Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech

Easily the darkest, murkiest, most fearful inauguration I've ever seen in my life. Darth Vader himself couldn't have made this a darker day.

What the heck are you smoking today?


Not really sure it was that hard to understand.

What is so dark about rebuilding our nation and giving power back to the people?

You are a very, very stupid person if you think he's going to give one goddamn thing "back" to the people, you gullible rube.
Easily the darkest, murkiest, most fearful inauguration I've ever seen in my life. Darth Vader himself couldn't have made this a darker day.

What the heck are you smoking today?


Not really sure it was that hard to understand.

What is so dark about rebuilding our nation and giving power back to the people?

The snowflakes think it's dark because he isn't going to rely on big government to get it done. He's taking the power away from the ruling elite and giving it back to the People. A terrifying concept to a progressive.

He is? He's taking it away from the elites and giving it back to the people? Please cite one example in his cabinet where that is happening. The fact that he is a AGW denier is clouding your judgment... that is if the other things you say about your position on government prior to the election are true. The fact you are now calling anti-Trump people "snowflakes," makes me truly question your previous position.

He just got the job dude. He hasn't had a chance to do anything yet. But, the political elite of both Party's, despise him. That tells me, a thinking person, that they are worried about losing their power. Which beggars the question, who then will get that power?
Easily the darkest, murkiest, most fearful inauguration I've ever seen in my life. Darth Vader himself couldn't have made this a darker day.

What the heck are you smoking today?


Not really sure it was that hard to understand.

What is so dark about rebuilding our nation and giving power back to the people?

The snowflakes think it's dark because he isn't going to rely on big government to get it done. He's taking the power away from the ruling elite and giving it back to the People. A terrifying concept to a progressive.

He's taking the power and giving it back to Goldman Sachs.

And, you think that is going to benefit YOU???

Goldman has always had the power dude. They bought the shrilary decades ago. He has three members of Goldman in his cabinet, and I don't like that one bit, but if they do the job, and do it well to the point where the people as a whole do well, I will be fine with them.
What the heck are you smoking today?


Not really sure it was that hard to understand.

What is so dark about rebuilding our nation and giving power back to the people?

The snowflakes think it's dark because he isn't going to rely on big government to get it done. He's taking the power away from the ruling elite and giving it back to the People. A terrifying concept to a progressive.

He is? He's taking it away from the elites and giving it back to the people? Please cite one example in his cabinet where that is happening. The fact that he is a AGW denier is clouding your judgment... that is if the other things you say about your position on government prior to the election are true. The fact you are now calling anti-Trump people "snowflakes," makes me truly question your previous position.

He just got the job dude. He hasn't had a chance to do anything yet. But, the political elite of both Party's, despise him. That tells me, a thinking person, that they are worried about losing their power. Which beggars the question, who then will get that power?

Ok, he just got into power... so how do you know he is going to take the power away from the Elites and give it back the the people? What has he done to make you think that... other than just saying the Elites don't like him. How about the Elites don't like him because they know he is a liar and bad for the country? Again, by looking at his nominees for his cabinet, what shows he is going to do what you want him to do? They ARE the Elites...they ARE the swamp...
What the heck are you smoking today?


Not really sure it was that hard to understand.

What is so dark about rebuilding our nation and giving power back to the people?

The snowflakes think it's dark because he isn't going to rely on big government to get it done. He's taking the power away from the ruling elite and giving it back to the People. A terrifying concept to a progressive.

He's taking the power and giving it back to Goldman Sachs.

And, you think that is going to benefit YOU???

Goldman has always had the power dude. They bought the shrilary decades ago. He has three members of Goldman in his cabinet, and I don't like that one bit, but if they do the job, and do it well to the point where the people as a whole do well, I will be fine with them.

He has FIVE Goldman Sachs former employees in his staff.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.

It's been a many dark years under Obama, and Bush. Only rubes like you actually think the economy is good. He talked about not imposing our will on other nations and living in peace. Funny how that just freaks out establishment hacks on both sides.

