Forgive Student Loan Debt

I have. But since you won't give him credit for jack, intelligence is just one item on the list of things you refuse to give him credit for.

What's the proof?

Graduating magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, for one. You can't bullshit your way through that one. Top 10% of the class, and from what I understand, blind grading. So no favoritism there.

That's great! He should release his grades.
Though Obama didn’t blow anyone away during his two undergrad years at Columbia, he made history at Harvard Law School. He arrived there in 1988, at 27 years old, after working for four years as a community organizer in Chicago. He became a research assistant to Laurence Tribe, a renowned professor working on an article applying physics to the law. (Title: "The Curvature of Constitutional Space: What Lawyers Can Learn From Modern Physics.") By the end of his first year, Obama had won a position on the Harvard Law Review, widely considered the most influential and prestigious law publication in the nation. In 1990, Obama earned national recognition for the first time when he was elected the Review’s first black president. Obama graduated magna cum laude and moved back to Chicago to direct Project Vote, a grassroots voter-registration program. "I thought … his talents are such that there's no ceiling to what he could achieve — and that included becoming president of the United States," Tribe told New York. "He's the only student about whom I've ever had that thought."

Electopedia 2012 - How Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Did in Law School -- New York Magazine

We both know they're sealed. He graduated magna cum laude. You know what that means, and for some reason that makes no sense, you insist that apparently? It didn't happen. Even if it did. Obviously.

We know they're sealed. We also know he can have that seal removed. He chooses not to. So, we don't "know" that he graduated with honors. No matter how often you repeat it, that doesn't make it so.

So, we take the words of some journalist absent confirmation?

No thanks.

HE might very well have graduated with honors.

But we have no confirmation.

How about a confirmation from the Harvard schoolpaper, The Crimson?

Obama Left Mark on HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

Days before he launched his campaign for the presidency, Barack H. Obama gave Law School professor David B. Wilkins ’77 a heads up: one of the professor’s favorite students might be heading to the White House.

But that favorite student wouldn’t be Barack. It’d be Michelle R. Obama, his wife.

The presidential hopeful graduated magna cum laude from the Law School in 1991; his wife earned the degree three years earlier.

But the senator was still outstanding in his own right—“brilliant, charismatic, and focused,” said Wilkins, the Kirkland and Ellis professor of law. The two forged a relationship after Obama became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.
Electopedia 2012 - How Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Did in Law School -- New York Magazine

We both know they're sealed. He graduated magna cum laude. You know what that means, and for some reason that makes no sense, you insist that apparently? It didn't happen. Even if it did. Obviously.

We know they're sealed. We also know he can have that seal removed. He chooses not to. So, we don't "know" that he graduated with honors. No matter how often you repeat it, that doesn't make it so.

So, we take the words of some journalist absent confirmation?

No thanks.

HE might very well have graduated with honors.

But we have no confirmation.

How about a confirmation from the Harvard schoolpaper, The Crimson?

Obama Left Mark on HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

Days before he launched his campaign for the presidency, Barack H. Obama gave Law School professor David B. Wilkins ’77 a heads up: one of the professor’s favorite students might be heading to the White House.

But that favorite student wouldn’t be Barack. It’d be Michelle R. Obama, his wife.

The presidential hopeful graduated magna cum laude from the Law School in 1991; his wife earned the degree three years earlier.

But the senator was still outstanding in his own right—“brilliant, charismatic, and focused,” said Wilkins, the Kirkland and Ellis professor of law. The two forged a relationship after Obama became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.

I didn't see his grades in there. Maybe he'd release his test scores?
We know they're sealed. We also know he can have that seal removed. He chooses not to. So, we don't "know" that he graduated with honors. No matter how often you repeat it, that doesn't make it so.

So, we take the words of some journalist absent confirmation?

No thanks.

HE might very well have graduated with honors.

But we have no confirmation.

How about a confirmation from the Harvard schoolpaper, The Crimson?

Obama Left Mark on HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

Days before he launched his campaign for the presidency, Barack H. Obama gave Law School professor David B. Wilkins ’77 a heads up: one of the professor’s favorite students might be heading to the White House.

But that favorite student wouldn’t be Barack. It’d be Michelle R. Obama, his wife.

The presidential hopeful graduated magna cum laude from the Law School in 1991; his wife earned the degree three years earlier.

