Forest Mission: Capitalism/Deforestation [Media Advocacy - TalkUSA]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA eco-politics parable inspired by An Inconvenient Truth, and since it's political in content, I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section.

I've gotten some slack for offering up all kinds of generic democracy-commentary but my purpose is to use a society approach to pedestrian-friendly TrumpUSA-talk to suggest that media can truly create windows into modern pedagoguery that does not have to feel like propaganda.

What do you think?


"Three modern-day (TrumpUSA) 'media diplomats' --- Tom Cruise (celebrity/movie-star/Scientologist), Ajay Satan (Internet-blogger/evangelist), and Tom Hanks (celebrity/movie-star) --- decided to work together on a new forest mission initiative designed to increase support for the federal maintenance of America's natural/national forests (e.g., Yosemite). The trio of TrumpUSA 'media dudes' called themselves the Earth Triad, and they invested in a new series of comic book stories with writer/artist William Gibson (of Archangel Comics) involving the marketing of the primal female Sheena (comic book jungle/forest-heroine) in this mage of media values, industry, and feminism concerns. The Earth Triad and Archangel Comics' Sheena series would hopefully adapted into a modernism-conservation film (produced by eco-activist movie-star/producer Leo DiCaprio) designed to raise awareness of the role of women in eco-activism and censorship issues."


"The Earth Triad loved everything about Yosemite and decided to put all their eggs into that one basket, while Trump Administration PR-consultants would help coordinate activities and media-statements regarding Yellowstone national park in what was to be an Archangel Comics oriented social initiative designed to create social interest in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This would be a stellar 'feather' for the Republican Party which was otherwise considered 'eco-apathetic' when compared to the more outspoken Democratic Party in conservationism issues. The Earth Triad wanted Hollywood (USA) actress Julie Bowen to portray the eco-protective Sheena, and the film was to be directed by Michael Bay and would be called Sheena: Forest Deity."


"However, two dark spirits from the underworld decided to come up from Hell and debate with the Earth Triad regarding the social merits of Sheena: Forest Deity. These two dark spirits (Moloch and Belam) were agents of Satan who took the form of two fictional pop-culture cartoon avatars --- Scar (fictional adversarial lion-prince and unruly brother of the animal kingdom's gracious lion-king from Disney's film The Lion King) and Cyclonus (fictional adversarial evil 'first-knight' robot of the terrorist army of robots known as Decepticons from Hasbro's A.I. fantasy-adventure entertainment franchise Transformers). Moloch ('Scar') and Belam ('Cyclonus') wanted to see if the Earth Triad really cared about Archangel Comics. Scar/Cyclonus believed that the Earth Triad was merely a 'TrumpUSA magazine vanity'."


CRUISE: We seek to use the media to advocate political passions!
AJAY: How'd you two 'underworld spirits' find us to make contact?
HANKS: Yeah, aren't there 'rules' regarding demons engaging with Americans (hehe)?

SCAR: Don't be apathetic; we took the form of Scar/Cyclonus to make this easier.
CYCLONUS: We found you three talking on an Internet chatroom and wished to debate.

CRUISE: Your claim that you're 'democracy challengers' is intriguing.
AJAY: That's why we three are even entreating your interest in this 'commercial debate.'
HANKS: We'll let you believe you're Moloch/Belam while we embody American citizenry.

SCAR: Whether or not you three believe we're Moloch/Belam or protesters is trivial.
CYCLONUS: All that matters is you might be the Earth Triad and we might be debaters!

CRUISE: Alright; regardless of who/what you are, this private Internet chatroom is fertile.
AJAY: We welcome any social commentary/debate you two (Scar/Cyclonus) offer.
HANKS: May TrumpUSA democracy prevail in this grand age of media...

SCAR: Very fine then; why does the Earth Triad use Archangel Comics to hype America?
CYCLONUS: Do Americans care about Yosemite as much as Samsung televisions?

CRUISE: We formed the Earth Triad to speak for masses caring about conservationism.
AJAY: The media is a 'pulpit' which can be used to espouse populism/democracy.
HANKS: That's really the magic of this modern grand 'social network' --- free-speech!

SCAR: Sheena is a very alluring and sensual forest-heroine; are Americans feminist?
CYCLONUS: Do Americans want to see a primalist heroine endorse Earth's forests?

CRUISE: I think kids and parents alike find virtue in a forest-heroine helping flora/fauna.
AJAY: Sheena represents the sort of new age idealism we want to see in the media arena.
HANKS: Yes; there's ample space for new kinds of activism imagination.

SCAR: The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation is a prominent celebrity-activist group.
CYCLONUS: Are you using DiCaprio's aid in creating new forays into conservationism talk?

CRUISE: Of course; we're not just media-dolls; we're also democracy 'imagineers.'
AJAY: We believe in the Nature channel, the Smithsonian Institute, and the EPA.
HANKS: When media-figures (e.g., Earth Triad) work in politics, people can daydream!

SCAR: It seems somewhat 'speculative' that TrumpUSA media can create optimism.
CYCLONUS: There're media-scandals, anti-capitalism sentiment, and commercial vanity.

CRUISE: Why can't we use Sheena to talk about capitalism/deforestation?
AJAY: Sheena can become the modern-day Rosie the Riveter...
HANKS: Sheena will be to modern media what Rosie was to the World War II generation!

SCAR: It's doubtful that simple pedestrian-friendly art can cure the ill of eco-pollution.
CYCLONUS: Your exercise into 'magazine-culture idealism' seems merely like 'caramel.'

CRUISE: There's nothing 'indulgent' about media marksmanship; people like networks.
AJAY: To use the media/networks in political ideology is to embrace ingenuity.
HANKS: After all, TrumpUSA can be a beacon/tower of modern living.

SCAR: Perhaps the Earth Triad seeks to use media to create social insight.
CYCLONUS: Tend to matters of ugly pollution when addressing 'First World imagination.'


"The Earth Triad were thrilled with the way they debated/discussed conservationism media imagination in TrumpUSA with Scar/Cyclonus whom the trio reasoned to be simply TrumpUSA political activists who used metaphysics-avatars to present their arguments. The Earth Triad had no idea that Scar and Cyclonus were actually real-life spirits from Hell (agents of the Devil) named Moloch/Belam who wanted to see if the trio were sincere political agents in this modern age of media and commercial vanities (e.g., People Magazine). Moloch/Belam concluded that the Earth Triad, though merely an association of daydreaming TrumpUSA 'characters,' seemed genuinely intrigued by the notion that the fictional forest-primalist comic book heroine Sheena could somehow be a 'diplomat' or 'muse' of TrumpUSA/media vitality."


"Would Sheena emerge as a valuable TrumpUSA society 'avatar' of free-speech intrigue regarding eco-conservationism issues/controversies? Would Sheena's forest environment provide a canvas for new age storytellers/film-makers interested in understanding how commerce/traffic could be humbly tempered by considerations of moral hygiene, prudence, eco-action, and possibly even a feminist approach to democratic politics? After all, the Statue of Liberty changed the way we thought about immigration/traffic inclusivity. The Earth Triad would become a prominent 'landscape-feature' in new age TrumpUSA machinations. Would media be a 'haven' for populism-friendly theatrics and prose (e.g., Mother Angelica Live)?"



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