Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech

Dan Rather posted this fantastic post on facebook:

"And so it begins.

Of the nearly 20 inaugurations I can remember, there has never been one that felt like today. Not even close. Never mind the question of the small size of the crowds, or the boycott by dozens of lawmakers, or even the protest marches slated for tomorrow across the country. Those are plays upon the stage. What is truly unprecedented in my mind is the sheer magnitude of quickening heartbeats in millions of Americans, a majority of our country if the polls are to be believed, that face today buffeted within and without by the simmering ache of dread.

I have never seen my country on an inauguration day so divided, so anxious, so fearful, so uncertain of its course.

I have never seen a transition so divisive with cabinet picks so encumbered by serious questions of qualifications and ethics.

I have never seen the specter of a foreign foe cast such a dark shadow over the workings of our democracy.

I have never seen an incoming president so preoccupied with responding to the understandable vagaries of dissent and seemingly unwilling to contend with the full weight and responsibilities of the most powerful job in the world.

I have never seen such a tangled web of conflicting interests.

Despite the pageantry of unity on display at the Capitol today, there is a piercing sense that we are entering a chapter in our nation's evolving story unlike one ever yet written. To be sure, there are millions of Donald Trump supporters who are euphoric with their candidate's rise. Other Trump voters have expressed reservations, having preferred his bluster to his rival's perceived shortcomings in the last election, but admitting more and more that they are not sure what kind of man they bestowed the keys to the presidency. The rest of America - the majority of voters - would not be - and indeed is not - hesitant in sharing its conclusions on the character and fitness of Donald Trump for the office he now holds.

The hope one hears from even some of Donald Trump's critics is that this moment might change him. Perhaps, as he stood there on a grey, drab, January day, reciting the solemn oath of office demanded by our Constitution, as he looked out across what Charles Dickens once called the "city of magnificent intentions", he would somehow grasp the importance of what he was undertaking. Perhaps he would understand that he must be the president of all the United States, in action as well as in word. Perhaps, but there has already been so much past that is prologue.

There is usually much fanfare around inaugural addresses. They are also usually forgotten - with some notable exceptions. I think today will be remembered, not so much for the rhetoric or the turns of phrase but for the man who delivered them and the era they usher us forth.

Mr. Trump's delivery was staccato and there was very little eye contact as he seemed to be reading carefully from a teleprompter. His words and tone were angry and defiant. He is still in campaign mode and nary a whiff of a unifying spirit. There was little or nothing of uplift - the rhetoric of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, or Reagan. We heard a cavalcade of slogans and one liners, of huge promises to "bring back" an America - whatever that really means to many who look at our history and see progress in our current society.

The speech started with a message of an establishment in Washington earning riches on the back of struggling families across the country. It was an odd note, considering the background of many of his cabinet picks. President Trump painted a very dark picture of the current state of our nation, beset by gangs and drugs and violence, regardless of what the data shows. His words swelled with his economic populism and the nationalism of "America first." The applause was sparse, and I imagine many more being turned off, even sickened, rather than inspired by what our new President had to say. President Obama looked on with an opaque poker face. One could only imagine what he was thinking.

It bears remembering that one never can predict the arc of a presidency. It is an office that is far too often shaped by circumstance well beyond its occupant's control. Those challenges, wherever and however they may rise, now will fall on the desk of President Trump. We can only see what will happen. We hope, for the security and sanctity of our Republic, that Mr. Trump will respond to the challenges with circumspection and wisdom. Today's rhetoric was not reassuring.

Our democracy demands debate and dissent - fierce, sustained, and unflinching when necessary. I sense that tide is rising amongst an opposition eager to toss aside passivity for action. We are already seeing a more emboldened Democratic party than I have witnessed in ages. It is being fueled by a fervent energy bubbling from the grassroots up, rather than the top down.

These are the swirling currents about our ship of state. We now have a new and untested captain. His power is immense, but it is not bestowed from a divinity on high. It is derived, as the saying goes, from the consent of the governed. That means President Trump now works for us - all of us. And if he forgets that, it will be our duty to remind him."

Dan Rather - And so it begins. Of the nearly 20... | Facebook

Dan Rather is a pompous old fool, who long outlived his usefulness, if there even has ever been any.

He is a dishonest waste of human oxygen, following the greatest deceiver of all, Walter Cronkite, who single handedly made America lose in Viet Nam by spreading the lie that the war could not be won.
I am worried...and I am worried at the dark picture Trump paints of our's not the nation I know.

