Forced to deny my Christian faith to enter a Christian website? What?

Also, Emily, don't feel lonely. I don't fit in any box either. Parts of me keeps flopping out. :lol:

Be yourself. Follow your own path. No labels, no strict rule to follow. Just trudge along and do your thang. You and I might not be alone after all. Just some differences here and there. And if that is the case, then who else could blend in with us both? Get my drift? Lots of folks out website that is wacko doesn't represent them all.
You admit you are not a Christian also?
Yep, I admit it. Now kiss my pagan ass.
Therefore, according to the Bible you are going to Hell.
Also, Emily, don't feel lonely. I don't fit in any box either. Parts of me keeps flopping out. :lol:

Be yourself. Follow your own path. No labels, no strict rule to follow. Just trudge along and do your thang. You and I might not be alone after all. Just some differences here and there. And if that is the case, then who else could blend in with us both? Get my drift? Lots of folks out website that is wacko doesn't represent them all.
You admit you are not a Christian also?
Yep, I admit it. Now kiss my pagan ass.
Therefore, according to the Bible you are going to Hell.

You don't get to decide what happens to Gracie, only God decides.

You can love Gracie, you can pray about your own judgment of Gracie.

Prayer is all about aligning yourself to Gods will be done not your own ego praying for an outcome that you personally desire.

Worry about yourself and pray for others.
Also, Emily, don't feel lonely. I don't fit in any box either. Parts of me keeps flopping out. :lol:

Be yourself. Follow your own path. No labels, no strict rule to follow. Just trudge along and do your thang. You and I might not be alone after all. Just some differences here and there. And if that is the case, then who else could blend in with us both? Get my drift? Lots of folks out website that is wacko doesn't represent them all.
You admit you are not a Christian also?
Yep, I admit it. Now kiss my pagan ass.
Therefore, according to the Bible you are going to Hell.
Ok. But first I must confer with my crystals and spirit animals guides to see how full of shit you are.
Ok. I consulted. You are 100% full of shit and no christian yourself.
You are dismissed. Again.
Always remember, Emily is going to Hell forever because she is a universalist. No Christians are universalists. Don't let her deceive you. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. The tares are among the wheat trying to look like Christians but they are not. In some ways they can resemble a child of God, but when you find out what they really believe you know they were never born-again.

Yes, Parture
The Bible has a scripture just for you.
I looked up Corinthians, where God's Love NEVER fails
and found this:

1 Corinthians 13:8King James Version (KJV)
8 Charity never faileth:
but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail;
whether there be tongues, they shall cease;
whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

I still believe that since God's LOVE NEVER FAILS
then God will find a way that through
Christ Jesus, all the souls will be saved
while the evil will be burned up for as long as God means by the Bible.

So God will find a way to make the Bible come true, AS I AGREED
and still save the whole of humanity through Christ Jesus
in keeping with God's will which is perfect.

Our prophecies are not perfect but will pass away.
Where I may err, I seek to err on the side of Charity which never fails.
MaxGrit is going to Hell because he is a Calvinist, that is, he refuses to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. He's a bad guy.

I don't know whether to waste time arguing with you
or just agree with.

As the monks will say, if someone tells them they are going to hell,
they say THANKS for the humbling compliment.

For only the souls strong enough NOT to lose their footing or way
are sent by God into hell to witness to suffering souls
that have lost their way.

I hope your brothers in Christ
MaxGrit Teddyear Ninja007 and others
will join in deep prayer for your salvation
that Christ Jesus may intervene and lift you up.

If you have dug yourself in a deep hole
then it may take a whole chain of loving
arms to pull you back up from the deepest pits.

You will prove your gifts truly divine
but we just need to be on the same page with Christ
and great things will follow. I hope and pray you will join with us,
as we all celebrate the one sheep that is lost as more
precious than the 99 that weren't.

So thank you Parture for being used as the foil
to unite the rest of us, beyond the differences you point out don't matter as once thought. May God bless you in
abundance and use you and all things in your life to bring about God's glory and wonder
you know in your logical mind is true, but don't recognize the process of bringing this about.

