Forever VP Biden says statues of Confederate soldiers are unfit for public, they should be in museums

What a great idea. He can sign that into law from a rest home.

:abgg2q.jpg: :Boom2: :auiqs.jpg::asshole:

As long as they leave my great great granddad's memorial alone. It's in the middle of a cemetery anyway so they'd better. View attachment 358237View attachment 358238View attachment 358239
/——/ Using, I discovered an Uncle who fell in battle. His grave is still preserved. And before the libtards attack me, I had uncles on both sides.
Yeah well mine never owned a slave, they were all poor hillbillies living in what is now West Virginia only back then it was Virginia before the yankees pulled a fast one and made it West Virginia.
The legal controversy over that little slight of hand has never died down completely or been fully resolved. It seems the Yankees pulled a constitutional no no because their slight of hand was never fully or legally ratified by the majority of the states as required by the constitution. Now that move should really piss off all the demodimwits because it was the republicans that did the dastardly deed. However I don't hear them howling over it.

Yeah, well, my ancestors DID own slaves, and they fought for the Confederacy. So what? They were wrong about some of what they believed - and they were right about some other things, which history kinda glosses over - but at least I come from people who are willing to stand up and fight for whatever they believe, instead of just sitting around, gasbagging and complaining while waiting for other people to handle things.

Any leftist who demands that I apologize for them, or denigrate them, or be ashamed of who I am can go piss up a rope. I wasn't there and I had no control over any of it.
What a great idea. He can sign that into law from a rest home.

:abgg2q.jpg: :Boom2: :auiqs.jpg::asshole:

As long as they leave my great great granddad's memorial alone. It's in the middle of a cemetery anyway so they'd better. View attachment 358237View attachment 358238View attachment 358239
/——/ Using, I discovered an Uncle who fell in battle. His grave is still preserved. And before the libtards attack me, I had uncles on both sides.
Yeah well mine never owned a slave, they were all poor hillbillies living in what is now West Virginia only back then it was Virginia before the yankees pulled a fast one and made it West Virginia.
The legal controversy over that little slight of hand has never died down completely or been fully resolved. It seems the Yankees pulled a constitutional no no because their slight of hand was never fully or legally ratified by the majority of the states as required by the constitution. Now that move should really piss off all the demodimwits because it was the republicans that did the dastardly deed. However I don't hear them howling over it.

Yeah, well, my ancestors DID own slaves, and they fought for the Confederacy. So what? They were wrong about some of what they believed - and they were right about some other things, which history kinda glosses over - but at least I come from people who are willing to stand up and fight for whatever they believe, instead of just sitting around, gasbagging and complaining while waiting for other people to handle things.

Any leftist who demands that I apologize for them, or denigrate them, or be ashamed of who I am can go piss up a rope. I wasn't there and I had no control over any of it.
Did you miss the part about Mike Foster being recognized as the bravest and most valuable soldier in the confederacy. This proclamation coming from Robert E Lee himself. He joined the Monroe county guards which became a part of the Stonewall Brigade. Mike fought in most of the major civil war battles from 1st Manassas to Antietam before being wounded and later captured as he lay recoving in a hospital.
Later 50 captured union soldiers were offered in exchange for his return in a prisoner exchange.
He was a sharpshooter what we call a sniper today. And being a hillbilly, he was a crack shot because it was either be learn to be a good shot or starve.
I learned to shoot pretty much the same way he did. A single shot, bolt action, 22 although he learned with a muzzle loader so he had it much tougher. Hunting squirrels in the woods with open, iron sights on a single shot 22 tends to hone your skills though.
What a great idea. He can sign that into law from a rest home.

:abgg2q.jpg: :Boom2: :auiqs.jpg::asshole:

As long as they leave my great great granddad's memorial alone. It's in the middle of a cemetery anyway so they'd better. View attachment 358237View attachment 358238View attachment 358239
/——/ Using, I discovered an Uncle who fell in battle. His grave is still preserved. And before the libtards attack me, I had uncles on both sides.
Yeah well mine never owned a slave, they were all poor hillbillies living in what is now West Virginia only back then it was Virginia before the yankees pulled a fast one and made it West Virginia.
The legal controversy over that little slight of hand has never died down completely or been fully resolved. It seems the Yankees pulled a constitutional no no because their slight of hand was never fully or legally ratified by the majority of the states as required by the constitution. Now that move should really piss off all the demodimwits because it was the republicans that did the dastardly deed. However I don't hear them howling over it.

Yeah, well, my ancestors DID own slaves, and they fought for the Confederacy. So what? They were wrong about some of what they believed - and they were right about some other things, which history kinda glosses over - but at least I come from people who are willing to stand up and fight for whatever they believe, instead of just sitting around, gasbagging and complaining while waiting for other people to handle things.