He uses that kind of language to gain compliance. He want to control and manipulate people's fears.

It's the energy he rides on.

But does he really care? For example - he wants to undo the banking regulations that were put into effect after the financial crisis. That was something that really hurt the people who he claims are not being heard - the forgotten people.

I don't believe Donald cares about anyone other than Donald. I don't think he even really cares all that much for his own kids. He practically ignored them growing up and had next to nothing to do with them until they could start making him money in his company. Whatever he does, we can be fairly sure every decision he makes will benefit him first and foremost.
If what you say is true, then his Presidency will fail.....just like the Left Wing Loonies hope it will.

OTOH, since he's already backpedaled from most of his campaign rhetoric, it will be interesting to see what he chooses to do this first 100 days of his Presidency. Let's not forget the oath he took today. If he did what you suggest, he would be impeached. Also remember that his speech today took shots at the Republican establishment/status quo. Like you and the Loony Left, there are plenty in the RNC who hope he falls flat on his face. For the sake of the country, I hope he doesn't. Time will tell.

Trump may not have 100 days in office.

Trump and his supporters have made a lot of Republican enemies on the hill that won't come running with a bucket of water to put out the problems he is currently engulfed with. He is the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the oval office.
As mentioned previously, the LWLs are going as nuts over Trump being President as the RWNJs did over Obama becoming President. Rumors, memes and outright lies will remain standard bullshit for the next four years just as it did for Obama's Presidency.

"But law enforcement officials said that their investigations found no direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government in the hacking of the Democrats’ computers. They also found no conclusive evidence of financial connections between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russian financial institutions."
No, the workforce participation rate does not include retirees, you dishonest c*nt. It also does not include students, or incarcerated people. It only includes people working, or unemployed, over the age of 16.

Participation Rate
Labor Force Participation : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Got any more lies?

In that case C#nt, it has always been artificially low. So when is was 7.8% in Jan 2009 before Obama took office the unofficial rate was really a lot higher? Cool. So let's use the c#nts logic. It is now 4.7%? Let's add 5% percent for the wingnut c#nt Hawk. So the real rate is 9.7%. Using your 'logic' when Obama took office it was 12.8%. So it has still gone down over 3%. Thanks Hawk you dumb c#nt.

Nice monkey math there, idiot. No, the workforce participation rate did not fall off until after Obama took office. Bush had low unemployment and high participation rates through his terms, until the Dems took Congress and failed to do anything about the banking crisis. When that hit, unemployment skyrocketed. When Obama failed to fix it, many of those people stopped looking for a job, causing workforce participation rates to fall. The unemployment rate slowly went down, largely because it doesn't count people not actively looking for a job, not because masses were actually starting to find new jobs. Plus, of the "jobs created" during Obama, a huge portion of them were part-time jobs, thanks to Obamacare making employers cut full time positions and replace them with part-timers. Obama's employment numbers have always been smoke and mirrors, which is exactly why Hillary and the Dems lost big. You can spin it all you want, the reality is the people kicked Dems to the curb because of the economy. They aren't buying your bullshit that everything is wonderful. So, sit back and watch the adults fix the mess Democrats and neocons created.
It's the commiecrats fault they were corrupt enough to have content worthy of releasing, isn't it?

How many times do we have to go through this. Victim blaming is not the answer. I keep asking people who say what you are saying the same question... and no one has the guts to answer it. If a woman gets sexually assaulted do you blame her for dressing slutty?

I supported Bernie Sanders and he got screwed by Hillary and the DNC... however that doesn't mean their right to privacy should be allowed to be violated.

False equivalences, is that really the best your got. Political parties are nonprofit organizations funded by public donations. Their donors have a right to know if they are corrupt or not. The emails and the undercover videos exposed them not only being corrupt, but criminal also.

No... that is not how it works. The info was in private emails and on private servers. You didn't answer my question, that right there tells me you know you are wrong.

It was on DNC servers, and if they were concerned about privacy, maybe they should have hired better geeks. Also there is no privacy in this country, the NSA, patriot act and ACA made sure of that. Plus the tech companies scan every character of email and sell info to marketers. If you don't want someone else to see it, don't put it out on non-encrypted systems.

