Former Chief of DHS: Trump acted like a third grader when briefed on Hurricane Florence

Apparently Trump did not give a shit about the loss of life from Florence but was instead focused on like a 9 year old on things irrelevant about the hurricane. Not a surprising story really. I mean if this was Bush instead I would think “wow, I didn’t know he was THAT dumb.” But with Trump? This sounds like him.

The former DHS chief said the interaction occurred during a 2018 briefing.

"We had Hurricane Florence bearing down on the United States, it was coming towards the Carolinas on the coast," he said. "We were briefing the president on the damage we expected and also our concerns about significant loss of life if he didn't tell Americans to evacuate."

Mr Taylor said initially he thought the president was intently studying the storm, and described him studying a foam board where pictures of the hurricane and its projected path were hanging.

"Then he turned to me and said 'I've got a question' ... 'do the hurricanes always spin this direction?'" Mr Taylor said. "He meant counter clockwise, that's called the Coriolis effect."

He claimed the president then followed up asking if that was why water in Australian toilets flow opposite of those in the US.“
he's a Dim, so we know he's lying. Furthermore, it's just his worthless opinion.
Apparently Trump did not give a shit about the loss of life from Florence but was instead focused on like a 9 year old on things irrelevant about the hurricane. Not a surprising story really. I mean if this was Bush instead I would think “wow, I didn’t know he was THAT dumb.” But with Trump? This sounds like him.

The former DHS chief said the interaction occurred during a 2018 briefing.

"We had Hurricane Florence bearing down on the United States, it was coming towards the Carolinas on the coast," he said. "We were briefing the president on the damage we expected and also our concerns about significant loss of life if he didn't tell Americans to evacuate."

Mr Taylor said initially he thought the president was intently studying the storm, and described him studying a foam board where pictures of the hurricane and its projected path were hanging.

"Then he turned to me and said 'I've got a question' ... 'do the hurricanes always spin this direction?'" Mr Taylor said. "He meant counter clockwise, that's called the Coriolis effect."

He claimed the president then followed up asking if that was why water in Australian toilets flow opposite of those in the US.“
he's a Dim, so we know he's lying. Furthermore, it's just his worthless opinion.
He’s actually not a dem. He was formerly a Trump ally. You’re just making shit up.
Where do lefties get these guys? Offering an amateur psychological evaluation of the President of the United States that they are not qualified to make is so beyond disrespectful that it calls into question their own mental stability.
Was that the third grader that beat the most qualified candidate in history?
No. The child was, and still is a child. It was the crazy right wingers who wanted to elect a child.

Maybe you should have thought harder than anointing Hillary because it was her turn, huh? But learning from your mistakes isn't what Democrats do

Nope. The right wing was fixated on someone to blow the system up. There were plenty of sane candidates in your primary, but you wanted a childish fool. Hillary had nothing to do with your choice.
Where do lefties get these guys? Offering an amateur psychological evaluation of the President of the United States that they are not qualified to make is so beyond disrespectful that it calls into question their own mental stability.

You're right about the disrespectful part. There is no respect for that orange fool. If there was, he would double up on his childish crap to eliminate that too.
Was that the third grader that beat the most qualified candidate in history?
No. The child was, and still is a child. It was the crazy right wingers who wanted to elect a child.

Maybe you should have thought harder than anointing Hillary because it was her turn, huh? But learning from your mistakes isn't what Democrats do

Nope. The right wing was fixated on someone to blow the system up. There were plenty of sane candidates in your primary, but you wanted a childish fool. Hillary had nothing to do with your choice.

You picked the worst candidate ever. Hillary was awful. Feel free to pat yourself on the back for making Trump President. You deserve it. You're underselling your contribution
Was that the third grader that beat the most qualified candidate in history?
No. The child was, and still is a child. It was the crazy right wingers who wanted to elect a child.

Maybe you should have thought harder than anointing Hillary because it was her turn, huh? But learning from your mistakes isn't what Democrats do

Nope. The right wing was fixated on someone to blow the system up. There were plenty of sane candidates in your primary, but you wanted a childish fool. Hillary had nothing to do with your choice.

You picked the worst candidate ever. Hillary was awful. Feel free to pat yourself on the back for making Trump President. You deserve it. You're underselling your contribution

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. I'm sure you have to tell yourself lots of things to justify voting for that orange fool. The guilt would probably consume you if you didn't.
Was that the third grader that beat the most qualified candidate in history?
No. The child was, and still is a child. It was the crazy right wingers who wanted to elect a child.

Maybe you should have thought harder than anointing Hillary because it was her turn, huh? But learning from your mistakes isn't what Democrats do

Nope. The right wing was fixated on someone to blow the system up. There were plenty of sane candidates in your primary, but you wanted a childish fool. Hillary had nothing to do with your choice.

You picked the worst candidate ever. Hillary was awful. Feel free to pat yourself on the back for making Trump President. You deserve it. You're underselling your contribution

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. I'm sure you have to tell yourself lots of things to justify voting for that orange fool. The guilt would probably consume you if you didn't.

Gary Johnson is orange? I didn't know that. I am going to vote for Trump in November though.

Hillary was still the worst candidate ever. Give yourself a high five for putting Trump in office. You had more to do with it than I did

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