Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech

Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

I am worried...and I am worried at the dark picture Trump paints of our's not the nation I know.

He uses that kind of language to gain compliance. He want to control and manipulate people's fears.

It's the energy he rides on.

But does he really care? For example - he wants to undo the banking regulations that were put into effect after the financial crisis. That was something that really hurt the people who he claims are not being heard - the forgotten people.

I don't believe Donald cares about anyone other than Donald. I don't think he even really cares all that much for his own kids. He practically ignored them growing up and had next to nothing to do with them until they could start making him money in his company. Whatever he does, we can be fairly sure every decision he makes will benefit him first and foremost.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

I am worried...and I am worried at the dark picture Trump paints of our's not the nation I know.

He uses that kind of language to gain compliance. He want to control and manipulate people's fears.

It's the energy he rides on.

But does he really care? For example - he wants to undo the banking regulations that were put into effect after the financial crisis. That was something that really hurt the people who he claims are not being heard - the forgotten people.

I don't believe Donald cares about anyone other than Donald. I don't think he even really cares all that much for his own kids. He practically ignored them growing up and had next to nothing to do with them until they could start making him money in his company. Whatever he does, we can be fairly sure every decision he makes will benefit him first and foremost.
If what you say is true, then his Presidency will fail.....just like the Left Wing Loonies hope it will.

OTOH, since he's already backpedaled from most of his campaign rhetoric, it will be interesting to see what he chooses to do this first 100 days of his Presidency. Let's not forget the oath he took today. If he did what you suggest, he would be impeached. Also remember that his speech today took shots at the Republican establishment/status quo. Like you and the Loony Left, there are plenty in the RNC who hope he falls flat on his face. For the sake of the country, I hope he doesn't. Time will tell.
If self avowed unapologetic communist Van Jones "came away shaken" Trump did his job. It was the greatest inaugural address I ever heard and I have heard a few including JFK's strange "ask not" speech that would have had him kicked out of the democrat party today.
Madcow called it "dark". The moonbats are dutifully parroting her.

He painted a Dark and Dangerous America. Bannon is the one pushing an economic revolution. Time for another GOP recession again, I guess?

I rest my case. :lmao:
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

His "America first" comment struck me. As if any President in the United States that was ever sworn into office didn't or didn't intend to put America First? WTF was that all about--LOL

It sounded like he was campaigning.

Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

I am worried...and I am worried at the dark picture Trump paints of our's not the nation I know.

He uses that kind of language to gain compliance. He want to control and manipulate people's fears.

It's the energy he rides on.

But does he really care? For example - he wants to undo the banking regulations that were put into effect after the financial crisis. That was something that really hurt the people who he claims are not being heard - the forgotten people.

I don't believe Donald cares about anyone other than Donald. I don't think he even really cares all that much for his own kids. He practically ignored them growing up and had next to nothing to do with them until they could start making him money in his company. Whatever he does, we can be fairly sure every decision he makes will benefit him first and foremost.
If what you say is true, then his Presidency will fail.....just like the Left Wing Loonies hope it will.

OTOH, since he's already backpedaled from most of his campaign rhetoric, it will be interesting to see what he chooses to do this first 100 days of his Presidency. Let's not forget the oath he took today. If he did what you suggest, he would be impeached. Also remember that his speech today took shots at the Republican establishment/status quo. Like you and the Loony Left, there are plenty in the RNC who hope he falls flat on his face. For the sake of the country, I hope he doesn't. Time will tell.

Trump may not have 100 days in office.

Trump and his supporters have made a lot of Republican enemies on the hill that won't come running with a bucket of water to put out the problems he is currently engulfed with. He is the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the oval office.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

It's been a many dark years under Obama, and Bush. Only rubes like you actually think the economy is good. He talked about not imposing our will on other nations and living in peace. Funny how that just freaks out establishment hacks on both sides.

Under Obama's watch, the dow went from around 7,949 when he took office, to just under 20,000 as of yesterday. There are 9,265,000 more non-farm jobs now than when Obama took office, as of December. Unemployment is down to 5%, 2.8% percentage points lower than when he took office. Corporate profits have soared under Obama, and are 166% higher than when Obama first took office in '09.

So yeah, the economy's been pretty fucking good under Obama, conservative fuckboy.

