Ford keeping V8's to 2040!!

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Tesla Truck


sOn...your fake stuff has become prolific.

Hardly any Mustangs are electric. Even less F150's electric. dOy...

You're the antithesis of a car guy.....

View attachment 637213

Remember the Electric Vehicles from 10 years ago?

Prius and Chevy Volt?
Ugly cars that only a Tree Hugger would love

Look at the pictures I posted on your thread
Anyone who looks at them will say they are Bad Ass

But not only do they look bad ass, but their performance is bad ass

Electric Vehicles are the future
Auto companies are investing their future in them

And you brag about the future of the V8
A technology that is 90 years old
Bah Bah Booey
Wow! A Howard Stern reference from the 90's! HIIIII--larious!

Other car makers will follow suit....Americans love their V8's. And no car guy wants to drive an EV......Drrrrr

Unless that car guy actually wants scalp peeling acceleration...but I bet the big loud noise vroom vroom is more important.

EV's will continue to be a niche market for many years to come. This is America. They love their V8's and big ass trucks/SUV's.

And the rest of us have to hear them whine and cry every time the gas price goes up. Why should I have to hear the wailing of morons?

Only the unicorn🦄 chasers have been bamboozled by the fake media EV craze. Over 13 million gas powered vehicles will fly out of showrooms this year!!

3 years now driving essentially for free. Charge my full EV at home on my Solar PV system. Hmmmm.

Who's not winning? :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You. you just don't realize it.
Wow! A Howard Stern reference from the 90's! HIIIII--larious!

Unless that car guy actually wants scalp peeling acceleration...but I bet the big loud noise vroom vroom is more important.

And the rest of us have to hear them whine and cry every time the gas price goes up. Why should I have to hear the wailing of morons?

3 years now driving essentially for free. Charge my full EV at home on my Solar PV system. Hmmmm.

You. you just don't realize it.

Take a bow sweetie :boobies::boobies:

There are more Amish horse and buggies on the road than EV's. Americans don't want electric cars...very few are buying them. Those that do purchase for one virtue signal. Know what that is??

Americans don't want electric cars...very few are buying them. Those that do purchase for one virtue signal. Know what that is??

Electric Vehicles were originally bought by tree huggers trying to save the environment. They were small, ugly vehicles

Today, state of the art design and engineering is going into electric. Cars that make you say…..Wow, look at that! are electric


As to the motorheads who are looking for performance, Electric Vehicles are blowing gas engines away.

Ford keeping V8's to 2040!!​

No problem, as long as they're running on hydrogen. Electric doesn't have to replace everything, but oil needs to be replaced from overdoing.
Take a bow sweetie :boobies::boobies:

There are more Amish horse and buggies on the road than EV's. Americans don't want electric cars...very few are buying them. Those that do purchase for one virtue signal. Know what that is??

View attachment 637479
Thanks for showing what one horse can do. What is the necessity of three hundred?
Will an EV pickup pull my camper to the rural areas I go where gas stations are sparse and charging stations don't exist?

I have no problem with folks making the personal decision to drive an EV if it is practical for their circumstances. Just don't mandate behavior or preferences based on a false notion of any benefit to the environment. All vehicles use many toxic resources, petroleum based chemicals and mined minerals in their production and lifetime use.
If the environment is really your goal, walk or buy a bicycle.
Ford is moving their most popular vehicle the F 150 to electric

They have moved their most popular passenger car the Mustang to electric

The writing is on the wall
It i a sacrilege to call the new model a Mustang
The new electic version is nothing more than a SUV
Mustangs were a sporty 2 door car and that is no longer the case
Ford made a major mistake by not retiring th Mustang name
Will an EV pickup pull my camper to the rural areas I go where gas stations are sparse and charging stations don't exist?

Imagine a world where gas stations were extremely rare. The early days of internal combustion cars faced the same issues.

Yet somehow the concept actually ended up working! I wonder how it did that.

I have no problem with folks making the personal decision to drive an EV if it is practical for their circumstances. Just don't mandate behavior or preferences based on a false notion of any benefit to the environment.

AN EV is, by definition, more capable of being good for the environment vs an ICE car. You can NEVER power an ICE car such that it doesn't pollute and cause climate issues every second the motor is running. An EV you can. I power on solar PV at home so I'm about as green as I can get at this point given the limitations of regular life.

All vehicles use many toxic resources, petroleum based chemicals and mined minerals in their production and lifetime use.
If the environment is really your goal, walk or buy a bicycle.

Of course most of us who buy EV's also attempt to do other things as well. It's not either-or.

Give it time and one day it will be quite common to take your EV camper out to the boonies and make it home alive.
Will an EV pickup pull my camper to the rural areas I go where gas stations are sparse and charging stations don't exist?

I have no problem with folks making the personal decision to drive an EV if it is practical for their circumstances. Just don't mandate behavior or preferences based on a false notion of any benefit to the environment. All vehicles use many toxic resources, petroleum based chemicals and mined minerals in their production and lifetime use.
If the environment is really your goal, walk or buy a bicycle.
No it won’t

But it will provide electrical power to your campsite for a weekend. It will be a tempting option for many campers

Nobody is forcing you to buy an Electric vehicle. But it will be a tempting option for many who do not pay $4 a gallon
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