You are more blessed than you know,
but not for the reasons you think.

The loved will be hated, and the hated will be loved.

If nothing else, you make me glad I'm not you!
For that, I kneel before God and give thanks.
You are wonderful and loved in so many ways you don't even know yet.

Thank you and thank God for you!
Also, Emily, don't feel lonely. I don't fit in any box either. Parts of me keeps flopping out. :lol:

Be yourself. Follow your own path. No labels, no strict rule to follow. Just trudge along and do your thang. You and I might not be alone after all. Just some differences here and there. And if that is the case, then who else could blend in with us both? Get my drift? Lots of folks out website that is wacko doesn't represent them all.
You admit you are not a Christian also?
Yep, I admit it. Now kiss my pagan ass.
Therefore, according to the Bible you are going to Hell.

And so are you.
I think since only 144,000 are going to heaven, Parture is trying to keep it a secret. LOL!

I have always wondered why Christians are always trying to get others to join, when the Bible says so few are are going to heaven. :p Shouldn't they be keeping that on the low-down?
"...I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people..."

Clearly not.

Indeed, the raison d'etre of almost every religion – not just Christianity – is to judge and condemn.

I am sorry sir, but you know nothing at all about Christianity; or better Jesus Christ.
The proof that most religions, including Christianity, seek to judge and condemn can be found in this very thread, given the fact there is no 'god' or 'Jesus' as perceived by theists, as religion and 'god' are creations of man.
"...I thought the point of Christianity is to
forgive and correct mistakes instead of judge and condemn people..."

Clearly not.

Indeed, the raison d'etre of almost every religion – not just Christianity – is to judge and condemn.

I am sorry sir, but you know nothing at all about Christianity; or better Jesus Christ.
The proof that most religions, including Christianity, seek to judge and condemn can be found in this very thread, given the fact there is no 'god' or 'Jesus' as perceived by theists, as religion and 'god' are creations of man.

Worse, they've created a God in their own image! :D
Thank you Parture and MaxGrit
for the references to Arminian and Calvinist
five points, and three points of Aquinas,
and a long history of which steps of salvation
come in what order, which are conditions
and which are consequences.

What I have found decides if people
can reconcile in truth through Christ:
1. if we can forgive each other's differences
and agree to hold each person to their OWN system
not to ours but judge them by whether they
contradict or respect the laws THEY claim to be theirs
not us claim for them

Thus if I am to assess MaxGrit I see what he
says about his beliefs and how well he follows
them, whether he forgives differences with others,
and is about to reconcile and let others be true to their paths in Christ

2. we can stick to where we agree even
if our systems don't agree. So even if you
speak French and have different rules of grammar
and I speak Spanish, we can still communicate
through a translator and agree where our concepts align.
Our systems don't have to agree or be the same, but we have to
agree how to apply them to say and agree on the same things.

3. If we run into unresolvable differences,
we do not project fault and blame, but either
seek help to reconcile or separate or agree
on what we can and forgive or correct the rest other ways

So I don't see anything wrong with people
having different lists of the main steps of
salvation which is a long process and hard to describe.

But this should not be abused as some kind of rule book
to judge other people by who have a different list of steps
they are going through to map out their salvation.

If you are trying to get to the Central Capital from
Russia and your map says to look for this landmark,
then turn here and take this step or that one,
that is a different route than someone coming
from France or someone coming from overseas.

What is in common is if you get lost or take a wrong
turn you ask for help and don't make the situation worse.

But you don't criticize your neighbor if their map and
turns are spelled out differently from yours.