Fucking listen to yourself... I'll ask you one more time, and if you don't answer then I'll just assume you are one of those asshole victim blamers. When a woman gets sexually assaulted do you say she deserved it for dressing slutty? You already just said it was the DNC's fault for getting hacked because they didn't have good enough security.

Feel free to make all the assumptions you want, regressives that can't seem to recognize their own shortcomings tend to do that anyways. You're only saying corrupt criminals are victims because they're your corrupt criminals. In fact they're no better than the Russians, hiring dark operatives to incite violence and disrupt other campaigns and then putting out propaganda about it.
Easily the darkest, murkiest, most fearful inauguration I've ever seen in my life. Darth Vader himself couldn't have made this a darker day.
Thank you, Rachel Madcow.

Anytime, Goebells.
Could you at least PRETEND you have an original thought, hmmm?

I'm hardly the only one who recognizes how dark his speech was. Even Reagan's son is commenting about how dark it was right now on MSNBC. You've elected a demon.

Which son?

The smart one.
Nice monkey math there, idiot. No, the workforce participation rate did not fall off until after Obama took office. Bush had low unemployment and high participation rates through his terms, until the Dems took Congress and failed to do anything about the banking crisis. When that hit, unemployment skyrocketed. When Obama failed to fix it, many of those people stopped looking for a job, causing workforce participation rates to fall. The unemployment rate slowly went down, largely because it doesn't count people not actively looking for a job, not because masses were actually starting to find new jobs. Plus, of the "jobs created" during Obama, a huge portion of them were part-time jobs, thanks to Obamacare making employers cut full time positions and replace them with part-timers. Obama's employment numbers have always been smoke and mirrors, which is exactly why Hillary and the Dems lost big. You can spin it all you want, the reality is the people kicked Dems to the curb because of the economy. They aren't buying your bullshit that everything is wonderful. So, sit back and watch the adults fix the mess Democrats and neocons created.

Total utter crap. Obama cleaned up the mess Bush made. Now go kiss his feet...
Eight years of the right wingers dragging out every last possible negative story about Obama, as if it actually mattered.

Now we're gonna get the same thing from the left wingers about Trump, as if it actually matters.

Are there websites that provide material for political message boards or sumpin'?
How many times do we have to go through this. Victim blaming is not the answer. I keep asking people who say what you are saying the same question... and no one has the guts to answer it. If a woman gets sexually assaulted do you blame her for dressing slutty?

I supported Bernie Sanders and he got screwed by Hillary and the DNC... however that doesn't mean their right to privacy should be allowed to be violated.

False equivalences, is that really the best your got. Political parties are nonprofit organizations funded by public donations. Their donors have a right to know if they are corrupt or not. The emails and the undercover videos exposed them not only being corrupt, but criminal also.

No... that is not how it works. The info was in private emails and on private servers. You didn't answer my question, that right there tells me you know you are wrong.

It was on DNC servers, and if they were concerned about privacy, maybe they should have hired better geeks. Also there is no privacy in this country, the NSA, patriot act and ACA made sure of that. Plus the tech companies scan every character of email and sell info to marketers. If you don't want someone else to see it, don't put it out on non-encrypted systems.

Fucking listen to yourself... I'll ask you one more time, and if you don't answer then I'll just assume you are one of those asshole victim blamers. When a woman gets sexually assaulted do you say she deserved it for dressing slutty? You already just said it was the DNC's fault for getting hacked because they didn't have good enough security.

Feel free to make all the assumptions you want, regressives that can't seem to recognize their own shortcomings tend to do that anyways. You're only saying corrupt criminals are victims because they're your corrupt criminals. In fact they're no better than the Russians, hiring dark operatives to incite violence and disrupt other campaigns and then putting out propaganda about it.

Wrong idiot. I believe in America where everyone deserves to be treated equally and given the same rights. Sorry you're not American enough to believe in the same things, and want to liberally apply rights only when you feel people deserve them. That's mighty fascist of you.
Inaugural address: Trump's full speech -

"...For too long, a small group in our nation's Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished -- but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered -- but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs; and while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land. That all changes -- starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you. It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across America. This is your day. This is your celebration. And this, the United States of America, is your country. What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. For too long, a small group in our nation's Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished -- but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered -- but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs; and while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land. That all changes -- starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you. It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across America. This is your day. This is your celebration. And this, the United States of America, is your country. What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer..."
False equivalences, is that really the best your got. Political parties are nonprofit organizations funded by public donations. Their donors have a right to know if they are corrupt or not. The emails and the undercover videos exposed them not only being corrupt, but criminal also.