The percentage of the population in the workforce is the lowest it's been in decades. It's steadily declined during Obama, from 65% down to 62% ( Bureau of Labor Statistics Data ). The official unemployment rate is artificially low since it doesn't count all those people no longer looking for a job. You know that, but you have to be a dishonest c*nt about it. Wall Street and corporations are doing so well because they get to outsource their production overseas to use virtual slave labor. Bragging about their profits doesn't help the unemployed Americans, or the third world slave.

The American people know that, which is why you progressive c*nts lost the election.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

I am worried...and I am worried at the dark picture Trump paints of our's not the nation I know.

That's because you just listen to the MSM narrative that wanted Hillary to get elected.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

His "America first" comment struck me. As if any President in the United States that was ever sworn into office didn't or didn't intend to put America First? WTF was that all about--LOL

It sounded like he was campaigning.


You're really trying to make fun of Trump's debate prep, after we all know now that Hillary received the debate questions ahead of time? The corrupt bitch cheated and still lost every debate.
I am worried...and I am worried at the dark picture Trump paints of our's not the nation I know.

He uses that kind of language to gain compliance. He want to control and manipulate people's fears.

It's the energy he rides on.

But does he really care? For example - he wants to undo the banking regulations that were put into effect after the financial crisis. That was something that really hurt the people who he claims are not being heard - the forgotten people.

I don't believe Donald cares about anyone other than Donald. I don't think he even really cares all that much for his own kids. He practically ignored them growing up and had next to nothing to do with them until they could start making him money in his company. Whatever he does, we can be fairly sure every decision he makes will benefit him first and foremost.
If what you say is true, then his Presidency will fail.....just like the Left Wing Loonies hope it will.

OTOH, since he's already backpedaled from most of his campaign rhetoric, it will be interesting to see what he chooses to do this first 100 days of his Presidency. Let's not forget the oath he took today. If he did what you suggest, he would be impeached. Also remember that his speech today took shots at the Republican establishment/status quo. Like you and the Loony Left, there are plenty in the RNC who hope he falls flat on his face. For the sake of the country, I hope he doesn't. Time will tell.

Trump may not have 100 days in office.

Trump and his supporters have made a lot of Republican enemies on the hill that won't come running with a bucket of water to put out the problems he is currently engulfed with. He is the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the oval office.

From your own link, rube:

It is not uncommon for the presidential nominees of major parties to have contact with foreign leaders, or to meet with foreign government officials. During the campaign, Mr. Trump traveled to Mexico to meet with President Enrique Peña Nieto, and Mr. Trump and Hillary Clinton met separately with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in September. Mrs. Clinton also met Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt during the United Nations General Assembly session in October; a spokesman for her campaign said there were no communications with Russia.

No one gives a fuck if any of Trump's team spoke with a Russian, because guess what, it's a free country and they can speak to foreigners if they want.

The percentage of the population in the workforce is the lowest it's been in decades. It's steadily declined during Obama, from 65% down to 62% ( Bureau of Labor Statistics Data ). The official unemployment rate is artificially low since it doesn't count all those people no longer looking for a job. You know that, but you have to be a dishonest c*nt about it. Wall Street and corporations are doing so well because they get to outsource their production overseas to use virtual slave labor. Bragging about their profits doesn't help the unemployed Americans, or the third world slave.

The American people know that, which is why you progressive c*nts lost the election.

Talk about being a c#nt. An uninformed one at that. You know those people no longer looking for jobs includes retirees. So stop being a lying douche.

And just so you - you know those guys outscourcing labour overseas? They're conservatives. Greedy company owners.

They lost the election because Bernie supporters didn't vote for Hillary. Trumpie didn't even get the popular vote. 3 million more voted for her....
No one gives a fuck if any of Trump's team spoke with a Russian, because guess what, it's a free country and they can speak to foreigners if they want.

Yeah, foreigners that try and undermine your election process. What a great patriot you are Never thought I'd see the day, a right-wing loon dissing his own side and siding with Russia. Too funny. You guys don't know the meaning of the word 'loyalty'...

Bunch of selfish c#nts. "it's all about me, me, me!"
Easily the darkest, murkiest, most fearful inauguration I've ever seen in my life. Darth Vader himself couldn't have made this a darker day.
Thank you, Rachel Madcow.

Anytime, Goebells.
Could you at least PRETEND you have an original thought, hmmm?