Any leftist who demands that I apologize for them, or denigrate them, or be ashamed of who I am can go piss up a rope. I wasn't there and I had no control over any of it.

I don't care. And most of the US doesn't care. But we do care when one small group goes out their way to denigrate an entire subgroup of Americans. If the moving of those Idols (and that is exactly what they are) means lessening that pain then that is what we MUST do. No excuses, no blame, just do it.
What a great idea. He can sign that into law from a rest home.

:abgg2q.jpg: :Boom2: :auiqs.jpg::asshole:

As long as they leave my great great granddad's memorial alone. It's in the middle of a cemetery anyway so they'd better. View attachment 358237View attachment 358238View attachment 358239
/——/ Using, I discovered an Uncle who fell in battle. His grave is still preserved. And before the libtards attack me, I had uncles on both sides.
Yeah well mine never owned a slave, they were all poor hillbillies living in what is now West Virginia only back then it was Virginia before the yankees pulled a fast one and made it West Virginia.
The legal controversy over that little slight of hand has never died down completely or been fully resolved. It seems the Yankees pulled a constitutional no no because their slight of hand was never fully or legally ratified by the majority of the states as required by the constitution. Now that move should really piss off all the demodimwits because it was the republicans that did the dastardly deed. However I don't hear them howling over it.

Yeah, well, my ancestors DID own slaves, and they fought for the Confederacy. So what? They were wrong about some of what they believed - and they were right about some other things, which history kinda glosses over - but at least I come from people who are willing to stand up and fight for whatever they believe, instead of just sitting around, gasbagging and complaining while waiting for other people to handle things.

Any leftist who demands that I apologize for them, or denigrate them, or be ashamed of who I am can go piss up a rope. I wasn't there and I had no control over any of it.

I don't care. And most of the US doesn't care. But we do care when one small group goes out their way to denigrate an entire subgroup of Americans. If the moving of those Idols (and that is exactly what they are) means lessening that pain then that is what we MUST do. No excuses, no blame, just do it.
/——/ Tear down the spuds.

What a great idea. He can sign that into law from a rest home.

:abgg2q.jpg: :Boom2: :auiqs.jpg::asshole:

As long as they leave my great great granddad's memorial alone. It's in the middle of a cemetery anyway so they'd better. View attachment 358237View attachment 358238View attachment 358239
/——/ Using, I discovered an Uncle who fell in battle. His grave is still preserved. And before the libtards attack me, I had uncles on both sides.
Yeah well mine never owned a slave, they were all poor hillbillies living in what is now West Virginia only back then it was Virginia before the yankees pulled a fast one and made it West Virginia.
The legal controversy over that little slight of hand has never died down completely or been fully resolved. It seems the Yankees pulled a constitutional no no because their slight of hand was never fully or legally ratified by the majority of the states as required by the constitution. Now that move should really piss off all the demodimwits because it was the republicans that did the dastardly deed. However I don't hear them howling over it.

Yeah, well, my ancestors DID own slaves, and they fought for the Confederacy. So what? They were wrong about some of what they believed - and they were right about some other things, which history kinda glosses over - but at least I come from people who are willing to stand up and fight for whatever they believe, instead of just sitting around, gasbagging and complaining while waiting for other people to handle things.

Any leftist who demands that I apologize for them, or denigrate them, or be ashamed of who I am can go piss up a rope. I wasn't there and I had no control over any of it.
Did you miss the part about Mike Foster being recognized as the bravest and most valuable soldier in the confederacy. This proclamation coming from Robert E Lee himself. He joined the Monroe county guards which became a part of the Stonewall Brigade. Mike fought in most of the major civil war battles from 1st Manassas to Antietam before being wounded and later captured as he lay recoving in a hospital.
Later 50 captured union soldiers were offered in exchange for his return in a prisoner exchange.
He was a sharpshooter what we call a sniper today. And being a hillbilly, he was a crack shot because it was either be learn to be a good shot or starve.
I learned to shoot pretty much the same way he did. A single shot, bolt action, 22 although he learned with a muzzle loader so he had it much tougher. Hunting squirrels in the woods with open, iron sights on a single shot 22 tends to hone your skills though.

I don't care. That's your families history. Not the Nations history. I have one Ancestor that was hung as a Horse Thief but don't stick up for all Horse Thieves. And he didn't get any stinking Statue either. But I have many others that fought and died in defense of this Nation in every war (Including the Revolutionary war) that didn't get their own statues that is part of my family history. But no one cares about that either. It's my history so I care. I don't expect anyone else to care.
On the same note: We don't need mobs tearing those statues down though. They need to be taken down in an orderly fashion on the Museum's Dime or paid for by someone other than the Tax Payer and orderly transported to their new location.

Utterly ridiculous.

We've got a Confederate monument being removed here in St. Augustine. The city council voted 3-2 to remove it.

