Foreign-Born Population Hits 49.5 Million Under Biden – Largest Ever in American History

“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the ones who didn’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, the ones with no ball-sack, the one’s that would polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the nuts to use, the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes dark socialist foreign shithole we seek.”

The one good thing about you is that you do not even pretend to be a Christian so I do not expect you to know the words of Jesus.
You cuck whites live in a make believe world. It's OK. We'll feed you jello and pat you on the head as you grow old and die off. 😄
hahaha…yeah yeah…a ”make believe” world is one where dark people believe they can make it without whitey walking them around on a leash.
Again bud…this isn’t my opinion….look at all the statistics related to the behavioral traits of dark people.
Face it…YOU NEED WHITEY and lucky for you whitey will always be able to make use of you parasites.
The one good thing about you is that you do not even pretend to be a Christian so I do not expect you to know the words of Jesus.
I’ve said it a thousand times…I’m a terrible Christian.
Know this, contrary to your Lib belief, God is no push-over, he is a vengeful God.
Genesis speaks to Gods wrath….He set faggots on fire…he destroyed a whole city full of filthy faggots.

God does not approve of illegals.
Romans 13:1–7 makes it abundantly clear that God expects us to obey the laws of the government. The only exception to this is when a law of the government forces us to disobey a command of God (Acts 5:29). Illegal immigration is the breaking of a government’s law. There is nothing in Scripture that contradicts the idea of a sovereign nation having immigration laws. Therefore, it is rebellion against God to unlawfully enter another country. Illegal immigration is a sin.
hahaha…yeah yeah…a ”make believe” world is one where dark people believe they can make it without whitey walking them around on a leash.
Again bud…this isn’t my opinion….look at all the statistics related to the behavioral traits of dark people.

Uh huh. That's real Bingo science right there.
Face it…YOU NEED WHITEY and lucky for you whitey will always be able to make use of you parasites.
Your children are already minorities. You can cosplay like your essential personal if you want to but everyone is fine without you fail whites around. Decent society doesn't even like you. 😄
And that's not counting the ones we don't know of that snuck in. Remember folks, the Great White Replacement is just a right wing conspiracy theory.

Wow, this is great news! The sooner they overcome NaziCon Republicans the better!
It's still melting.
And how’s that working out for America?
A divided citizenry like nowhere in the world, $33 TRILLION in debt, a homeless population the size of some nations, 50 million illegal unvetted brown human cockroaches among us, an all but destroyed healthcare system, a worthless as fuck public education system, blue collar trades have been destroyed, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, a bankrupting ponzi scheme in social security….but but but…we got our pet human beaners so who cares.
Face it, the Not So Great Experiment has failed miserably.

Golfing Gator
And how’s that working out for America?
A divided citizenry like nowhere in the world, $33 TRILLION in debt, a homeless population the size of some nations, 50 million illegal unvetted brown human cockroaches among us, an all but destroyed healthcare system, a worthless as fuck public education system, blue collar trades have been destroyed, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, a bankrupting ponzi scheme in social security….but but but…we got our pet human beaners so who cares.
Face it, the Not So Great Experiment has failed miserably.

Golfing Gator

Damn, sounds like you should be joining me when I move out of the country! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :itsok:
Dumb ass, lib whites are the educated whites. The only whites still voting Republican as a majority are the whites without college educations. As for myself I'm Black and Asian even the average there is better than you fail whites. 😄 But welfare isn't even what I'm talking about. Not accepting this ridiculous distribution of wealth and resources as some sort of natural market outcome isn't welfare you servant. It's just blasted common sense.
this is about the stupidest thing I have read today,,,,,liberals are idiots and they make decisions based on FEELINGS rather than Thinking; liberals are the cannon fodder of the Leftsts. Educated whites are LEFTISTS NOT LIBERALS dummy. The Republican party today exists in name only. You are wrong , uneducated whites vote for WELFARE overwhelmingly and are DEMOCRATS. I live around Detroit and every blue collar donkey is a Democrat as is their unions. Thats a myth that rednecks are all Republicans , many are meth heads.

You are dumb to make widespread claims as every Republican I know is well educated in Science fields including myself.

As an African, I assume your were handed your diploma via Affirmative Action.
this is about the stupidest thing I have read today,,,,,liberals are idiots and they make decisions based on FEELINGS rather than Thinking; liberals are the cannon fodder of the Leftsts. Educated whites are LEFTISTS NOT LIBERALS dummy. The Republican party today exists in name only. You are wrong , uneducated whites vote for WELFARE overwhelmingly and are DEMOCRATS. I live around Detroit and every blue collar donkey is a Democrat as is their unions. Thats a myth that rednecks are all Republicans , many are meth heads.

You are dumb to make widespread claims as every Republican I know is well educated in Science fields including myself.

As an African, I assume your were handed your diploma via Affirmative Action.

Bingo we have voting statistics. Whites with college educations vote mostly Democrat.

Bingo we have voting statistics. Whites with college educations vote mostly Democrat.
Hahaha…here are the “Whites with a college education” this clown speaks of Dr.Know
This is what american business wants. They think wages are inflated. But they arent.
Great for AMERICA.
(Watch this folks….watch Golfing Gator )

Okay Unkotare , we can’t really go on your word because our lying eyes tell us a much different story. BUT, you do sound awfully matter of fact and we know you wouldn’t make such a bold statement on your FEELZ alone…so I ask, can you please make us privy to that data you must have in front of you because all the date we see shows Americans getting fucked while immigration is only “GREAT FOR THE IMMIGRANT”.

(here comes the hacked context and bullshit that doesn’t pertain to the premise of the post but is loaded in personal FEELZ….wait for it)

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