be true with the Democrat party whose
members are not free to break from the herd but must agree from
the top down so the party line stays unified.

and with you, this may be true if you are so committed
to following the Arminian principles that you cannot stray from this programming

So I apologize again for not recognizing this if you are caught in a hierarchy
like the angels and demons take orders from the top down and do not
have free will to deviate from their marching orders

I think you have both some angelic guides and gifts in your spiritual realm
and outreach, and some demonic influences that just seek to test people
and bring out their worst faults which is waht demons do when attacking healers.

You exhibit these processes in your responses to people

half way demonic so that is not a realm that many people are trained to manage

My friend Olivia can help separate the angelic from the demonic and remove
the problems causing miscommunication from the rebellion and rejection

If your angelic side that is called to Christ can please call her
that is the side that can police the other. her number is posted
at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I do want to help work with your angelic side
but the demonic side is the barrier getting in the way

this side will just keep attacking others, bringing out
faults and accusing and demeaning to try to break the
person's spirit or drive them a way so the demon can
continue living off the host. So it is like having a virus
or tapeworm corrupting your system and taking energy
away from the health parts of you. so you want to keep
your strong gifted angelic side intact, and just remove the demonic blockage.
I didn't know there were different kinds of Christians. I thought believers were all saved the same way? Tell me more.

Muslim Christians accept Jesus Christ as Lord fulfilling their Muslim law and teachings and reconcile in Christ with others under one God.

Jewish Christians accept Jesus Christ as Lord fulfilling their Jews laws and teachings and reconcile in Christ with others under one God.

Buddhist Christians accept Jesus Christ as Lord fulfilling the Buddhist laws and teachings and reconcile in Christ with others under one God.

Christian Constitutionalists accept Christ Jesus as Lord fulfilling the Constitutional laws, etc.

Just as Constitutional law is the law of the land for ALL states that have their own local laws,

Christ as Lord of all lords means authority of law over all the other lesser lords or authorities that separate tribes are under.

Where we agree to join in Christ, forgiving and correcting any differences that may otherwise conflict,
then we are still united under one God through Christ.

So Parture if your local law is Arminian and someone else is Calvinist
you are still both responsible to make sure you do not put your local law above
the Law of God through Christ.

You are worried Calvinists are putting their law first and contradicting God's laws which are supreme.
Others argue you are doing this, and saying other people aren't following the higher God's laws
just because we are not under Arminian law as you are.

I am saying that people of either or any of these lower laws
can still be saved in Christ by putting the higher laws first and including the local laws second.

So that's what makes me different from other Universalists who don't explain it right.

I explain that it still has to meet the salvation in the Bible.
and salvation can include you as Arminian and MaxGrit or whoever as Calvinist
provided you still forgive and receive Christ Jesus as Lord over these local laws.

but when you start putting your own local laws as conditions on salvation,
laws that other people are not under, only you, that is causing a problem.
Muslim Christians? Muslims reject that Jesus died on the cross.
I didn't know there were different kinds of Christians. I thought believers were all saved the same way? Tell me more.

Muslim Christians accept Jesus Christ as Lord fulfilling their Muslim law and teachings and reconcile in Christ with others under one God.

Jewish Christians accept Jesus Christ as Lord fulfilling their Jews laws and teachings and reconcile in Christ with others under one God.

Buddhist Christians accept Jesus Christ as Lord fulfilling the Buddhist laws and teachings and reconcile in Christ with others under one God.

Christian Constitutionalists accept Christ Jesus as Lord fulfilling the Constitutional laws, etc.

Just as Constitutional law is the law of the land for ALL states that have their own local laws,

Christ as Lord of all lords means authority of law over all the other lesser lords or authorities that separate tribes are under.

Where we agree to join in Christ, forgiving and correcting any differences that may otherwise conflict,
then we are still united under one God through Christ.

So Parture if your local law is Arminian and someone else is Calvinist
you are still both responsible to make sure you do not put your local law above
the Law of God through Christ.

You are worried Calvinists are putting their law first and contradicting God's laws which are supreme.
Others argue you are doing this, and saying other people aren't following the higher God's laws
just because we are not under Arminian law as you are.