If I am giving directions based on asking help of
people to get there, I would describe the process like this:
a. first people will receive a child of God
and by establishing relations with a child who comes in the
name of Jesus, then Jesus is received too
b. then people will take the next step to receive
Jesus directly, not depend on the child of God,
so once someone receives Jesus they receive the Father
c. then people learn to call directly on the Father,
and anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord is saved

If I am going to give general directions of what the
path through life looks like individually or collectively for all humanity
I compare with the stages of grief and recovery.
in the Bible you start with God creating man in the
image of God, then there is a fallout with Satan and separation, then the laws
are giving in writing, but this gets corrupted by
antichrist and false prophet or false govt and false church
abuses of authority which goes in a vicious cycle of sin and retribution, and then Christ Jesus is sent
to incarnate and establish laws by the spirit embodied in man,
but in the process goes through a sacrifice and redemption
to break the cycle of suffering, and when humanity recovers
through this through forgiveness in Christ and healing by the Holy Spirit
then God's truth is established, justice and peace is restored for all humanity.

so this follows the stages of grief
with starting off normal, a setback occurring or a loss,
followed by numbness and denial,
projection of anger and grief,
bargaining and recovery,
resolution and peace.

Now not all people CALL these stages and steps
the SAME thing in the same order.

But the PROCESS is still generally the same,
though different for each person.

So what we SHOULD be in the business of doing
is helping each other take the steps each person
needs to progress along their mapped out path,
and not try to project our own list of steps and
benchmarks, judging if they meet OUR expectations.

Our neighbors need support to meet their OWN
benchmarks and follow along with the points on
their path, to "work out our salvation" with fear and trembling.

This is very humbling and we need to HELP
one another, not judge and condemn if
someone took a wrong turn or is going
some roundabout way that we wouldn't take.

Maybe some people need to take a scenic route
and learn different things along the way.

There is no need to judge one another if our
descriptions of the path varies. All of us
have different experiences we need to get through life
and enjoy and grow along our spiritual journey.

So thank you, Gentlemen for sharing
what is going on with the points and paths
you follow. I see no need to judge these,
if they work for you, I want you to succeed
and learn as much as possible trusting your
faith in Christ and God will lead you through.

I will look more into the links, but the main
conflict I see OVER and OVER is what
conflicts need to be resolved BEFORE
as a condition on salvation, and what
can be resolved AFTER accepting
salvation as a consequence.

Parture since your salvation
may be hinged on resolving this whole
Universalist Calvinist issue so you
can forgive it first, be it known that is
a SECULAR GENTILE approach that
you require PROOF it is resolved BEFORE
you agree to forgive and have faith in salvation.

A Christian believer would forgive and have faith
in advance that God can resolve these things
without it being an issue of salvation.

but you have made it not only a condition
in salvaton, but the REconciliation of this
issue in advance must also be done in advance
before you have faith and agree to receive
MaxGrit me and others as children of God.

You cannot even get past step 1
to receive a child of God who comes
in the name of Jesus because you question
and doubt/deny that we are children of God.

Assuming you were a child of God in Christ
would have put us at step 2
that within the relationship where we
acknowledge and receive each other in
Christ, then we can invoke the authority of
Jesus and receive God'struth to establish
agreement and resolve remove errors

But again, we could not even get to step
2 because you blocked us at step1
saying we weren't fellow children of God.

So this is the secular gentile process
of proving first before you receive us
as children of God.

My atheist friends who want to see spiritual
healing first before they beleive we are not
false prophets are better than you are,
because at least they forgive and ask for
proof in an open way agreeing to what
the results may show.

But you are so convinced we are spawn of
Satan antichrist and false prophet heading to hell
you even will us that we DON'T prove this wrong
and you WANT to be right about us.

So that is worse than my atheist friends
who want the truth so much they have
asked for proof of spiritual healing so this
issue may be settled. You seem worse than they are.

If you are a chlld of God please act like one.
Not a brat trying to trip someone up so you
can "go tell on us and get us in trouble".

A chlld of God would want more people to
enter the Kingdom of God, not go to hell.
And from your msgs you seem to take
delight in inequity and condemning others there.

Whatever path you are on
I ask fellow believers brothers and sisters
in Christ to join in making sure your path
is made straight and new in Christ Jesus
that all may rejoice for the lost sheep who
turns out to be the most precious of all.

I really thought I was lost until I found you
so this gave me hope, then dashed it when
you scared me away, and now has given
me greater hope of God's will to be done after all.

I pray God bless you with even greater insights
that you are so inspired to share, that you open
the doors of your heart mind and relationships
to invite all your brothers and sisters in Christ
to join you in sharing this good news and gifts
God is using you for to multiply and spread in abundance.