No... that is not how it works. The info was in private emails and on private servers. You didn't answer my question, that right there tells me you know you are wrong.

It was on DNC servers, and if they were concerned about privacy, maybe they should have hired better geeks. Also there is no privacy in this country, the NSA, patriot act and ACA made sure of that. Plus the tech companies scan every character of email and sell info to marketers. If you don't want someone else to see it, don't put it out on non-encrypted systems.

Fucking listen to yourself... I'll ask you one more time, and if you don't answer then I'll just assume you are one of those asshole victim blamers. When a woman gets sexually assaulted do you say she deserved it for dressing slutty? You already just said it was the DNC's fault for getting hacked because they didn't have good enough security.

Feel free to make all the assumptions you want, regressives that can't seem to recognize their own shortcomings tend to do that anyways. You're only saying corrupt criminals are victims because they're your corrupt criminals. In fact they're no better than the Russians, hiring dark operatives to incite violence and disrupt other campaigns and then putting out propaganda about it.

Wrong idiot. I believe in America where everyone deserves to be treated equally and given the same rights. Sorry you're not American enough to believe in the same things, and want to liberally apply rights only when you feel people deserve them. That's mighty fascist of you.

You mean like being able to take your family to a political rally without having to worry about paid agitators starting violence? Those kinds of rights?
No... that is not how it works. The info was in private emails and on private servers. You didn't answer my question, that right there tells me you know you are wrong.

It was on DNC servers, and if they were concerned about privacy, maybe they should have hired better geeks. Also there is no privacy in this country, the NSA, patriot act and ACA made sure of that. Plus the tech companies scan every character of email and sell info to marketers. If you don't want someone else to see it, don't put it out on non-encrypted systems.

Fucking listen to yourself... I'll ask you one more time, and if you don't answer then I'll just assume you are one of those asshole victim blamers. When a woman gets sexually assaulted do you say she deserved it for dressing slutty? You already just said it was the DNC's fault for getting hacked because they didn't have good enough security.

Feel free to make all the assumptions you want, regressives that can't seem to recognize their own shortcomings tend to do that anyways. You're only saying corrupt criminals are victims because they're your corrupt criminals. In fact they're no better than the Russians, hiring dark operatives to incite violence and disrupt other campaigns and then putting out propaganda about it.

Wrong idiot. I believe in America where everyone deserves to be treated equally and given the same rights. Sorry you're not American enough to believe in the same things, and want to liberally apply rights only when you feel people deserve them. That's mighty fascist of you.

You mean like being able to take your family to a political rally without having to worry about paid agitators starting violence? Those kinds of rights?

Why can't you stay on topic? Why can't you take responsibility for what happened? It's because you are wrong and you know it. Enough with this blame game bullshit... and take personal responsibility. As long as we continue to play this "but they did this..." game, things will never get better. Sadly, with you that's just a self defense... and regardless of whatever issue you bring up, you DON'T believe in everyone having rights equally, you just make excuses to cover that fact.
It was on DNC servers, and if they were concerned about privacy, maybe they should have hired better geeks. Also there is no privacy in this country, the NSA, patriot act and ACA made sure of that. Plus the tech companies scan every character of email and sell info to marketers. If you don't want someone else to see it, don't put it out on non-encrypted systems.

Fucking listen to yourself... I'll ask you one more time, and if you don't answer then I'll just assume you are one of those asshole victim blamers. When a woman gets sexually assaulted do you say she deserved it for dressing slutty? You already just said it was the DNC's fault for getting hacked because they didn't have good enough security.

Feel free to make all the assumptions you want, regressives that can't seem to recognize their own shortcomings tend to do that anyways. You're only saying corrupt criminals are victims because they're your corrupt criminals. In fact they're no better than the Russians, hiring dark operatives to incite violence and disrupt other campaigns and then putting out propaganda about it.

Wrong idiot. I believe in America where everyone deserves to be treated equally and given the same rights. Sorry you're not American enough to believe in the same things, and want to liberally apply rights only when you feel people deserve them. That's mighty fascist of you.

You mean like being able to take your family to a political rally without having to worry about paid agitators starting violence? Those kinds of rights?