I'm hardly the only one who recognizes how dark his speech was. Even Reagan's son is commenting about how dark it was right now on MSNBC. You've elected a demon.

Which son?

The percentage of the population in the workforce is the lowest it's been in decades. It's steadily declined during Obama, from 65% down to 62% ( Bureau of Labor Statistics Data ). The official unemployment rate is artificially low since it doesn't count all those people no longer looking for a job. You know that, but you have to be a dishonest c*nt about it. Wall Street and corporations are doing so well because they get to outsource their production overseas to use virtual slave labor. Bragging about their profits doesn't help the unemployed Americans, or the third world slave.

The American people know that, which is why you progressive c*nts lost the election.

Talk about being a c#nt. An uninformed one at that. You know those people no longer looking for jobs includes retirees. So stop being a lying douche.

And just so you - you know those guys outscourcing labour overseas? They're conservatives. Greedy company owners.

They lost the election because Bernie supporters didn't vote for Hillary. Trumpie didn't even get the popular vote. 3 million more voted for her....

No, the workforce participation rate does not include retirees, you dishonest c*nt. It also does not include students, or incarcerated people. It only includes people working, or unemployed, over the age of 16.

Participation Rate
Labor Force Participation : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Got any more lies?
No one gives a fuck if any of Trump's team spoke with a Russian, because guess what, it's a free country and they can speak to foreigners if they want.

Yeah, foreigners that try and undermine your election process. What a great patriot you are Never thought I'd see the day, a right-wing loon dissing his own side and siding with Russia. Too funny. You guys don't know the meaning of the word 'loyalty'...

Bunch of selfish c#nts. "it's all about me, me, me!"

No one undermined the process, you dumbfuck. Some idiots in the DNC getting their personal email hacked isn't "hacking the election", as your precious MSM keeps repeating.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

/---- oh stop your yappin' you Drama Queen.
Easily the darkest, murkiest, most fearful inauguration I've ever seen in my life. Darth Vader himself couldn't have made this a darker day.

/---- Love the sound of libtards squealing in the night. Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha
Easily the darkest, murkiest, most fearful inauguration I've ever seen in my life. Darth Vader himself couldn't have made this a darker day.
Thank you, Rachel Madcow.

Anytime, Goebells.
Could you at least PRETEND you have an original thought, hmmm?

I'm hardly the only one who recognizes how dark his speech was. Even Reagan's son is commenting about how dark it was right now on MSNBC. You've elected a demon.

/---- career politicians getting nervous bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha
He uses that kind of language to gain compliance. He want to control and manipulate people's fears.

It's the energy he rides on.

But does he really care? For example - he wants to undo the banking regulations that were put into effect after the financial crisis. That was something that really hurt the people who he claims are not being heard - the forgotten people.

I don't believe Donald cares about anyone other than Donald. I don't think he even really cares all that much for his own kids. He practically ignored them growing up and had next to nothing to do with them until they could start making him money in his company. Whatever he does, we can be fairly sure every decision he makes will benefit him first and foremost.
If what you say is true, then his Presidency will fail.....just like the Left Wing Loonies hope it will.

OTOH, since he's already backpedaled from most of his campaign rhetoric, it will be interesting to see what he chooses to do this first 100 days of his Presidency. Let's not forget the oath he took today. If he did what you suggest, he would be impeached. Also remember that his speech today took shots at the Republican establishment/status quo. Like you and the Loony Left, there are plenty in the RNC who hope he falls flat on his face. For the sake of the country, I hope he doesn't. Time will tell.

Trump may not have 100 days in office.

Trump and his supporters have made a lot of Republican enemies on the hill that won't come running with a bucket of water to put out the problems he is currently engulfed with. He is the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the oval office.

From your own link, rube:

It is not uncommon for the presidential nominees of major parties to have contact with foreign leaders, or to meet with foreign government officials. During the campaign, Mr. Trump traveled to Mexico to meet with President Enrique Peña Nieto, and Mr. Trump and Hillary Clinton met separately with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in September. Mrs. Clinton also met Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt during the United Nations General Assembly session in October; a spokesman for her campaign said there were no communications with Russia.

No one gives a fuck if any of Trump's team spoke with a Russian, because guess what, it's a free country and they can speak to foreigners if they want.

The fact you said you don't care if anyone on Trump's team talked to Russia during the election says everything anyone needs to know... anything you say is now invalid and totally absurd.

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