If I can help you in any way I trust you will let
me know. If I misunderstand your way of asking for
help, please forgive me because I am not used to this
approach you take that seems backwards to me.

However I can help you use your gifts and connections
with others to establish a consensus on God,
salvation and religious teachings and laws,
that is what I am supposed to do and called to do.

Whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven
whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven
whatever we agree on earth is done by our Father in heaven

In Jesus name we pray that God's will
unite uplift heal and restore all according to God's plans
Ok C_Clayton_Jones
what religion am I if I teach that Christ Jesus
is universal as Restorative Justice that includes
both theist and nontheist, Christian and Constitutionalist,
Buddhist and atheist, Muslim and Jew,
anyone who joins in agreement in the spirit of
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice is
a neighbor in Christ or by conscience,
and together our agreement in truth
sets us free from strife which is heaven on earth and salvation from suffering.

What the heck is that

is it Buddhist
Is it Christian
is it Constitutionalist

Parture says Universalists don't teach that salvation
meets the description in the Bible
so I am not Universalist then because I do agree with the Bible

You say that Christianity is a bunch of stuff I disagree with too

So you are saying I can't be Christian
and maybe Parture is also that my views cannot be Christian either

Dante and JakeStarkey tell me my views
are not consistent with Constitutional laws
so I am not a Constitutionalist according to them

I believe that whatever is true we would agree by consensus.
like we all agree the laws of gravity exist and are true and universal

so what do you call my faith then
if it cannot be Christian since Christianity does not teach what I am saying.
Ok C_Clayton_Jones
what religion am I if I teach that Christ Jesus
is universal as Restorative Justice that includes
both theist and nontheist, Christian and Constitutionalist,
Buddhist and atheist, Muslim and Jew,
anyone who joins in agreement in the spirit of
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice is
a neighbor in Christ or by conscience,
and together our agreement in truth
sets us free from strife which is heaven on earth and salvation from suffering.

What the heck is that

is it Buddhist
Is it Christian
is it Constitutionalist

Parture says Universalists don't teach that salvation
meets the description in the Bible
so I am not Universalist then because I do agree with the Bible

You say that Christianity is a bunch of stuff I disagree with too

So you are saying I can't be Christian
and maybe Parture is also that my views cannot be Christian either

Dante and JakeStarkey tell me my views
are not consistent with Constitutional laws
so I am not a Constitutionalist according to them

I believe that whatever is true we would agree by consensus.
like we all agree the laws of gravity exist and are true and universal

so what do you call my faith then
if it cannot be Christian since Christianity does not teach what I am saying.

"What the heck is that?"... is my question. Second question is, why do you need a label?

Please, no long winded response necessary.
Ok C_Clayton_Jones
what religion am I if I teach that Christ Jesus
is universal as Restorative Justice that includes
both theist and nontheist, Christian and Constitutionalist,
Buddhist and atheist, Muslim and Jew,
anyone who joins in agreement in the spirit of
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice is
a neighbor in Christ or by conscience,
and together our agreement in truth
sets us free from strife which is heaven on earth and salvation from suffering.

What the heck is that

is it Buddhist
Is it Christian
is it Constitutionalist

Parture says Universalists don't teach that salvation
meets the description in the Bible
so I am not Universalist then because I do agree with the Bible

You say that Christianity is a bunch of stuff I disagree with too

So you are saying I can't be Christian
and maybe Parture is also that my views cannot be Christian either

Dante and JakeStarkey tell me my views
are not consistent with Constitutional laws
so I am not a Constitutionalist according to them

I believe that whatever is true we would agree by consensus.
like we all agree the laws of gravity exist and are true and universal

so what do you call my faith then
if it cannot be Christian since Christianity does not teach what I am saying.
Call it whatever you want – it makes no difference in any event, as it's all myths and fables in the end.
Always remember, Emily is going to Hell forever because she is a universalist. No Christians are universalists. Don't let her deceive you. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. The tares are among the wheat trying to look like Christians but they are not. In some ways they can resemble a child of God, but when you find out what they really believe you know they were never born-again.

