Forced vaccinations welcome to the new world order

you have the right to refuse and lose your job.. you have the right to have your children deprived schooling or taken into custody..or face forced have the right to have your liberty taken..

Are you in healthcare eots?

no at present I do hauling and moving with my big ass truck and take care of my 4 yr old

And you have a boss, or are self-employed?
Are you in healthcare eots?

no at present I do hauling and moving with my big ass truck and take care of my 4 yr old

And you have a boss, or are self-employed?

NO BOSS..I worked as a bank guard last year.. the first normal job I ever had.. it was too much..almost surreal ..I don't know how people do it..I do a job or two every other day
I'm usually done in a few hours..really busy at the end of the month for 4 or 5 days
no at present I do hauling and moving with my big ass truck and take care of my 4 yr old

And you have a boss, or are self-employed?

NO BOSS..I worked as a bank guard last year.. the first normal job I ever had.. it was too much..almost surreal ..I don't know how people do it..I do a job or two every other day
I'm usually done in a few hours..really busy at the end of the month for 4 or 5 days
and is anyone telling you you MUST get this vaccine in order to work?
And you have a boss, or are self-employed?

NO BOSS..I worked as a bank guard last year.. the first normal job I ever had.. it was too much..almost surreal ..I don't know how people do it..I do a job or two every other day
I'm usually done in a few hours..really busy at the end of the month for 4 or 5 days
and is anyone telling you you MUST get this vaccine in order to work?
Besides Terral? Prolly not.
NO BOSS..I worked as a bank guard last year.. the first normal job I ever had.. it was too much..almost surreal ..I don't know how people do it..I do a job or two every other day
I'm usually done in a few hours..really busy at the end of the month for 4 or 5 days
and is anyone telling you you MUST get this vaccine in order to work?
Besides Terral? Prolly not.
well, Terral should be in custody by now
i mean he kept telling everyone how the "red listers"(of which he was one) were going to be rounded up for FEMA camps today
And you have a boss, or are self-employed?

NO BOSS..I worked as a bank guard last year.. the first normal job I ever had.. it was too much..almost surreal ..I don't know how people do it..I do a job or two every other day
I'm usually done in a few hours..really busy at the end of the month for 4 or 5 days
and is anyone telling you you MUST get this vaccine in order to work?

it starts with health workers..then the school system...ect
NO BOSS..I worked as a bank guard last year.. the first normal job I ever had.. it was too much..almost surreal ..I don't know how people do it..I do a job or two every other day
I'm usually done in a few hours..really busy at the end of the month for 4 or 5 days
and is anyone telling you you MUST get this vaccine in order to work?

it starts with health workers..then the school system...ect
gee, those that work in places that stand greater chances of becoming infected are being told for public safety's sake they need to be vaccinated, the HORROR
and is anyone telling you you MUST get this vaccine in order to work?

it starts with health workers..then the school system...ect
gee, those that work in places that stand greater chances of becoming infected are being told for public safety's sake they need to be vaccinated, the HORROR

no they are being forced by bureaucrats and pharmaceutical lobby's for profit and control and next they will come after our children..

and I wouldn't put timelines on these what the public does can have an effect at slowing and thwarting these agendas...but the battle to maintain liberty is never over
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it starts with health workers..then the school system...ect
gee, those that work in places that stand greater chances of becoming infected are being told for public safety's sake they need to be vaccinated, the HORROR

no they are being forced by bureaucrats and pharmaceutical lobby's for profit and control and next they will come after our children..

and I wouldn't put timelines on these what the public does can have an effect at slowing and thwarting these agendas...but the battle to maintain liberty is never over
ah yes, cause getting a flu vaccine will make you do things you wouldnt normally do

so you agree with terral that they are injecting RFID tag with these vaccines to track your daily activities?
gee, those that work in places that stand greater chances of becoming infected are being told for public safety's sake they need to be vaccinated, the HORROR

no they are being forced by bureaucrats and pharmaceutical lobby's for profit and control and next they will come after our children..

and I wouldn't put timelines on these what the public does can have an effect at slowing and thwarting these agendas...but the battle to maintain liberty is never over

ah yes, cause getting a flu vaccine will make you do things you wouldnt normally do

yes.. die for one..comprimze your immune system for another

so you agree with terral that they are injecting RFID tag with these vaccines to track your daily activities?

they have the technolgy..and I am sure they would love to..and they day will come they will try
no they are being forced by bureaucrats and pharmaceutical lobby's for profit and control and next they will come after our children..

and I wouldn't put timelines on these what the public does can have an effect at slowing and thwarting these agendas...but the battle to maintain liberty is never over

yes.. die for one..comprimze your immune system for another

so you agree with terral that they are injecting RFID tag with these vaccines to track your daily activities?
they have the technolgy..and I am sure they would love to..and they day will come they will try

to INJECT one with a vaccine syringe?
do you have a clue the SIZE of of a syringe?
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no they are being forced by bureaucrats and pharmaceutical lobby's for profit and control and next they will come after our children..

and I wouldn't put timelines on these what the public does can have an effect at slowing and thwarting these agendas...but the battle to maintain liberty is never over

yes.. die for one..comprimze your immune system for another

so you agree with terral that they are injecting RFID tag with these vaccines to track your daily activities?
they have the technolgy..and I am sure they would love to..and they day will come they will try

to INJECT one with a vaccine syringe?
do you have a clue the SIZE of of a syringe?

the smallest ones on the open market are very snall but too large for a flu vaccine needle
but the technolgy to do that exsist or willl soon exsist..but it is not my concern in regard to this flu vaccine issue at present
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yes.. die for one..comprimze your immune system for another

they have the technolgy..and I am sure they would love to..and they day will come they will try

to INJECT one with a vaccine syringe?
do you have a clue the SIZE of of a syringe?