But the senator was still outstanding in his own right—“brilliant, charismatic, and focused,” said Wilkins, the Kirkland and Ellis professor of law. The two forged a relationship after Obama became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.

I didn't see his grades in there. Maybe he'd release his test scores?

Liability wanted proof he graduated with honors. I provided said proof.
A couple of answers from kids (adults now) on the "How could you be so stupid" question.

Answer: I love that question: why didn't you read the contract. Well, I was 17 on my first loan and about 19 on my second one. Didn't even have a checking account and never had a credit card at that time. Read the contract? yeah, I read it and "Trusted" that the government wouldn't give me the shaft. I mean how could they do that to me, I was just a kid and had big dreams. How did I know they would retroactively change the law after I took out my loan and that this loan would follow me to my grave. Oh yeah and I forgot to mention that no where in my contract does it say if I default that my interest would be capitalized. They sort of left that out for future use.

Answer: Nobody can follow when the government changes the rules in the middle of the game. They do it all the time. This is why we need reform, and we need to pass H.R. 4170, to restore some sanity and responsibility to the system. Consumer advocates back in the 80s reformed insurance company policies and forced them to write insurance coverage in understandable language. This is what we need now with student loans. Obviously this is proving to be true, as Consumer Finance Protection Bureau is beginning to listen to the people, and proposing these types of changes. And, as far as these perfect people, who read everything, I don't believe 99% of them. They would have to prove it to me first. If they are that perfect, good for them. But it's surely nobody I have ever met. How about you??

And these are the people you handed the country's "healthcare" to, on a silver platter? How do you imagine it will be any different?
Electopedia 2012 - How Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Did in Law School -- New York Magazine

We both know they're sealed. He graduated magna cum laude. You know what that means, and for some reason that makes no sense, you insist that apparently? It didn't happen. Even if it did. Obviously.

We know they're sealed. We also know he can have that seal removed. He chooses not to. So, we don't "know" that he graduated with honors. No matter how often you repeat it, that doesn't make it so.

So, we take the words of some journalist absent confirmation?

No thanks.

HE might very well have graduated with honors.

But we have no confirmation.

How about a confirmation from the Harvard schoolpaper, The Crimson?

Obama Left Mark on HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

Days before he launched his campaign for the presidency, Barack H. Obama gave Law School professor David B. Wilkins ’77 a heads up: one of the professor’s favorite students might be heading to the White House.

But that favorite student wouldn’t be Barack. It’d be Michelle R. Obama, his wife.

The presidential hopeful graduated magna cum laude from the Law School in 1991; his wife earned the degree three years earlier.

But the senator was still outstanding in his own right—“brilliant, charismatic, and focused,” said Wilkins, the Kirkland and Ellis professor of law. The two forged a relationship after Obama became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.

How about if he releases the records claiming his "citizenship status" in college, as an "adult"?
We know they're sealed. We also know he can have that seal removed. He chooses not to. So, we don't "know" that he graduated with honors. No matter how often you repeat it, that doesn't make it so.

So, we take the words of some journalist absent confirmation?

No thanks.

HE might very well have graduated with honors.

But we have no confirmation.

How about a confirmation from the Harvard schoolpaper, The Crimson?

Obama Left Mark on HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

Days before he launched his campaign for the presidency, Barack H. Obama gave Law School professor David B. Wilkins ’77 a heads up: one of the professor’s favorite students might be heading to the White House.

But that favorite student wouldn’t be Barack. It’d be Michelle R. Obama, his wife.

The presidential hopeful graduated magna cum laude from the Law School in 1991; his wife earned the degree three years earlier.

But the senator was still outstanding in his own right—“brilliant, charismatic, and focused,” said Wilkins, the Kirkland and Ellis professor of law. The two forged a relationship after Obama became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.

How about if he releases the records claiming his "citizenship status" in college, as an "adult"?

Sorry, I don't play birfer games.
Read the image and tell me why you think things are just fine as they are.

I found her sister!

No, actually. Robert Applebaum is a friend of mine, and he got this ball rolling. Google him if you don't believe me.

Read the bill. Let me know what you find unacceptable about it.

This is no ‘magic wand’ blanket discharge of debt for any that apply, there are specific provisions to be met whose requirements would be realized by a relatively small number of applicants. Much of the legislation concerns debt restructuring and regulatory measures.

This legislation is perfectly reasonable.

Liability wanted proof he graduated with honors. I provided said proof.