I am saying that people of either or any of these lower laws
can still be saved in Christ by putting the higher laws first and including the local laws second.

So that's what makes me different from other Universalists who don't explain it right.

I explain that it still has to meet the salvation in the Bible.
and salvation can include you as Arminian and MaxGrit or whoever as Calvinist
provided you still forgive and receive Christ Jesus as Lord over these local laws.

but when you start putting your own local laws as conditions on salvation,
laws that other people are not under, only you, that is causing a problem.
Muslim Christians? Muslims reject Jesus died on the cross.
Muslim Christians? Muslims reject Jesus died on the cross.

I have found different beliefs among Muslims
1. One of my friends identifies as Muslim Christian and Pagan
He does believe in Christ as God and has been strongly rebuked by his
Muslim parents who had to work very hard to accept this which first appeared to be blasphemous
to them. the traditional Muslim teachings are supposed to recognize
Jewish Christian and Muslim but this isn't taught correctly and you
are right, unfortunately many do not receive the full message or meaning
of Christ similar to how many Jews are not taught this correctly.
there are Jews that have received Christ (you can look up Peter Loth who is a good example
of one who teaches forgiveness that only God can bring through Christ)

2. Two of my friends understood Jesus as divine
but did not understand the full process of what that means.
one explained Jesus is the Miracle of God. So they may not
have fully received yet but they do not reject

3. some are actually more like secular gentiles under natural laws,
who understand Jesus as a natural person and teacher, and
who understand God but don't understand the connection
and authority with Christ. the Jehovah's Witnesses are like this, too.
They have a naturalistic understanding of Christ and separate this from God.

for these secular types, they may receive understanding of Jesus
through Justice, through natural laws and science such as proving
spiritual healing scientifically so they see how this process works
and what it means for all humanity to go through healing by forgiveness

4. some of the cults and the Jihadists are the most visible violent
not only reject but make war. they rebel and seek retributive justice
which is antichrist. so this is more than just being neutral or
receiving as divine but not understanding the entire meaning.
this is rejecting in a very negative and war mongering way.

Some Muslims actively seek to join in agreement in Christ
with Jews and Christians as fellow neighbors and denominations.
there are whole websites on this, so it depends if a global
consensus can be reached in Christ to truly unite
all the Jews and Gentiles as one in Christ as the Bible

the key factor if we are going to reconcile in Christ
is divine forgiveness. you can tell who has this
because they will keep trying to work with each other
despite wrongs and conflicts and not give up until
peace is made and truth is establshed by civil agreement.

those are the real peacemakers and they shall be
called the children of God and build the Kingdom of God
there will be servants and elders called from every
tribe to join in Christ. And this will be clearly from God
because man cannot fake this level of forgiveness
where even Jews and Muslims who were at war
are able to make peace and work together to heal
and rebuild together. that can only come from God.
man is too selfish and will not forgive each other.
but in Christ all things are possible and made new.

so you will know who is a neighbor in Christ
love is patient love is kind love never fails
Christianity is perfect charity
and forgiveness is the greatest act of charity of all
There are no Muslim Christians for Muslims reject the atonement by Jesus when they say He didn't die on the cross.

Satan is the author of confusion in you claiming there is such a thing as a Christian Muslim.

You try so hard to be universalistic, but that doesn't get one step closer to God
Jesus said, "The one who believes in the Son has eternal life, but the one who refuses to believe in the Son will not see life; instead, the wrath of God remains on him" (John 3.36).

So since you reject the Jesus who says wrath remains on them, that is, those who go to Hell, then you are going to Hell. Matt. 10.32,33 says unless you confess who Jesus truly is, He will deny you before the Father in Heaven.

In Heaven there is nobody who says maybe some people in Hell will get saved. That is a sinful thought on your part, because you are delusional, for those who go to Hell forever want to be eternally separated from God. You are one of those people who is going to the Lake of Fire if you continue to refuse to accept Jesus of the Bible.
A lake of fire from the loving god? Bring it on, at least the company will be better.
Than to be with you, which the grace of a loving god will permit. Imagine dealing with an ego like yours for eternity.

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