the smallest ones on the open market are very snall but to large for a flu vaccine needle
but the technolgy to do that exsisst or willl soon exsist..but it is not my concern in regard to this flu vaccine issue at present
sheeesh, at least your not in the terral zone

Most of our evolutionary strengths were caused by viruses, getting sick made us stronger as a species. If people who do not need a vaccine do not get sick the body doesn't learn how to adapt to new symptoms.
wow. just wow.

it's clear to me you have no concept of either evolution nor immunology.

these vaccines are experimental and contain elements linked with autism
completely false. that has been debunked time after time. crazy soccer moms looking for someone to blame for their autistic child is not evidence based medicine. children get autistic. study after study has shown it has nothing to do with vaccinations.

We do adapt to symptoms as well, every part of the body needs to learn and be tested regularly or it weakens. The danger from a virus is not the virus itself but the effects it has, the symptoms. Many of which we don't even see. If our bodies do not learn to adapt to the symptoms then when a stronger virus comes around we will likely die from them. The more often one comes in contact with the viruses and gets sick, the less they "feel" the symptoms. Much like me, a flue may slow me down but only one day am I actually bed ridden, the rest of the time I barely notice the symptoms. I get the flu almost every year (except, oddly, when I was in the shelters I didn't get it as often). I've been known to work double shifts with the flu when I was working a job with an actual schedule.
You're the one who claimed you get "the flu" for just one day because you have such a strong immune system. That's called the common cold, not the flu. Your immune system does not get stronger against "stronger viruses" when it encounters other viruses. There are things that can rev up your immune system, and weaken it, but getting yourself sick with one bug isn't protecting you against unrelated bugs.

FURTHERMORE, a flu vaccine is just a dead bug. You gain immunity to that one bug, and unless you're allergic to eggs, there's not much difference.

no they are being forced by bureaucrats and pharmaceutical lobby's for profit and control and next they will come after our children..
yeah, those mean bureaucrats trying to keep people healthy and avoid tens of thousands of deaths that occur from the flu each year at no risk to you! how dare they!

no they are being forced by bureaucrats and pharmaceutical lobby's for profit and control and next they will come after our children..

and I wouldn't put timelines on these what the public does can have an effect at slowing and thwarting these agendas...but the battle to maintain liberty is never over

yes.. die for one..comprimze your immune system for another
die? do you know how many people die from the flu each year? now go find how many have died from the flu vaccine in the last decade.
Most of our evolutionary strengths were caused by viruses, getting sick made us stronger as a species. If people who do not need a vaccine do not get sick the body doesn't learn how to adapt to new symptoms.
wow. just wow.

it's clear to me you have no concept of either evolution nor immunology.

these vaccines are experimental and contain elements linked with autism
completely false. that has been debunked time after time. crazy soccer moms looking for someone to blame for their autistic child is not evidence based medicine. children get autistic. study after study has shown it has nothing to do with vaccinations.

You're the one who claimed you get "the flu" for just one day because you have such a strong immune system. That's called the common cold, not the flu. Your immune system does not get stronger against "stronger viruses" when it encounters other viruses. There are things that can rev up your immune system, and weaken it, but getting yourself sick with one bug isn't protecting you against unrelated bugs.

FURTHERMORE, a flu vaccine is just a dead bug. You gain immunity to that one bug, and unless you're allergic to eggs, there's not much difference.

yeah, those mean bureaucrats trying to keep people healthy and avoid tens of thousands of deaths that occur from the flu each year at no risk to you! how dare they!

no they are being forced by bureaucrats and pharmaceutical lobby's for profit and control and next they will come after our children..

and I wouldn't put timelines on these what the public does can have an effect at slowing and thwarting these agendas...but the battle to maintain liberty is never over

yes.. die for one..comprimze your immune system for another
die? do you know how many people die from the flu each year? now go find how many have died from the flu vaccine in the last decade.

this is a new vaccine planned to be given on mass and there are a other dangers other than death...but the first swine flu vaccination program killed more people than it would have with no vaccination program and now they are saying all the same assurances as then
Most of our evolutionary strengths were caused by viruses, getting sick made us stronger as a species. If people who do not need a vaccine do not get sick the body doesn't learn how to adapt to new symptoms.
wow. just wow.

it's clear to me you have no concept of either evolution nor immunology.

completely false. that has been debunked time after time. crazy soccer moms looking for someone to blame for their autistic child is not evidence based medicine. children get autistic. study after study has shown it has nothing to do with vaccinations.

You're the one who claimed you get "the flu" for just one day because you have such a strong immune system. That's called the common cold, not the flu. Your immune system does not get stronger against "stronger viruses" when it encounters other viruses. There are things that can rev up your immune system, and weaken it, but getting yourself sick with one bug isn't protecting you against unrelated bugs.

FURTHERMORE, a flu vaccine is just a dead bug. You gain immunity to that one bug, and unless you're allergic to eggs, there's not much difference.

yeah, those mean bureaucrats trying to keep people healthy and avoid tens of thousands of deaths that occur from the flu each year at no risk to you! how dare they!

yes.. die for one..comprimze your immune system for another
die? do you know how many people die from the flu each year? now go find how many have died from the flu vaccine in the last decade.

this is a new vaccine planned to be given on mass and there are a other dangers other than death...but the first swine flu vaccination program killed more people than it would have with no vaccination program and now they are saying all the same assurances as then
the vaccines are new EVERY YEAR

is that something you are not already aware of?

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