Jesus went around healing people, not banning them.
Nobody is banned. Emily is lying to you.

1. First I get a message addressed to emilynghiem that from memory started with:

okay now you've done it you've gone and gotten yourself banned

2. now I try to go and copy what it says and I find this:
Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here-

Although I CORRECTLY answered the question that I AGREE with the Bible
stating 6 days, Parture counts this as doubletalk, even though we BOTH AGREE what it means
and that we AGREE with it, despite his confusing explanation later that it is literally stated but figurative in meaning
which seems contradictory unless you know what he means.

Because he didn't know what I meant, he counted this against me.
Saying I was the one speaking doubletalk when I not only AGREE with the Bible
and AGREE with what he meant, but FORGAVE when he called it literal and figurative at the same time
and still AGREE that we mean and interpret the same thing.

Clearly he was looking to find fault, which is his fault not mine.

I think the other ban was for creating a second account in order to continue the conversation
instead of waiting until February.

The issue of Universal salvation is twofold or threefold
whether there can be universal salvation that still meets and fulfills the descriptions in the Bible
which I explain I agree with, and still believe in universal salvation even though this is neither
stated explicitly nor prohibited by the description in the Bible
and whether disputing or believing in this issue
warrants a trespass or false teaching so great that it denies salvation

And the added issue is whether or not I was duplicitous in saying
I was Christian when I believe the Trinity and Salvation are Universal for all humanity

I find Parture was projecting onto me
which is typical of a secular gentile who is testing a child of God
before receiving a witness to God's truth in Christ Jesus

The lack of forgiveness and faith indicates to me
that Parture is not an equal believer in Christ
but as his self chosen name describes is
partially raptured or a partial lukewarm believer
who only believes in salvation under certain conditions
and if these are not met then salvation is denied

So these are the worst kind to deal with
and make the atheists and heathens look rational
in comparison.

The nontheists who are bound by natural laws
at least understand not to accuse someone first
and issue penalty and then asking questions later.

When the nonbelievers make this mistake
and it is pointed out to them they are treating
others in ways they don't want, they at least
acknowledge where they don't have faith.

For this guy to claim faith and then do the opposite
is either antichrist or false prophet type behavior.

All that Parture states when in this mindset
is just self-projection that whatever he says
reveals his own state. So when he says others
are going to hell and he does not have to address
them since they will be gone, this applies to him.

He can either use his gifts correctly or continue
to play games and test the faith of others.

I do not think I have the desire to go save this lost soul
myself, but if other people feel called to help I am willing
to set up a team to help him get back on track from
wherever he took a wrong turn and went off the deep end.

His ideas are perfect for building bridges to network
many people together in organized church groups,
but he is building too close to a cliff and needs to
build on solid ground to establish a stable network.

His approach is chasing away people and giving
them the wrong impression he is hopeless.

So if that can change I can help, but I will not be
the only one it would take to undo the bridges that were burned here.

Not sure of my role here, but willing to try whatever might work
to turn this situation around. Most interesting that Parture
has such impressive potential and set up a wonderful
site and structure, but his screening device is set so high
he is blocking even the good programs thinking that is spam.

so some of the people he is meant to work with
he has blocked out and set up hoops to jump through first.

only the true believers who can forgive and get past the
nonsense will be able to connect with him and the rest
will run away saying this guy is not worth the drama.
Hi Carla_Danger
If I do not use the proper label
then I get accused of teaching false things
if I am labeled Universalist, Buddhist or other things people automatically
disagree with and start attacking me for.

So I need a name for my beliefs that isn't already
going to be confused and assumed to be false things that are conflicting.

This is like coming up with separate terms for Muslims vs. Jihadists
So the two don't get confused as teaching the same thing if they don't.

Or having one twin dress differently
so as not to confuse with the other who looks too similar.

Apparently I need to have some label
so people will not accuse me of things I don't believe.

I thought that would help make it clear
I am not those other things.

Any suggestions for a name that isn't taken yet.
Even Parture has a denomination that categorizes his views apart from others.

Why can't I have one, too?

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