Since the city council voted to remove it, how would it be even remotely reasonable to ask someone else to pay the $162,800 (yeah, you read that right) to remove it?

Those who want it removed should foot the bill. Period. But here's where the city council fucked up. They didn't know the estimated cost of removal until after they voted to remove it. Even people who support its removal are scoffing at the cost. So, those three who voted in favor of removing it will be facing angry voters on all sides when re-election comes up. There will be those who are angry that those three voted to remove the monument, and then there will be those who are angry that the council effectively voted to piss away taxpayer money.

But it should absolutely be taxpayer money that pays for it...
On the same note: We don't need mobs tearing those statues down though. They need to be taken down in an orderly fashion on the Museum's Dime or paid for by someone other than the Tax Payer and orderly transported to their new location.

Utterly ridiculous.

We've got a Confederate monument being removed here in St. Augustine. The city council voted 3-2 to remove it.

Since the city council voted to remove it, how would it be even remotely reasonable to ask someone else to pay the $162,800 (yeah, you read that right) to remove it?

Those who want it removed should foot the bill. Period. But here's where the city council fucked up. They didn't know the estimated cost of removal until after they voted to remove it. Even people who support its removal are scoffing at the cost. So, those three who voted in favor of removing it will be facing angry voters on all sides when re-election comes up. There will be those who are angry that those three voted to remove the monument, and then there will be those who are angry that the council effectively voted to piss away taxpayer money.

But it should absolutely be taxpayer money that pays for it...

As long as it's removed. But a Museum would gladly pay that removal and transport bill. You are just adding BS to the ballgame and trying to find excuses to keep it. If no one is willing to pay to remove it and accept it in their museum, I am sure the City has a nice D-9 Cat that can do the job. You don't like that option, get someone private to foot the bill and accept the statue.
Biden is unfit for public service and should be in an old folks home.
What a great idea. He can sign that into law from a rest home.

:abgg2q.jpg: :Boom2: :auiqs.jpg::asshole:

As long as they leave my great great granddad's memorial alone. It's in the middle of a cemetery anyway so they'd better. View attachment 358237View attachment 358238View attachment 358239
/——/ Using, I discovered an Uncle who fell in battle. His grave is still preserved. And before the libtards attack me, I had uncles on both sides.
Yeah well mine never owned a slave, they were all poor hillbillies living in what is now West Virginia only back then it was Virginia before the yankees pulled a fast one and made it West Virginia.
The legal controversy over that little slight of hand has never died down completely or been fully resolved. It seems the Yankees pulled a constitutional no no because their slight of hand was never fully or legally ratified by the majority of the states as required by the constitution. Now that move should really piss off all the demodimwits because it was the republicans that did the dastardly deed. However I don't hear them howling over it.

Yeah, well, my ancestors DID own slaves, and they fought for the Confederacy. So what? They were wrong about some of what they believed - and they were right about some other things, which history kinda glosses over - but at least I come from people who are willing to stand up and fight for whatever they believe, instead of just sitting around, gasbagging and complaining while waiting for other people to handle things.

Any leftist who demands that I apologize for them, or denigrate them, or be ashamed of who I am can go piss up a rope. I wasn't there and I had no control over any of it.
Did you miss the part about Mike Foster being recognized as the bravest and most valuable soldier in the confederacy. This proclamation coming from Robert E Lee himself. He joined the Monroe county guards which became a part of the Stonewall Brigade. Mike fought in most of the major civil war battles from 1st Manassas to Antietam before being wounded and later captured as he lay recoving in a hospital.
Later 50 captured union soldiers were offered in exchange for his return in a prisoner exchange.
He was a sharpshooter what we call a sniper today. And being a hillbilly, he was a crack shot because it was either be learn to be a good shot or starve.
I learned to shoot pretty much the same way he did. A single shot, bolt action, 22 although he learned with a muzzle loader so he had it much tougher. Hunting squirrels in the woods with open, iron sights on a single shot 22 tends to hone your skills though.

I missed nothing. I just didn't feel the need to comment on your family one way or another. Sorry if I offended your ego by not genuflecting before I went on to express my own opinion on the topic.
On the same note: We don't need mobs tearing those statues down though. They need to be taken down in an orderly fashion on the Museum's Dime or paid for by someone other than the Tax Payer and orderly transported to their new location.

Utterly ridiculous.

We've got a Confederate monument being removed here in St. Augustine. The city council voted 3-2 to remove it.

Since the city council voted to remove it, how would it be even remotely reasonable to ask someone else to pay the $162,800 (yeah, you read that right) to remove it?

Those who want it removed should foot the bill. Period. But here's where the city council fucked up. They didn't know the estimated cost of removal until after they voted to remove it. Even people who support its removal are scoffing at the cost. So, those three who voted in favor of removing it will be facing angry voters on all sides when re-election comes up. There will be those who are angry that those three voted to remove the monument, and then there will be those who are angry that the council effectively voted to piss away taxpayer money.

