Foreign-Born Population Hits 49.5 Million Under Biden – Largest Ever in American History

It's an improvement for my children that yours are now demographic minorities. Solve your own problems, cuck. 😄
We’re always too busy solving the problems of dark people because they’re incapable of solving their own.
Look around the world…there’s a reason you dark people flee your shitholes and head straight to a white nation to leech on…None of you filthy parasites migrate to brown or black nations…there’s no coincidence in that. You NEED whitey to spoon feed you, to train you to be civil, to lead you.
You almost gotta laugh that the statistics refer to them as "foreign born" rather than criminal illegal aliens.
We’re always too busy solving the problems of dark people because they’re incapable of solving their own.

When are you going to find a real solution to your problems and grow out of this make believe bullshit? You cuck whites let your children become demographic minorities because you, BrokeLoser , were trying to solve minority problems? :lmao:

Boy please.
Look around the world…there’s a reason you dark people flee your shitholes and head straight to a white nation to leech on…None of you filthy parasites migrate to brown or black nations…there’s no coincidence in that. You NEED whitey to spoon feed you, to train you to be civil, to lead you.

You stupid stupid cuck whites. White Europeans have been exploiting Africa and Africans for over 400 years but you Simps were too busy being servants to demand a better cut. Meanwhile minorities and immigrants exploited your legal system and the economic greed of your corporate rulers to challenge your demographic dominance. Your people are two time losers. You lost to the white American aristocracy and you lost to poor immigrants. 😄 You folks really are some useless Bingos.
For those in favor of race replacement, tell us liberals, what countries primarily black or brown do you consider civil, prosperous, and have the ability to defend themselves?

The answer is ONE, Israel. Yet, YET............The left are antisemitic.
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For those in favor of race replacement, tell us liberals, what countries primarily black or brown do you consider civil, prosperous and can defend themselves?

The answer is ONE, Israel. That's why the left hates them.
The problem with that argument is that non-racist people don't find the socio-economic circumstances of those countries to be result of their citizens simply being black and brown. Only you dumb Bingos think like that. 😄
The problem with that argument is that non-racist people don't find the socio-economic circumstances of those countries to be result of their citizens simply being black and brown. Only you dumb Bingos think like that. 😄
That makes no sense. You're not in position to accuse others of racism, because you're clearly racist your self.
That makes no sense. You're not in position to accuse others of racism, because you're clearly racist your self.
I can accuse you all I like you Bingo Snowflake. It makes perfect sense when you think about and you're not a total mutant racist Bingo.
If white people are so concerned about being replaced, then maybe you should have more children. Pretty simple solution.
Wouldn’t it make more sense for you to say… “Lock the border down and eradicate 50 million human cockroaches from our nation so core Americans don’t have to worry about being replaced”?
If white people are so concerned about being replaced, then maybe you should have more children. Pretty simple solution.
How does one force other people to have children? This plan of yours doesnt seem as easy as you are suggesting it is.
Like the American Founders did which I guess makes you cuck whites the servants. :funnyface:
Hahaha…you dark people are so fucking delusional. The lack of self awareness is mind-blowing…but not at all surprising.
I didn't say the Founders handed out free money you dipshit. I was noting how they lived off the wealth created by their slaves.
You mean like enterprise minded entrepreneurs do off their employees/slaves?
Hahaha…you dark people are so fucking delusional. The lack of self awareness is mind-blowing…but not at all surprising.

Your ongoing demographic replacement isn't a delusion, fail white.
You mean like enterprise minded entrepreneurs do off their employees/slaves?
It's only cuck whites though who accept that circumstance as a natural market force. 😄

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