Why can't you stay on topic? Why can't you take responsibility for what happened? It's because you are wrong and you know it. Enough with this blame game bullshit... and take personal responsibility. As long as we continue to play this "but they did this..." game, things will never get better. Sadly, with you that's just a self defense... and regardless of whatever issue you bring up, you DON'T believe in everyone having rights equally, you just make excuses to cover that fact.

Hey dummy, you're the one who brought up rights, I simply asked a question. Also: Did I cause the DNC to be a corrupt, criminal organization? NO
Did I cause the DNC to document their corruption on an insecure email system? NO
Did I cause the DNC to hire people to incite violence at republican events? NO
Did I cause Russia to do the hacking? NO
Did I cause Wikileaks to publish the emails? NO
Did I cause the media to cover Wikileaks? NO
So exactly what exactly do you want me to take responsibility for?
Fucking listen to yourself... I'll ask you one more time, and if you don't answer then I'll just assume you are one of those asshole victim blamers. When a woman gets sexually assaulted do you say she deserved it for dressing slutty? You already just said it was the DNC's fault for getting hacked because they didn't have good enough security.

Feel free to make all the assumptions you want, regressives that can't seem to recognize their own shortcomings tend to do that anyways. You're only saying corrupt criminals are victims because they're your corrupt criminals. In fact they're no better than the Russians, hiring dark operatives to incite violence and disrupt other campaigns and then putting out propaganda about it.

Wrong idiot. I believe in America where everyone deserves to be treated equally and given the same rights. Sorry you're not American enough to believe in the same things, and want to liberally apply rights only when you feel people deserve them. That's mighty fascist of you.

You mean like being able to take your family to a political rally without having to worry about paid agitators starting violence? Those kinds of rights?

Why can't you stay on topic? Why can't you take responsibility for what happened? It's because you are wrong and you know it. Enough with this blame game bullshit... and take personal responsibility. As long as we continue to play this "but they did this..." game, things will never get better. Sadly, with you that's just a self defense... and regardless of whatever issue you bring up, you DON'T believe in everyone having rights equally, you just make excuses to cover that fact.

Hey dummy, you're the one who brought up rights, I simply asked a question. Also: Did I cause the DNC to be a corrupt, criminal organization? NO
Did I cause the DNC to document their corruption on an insecure email system? NO
Did I cause the DNC to hire people to incite violence at republican events? NO
Did I cause Russia to do the hacking? NO
Did I cause Wikileaks to publish the emails? NO
Did I cause the media to cover Wikileaks? NO
So exactly what exactly do you want me to take responsibility for?

You answered a question with a question... sorry that's not how it works. You won't take personal responsibility and you don't expect those that you support in politics to do so either. That's all I need to know about you and your position. It's shit and will get nothing accomplished.
Feel free to make all the assumptions you want, regressives that can't seem to recognize their own shortcomings tend to do that anyways. You're only saying corrupt criminals are victims because they're your corrupt criminals. In fact they're no better than the Russians, hiring dark operatives to incite violence and disrupt other campaigns and then putting out propaganda about it.

Wrong idiot. I believe in America where everyone deserves to be treated equally and given the same rights. Sorry you're not American enough to believe in the same things, and want to liberally apply rights only when you feel people deserve them. That's mighty fascist of you.

You mean like being able to take your family to a political rally without having to worry about paid agitators starting violence? Those kinds of rights?

Why can't you stay on topic? Why can't you take responsibility for what happened? It's because you are wrong and you know it. Enough with this blame game bullshit... and take personal responsibility. As long as we continue to play this "but they did this..." game, things will never get better. Sadly, with you that's just a self defense... and regardless of whatever issue you bring up, you DON'T believe in everyone having rights equally, you just make excuses to cover that fact.

Hey dummy, you're the one who brought up rights, I simply asked a question. Also: Did I cause the DNC to be a corrupt, criminal organization? NO
Did I cause the DNC to document their corruption on an insecure email system? NO
Did I cause the DNC to hire people to incite violence at republican events? NO
Did I cause Russia to do the hacking? NO
Did I cause Wikileaks to publish the emails? NO
Did I cause the media to cover Wikileaks? NO
So exactly what exactly do you want me to take responsibility for?

You answered a question with a question... sorry that's not how it works. You won't take personal responsibility and you don't expect those that you support in politics to do so either. That's all I need to know about you and your position. It's shit and will get nothing accomplished.

Like I said before, feel free to assume anything you want, you're going to do it anyway. Ba bye.

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