Forced vaccinations welcome to the new world order

[ame=]YouTube - Fox, Douglas Kennedy, Lilly pays $1.42 billion in Zyprexa suit[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Blood Scandal Report[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - THalidomide montage - Good Enough[/ame]
just a few of the examples of how much we can trust the morality of corporate entities
just a few of the examples of how much we can trust the morality of corporate entities
Thalidomide is no such example applying to the USA. The FDA, suspecting that thalidomide had nervous system side effects (and ultimately was shown to have teratogenic properties (causing birth defects)), demanded that more tests be done before any approval. Thalidomide was never approved for use in the USA.
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just a few of the examples of how much we can trust the morality of corporate entities
Thalidomide is no such example applying to the USA. The FDA, suspecting that thalidomide had nervous system side effects (and ultimately was shown to have teratogenic properties (causing birth defects)), demanded that more tests be done before any approval. Thalidomide was never approved for use in the USA.

but that's not really the point and it would not be difficult to post FDA failings all day long
would it..
just a few of the examples of how much we can trust the morality of corporate entities
Thalidomide is no such example applying to the USA. The FDA, suspecting that thalidomide had nervous system side effects (and ultimately was shown to have teratogenic properties (causing birth defects)), demanded that more tests be done before any approval. Thalidomide was never approved for use in the USA.

but that's not really the point and it would not be difficult to post FDA failings all day long
would it..
No it wouldn't be difficult. Drug discovery is an applied science combining several basic sciences, thus it is always growing and always improving. Mistakes will happen along the way. And it's true that the FDA has had and still has issues with corporate influence, but the good it does for the safety of all far outweighs the bad it does.
The smallest ones on the open market are very small, but too large for a flu vaccine needle. But the technology to do that exists or willl soon exist, but it is not my concern in regard to this flu vaccine issue at present

That seems contradictory to me. If you believe they may have the capability and you are convinced they will attempt to use it if and when they do, why would it not be your concern in regard to this particular, wildly hyped, circumstance?
just a few of the examples of how much we can trust the morality of corporate entities
Thalidomide is no such example applying to the USA. The FDA, suspecting that thalidomide had nervous system side effects (and ultimately was shown to have teratogenic properties (causing birth defects)), demanded that more tests be done before any approval. Thalidomide was never approved for use in the USA.

si modo hits the ball out of the park on this one. I will also note that the FDA is a progressive federal program mandate began as an act in 1906. Way to go, Progressives.
The smallest ones on the open market are very small, but too large for a flu vaccine needle. But the technology to do that exists or willl soon exist, but it is not my concern in regard to this flu vaccine issue at present

That seems contradictory to me. If you believe they may have the capability and you are convinced they will attempt to use it if and when they do, why would it not be your concern in regard to this particular, wildly hyped, circumstance?

soft tyranny..with cell phones ,,GPS ..chipped cards..plates..pets..there are already hospitals offering the chipping of baby's for safety and first responders ...doing it willingly.. they will sell it...hype it up..make it a matter of personal safety and security..convience..thy will make it seem a matter of responsibility as a parent or a good non domestic terrorist American and people will willingly accept fact they will line up for ti spread it on toast and eat it up..feed it to the kids..mmm mmm good !
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this is a new vaccine planned to be given on mass and there are a other dangers other than death...but the first swine flu vaccination program killed more people than it would have with no vaccination program and now they are saying all the same assurances as then
yeah, what other dangers? GB? less than one in a million chance if you're in the high risk category? I asked you to provide a source to the last time someone died from the flu vaccine in the last decade. I'm disappointed you kept me waiting despite your fervent claim.

So now you ignore that point and move onto some other vague problem with no knowledge of the actual risk nor the benefits. The only thing you can do is point to something from over three DECADES ago that didn't work. We've got the process down pretty well, and it's foolish of you to assume it's just a hyped up scare since people have already gotten swine flu this year.

just a few of the examples of how much we can trust the morality of corporate entities
You mean the morality of your own doctor. You're quick to point a finger, and you have the muscle memory to always blame big pharma, so why not just keep pointing? Blame is easier than solution, after all.

There's a reason so many doctors support this (in fact, I have yet to hear of an MD who doesn't). Thousands upon thousands of people die every year from the flu - completely preventable. Again I ask: how many die from the vaccine?
The smallest ones on the open market are very small, but too large for a flu vaccine needle. But the technology to do that exists or willl soon exist, but it is not my concern in regard to this flu vaccine issue at present

That seems contradictory to me. If you believe they may have the capability and you are convinced they will attempt to use it if and when they do, why would it not be your concern in regard to this particular, wildly hyped, circumstance?

soft tyranny..with cell phones ,,GPS ..chipped cards..plates..pets..there are already hospitals offering the chipping of baby's for safety and first responders ...doing it willingly.. they will sell it...hype it up..make it a matter of personal safety and security..convience..thy will make it seem a matter of responsibility as a parent or a good non domestic terrorist American and people will willingly accept fact they will line up for ti spread it on toast and eat it up..feed it to the kids..mmm mmm good !
hell, next thing you know they will be putting them in your FOOD

better not eat anything
September 13th, 2007 Why the ban on mandatory RFID implants should be Federal

California legislature recently banned employers from mandating RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) implants for their employees. While I’m glad I’m covered in my state, why isn’t this ban being implemented at the Federal level to cover every citizen? I’m not suggesting that we ban the devices; I’m suggesting that no one should be forced to stick on of these in their body just to get a job. I’ve covered the issue of RFID many times before and I’m not fundamentally opposed to RFID technology or RFID implants, but I do oppose the idea that anyone should be forced to implant one in their body and it would be just as offensive if my employer asked me to tattoo a bar code on to my forehead.

Why the ban on mandatory RFID implants should be Federal | George Ou |
September 13th, 2007 Why the ban on mandatory RFID implants should be Federal

California legislature recently banned employers from mandating RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) implants for their employees. While I’m glad I’m covered in my state, why isn’t this ban being implemented at the Federal level to cover every citizen? I’m not suggesting that we ban the devices; I’m suggesting that no one should be forced to stick on of these in their body just to get a job. I’ve covered the issue of RFID many times before and I’m not fundamentally opposed to RFID technology or RFID implants, but I do oppose the idea that anyone should be forced to implant one in their body and it would be just as offensive if my employer asked me to tattoo a bar code on to my forehead.

Why the ban on mandatory RFID implants should be Federal | George Ou |
better not eat anything you dont grow yourself then
September 13th, 2007 Why the ban on mandatory RFID implants should be Federal

California legislature recently banned employers from mandating RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) implants for their employees. While I’m glad I’m covered in my state, why isn’t this ban being implemented at the Federal level to cover every citizen? I’m not suggesting that we ban the devices; I’m suggesting that no one should be forced to stick on of these in their body just to get a job. I’ve covered the issue of RFID many times before and I’m not fundamentally opposed to RFID technology or RFID implants, but I do oppose the idea that anyone should be forced to implant one in their body and it would be just as offensive if my employer asked me to tattoo a bar code on to my forehead.

Why the ban on mandatory RFID implants should be Federal | George Ou |
so lemme get this straight. the thing you don't like is brought up, and then soundly banned across your entire state, and you're complaining: NOT because the thing you don't like is being used, but because.... it's not being banned in places it hasn't even been addressed yet? And people wonder why I call them paranoid...

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