Not really sure it was that hard to understand.

What is so dark about rebuilding our nation and giving power back to the people?

The snowflakes think it's dark because he isn't going to rely on big government to get it done. He's taking the power away from the ruling elite and giving it back to the People. A terrifying concept to a progressive.

He is? He's taking it away from the elites and giving it back to the people? Please cite one example in his cabinet where that is happening. The fact that he is a AGW denier is clouding your judgment... that is if the other things you say about your position on government prior to the election are true. The fact you are now calling anti-Trump people "snowflakes," makes me truly question your previous position.

He just got the job dude. He hasn't had a chance to do anything yet. But, the political elite of both Party's, despise him. That tells me, a thinking person, that they are worried about losing their power. Which beggars the question, who then will get that power?

Ok, he just got into power... so how do you know he is going to take the power away from the Elites and give it back the the people? What has he done to make you think that... other than just saying the Elites don't like him. How about the Elites don't like him because they know he is a liar and bad for the country? Again, by looking at his nominees for his cabinet, what shows he is going to do what you want him to do? They ARE the Elites...they ARE the swamp...

The first thing is the repudiation of the global warming fraud. That was going to be a multi trillion dollar Goldman cash cow that has now been put to bed.

Not really sure it was that hard to understand.

What is so dark about rebuilding our nation and giving power back to the people?

The snowflakes think it's dark because he isn't going to rely on big government to get it done. He's taking the power away from the ruling elite and giving it back to the People. A terrifying concept to a progressive.

He's taking the power and giving it back to Goldman Sachs.

And, you think that is going to benefit YOU???

Goldman has always had the power dude. They bought the shrilary decades ago. He has three members of Goldman in his cabinet, and I don't like that one bit, but if they do the job, and do it well to the point where the people as a whole do well, I will be fine with them.

He has FIVE Goldman Sachs former employees in his staff.

Three in positions of true power. And Bannon is a nationalist as opposed to a banker.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.
Not really sure it was that hard to understand.

What is so dark about rebuilding our nation and giving power back to the people?

The snowflakes think it's dark because he isn't going to rely on big government to get it done. He's taking the power away from the ruling elite and giving it back to the People. A terrifying concept to a progressive.

He is? He's taking it away from the elites and giving it back to the people? Please cite one example in his cabinet where that is happening. The fact that he is a AGW denier is clouding your judgment... that is if the other things you say about your position on government prior to the election are true. The fact you are now calling anti-Trump people "snowflakes," makes me truly question your previous position.

He just got the job dude. He hasn't had a chance to do anything yet. But, the political elite of both Party's, despise him. That tells me, a thinking person, that they are worried about losing their power. Which beggars the question, who then will get that power?

Ok, he just got into power... so how do you know he is going to take the power away from the Elites and give it back the the people? What has he done to make you think that... other than just saying the Elites don't like him. How about the Elites don't like him because they know he is a liar and bad for the country? Again, by looking at his nominees for his cabinet, what shows he is going to do what you want him to do? They ARE the Elites...they ARE the swamp...

The first thing is the repudiation of the global warming fraud. That was going to be a multi trillion dollar Goldman cash cow that has now been put to bed.

Unless Perry and Pruitt lied at their confirmation hearings... it isn't "put to bed." They said they believe in it... and have changed their positions and don't agree with Trump.
Not really sure it was that hard to understand.

What is so dark about rebuilding our nation and giving power back to the people?

The snowflakes think it's dark because he isn't going to rely on big government to get it done. He's taking the power away from the ruling elite and giving it back to the People. A terrifying concept to a progressive.

He's taking the power and giving it back to Goldman Sachs.

And, you think that is going to benefit YOU???

Goldman has always had the power dude. They bought the shrilary decades ago. He has three members of Goldman in his cabinet, and I don't like that one bit, but if they do the job, and do it well to the point where the people as a whole do well, I will be fine with them.

