Foreign Born Population Could Rise To 60 Million People Within Ten Years

What happened to the Democratic party that was for the "WORKING MAN"?

Obama WILL grant a amnesty for millions of illegal aliens as soon as the election is over, while millions of American CITIZENS can't find jobs. Of course the vast majority of Democrats agree with him (except the ones in close races for relection .....until after the election)!

The Party Of Amnesty Is Not The Working Man’s Friend!

Congressional Report Foreign-Born Population Could Rise to 60 Million People within Ten Years National Review Online

Under Obama's administration, the U.S. has exceeded 2 million deportations.

and 2 million more came have to plug the leaks before you can effectively bail the water....

Census: Minority babies are now majority in United States :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Census Minority babies are now majority in United States - The Washington Post

I remember the first time I ever heard Black Marine Corps recruits referred to as "dark green Marines."

It made me feel good to know that I would be a Marine first and a Black man second.

As long as I defend the Constitution and worship my God and live as a decent, law abiding, tax paying member of society, who the fuck cares if future Americans look like me or my kinfolk...a different shade of Red, White and Blue?

But an American first and everything else secondary to that.

the way things are going there will be very few purebreds at some point in the least in this Country..... might be a good way to get rid of racism....
As a percentage of the total population, the foreign-born population is still lower than most of this country's history.


Considering everyone who lives in America (aside from the few who are purely indigenous) is descended from immigrants, I don't see this is a problem.
Is that a Sharpee permanent marker you used while coloring?

Liberals aren't too big on thinking skills. That graph nicely illustrates the correlation between lowering immigrant proportion in the population and boom times for America. All liberals love the high wages paid to manual laborers between the 1940s and 1970s, the ability to live a middle class lifestyle and support a family on only one income but they can't get it through their head that the laws of economics do apply to the labor market, that if you keep adding a million immigrant workers per year to the labor market that this oversupply is going to depress wages and reward the rich. They want two mutually exclusive things. Morons.

And the blabber about everyone in America being descended from immigrants and somehow believing that Native Americans sprouted from the soil (that's a new one on me) is utterly insane, everyone on Earth is descended from an immigrant. The guy whose ancestors have lived in Rome for 3,000 years come from some immigrant who arrived in the area of Rome when it was still meadowland and forest.
As a percentage of the total population, the foreign-born population is still lower than most of this country's history.


Considering everyone who lives in America (aside from the few who are purely indigenous) is descended from immigrants, I don't see this is a problem.
Is that a Sharpee permanent marker you used while coloring?

Liberals aren't too big on thinking skills. That graph nicely illustrates the correlation between lowering immigrant proportion in the population and boom times for America. All liberals love the high wages paid to manual laborers between the 1940s and 1970s, the ability to live a middle class lifestyle and support a family on only one income but they can't get it through their head that the laws of economics do apply to the labor market, that if you keep adding a million immigrant workers per year to the labor market that this oversupply is going to depress wages and reward the rich. They want two mutually exclusive things. Morons.

And the blabber about everyone in America being descended from immigrants and somehow believing that Native Americans sprouted from the soil (that's a new one on me) is utterly insane, everyone on Earth is descended from an immigrant. The guy whose ancestors have lived in Rome for 3,000 years come from some immigrant who arrived in the area of Rome when it was still meadowland and forest.

If Adam can spring from the soil then so can Native American Indians....Whities better start humpin' for more kiddies.. I worked hard at it myself...
OP- Depends on whether lying a-hole Pubs continue to refuse a good SS/ID card, the only solution.

Enjoys those illegals lol. Hot enough for ya?:lol::lol:
As a percentage of the total population, the foreign-born population is still lower than most of this country's history.


Considering everyone who lives in America (aside from the few who are purely indigenous) is descended from immigrants, I don't see this is a problem.

It is who is coming here...The 19th and early 20th century were British, Irish, Polish and Italians. Since 1990 on that map it has been chinese, indians, arabs, etc. Very different kind of people....A lot of blacks and muslims.
What happened to the Democratic party that was for the "WORKING MAN"?

Obama WILL grant a amnesty for millions of illegal aliens as soon as the election is over, while millions of American CITIZENS can't find jobs. Of course the vast majority of Democrats agree with him (except the ones in close races for relection .....until after the election)!

The Party Of Amnesty Is Not The Working Man’s Friend!

Congressional Report Foreign-Born Population Could Rise to 60 Million People within Ten Years National Review Online

Under Obama's administration, the U.S. has exceeded 2 million deportations.

and 2 million more came have to plug the leaks before you can effectively bail the water....

