Forgiveness I just can't let this one go

There is scientific proof of gravity there is none of a supreme being or the existence of the biblical god.

I like my way.

If you betray me I will not forgive you to ease your burden. Instead I will simply forget you ever existed.

It works just ask my mother.
I'm Catholic, so Jeremiah has no use for my thoughts.

But forgiveness is about you, not the other person. I too am able to put people out of my life for a betrayal, ask my mom :) while I do forgive her I just have no desire to have her in my life. My being hurt or angry affects me, not her. So forgiving let me get past it.

That explains why you have pumpkins in your avatar and find nothing wrong with celebrating a high holy day of Satan ( Oct 31 ) You'll find many of the Catholic holidays are the same holy days of Satanism. Coincidence? I think you need to research the history of the church you are in, R.D. I am always interested in your thoughts but I have no interest whatsoever in the satanic teachings of the RCC that go directly against the teachings of the Holy Bible. The pope does not speak for Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ does not need any Vicars and never appointed a Vicar. It's totally a doctrine of demons they came up with. Jesus condemns the RCC in Revelations when he said, He hated the deeds of the Nicolaitanes. Look it up. Buy a real bible and read it. I'll be praying for you, R.D. .

Thanks, but no thanks :eusa_hand:

It's a free will choice. You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless you are born again. Once you are born again you have to depart from false teachers, cults, all that is of the wicked one - the bible declares, come from among them and be ye separated. It's a command not a suggestion. But again. Your free will choice, R.D.
I agree with every word of it, RV. Give this warning to the Roman Catholic Church - they make the statutes and tell their people to bow to them and pray to them - not me. Same goes for the Catholic cross. Jesus is not on a cross. He has Risen. No Cross should have a statue of Jesus hanging on it. It's wrong.

Nothing in those Scriptures denies Jesus Christ is God. Not a Word.

Jesus is the Word - John 1: 14
Reflecting or contemplating is not "bowing." The sacrifice Christ offered is still in effect. The crucifix reflects this sacrifice.
Nowhere is the entire Old Testament is there anything even remotely resembling Jesus and all of a sudden, after the Bible has been sent to press so to speak, Jesus comes along and the whole nature of God changes.

Jesus is in all 66 books of the bible. Your eyes are not opened yet. He's there. The bible is a 2,000 plus year old arrow pointing straight at Jesus Christ - once you see Him as God you'll see Him throughout the Bible - every page - every single page ......
Well I hope the OP can forgive us, or at least forget us. :)

There is a God of Abraham and his story ends at Malachi. A new story begins at Matthew. The NT can claim to be a continuation but it is not. I am not here to start a holy war with anyone. That is not the nature of the God I serve. I do not know who Jesus is. I do not know what God thinks of Jesus. Maybe he loves the idea, I doubt it however. I am just here to say that God is alive and well and wants people to know him, which I am trying to facilitate. And, oh yeah, the world really is coming to an end. I do not much see screaming it is the end of the world. I see it as who is on board is on board and the ship is just going over the edge of a square planet from here on out. I figure a few people with change tickets one way another but not many. I regret that we are on two different boats. I hope yours works out for you, I really do.
I have been betrayed by husbands. Only two no big smurf. :) Thirds a winner. CHECK. I have been whacked at by my mother as my dad was dying .CHECK. I'm good to go in so many ways.

But I just can't let go that a person that I believed to be the best of friends stole from me.

I had a collection that most wouldn't think twice about but I had Hopi and Zuni pieces that were to die for. What makes them so special was as I worked at a place called the Beaverhead and yes it's another Sophia moment old men brought me what I would like to call art in silver. The jewellry was art beyond. Especially the Zuni.

So my friend ripped me off. I still to this day cannot forgive. How do you get past this? How does one?
God is our Father. It is my experience I an trust Him to forgive those I cannot until such time I, too, have the strength to forgive. The point I like best in this thread is whether the person has asked to be forgiven.
There is scientific proof of gravity there is none of a supreme being or the existence of the biblical god.

I like my way.

If you betray me I will not forgive you to ease your burden. Instead I will simply forget you ever existed.

It works just ask my mother.
I'm Catholic, so Jeremiah has no use for my thoughts.

But forgiveness is about you, not the other person. I too am able to put people out of my life for a betrayal, ask my mom :) while I do forgive her I just have no desire to have her in my life. My being hurt or angry affects me, not her. So forgiving let me get past it.
I'm not angry.

Removing the person who betrayed me from my life restores balance and peace.

I don't see how anger is involved at all.

In fact my mother is very angry at me for cutting her out of my life while I have no anger towards her at all
Sure, but the op is and while I was addressing your post I was also putting it in context of the op.

If your mom would forgive you she wouldn't be angry :lol:
I haven't forgiven her and I have no anger
There is scientific proof of gravity there is none of a supreme being or the existence of the biblical god.

I like my way.

If you betray me I will not forgive you to ease your burden. Instead I will simply forget you ever existed.

It works just ask my mother.
I'm Catholic, so Jeremiah has no use for my thoughts.

But forgiveness is about you, not the other person. I too am able to put people out of my life for a betrayal, ask my mom :) while I do forgive her I just have no desire to have her in my life. My being hurt or angry affects me, not her. So forgiving let me get past it.
I'm not angry.

Removing the person who betrayed me from my life restores balance and peace.

I don't see how anger is involved at all.

In fact my mother is very angry at me for cutting her out of my life while I have no anger towards her at all
Sure, but the op is and while I was addressing your post I was also putting it in context of the op.

If your mom would forgive you she wouldn't be angry :lol:
I haven't forgiven her and I have no anger
So? You said she had anger, that was what I addressed. Believe it or not -or just stop being stubborn - forgiveness allows a person to let go of anger and/or hurt
There is scientific proof of gravity there is none of a supreme being or the existence of the biblical god.

I like my way.

If you betray me I will not forgive you to ease your burden. Instead I will simply forget you ever existed.

It works just ask my mother.
I'm Catholic, so Jeremiah has no use for my thoughts.

But forgiveness is about you, not the other person. I too am able to put people out of my life for a betrayal, ask my mom :) while I do forgive her I just have no desire to have her in my life. My being hurt or angry affects me, not her. So forgiving let me get past it.
I'm not angry.

Removing the person who betrayed me from my life restores balance and peace.

I don't see how anger is involved at all.

In fact my mother is very angry at me for cutting her out of my life while I have no anger towards her at all
Sure, but the op is and while I was addressing your post I was also putting it in context of the op.

If your mom would forgive you she wouldn't be angry :lol:
I haven't forgiven her and I have no anger
So? You said she had anger, that was what I addressed. Believe it or not -or just stop being stubborn - forgiveness allows a person to let go of anger and/or hurt
Forgiveness is not necessary for that.
But forgiveness is about you, not the other person. I too am able to put people out of my life for a betrayal, ask my mom :) while I do forgive her I just have no desire to have her in my life. My being hurt or angry affects me, not her. So forgiving let me get past it.


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