Forget Econ Stats, Do Americans Feel Economic Exhuberance or Malaise?

Listening is merely issuing the same ad homs from the far right when they cannot compete with the evidence and the analysis.

Americans do feel confidence in the economic situation, that is clearly what the evidence shows.

If the fucking far right would quit glooming and dooming the GOP would easily win the Senate.
Listening is merely issuing the same ad homs from the far right when they cannot compete with the evidence and the analysis.

Americans do feel confidence in the economic situation, that is clearly what the evidence shows.

If the fucking far right would quit glooming and dooming the GOP would easily win the Senate.

What evidence and analysis have YOU put forth moron ?

Answer: NONE.

I get a little tired of prison inmates on the board. Don't you have a boyfriend you can spend some time with ?
Bottom Line: No one feels this economy is going gang busters. Intuitively, Americans know something's wrong.

We econ geeks can spend hundreds of hours on this board throwing around economic statistics, but my guess is the average American/average reader doesn't read threads in the Economy section. It's too wonky.

Oldfart commented that my posts don't sound the way most macroeconomists talk. I can't stand how most macroeconomists talk. Most don't speak in a way that normal Americans can understand. They speak to out-geek the next geek. Just like every econ professor I ever had.

I'd like this to be a thread meant for "normal" Americans - those living out on main street, not Wall Street - who just want to know why they're not feeling optimistic about their economic situations and what can be done about it.

This thread is meant to involve people who want more "intuitive" answers about the economy.

Let's see if we can manage to do that. :D

Weird after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies why wasn't the US economy booming?

After 6 years of the smartest and most transparent President Obama, why is the economy still described by the most hardcore Obama-bots as "slowly recovering" or "fragile economy"? Where is the boom that was promised by the stimulus and Obamacare?
Listening is merely issuing the same ad homs from the far right when they cannot compete with the evidence and the analysis.

Americans do feel confidence in the economic situation, that is clearly what the evidence shows.

If the fucking far right would quit glooming and dooming the GOP would easily win the Senate.

What evidence and analysis have YOU put forth moron ? Answer: NONE. I get a little tired of prison inmates on the board. Don't you have a boyfriend you can spend some time with ?

Typical ad homming from Listening with nothing to offer.

Your opinions are not evidence.
Listening is merely issuing the same ad homs from the far right when they cannot compete with the evidence and the analysis.

Americans do feel confidence in the economic situation, that is clearly what the evidence shows.

If the fucking far right would quit glooming and dooming the GOP would easily win the Senate.

The strategy is transparent to most, but folks who really want to believe will find a way to convince themselves.

At the very least they should be claiming that their stone-walling of legislation that would have been "harmful to the economy" is the reason for the improving outlook and confidence.

Trying to deny the statistics and making up some convoluted conspiracy theory to explain why they are a lie just looks foolish. Well, it looks foolish to those who finished middle school.
The far right cannot accept that consumer confidence is at a seven year high.

Matters are going much better than the far right want to admit, because if they do, they know they have no reason to exist.
Listening is merely issuing the same ad homs from the far right when they cannot compete with the evidence and the analysis.

Americans do feel confidence in the economic situation, that is clearly what the evidence shows.

If the fucking far right would quit glooming and dooming the GOP would easily win the Senate.

What evidence and analysis have YOU put forth moron ? Answer: NONE. I get a little tired of prison inmates on the board. Don't you have a boyfriend you can spend some time with ?

Typical ad homming from Listening with nothing to offer.

Your opinions are not evidence.

About your 40,000th post and guess what......

Still nothing to back your claims.

It's not the claims that are in doubt here.

What is in doubt is you understanding what you are mouthing.

You are worthless when it comes to information.
Listening is merely issuing the same ad homs from the far right when they cannot compete with the evidence and the analysis.

Americans do feel confidence in the economic situation, that is clearly what the evidence shows.

If the fucking far right would quit glooming and dooming the GOP would easily win the Senate.

The strategy is transparent to most, but folks who really want to believe will find a way to convince themselves.

At the very least they should be claiming that their stone-walling of legislation that would have been "harmful to the economy" is the reason for the improving outlook and confidence.

