Foreign-Born Population Hits 49.5 Million Under Biden – Largest Ever in American History


The extinction of people like you can’t come soon enough. Even you know how deplorable you are. It’s got you scared to death of becoming a minority. Scared of retribution.
No doubt you expect the foreigners to maximize their one true talent and flood America with their offspring

Maybe so

But when high producers are replaced by low producers you will be shocked by the result

And it wont be pretty
We have something to be worried about

Each generation should leave improvements

But thanks to libs America is in decline

Thanks to libs??? It's the Republican tax and labour codes which has put you in this mess. Republicans have controlled the direction of the economy since 1980, and your economy is in the toilet as a result. You have the worst racism in my lifetime, and your life expectancy is declining.

That's why Republicans don''t ever run on their record.
And that's not counting the ones we don't know of that snuck in. Remember folks, the Great White Replacement is just a right wing conspiracy theory.

It's all part of the Globalist plan. America MUST be destroyed before the One World Government becomes a reality. Biden's too stupid to orchestrate this on his own.
Do you find it funny that 15% of the people in your nation have no idea what the Constitution is, no respect for American culture, our traditions, principles and values? No idea of the wars that were fought or the American lives that were lost?


You have no idea what the Constitution is or have respect for our culture, traditions, principles and values either BrokeLoser and you’re still here
It's all part of the Globalist plan. America MUST be destroyed before the One World Government becomes a reality. Biden's too stupid to orchestrate this on his own.
Wouldn’t it make more sense for you to say… “Lock the border down and eradicate 50 million human cockroaches from our nation so core Americans don’t have to worry about being replaced”?

For a guy that whines about people not understanding the history of our nation, you have the utmost ignorance of it.
Two of my grandparents and five of my uncles and aunts were “foreign born.” All were hardworking and just as or more patriotic towards the United States as their three brothers and sisters born here. None were lazy, entitled, filled with grievances and complaints, none madly followed conspiracy theories or were notably prejudiced. One became a multi-millionaire — a tough as nails type. All but one had children, grandchildren and great grandchildren — real Americans all.

I think their experience as children during WWI living on the borders of Russia, and as refugees, gave them all a sense of realism about the world and an appreciation for this country that remains with their descendants, myself included,
P.S. My grandfather came to the U.S. first — just before WWI. The plan was for him to send for his wife and five young children as soon as he had found a place to live and got a decent paying job. He was a skilled carpenter. But then WWI broke out, and then the Russian civil war. The family ended up separated for many years, as my grandmother and the kids became homeless refugees fleeing from war-torn village to village and city to city, surviving by their wits. Finally they got to Odessa, got some help from international refugee organizations, and re-established contact with my grandfather, who sent them money to get on a ship bound for NYC.

I guess today you would call that … “chain immigration.”

P.S. I never knew this grandfather, who died early. My grandmother was a great woman but never learned to speak English well.
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Unlike your amazing needy pet human cockroaches….“People like me” are horrible…we are productive as hell, we exhaust all effort in raising our families, we are law-abiding, we know love and respect our Constitution, our founding principles and values, our culture and heritage….we are patriotic nationalists…We are absolute kryptonite to globalist leftist filth like Unkotare

I would invite and embrace the notion of becoming a minority if the replacement was organic, authorized by the people and better for America.
Is this replacement you embrace organic? Is it authorized by the people? Is it better for America?

These are simple questions that globalist fucktards like Unkotare are scared as fuck to answer….are you?
You are the very trash you decry. Immigrants are among the most productive people. Bigots are among the most destructive of society.
You are the very trash you decry. Immigrants are among the most productive people. Bigots are among the most destructive of society.
hahaha…more of the backwards retarded same from delusional bleeding heart globalist fools.
Foreigners who can’t speak our language, who birth litters on the taxpayer dime, who send their litters of silver tooth filth to fuck up our public schools, who must use taxpayer funded health services, who take social services from blacks, who get that EBT card for life, who occupy our jails and prisons, who run blacks from their neighborhoods, who take job opportunities from blacks, who destroy ALL communities they settle in are “among the most productive” among us because they save us 20% on lettuce while “bigots”, those who value our right to sovereignty, who have a high standard for America who contribute more to the treasury in a single year than ‘immigrants‘ will earn over decades are “among the most destructive”.
This is Twilight Zone shit people.
Golfing Gator
How many “bigots” can you find at this link?

What does this bar graph tell us about those terrible bigots?

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