But it should absolutely be taxpayer money that pays for it...

As long as it's removed. But a Museum would gladly pay that removal and transport bill. You are just adding BS to the ballgame and trying to find excuses to keep it. If no one is willing to pay to remove it and accept it in their museum, I am sure the City has a nice D-9 Cat that can do the job. You don't like that option, get someone private to foot the bill and accept the statue.

Check out the PROG saying others are making excuses to keep stuff, when it's they who are making excuses to wipe the USA clean of it's history because they're major pussies, they're cause-seeking because they need to fill a void, and surely they're easy targets for propaganda and corruption.

How'd I do PROG?
Biden is unfit for public service and should be in an old folks home.

Then I suggest the Republicans present us with a Candidate that is decent. You can't tout the Rump and then go off on Biden. Makes you look like ..................Fill in the Blank.
On the same note: We don't need mobs tearing those statues down though. They need to be taken down in an orderly fashion on the Museum's Dime or paid for by someone other than the Tax Payer and orderly transported to their new location.

Utterly ridiculous.

We've got a Confederate monument being removed here in St. Augustine. The city council voted 3-2 to remove it.

Since the city council voted to remove it, how would it be even remotely reasonable to ask someone else to pay the $162,800 (yeah, you read that right) to remove it?

Those who want it removed should foot the bill. Period. But here's where the city council fucked up. They didn't know the estimated cost of removal until after they voted to remove it. Even people who support its removal are scoffing at the cost. So, those three who voted in favor of removing it will be facing angry voters on all sides when re-election comes up. There will be those who are angry that those three voted to remove the monument, and then there will be those who are angry that the council effectively voted to piss away taxpayer money.

But it should absolutely be taxpayer money that pays for it...

As long as it's removed. But a Museum would gladly pay that removal and transport bill. You are just adding BS to the ballgame and trying to find excuses to keep it. If no one is willing to pay to remove it and accept it in their museum, I am sure the City has a nice D-9 Cat that can do the job. You don't like that option, get someone private to foot the bill and accept the statue.

Check out the PROG saying others are making excuses to keep stuff, when it's they who are making excuses to wipe the USA clean of it's history because they're major pussies, they're cause-seeking because they need to fill a void, and surely they're easy targets for propaganda and corruption.

How'd I do PROG?

Hey, all I want is for Rump to be gone. The method is done in November since the Republicans won't do it. They had their chance.
On the same note: We don't need mobs tearing those statues down though. They need to be taken down in an orderly fashion on the Museum's Dime or paid for by someone other than the Tax Payer and orderly transported to their new location.

Utterly ridiculous.

We've got a Confederate monument being removed here in St. Augustine. The city council voted 3-2 to remove it.

Since the city council voted to remove it, how would it be even remotely reasonable to ask someone else to pay the $162,800 (yeah, you read that right) to remove it?

Those who want it removed should foot the bill. Period. But here's where the city council fucked up. They didn't know the estimated cost of removal until after they voted to remove it. Even people who support its removal are scoffing at the cost. So, those three who voted in favor of removing it will be facing angry voters on all sides when re-election comes up. There will be those who are angry that those three voted to remove the monument, and then there will be those who are angry that the council effectively voted to piss away taxpayer money.

But it should absolutely be taxpayer money that pays for it...

As long as it's removed. But a Museum would gladly pay that removal and transport bill. You are just adding BS to the ballgame and trying to find excuses to keep it. If no one is willing to pay to remove it and accept it in their museum, I am sure the City has a nice D-9 Cat that can do the job. You don't like that option, get someone private to foot the bill and accept the statue.

Check out the PROG saying others are making excuses to keep stuff, when it's they who are making excuses to wipe the USA clean of it's history because they're major pussies, they're cause-seeking because they need to fill a void, and surely they're easy targets for propaganda and corruption.

How'd I do PROG?

First, you learn history. That would be a good start.
Biden is unfit for public service and should be in an old folks home.

Then I suggest the Republicans present us with a Candidate that is decent. You can't tout the Rump and then go off on Biden. Makes you look like ..................Fill in the Blank.
/——-/ “Makes you look like ..................Fill in the Blank.”
People who are going to win.
As long as it's removed. But a Museum would gladly pay that removal and transport bill. You are just adding BS to the ballgame and trying to find excuses to keep it. If no one is willing to pay to remove it and accept it in their museum, I am sure the City has a nice D-9 Cat that can do the job. You don't like that option, get someone private to foot the bill and accept the statue.

Typical pinheaded lib.

You want something, but you want someone else to pay for it.

Why shouldn't those who lobbied the city to remove it foot the bill?

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