Census: Minority babies are now majority in United States :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Census Minority babies are now majority in United States - The Washington Post

I remember the first time I ever heard Black Marine Corps recruits referred to as "dark green Marines."

It made me feel good to know that I would be a Marine first and a Black man second.

As long as I defend the Constitution and worship my God and live as a decent, law abiding, tax paying member of society, who the fuck cares if future Americans look like me or my kinfolk...a different shade of Red, White and Blue?

But an American first and everything else secondary to that.

the way things are going there will be very few purebreds at some point in the least in this Country..... might be a good way to get rid of racism....

People will still break off into their little isolated group. Fact....

Why destroy America? SEems like you're nothing more then a traitor.
As a percentage of the total population, the foreign-born population is still lower than most of this country's history.


Considering everyone who lives in America (aside from the few who are purely indigenous) is descended from immigrants, I don't see this is a problem.

It is who is coming here...The 19th and early 20th century were British, Irish, Polish and Italians. Since 1990 on that map it has been chinese, indians, arabs, etc. Very different kind of people....A lot of blacks and muslims.
The Chinese and Indians are highly educated and wanted, the Arabs refugees and ditto. But their numbers are nothing compared to hispanics...
What happened to the Democratic party that was for the "WORKING MAN"?

Obama WILL grant a amnesty for millions of illegal aliens as soon as the election is over, while millions of American CITIZENS can't find jobs. Of course the vast majority of Democrats agree with him (except the ones in close races for relection .....until after the election)!

The Party Of Amnesty Is Not The Working Man’s Friend!

Congressional Report Foreign-Born Population Could Rise to 60 Million People within Ten Years National Review Online

Well if he does then you can bet your ass the Dems will be out of office in a heartbeat as most Americans are sick and tired of the Govt's do nothing bullshit over illegal immigration.
What happened to the Democratic party that was for the "WORKING MAN"?

Obama WILL grant a amnesty for millions of illegal aliens as soon as the election is over, while millions of American CITIZENS can't find jobs. Of course the vast majority of Democrats agree with him (except the ones in close races for relection .....until after the election)!

The Party Of Amnesty Is Not The Working Man’s Friend!

Congressional Report Foreign-Born Population Could Rise to 60 Million People within Ten Years National Review Online

Well if he does then you can bet your ass the Dems will be out of office in a heartbeat as most Americans are sick and tired of the Govt's do nothing bullshit over illegal immigration.

Remember what rep senator ms Lindsay graham said about the white christian party : (to paraphrase) There are not enough bitter crackers to stay in business for the long term
As a percentage of the total population, the foreign-born population is still lower than most of this country's history.


Considering everyone who lives in America (aside from the few who are purely indigenous) is descended from immigrants, I don't see this is a problem.
Is that a Sharpee permanent marker you used while coloring?

Liberals aren't too big on thinking skills. That graph nicely illustrates the correlation between lowering immigrant proportion in the population and boom times for America. All liberals love the high wages paid to manual laborers between the 1940s and 1970s, the ability to live a middle class lifestyle and support a family on only one income but they can't get it through their head that the laws of economics do apply to the labor market, that if you keep adding a million immigrant workers per year to the labor market that this oversupply is going to depress wages and reward the rich. They want two mutually exclusive things. Morons.

And the blabber about everyone in America being descended from immigrants and somehow believing that Native Americans sprouted from the soil (that's a new one on me) is utterly insane, everyone on Earth is descended from an immigrant. The guy whose ancestors have lived in Rome for 3,000 years come from some immigrant who arrived in the area of Rome when it was still meadowland and forest.
The drop in immigrants coincided with the Great Depression as well. Does that mean less immigrants caused that? Correlation is not causation. Economic conditions affect the number of people who immigrate to begin with, for example. Some of America's largest periods of growth occurred when immigrants made up a far greater portion of the population than today.

You are right. Depending on how far back you go, virtually everyone is descended from immigrants. So stop hating on them because they are an easy scapegoat for simple-minded people.
As a percentage of the total population, the foreign-born population is still lower than most of this country's history.


Considering everyone who lives in America (aside from the few who are purely indigenous) is descended from immigrants, I don't see this is a problem.

It is who is coming here...The 19th and early 20th century were British, Irish, Polish and Italians. Since 1990 on that map it has been chinese, indians, arabs, etc. Very different kind of people....A lot of blacks and muslims.
Oh I see. You only have a problem with nonwhite immigrants. Yes, different kinds of people are immigrating to the United States. Please explain why that is a problem.

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