Trying to deny the statistics and making up some convoluted conspiracy theory to explain why they are a lie just looks foolish. Well, it looks foolish to those who finished middle school.

Convince themselves of what ?

That the economy is doing well ? That it is robust ? Just what are you looking for.

It is clear that with a democratic congress from 2006 to 2010, things went in the toilet. Since 2010, when the GOP took over the has gotten better.

Do I think they are related. Not due to anything either side did to help it.

But that's not what I think the OP was about.

It would asking for opinions.

JakeTheFake keeps aluding to improvement in consumer confidence. What does that mean. That we've gone from 2% of the population being optimistic to 10% (in 1% increments) over seven years. Or from 30 to 70%. He can't post information to tell us. Obviously, his mother has his computer strictly constrained (porn and all that).

Then you've got DorkyBee posting his spam all over the place unrelated to the thread.

But you keep at it. We need folks like you to keep spouting your crap. The senate is within reach and with a little'll be about 54 GOP after November (and the left will cry gerrymandering when it happens :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:).
Listening does not get it, but nothing new.

All the whining and yammering by that crew is exactly what the the Dems did when out of office.

Offer something other than 'no'. The American people have already said STFU to that last fall on the budget and debt, and this spring and summer in the primaries.

Far right, offer something, huh?
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Listening does not get it, but nothing new.

All the whining and yammering by that crew is exactly what the the Dems did when out of office.

Offer something other than 'no'. The American people have already said STFU to that last fall on the budget and debt, and this spring and summer in the primaries.

Far right, offer something, huh?

Jake still has his head up his ass.

Now...that's nothing new.

The far right is doing just fine.

God Bless Mia Love.
Bullshit on the BLS downward revision comment. You are failing.

Disprove it. You can't because I'm right. You're the failure. If I decide to start playing your game of bury you with stats, you'll run home crying to mommy, so be careful what you wish for.

OK. Let's look. Dummy.

Employment Situation Summary

Revised Up for May

Employment Situation News Release

Revised Down For April

Employment Situation News Release

Revised Up For March

Employment Situation News Release

Revised Up For Feb

Employment Situation News Release

Revised Up For Jan

Employment Situation News Release

Revised Up For Dec 2013

Shall I continue?

"The far right is doing just fine. God Bless Mia Love.

No, over all, the TPM is getting its ass kicked. Mia Love will be one of the few bright victories, and once in Congress she will vote responsibly. She has no use for Louie Gohmert et al.

Here is some video of Uncensored, MaxGrit, and Listening campaigning for their heroes.

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Listening is merely issuing the same ad homs from the far right when they cannot compete with the evidence and the analysis.

Americans do feel confidence in the economic situation, that is clearly what the evidence shows.

If the fucking far right would quit glooming and dooming the GOP would easily win the Senate.

The strategy is transparent to most, but folks who really want to believe will find a way to convince themselves.

At the very least they should be claiming that their stone-walling of legislation that would have been "harmful to the economy" is the reason for the improving outlook and confidence.

Trying to deny the statistics and making up some convoluted conspiracy theory to explain why they are a lie just looks foolish. Well, it looks foolish to those who finished middle school.

Convince themselves of what ?

That the economy is doing well ? That it is robust ? Just what are you looking for.

It is clear that with a democratic congress from 2006 to 2010, things went in the toilet. Since 2010, when the GOP took over the has gotten better.

Do I think they are related. Not due to anything either side did to help it.

But that's not what I think the OP was about.

It would asking for opinions.

JakeTheFake keeps aluding to improvement in consumer confidence. What does that mean. That we've gone from 2% of the population being optimistic to 10% (in 1% increments) over seven years. Or from 30 to 70%. He can't post information to tell us. Obviously, his mother has his computer strictly constrained (porn and all that).

Then you've got DorkyBee posting his spam all over the place unrelated to the thread.

But you keep at it. We need folks like you to keep spouting your crap. The senate is within reach and with a little'll be about 54 GOP after November (and the left will cry gerrymandering when it happens :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:).

It is clear that with a democratic congress from 2006 to 2010, things went in the toilet. Since 2010, when the GOP took over the has gotten better.

Got the bills passed that did it? lol
Post 2 and you derailed it....asshole.



