Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech

If self avowed unapologetic communist Van Jones "came away shaken" Trump did his job. It was the greatest inaugural address I ever heard and I have heard a few including JFK's strange "ask not" speech that would have had him kicked out of the democrat party today.
Madcow called it "dark". The moonbats are dutifully parroting her.
I'm not impressed by his economic plan but I didn't expect this to be his forum to win doubters like me over. I've been much more anxious to watch the State of the Union message when specifics will be offered. Today's speech was more Democratic in nature, extended hope to those in the ghetto, rust belt and Appalachia. But a lot of us are doing well for ourselves and don't see the economic situation as dark as Trump painted it.

He painted a Dark and Dangerous America. Bannon is the one pushing an economic revolution. Time for another GOP recession again, I guess?
Easily the darkest, murkiest, most fearful inauguration I've ever seen in my life. Darth Vader himself couldn't have made this a darker day.

What the heck are you smoking today?


Not really sure it was that hard to understand.

What is so dark about rebuilding our nation and giving power back to the people?

You are a very, very stupid person if you think he's going to give one goddamn thing "back" to the people, you gullible rube.

You seriously don't think republicans have major tax cuts on the agenda?
Easily the darkest, murkiest, most fearful inauguration I've ever seen in my life. Darth Vader himself couldn't have made this a darker day.

What the heck are you smoking today?


Not really sure it was that hard to understand.

What is so dark about rebuilding our nation and giving power back to the people?

You are a very, very stupid person if you think he's going to give one goddamn thing "back" to the people, you gullible rube.

You seriously don't think republicans have major tax cuts on the agenda?

Let me ask you something, seriously. How do you think there are going to be tax cuts, major pushes to spend huge amounts of money on infrastructure and the military, and balance the budget all at once? It doesn't happen...
His speech was perfect. It wasn't intended for you snowflakes or the asshole establishment. It was the perfect topper to the giant fuck you election of Trump from real Americans. I'm glad you and these other pricks didn't miss the point.
Isn't that special....electing the *President to be a "giant fuck you" to fellow Americans.
You aren't fellow Americans. So yes fuck you.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

It's been a many dark years under Obama, and Bush. Only rubes like you actually think the economy is good. He talked about not imposing our will on other nations and living in peace. Funny how that just freaks out establishment hacks on both sides.

Under Obama's watch, the dow went from around 7,949 when he took office, to just under 20,000 as of yesterday. There are 9,265,000 more non-farm jobs now than when Obama took office, as of December. Unemployment is down to 5%, 2.8% percentage points lower than when he took office. Corporate profits have soared under Obama, and are 166% higher than when Obama first took office in '09.

So yeah, the economy's been pretty fucking good under Obama, conservative fuckboy.
His speech was perfect. It wasn't intended for you snowflakes or the asshole establishment. It was the perfect topper to the giant fuck you election of Trump from real Americans. I'm glad you and these other pricks didn't miss the point.
Isn't that special....electing the *President to be a "giant fuck you" to fellow Americans.
You aren't fellow Americans. So yes fuck you.
We most certainly are your fellow Americans. And no thank you to your proposition. I'm married and not interested.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

It's been a many dark years under Obama, and Bush. Only rubes like you actually think the economy is good. He talked about not imposing our will on other nations and living in peace. Funny how that just freaks out establishment hacks on both sides.

Under Obama's watch, the dow went from around 7,949 when he took office, to just under 20,000 as of yesterday. There are 9,265,000 more non-farm jobs now than when Obama took office, as of December. Unemployment is down to 5%, 2.8% percentage points lower than when he took office. Corporate profits have soared under Obama, and are 166% higher than when Obama first took office in '09.

So yeah, the economy's been pretty fucking good under Obama, conservative fuckboy.
The Right chooses to ignore facts.
Easily the darkest, murkiest, most fearful inauguration I've ever seen in my life. Darth Vader himself couldn't have made this a darker day.
Thank you, Rachel Madcow.

Anytime, Goebells.
Could you at least PRETEND you have an original thought, hmmm?

I'm hardly the only one who recognizes how dark his speech was. Even Reagan's son is commenting about how dark it was right now on MSNBC. You've elected a demon.
Not 'a demon' but 'the demon of all demons'....he has a number, and his number is 666.

AND YES, I know that's fricking NUTS, but it's what I see when viewing and listening to him....the prince of darkness, the destroyer, the man of deception and deceit.... 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation!:eek:

I sure hope I'm bat sh*t crazy, :D and none of my fear and intuition is true!
Well, you can rest easy; clearly you are batshit crazy.
If self avowed unapologetic communist Van Jones "came away shaken" Trump did his job. It was the greatest inaugural address I ever heard and I have heard a few including JFK's strange "ask not" speech that would have had him kicked out of the democrat party today.
Madcow called it "dark". The moonbats are dutifully parroting her.
Glad you're watching Maddow.
Can we just be honest here Liberals? Trump could have come out and said he's going to continue all Obama's policies and you guys still would have said it was a dark speech.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

I am worried...and I am worried at the dark picture Trump paints of our's not the nation I know.
It was a strongly worded speech, it's clear Trump isn't changing. However, let's consider something which I believe is a very powerful contributor to his opinion and his speech. He went from state to state, meeting people, listening to people and seeing people, many who are struggling. Some of their dreams already lost, they are supporting him only for the sake of their kids, others still holding out for hope.

He is channelling that anger. He is channelling the frustration by so many who clearly see what is wrong, and must know others see what is wrong, but noone is addressing it. I had no idea there were nearly as many challenges in the U.S as there were until I followed this election. I could roll off some of the shocking stats that blew me away, from the 11 million illegal immigrants to the 70,000 lost factories to the millions on food stamps and unemployed.

America was in a great place in the 1980's. Envied the world over, economically unmatched, unified, patriotic among other things. It also happened to be the time in which Trump really took flight and became a household name, It is a period of time he longs for and what he wishes to bring back as much as possible. He won't be able to turn the clock back entirely of course, but he can do some things, how effectively, who knows.

I look at it this way. There is no way on Gods Green earth that Russia in the 70's and 80's would have been embraced by businesses and politicians with such glee as China has been the last couple of decades. Such drastically different systems are not copacetic and it has come at great cost to the American middle class.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

I am worried...and I am worried at the dark picture Trump paints of our's not the nation I know.

He uses that kind of language to gain compliance. He want to control and manipulate people's fears.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.
So all of the sudden the left likes the Bush's.
When I was a youth counselor we used to give the kids drugs that would help them keep their focus. LOL
...Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.
ROFLMAO. You sound just like just like the RWNJs who were fear-mongering after Obama was elected in 2008. It never fails to amuse me how political partisans flip-flop when the other party wins/loses.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

I am worried...and I am worried at the dark picture Trump paints of our's not the nation I know.

He uses that kind of language to gain compliance. He want to control and manipulate people's fears.

It's the energy he rides on.

But does he really care? For example - he wants to undo the banking regulations that were put into effect after the financial crisis. That was something that really hurt the people who he claims are not being heard - the forgotten people.

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