Not that it will do any good, conservatives prefer the ignorance of their dogma and myths they’ve contrived about Obama.
Read the image and tell me why you think things are just fine as they are.

I found her sister!


Maybe before picking a major she should have decided on a field that had employment prospects.

When both my kids were in high school we sat down and had "THE TALK". No not that one, we'd already had that one. The one about going to college and how "we" (them included) were going to pay for it. With two kids going to school at the same time we explained the realities of life. We had purchased (i.e. saved) for two years for each at a state university, that was our share. It was up to them to come up with the remainder - scholarships, grants, work study, part time job or loans. Our son remained at home and took the two years at a university and stretched it out to 3 years by doing 2 at a community college and then transferring to the local university with an IT degree. He works part time and will now graduate from college debt free and about $20,000 in his account. Our daughter went to a school about 3-hours away and worked her ass off. As a result she earned a full ride ROTC scholarship for tuition and books. When she graduates next year with a highly marketable degree for a woman (mathematics) and she will have under $20,000 in debt and will own the Air Force 4-years.

The other thing we explained to them when we had "THE TALK" was that mom and I would help, but they would have to chip in. TANSTAAFL. But that was on one condition. If Mom & I were helping to foot the bills, then they MUST choose a degree field with marketable skills. If either wanted a sociology degree, Early Medieval English Literature, or Underwater Basket Weaving Degree - have at it, but they were on their own and Mom & I would cash out the college fund and go to the Bahama's.

Neither has had an easy run of it in college, they've had to work very hard. I'm very glad of that...

.................. and very proud.

Last edited:
No, actually. Robert Applebaum is a friend of mine, and he got this ball rolling. Google him if you don't believe me.

Read the bill. Let me know what you find unacceptable about it.

This is no ‘magic wand’ blanket discharge of debt for any that apply, there are specific provisions to be met whose requirements would be realized by a relatively small number of applicants. Much of the legislation concerns debt restructuring and regulatory measures.

This legislation is perfectly reasonable.

Liability wanted proof he graduated with honors. I provided said proof.

Not that it will do any good, conservatives prefer the ignorance of their dogma and myths they’ve contrived about Obama.

Conservatives prefer proof. Still haven't seen proof of his brilliance.
Electopedia 2012 - How Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Did in Law School -- New York Magazine

We both know they're sealed. He graduated magna cum laude. You know what that means, and for some reason that makes no sense, you insist that apparently? It didn't happen. Even if it did. Obviously.

We know they're sealed. We also know he can have that seal removed. He chooses not to. So, we don't "know" that he graduated with honors. No matter how often you repeat it, that doesn't make it so.

So, we take the words of some journalist absent confirmation?

No thanks.

HE might very well have graduated with honors.

But we have no confirmation.

How about a confirmation from the Harvard schoolpaper, The Crimson?

Obama Left Mark on HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

Days before he launched his campaign for the presidency, Barack H. Obama gave Law School professor David B. Wilkins ’77 a heads up: one of the professor’s favorite students might be heading to the White House.

But that favorite student wouldn’t be Barack. It’d be Michelle R. Obama, his wife.

The presidential hopeful graduated magna cum laude from the Law School in 1991; his wife earned the degree three years earlier.

But the senator was still outstanding in his own right—“brilliant, charismatic, and focused,” said Wilkins, the Kirkland and Ellis professor of law. The two forged a relationship after Obama became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.

Nope. His transcripts. You know: actual confirmation.
Let's just assume for the sake of this discussion only, that the woman holding the sign in the OP is "speaking" the truth.

Did I put a gun to her head and say, "Damn your hide! TAKE This fucking money ON these exact terms?"


Who negotiated her loan agreement? Did she negotiate at all? Did she shop around? Did she sign the agreement?

Let's assume, further, that she did sign it. Did she -- before that momentous moment -- READ the terms of the (let's call it what it is) CONTRACT?

Who exactly is responsible for the consequences of HER conduct and her own decisions?

Bumped -- with highlighting -- because I am curious why these questions get ignored in this "discussion?"
I'm a pragmatist. Suppose some shmuck who is shelling out 60K a year to send to 2 kids to college decides to let their kids take on that debt themselves, will BDboop's plan relieve the family of that debt next year? If Obama is re-elected, wouldn't it make financial sense for parents to stop footing the bill? Hmmmm.

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