Weird after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies why wasn't the US economy booming?

Are you really this stupid ?

This is from post number 2...the post following the OP.

I went back and reread the OP and nowhere does it say the economy was booming under GWB.

That wasn't the point of the thread.

You simply chose to go into your mindless deflection/cut/paste mode and almost immediately derailed the thread.

Why don't you get out of the thread if you are not going to address the OP. Your sorry assed spam is now ignored by most everyone because they are tired of your bullshit.

Nobody's going to answer your question because we are not obligated to jump into whatever direction you think the thread should go.




Weird after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies why wasn't the US economy booming?"

Bottom Line: No one feels this economy is going gang busters. Intuitively, Americans know something's wrong.

We econ geeks can spend hundreds of hours on this board throwing around economic statistics, but my guess is the average American/average reader doesn't read threads in the Economy section. It's too wonky.

Oldfart commented that my posts don't sound the way most macroeconomists talk. I can't stand how most macroeconomists talk. Most don't speak in a way that normal Americans can understand. They speak to out-geek the next geek. Just like every econ professor I ever had.

I'd like this to be a thread meant for "normal" Americans - those living out on main street, not Wall Street - who just want to know why they're not feeling optimistic about their economic situations and what can be done about it.

This thread is meant to involve people who want more "intuitive" answers about the economy.

Let's see if we can manage to do that. :D

Weird after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies why wasn't the US economy booming?

After 6 years of the smartest and most transparent President Obama, why is the economy still described by the most hardcore Obama-bots as "slowly recovering" or "fragile economy"? Where is the boom that was promised by the stimulus and Obamacare?

"Obama-bots as "slowly recovering" or "fragile economy"? Where is the boom that was promised by the stimulus and Obamacare?"


You mean why AFTER Dubya/GOP put S in such a wide and deep hole, are the conservatives trying to hold US back since day one fighting EVERYTHING Obama has proposed? YET Obama STILL has 10+ million private sector jobs since hitting the Bush bottom March 2010 where Bush lost 1.2+ million private sector jobs in 8 years (not counting the 4+ million lost in 2009!)?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

June marks 52 straight months of private sector job growth, the longest ever on record, beating out Bill Clinton's record of 51 continuous months of private sector job growth from February 1996 to April 2000. The economy has added more than 200,000 jobs for five months in a row now, the longest such streak since 1999. In the first half of this year alone the economy has added 1.4 million jobs, another accomplishment not seen since 1999.

Barack Obama bests Bill Clinton's private sector job creation record ? The People's View

Post 2 and you derailed it....asshole.



Weird after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies why wasn't the US economy booming?


It doesn't. Go start your own thread moron.

So we are to believe conservatives who supported Dubya are right, when the economy tanked, but the slowly improving economy under Obama, despite 100% GOP obstruction, is a sign of malaise? lol

June marks 52 straight months of private sector job growth, the longest ever on record, beating out Bill Clinton's record of 51 continuous months of private sector job growth from February 1996 to April 2000. The economy has added more than 200,000 jobs for five months in a row now, the longest such streak since 1999. In the first half of this year alone the economy has added 1.4 million jobs, another accomplishment not seen since 1999.

Barack Obama bests Bill Clinton's private sector job creation record ? The People's View

Does anyone else find it odd that the author of this thread wants to analyze American sentiment on the economy,

but insists in the OP that no economic facts and figures be a part of that analysis?

Where do I say you CAN'T USE NUMBERS, genius? I just didn't want this to turn into another chart war that the regular folks get bored with.

But instead, what does Dad2three do? He buries the thread with spam. Why do you think every forum out there prohibits it?

And thanks for demonstrating your selective reading. Seeing how thick some of you were, I clarified yesterday that numbers have to be involved but to post in English, not Chartese? Remember???? Remember where I suggested he look at Londoner's posts as a good example????????

I disagree with some of Londoner's posts but he's trying to have a real discussion. And he uses lots of numbers.

Now climb back under your rock.

"But instead, what does Dad2three do? He buries the thread with spam. Why do you think every forum out there prohibits it?"

Definition- FACTS that refute OP's talking points and baseless bullshit!!!

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