He has FIVE Goldman Sachs former employees in his staff.

Three in positions of true power. And Bannon is a nationalist as opposed to a banker.

Five total. Just because three are cabinet members doesn't take away the power of the others and their place in his staff.
Thank you, Rachel Madcow.

Anytime, Goebells.
Could you at least PRETEND you have an original thought, hmmm?

I'm hardly the only one who recognizes how dark his speech was. Even Reagan's son is commenting about how dark it was right now on MSNBC. You've elected a demon.

It was a GREAT speech and more people not only in America but around the Western world will agree it was GREAT than the Snowflakes who don't like it.

No one around the world thinks it was a "great" speech except Nazis, conservative fuckboys, degenerates and sociopaths.

I thought you didn't like it.
Liberal pundits such as Van Jones weren’t the only people who came away shaken by President Trump’s inaugural address — some conservatives were unnerved by it as well.

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, who was a speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, took to Twitter on Friday to express his astonishment at just how divisive the new president’s speech really was. In particular, Gerson thought it sounded as though Trump was only speaking too the 46% of voters who supported him this past fall.

“It is truly shocking how disconnected this speech was from inaugural history,” wrote Gerson, who has been a longtime critic of Trump dating back to last year’s Republican primaries. “An inaugural for red American alone.”

Gerson also knocked Trump for painting an overly negative portrait of life in the United States, and for not offering a positive, uplifting message other than promoting his own grandiosity.

“There was the ‘New Deal,’ the ‘New Frontier’ — we have been treated to the “American Carnage” speech,” he wrote. “Trump has only one style of leadership — amplify resentments to intimidate opponents and force change.”

To sum up the speech, Gerson cribbed a line from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and twisted it into a Trump-esque concoction.

“With malice toward many,” he wrote. “And charity is for losers.”

See the tweet storm here:

‘An inaugural for Red America alone’: Former Bush speech writer slams Trump’s ‘shocking’ speech


Dark days are here, my friends. Brace yourselves.
It is well to remember Trump defeated the Republican establishment as well as the Democrats to become president so it is no surprise that some establishment Republicans are still bitter. Some may not have yet adjusted to the fact Trump has taken the Party in a new direction. The dark days when the government kept complaining that that everything was good enough is behind us, and now Trump will be developing America's full potential to everyone's benefit.
The snowflakes think it's dark because he isn't going to rely on big government to get it done. He's taking the power away from the ruling elite and giving it back to the People. A terrifying concept to a progressive.

He is? He's taking it away from the elites and giving it back to the people? Please cite one example in his cabinet where that is happening. The fact that he is a AGW denier is clouding your judgment... that is if the other things you say about your position on government prior to the election are true. The fact you are now calling anti-Trump people "snowflakes," makes me truly question your previous position.

He just got the job dude. He hasn't had a chance to do anything yet. But, the political elite of both Party's, despise him. That tells me, a thinking person, that they are worried about losing their power. Which beggars the question, who then will get that power?

Ok, he just got into power... so how do you know he is going to take the power away from the Elites and give it back the the people? What has he done to make you think that... other than just saying the Elites don't like him. How about the Elites don't like him because they know he is a liar and bad for the country? Again, by looking at his nominees for his cabinet, what shows he is going to do what you want him to do? They ARE the Elites...they ARE the swamp...

The first thing is the repudiation of the global warming fraud. That was going to be a multi trillion dollar Goldman cash cow that has now been put to bed.

Unless Perry and Pruitt lied at their confirmation hearings... it isn't "put to bed." They said they believe in it... and have changed their positions and don't agree with Trump.

You might want to check the official White House page that covers global warming. Ooooops. It's been totally deleted. Sorry.
He is? He's taking it away from the elites and giving it back to the people? Please cite one example in his cabinet where that is happening. The fact that he is a AGW denier is clouding your judgment... that is if the other things you say about your position on government prior to the election are true. The fact you are now calling anti-Trump people "snowflakes," makes me truly question your previous position.

