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Forget Impeachment, Go with Treason

Try Obama for Treason or Impeach him?

  • Impeach and let him go afterwards

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The OP needs to charge his own Congressional Representatives for treason first.

U.S. Congress approves arming Syrian rebels funding government Reuters

U.S. Congress approves arming Syrian rebels, funding government

WASHINGTON Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:21pm EDT

(Reuters) - The U.S. Congress gave final approval on Thursday to President Barack Obama's plan for training and arming moderate Syrian rebels to battle Islamic State, a major part of his military campaign to "degrade and destroy" the militant group.

The Senate voted 78-22, in a rare bipartisan show of support for one of Obama's high-profile initiatives. With the House of Representatives approving the legislation on Wednesday, the measure now goes to Obama to sign into law.

Ten Senate Democrats and 12 Republicans voted no.

Great job on making a fool of yourself with that OP!
The OP needs to charge his own Congressional Representatives for treason first.

U.S. Congress approves arming Syrian rebels funding government Reuters

U.S. Congress approves arming Syrian rebels, funding government

WASHINGTON Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:21pm EDT

(Reuters) - The U.S. Congress gave final approval on Thursday to President Barack Obama's plan for training and arming moderate Syrian rebels to battle Islamic State, a major part of his military campaign to "degrade and destroy" the militant group.

The Senate voted 78-22, in a rare bipartisan show of support for one of Obama's high-profile initiatives. With the House of Representatives approving the legislation on Wednesday, the measure now goes to Obama to sign into law.

Ten Senate Democrats and 12 Republicans voted no.

Great job on making a fool of yourself with that OP!
More dimwits voted for it. Nice try
Once again we get another thread showing how out of touch the far right is

They actually believe this shit
No one is impeaching the President now or in the next two years. Then he is on a lifetime taxpayer paid vacation.

Talk more sensibley, please. We have a country to save from the far right and the far left.
I would investigate him, show him the evidence, and give him a choice; Resign or we're going public with everything.
Like he is a Muslim, a Kenyan, a poker player, a drinker of bourbon!
Like he is a Muslim, a Kenyan, a poker player, a drinker of bourbon!

muslim sympathizer

his grandmother and his publisher said he was born in Kenya

no one cares if he plays poker or drinks bourbon. I would guess that he would lose at poker because he is full of shit, and probably gets drunk on one shot of bourbon while wearing his mom jeans and bike helmit.
Treason is the highest crime in the United States, it is even specified in the Constitution:

Section 3

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

It had been revealed nearly two years ago that Obama and his criminal racket have been training and arming Al Qaeda for quite some time, particularly in Syria, USA TODAY and CBS have both broken the stories (although many alternate news sources have been saying this for years):

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda

U.S. training Syrian rebels at secret bases - CBS News

Now, with nearly 24 months of additional revelations and development on the ISIS crisis, we have overhwleming and publicly availalbe and uncontested evidence that Obama has been funding, arming, ENDORSING and training Muslim extremists. We have seen ISIS rolling around with US Humvees and heavy anti-air rocketry.

Make no error of innocenece. Obama and his pro-terrorist Cabinet haven't been arming "moderate" Syrian rebels, they've been using the "moderate" Syrian rebels as a PROXY to deliver the weapons to real extremeists. After this momunmental election, we should use the momentum not to just simply IMPEACH Obama and his communist terrorist hybrid regime, but try him for treason, by a JURY of Americans, and if convicted, execute him and all others who aided and abetted Enemies of the United States.

ISIS moving seized US tanks Humvees to Syria Fox News

Isis jihadis using captured arms and troop carriers from US and Saudis World news The Guardian

There is no such thing as a moderate Syrian rebel.

The very idea is asinine.
No one is impeaching the President now or in the next two years. Then he is on a lifetime taxpayer paid vacation.

Talk more sensibley, please. We have a country to save from the far right and the far left.
I would investigate him, show him the evidence, and give him a choice; Resign or we're going public with everything.
I would hope some patriotic dems exist, and will do that soon.
Obama isn't going to be impeached or tried for treason. Good God.

To bad he can't be fired for incompetence because thats what he and his posse are.


I can only imagine how the Democrats would love to see this conversation go national.


why do you think they start these threads? liberals pretending to be conservatives, that is.

The OP is a liberal?

Well, I'd guess it would be for the same reason lefties like to bring up Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck at every opportunity, they see it as an advantage.

Only fools believe in was born in Kenya and is a Muslim.

Let's see if he and Mitch can work together.

Keystone is possible

Medical Devices Tax: a veto can probably be over ridden

ACA Mandate: a veto will stand

Immigration: here will be a clash of EO and Congress; Congress won't be able override a veto, so maybe a SCOTUS injunction is possible
This isn't a right or left thing

this is doing what's RIGHT from the citizens in this country. If they believe he did something WRONG that was considered treason, then they should call for him to be tried or impeached. no matter how loud some of wail over it
Disagreement or "wrong" is not per se treason.

Do not waste time on stuff we can't do.
How about this?

Big Ears does something that is so over the top the Rs begin impeachment proceedings. The media jumps to BO's defense and paints the Rs as crazy extremists. Much of the American voting public believe what they are told by the statist media...and elects another tyrant in 2016.

Moral of the story:
Rs and Ds are happy and wealthy and powerful...they duped the American public once again.
Only fools believe in was born in Kenya and is a Muslim.

Let's see if he and Mitch can work together.

Keystone is possible

Medical Devices Tax: a veto can probably be over ridden

ACA Mandate: a veto will stand

Immigration: here will be a clash of EO and Congress; Congress won't be able override a veto, so maybe a SCOTUS injunction is possible

So his grandmother and his publisher are fools? Ok, then why didn't barry change the story that his publisher wrote about him rather than leaving it on the jacket of his book?

Why should the republicans work with him? they were given a majority to stop his failed liberal policies. The worst thing they could do is cave to him at this point.

They should pass the 300 bills that Reid has held in the senate and put them on obama's desk for signature or veto-------------then let the public know which he blocked and let them decide which ideas would work best for them.

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