He just got the job dude. He hasn't had a chance to do anything yet. But, the political elite of both Party's, despise him. That tells me, a thinking person, that they are worried about losing their power. Which beggars the question, who then will get that power?

Ok, he just got into power... so how do you know he is going to take the power away from the Elites and give it back the the people? What has he done to make you think that... other than just saying the Elites don't like him. How about the Elites don't like him because they know he is a liar and bad for the country? Again, by looking at his nominees for his cabinet, what shows he is going to do what you want him to do? They ARE the Elites...they ARE the swamp...

The first thing is the repudiation of the global warming fraud. That was going to be a multi trillion dollar Goldman cash cow that has now been put to bed.

Unless Perry and Pruitt lied at their confirmation hearings... it isn't "put to bed." They said they believe in it... and have changed their positions and don't agree with Trump.

You might want to check the official White House page that covers global warming. Ooooops. It's been totally deleted. Sorry.
How about that! Just hours after being sworn in Trump has solved the problem of climate change.
He is? He's taking it away from the elites and giving it back to the people? Please cite one example in his cabinet where that is happening. The fact that he is a AGW denier is clouding your judgment... that is if the other things you say about your position on government prior to the election are true. The fact you are now calling anti-Trump people "snowflakes," makes me truly question your previous position.

He just got the job dude. He hasn't had a chance to do anything yet. But, the political elite of both Party's, despise him. That tells me, a thinking person, that they are worried about losing their power. Which beggars the question, who then will get that power?

Ok, he just got into power... so how do you know he is going to take the power away from the Elites and give it back the the people? What has he done to make you think that... other than just saying the Elites don't like him. How about the Elites don't like him because they know he is a liar and bad for the country? Again, by looking at his nominees for his cabinet, what shows he is going to do what you want him to do? They ARE the Elites...they ARE the swamp...

The first thing is the repudiation of the global warming fraud. That was going to be a multi trillion dollar Goldman cash cow that has now been put to bed.

Unless Perry and Pruitt lied at their confirmation hearings... it isn't "put to bed." They said they believe in it... and have changed their positions and don't agree with Trump.

You might want to check the official White House page that covers global warming. Ooooops. It's been totally deleted. Sorry.

What does that have to do with things? The new head of the EPA and the Secretary of Energy said they believe in it now... It isn't "going to bed." Trump is just making another troll move to upset people. It's what he does, nothing more, nothing less.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive”

You want the truth.... You can't handle the truth!

You can't bullshit a bullshiter!

You have an outsider infiltrating an established, insider world.
And, not a career politician, a career business man.
One who may not be politically savvy, but business savvy.

People rather believe the lies we're fed,
then face the reality of the truth.

Washington opposes him, cause he can expose them

Special interest groups hate him, cause he's gonna defund them

Black leaders don't want him to make strides in the inner city
their power comes from the poverty and ignorance they feed

The MSM doesn't want him informing us
on matters they should have exposed

People that despise him are concerned about
lifestyles and entitlements...not the country

Those who don't want him to succeed,
want to keep their heads in the sand,
and keep justifying, where others have failed

Nothing changes, if nothing changes
Well, get ready for change
Easily the darkest, murkiest, most fearful inauguration I've ever seen in my life. Darth Vader himself couldn't have made this a darker day.
Thank you, Rachel Madcow.

Anytime, Goebells.
Could you at least PRETEND you have an original thought, hmmm?

I'm hardly the only one who recognizes how dark his speech was. Even Reagan's son is commenting about how dark it was right now on MSNBC. You've elected a demon.
Not 'a demon' but 'the demon of all demons'....he has a number, and his number is 666.

AND YES, I know that's fricking NUTS, but it's what I see when viewing and listening to him....the prince of darkness, the destroyer, the man of deception and deceit.... 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation!:eek:

I sure hope I'm bat sh*t crazy, :D and none of my fear and intuition is true!

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